This is my Choice

My Prince

Yoseob’s P.O.V


It had been two month since I asked for a divorce from Junhyung. I’m still living in his house, as his wife. I wish I can leave him someday because I knew myself very well. I scared if I’ll fall for him for true. It’s not a hard and difficult for me as I had crushed on him since we’re young. I still remembered how he came to orphan house and played with me every day when his parents gone due to their business things.

And that’s why I accepted the proposal thought I knew he’s now not my old Junhyung but my feeling and heart can’t lie to me. I know, I still love and like him.


“Are you done?”


Junhyung came in our room and gave me a glass of milk. I take and drink it. “Thanks”

“Nothing to thank. We got too much interview today and I don’t want you to ruin everything.” I stared him. “Yeah, he’s still like before. Cold.

“ BTW, tied that properly.” He said and pointed on my shirt.

(yoseob's the white, Junhyung the black)




I take a look on my tie. I searched for place to put the glass but I get none.” Haish, just let me do it.” Junhyung said and he came closer to me. He grabs my tie closer to him. Oh my, otokkhae? He’s damn too close to me! I tried to act cool but my heart and feeling are messed up. My husband smirks.


“I’m not kissing you so don’t think any ridiculous or idiot things.” He said and finished tying my tie properly. I pout but not for a long time. I thanks to him and finished my milk.





The driver drove us to the interview place. First, it was at Junhyung’s family own company. It took half hour to go there. I take a look at the outside of the car meanwhile Junhyung is busying reading the files. Well, don’t blame me because I hate to read the details. I’m not the one whom loved to involve in business and industry field.

“Uh, it’s the place..” I mumbled when the car passes through a lake. I quickly turned my head to Junhyung whom still reading the files. “He didn’t see it..”



“I want a divorce.” I said to him but he didn’t say anything instead driving us to a place.


“Get out.”


Junhyung gets out from the car and opened the car’s door for me. Slowly, I get out and watch around the place. It was a park, beautiful park that located next to a lake.

“Where are we?”

“Come to me.” Junhyung pulled my hand and forced him to follow his steps. I tried to not following him but he’s too strong. I gave up and stopped when he stopped too.

“You want a divorce?”

Hesitate, I nod my head.

“Give me 10 reasons why should I divorce you.”

“You don’t need 10 reasons for why I asked you, there’s a thing that can make you think twice with my request.”

“What?” he said and stared me. I just smiled.

“You don’t love me.”


“I don’t want to live with a guy that didn’t love me as his wife. Living with you for a month already made me suffered. I won’t be a doll for your family heir thing or whatever it called. Just let me go and married Hyunseung.”


“I know I’m not a perfect wife for a perfect man like you. I’m not from a rich family too. I don’t have any proper education nor well-behaved. I’m absolutely different from your world.”


“That’s why I asked you to divorce me.”

“Give me a chance.”


“Give me a chance.”

Junhyung held my wrist and pulled me closer to him. He wrapped his left hand to my waist. I gulped.

“ Give me another months for me