
My Prince

Note: Mrs.Yoon here is Junhyung’s mom. Not Dujun’s biological mother. Mrs.Yong (which is married to Dujun’s dad) is the Mrs. Yoon here. Hope you understand..:3



Junhyung’s p.o.v


“Where’s him?”

“Please, Hyungie.. You’re not stable yet. You’re just awake from your coma and../ Where’s him? I want to meet my wife now!” I scream and pull all the tubes away from my body. Hyunseung tried his best to stop me but I hardly pushed him away.


“I want to see him. Is he okay? Is my Yoseob fine? I keep repeating the questions.

“Please, Junhyung. He’s fine! Don’t worry. You need to lay back on the bed! Your condition is not that fine. You need to check by the doctor first.” He said and quickly gets and hugs me from my back.

“Let me go, Hyunseung. I need to see him first so that I’ll believe he’s fine.”

“Hyungie, please..”

“I need Yoseob, now.”


“I’m sorry, Hyunseung. He’s my precious person and you should know that our relation is over. You and I are over.”


With the words that I had keep unspoken from then are now spoken. I know, his heart must be ache and hurt but I can’t risk and keep torture my own wife’s happy life. I just can’t do that anymore. Not after what he had done to me.

“H-How can you deeply in love with him whereas you know how much and deep I love you? how can you told me that our relation is over? How can you do this to me? How can you..”


“No. your relation with my son is not over yet.”

I stare on the person.


“Your relation with Hyunseung isn’t over.”




The doctor came with a nurse to examine how was I am now. He smiles and writes something on the paperboard that he holds during he checked me out.

“Good, Mr.Yong is fine and he can be out from here in few days more from now on. His wounds are healing and there’s no any inside injured or blood clotting.” He said and gives me a warm smile.

“But, please do come here to get further check up, okay?” I just nod and my Umma and Hyunseung thanked to him. Minutes later right after he gave me an injection, he went away with the young nurse.


“By chance, where’s Yoseob, Umma? Don’t he know that I’m awake?” I asked her as she was peeling some apples and pears. She stops from doing so and looks into my eyes.

“He’s gone. He went out from home.”

I almost choke the water Hyunseung gave me earlier when my Umma told me that Yoseob was gone.” W-What are you saying? Please, don’t joke me.”

“It’s true, he’s gone and../ Your Umma meant is Yoseob gone to the school. Yes, he goes to school.” Said Hyunseung as he was trying to cover up what Mrs. Yoon said. I stare Hyunseung and next on my Umma which is still concentrating on peeling the fruits.


“He’s fine and don’t worry. Nothing serious happened on him.”

“Jeongmal? Chencha my Yoseob is fine?” asked me. the boy just nods.

“Then, how’s Dujun?” I ask them further. Well, before I fainted out on that day, I could see that he’s did involve in the accident as he’s trying to safe Yoseob from the next vehicle that heading to him.

“He’s fine too. Don’t worry,” answered Hyunseung.

“Mom, is there anything wrong? It seemed that you’re trying to hide something from me. You seemed, weird.” I put the glass on the tiny table next to my bed and comfort myself.


“I’m just tired. Well, you had been ‘sleeping’ for a long period and along these time, I need to visit you and had to take over the companies meanwhile your dad was gone to Europe to settle down some problems.


I could hear she tutted meanwhile Hyunseung’s face changed as he doesn’t like me to say Yoseob’s name that often.

“You should stop from saying his name. You got to this stage due to his stupid action. He shouldn’t run to the road on that day and you’ll never be like this.” She said and passed me the apples that she cut. I took it.


“But I’m not die, right?” I said and chuckle. Yeah, it doesn’t matter as long as my wife lives.

“By the way, he isn’t a good wife because he had never pays you a visit.”

“He didn’t?”


“It was Hyunseung whom paid you the visit. Look there,” she points at the corner of the room and there a lot of beautiful handmade card and origami birds. The vase also had been filled with white daisies, Yoseob’s favourite flower.


“But, if I’m not mistaken, it was../ You’re in coma, Junhyung. How can you see and know who had pay you the visit?”

Well, it’s true that I can’t know who was it but I could tell you that Yoseob is the one instead of Hyunseung. I just know that. Don’t ask me why and how but I could feel the person’s sincerity and it was from my wife.


“Just cut it off, okay Junhyung? Eat those apples and pears. I want to meet the doctor and pay the bills.” She said and walks to the bathroom. Later, the water ran from the tab and she washed her hands.


“I’ll come back too.” Said the doe eyes and he follows my Umma’s footsteps.




Hyunseung’s p.o.v


“So, how’s the plan?”

“He signed the paper and I asked him to leave the house and this country before Junhyung awaked.”

“Then? Hyungie is awaked now. Yoseob might came here and../Don’t worry. I got someone whom can handle the boy.” Said Mrs.Yoon and she shot me her glare.

“I had never imagined that I’m the antagonist in my son’s marriage but I’m willing to do anything to make him happy with his life.”

She said and patted my head.” Now, I’m hoping on you, my dear. I give you the chance and please make my Junhyung happy.” She smiles.” I gave him on you now.”

I beam and nod.

“One more, don’t tell him that Yoseob lost his memories. That will be our secret, okay?” she added and again, I nod.






Yoseob’s p.o.v


The boys locked me in my own room. From outside, I can hear their footsteps, guarding from giving me chance to escape.

“Yah, let me go! Please, my husband needs me there.” I plead them to open the door and unlocked it so that I can go to the hospital and meet Junhyung.

“Please..” I beg them for millions times. Still those heartless men didn’t open the door till next minutes.

“Thanked God, you here! Please, Dujun. Please send me to the hospital. Junhyung awaked and I want to see him!” I said and quickly get the card I made on the bed. I smiles to him and walk to the door.

“No, we’re not going there, Yoseob.”

My foot stopped as I turn back to him with surprise. I rose my eyebrows.” Wae not? He’s awake and let’s go visit him, Dujun.” I said and pull his hand.” Kaja.”




“You’re no longer his wife and why should you go there?”

“H-How do you know about that?” I asked him.

Instead of answering my question, he shuts the door and locked it from inside. I gulp.” Dujun, please. We’ll be late../Yoseob!”

I steps backward as the man in front of me yelled my name. I sat on the bed.” Listen here.” He said.

“You’re no longer his wife and you didn’t love him, Seobie. you loved me and only me!” he shouts.

“B-But, I’m married to him, not you..” I said while bend down my head.

“Plus, you’re getting married with Yoona. How can you love me whereas you’ll be her future-husband? It doesn’t make sense.” I tried to be brave. Well, honestly I don’t remember who was I’m in love with but my heart kept telling me that Junhyung is my first love.

“And one more, how can you know I’m no longer Junhyung’s wife? It was only me and Umma when I signed the…”

I stop.

“Unless if..”

I stand and face Dujun. That time, he was showing me the paper. The divorcement paper.

“Please, don’t tell me that..”

“I planned this with my stepmother.”



“I’m sorry but this is the only way to get you back.”


“We’ll leave Korea this Monday, together.”




“Now, pack you important things. We’ll sleep in a hotel. I don’t want Juhyung find you here when he back from the hospital.” He said and goes to the wardrobe nearby. He picked up a bag and gives to me.

“Put your things in that bag. We’ll leave this evening.”



“Please, Yoseob. Don’t make this hard, just pack your clothes/ WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!” I yelled and run to him. Dujun tried to stop me from hitting and punching his chest but I didn’t stop till my emotion take over my sense.

There, in the lock room, I cry and scream badly.


Update for second time !!! hahaha..


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catsKatty #1
Chapter 40: Damn this story have a lots of happiness, sadness, and of course... Fluffynes. This story just so touching... I almost cry to myself. But I love it!! Love it so much!! Thank you for making this!! And great job author-nim~~
iecha_chacha #2
Chapter 40: This story is really really sad...T-T
junseob97 #3
Chapter 33: hello, i'm nieyna and i'm a newbie here.. this story is so cute~!! i love junseob the best! this is one of my fav story by the way... hope you will write more about junseob~ lol :D
TiffanyBelly #4
Hai i'm tiffany belly i a new girl at asianfanfics..(^_^).
I hope u all can be my friend...Anyway ur story so great...
nice story^^ ... cant imagine both dujun n junhyung fight to get yoseob love... ahhahaha... XD
cheriehime #6
I want sequel.
More dooseob.
Their next life.
So, add bit supranatural(?).
great ending~ as long dooseob be together im okay with that XD
abes dah? woah my eyes went wide bcoz of this, so they both left their only treasure with junhyung, and now i'm fully awake, how can i get my sleep for now? the ending is so epic, so yeah maybe for the next life dooseob meant to be tgether..
urrfggghh why'd he always mentioned die die die and die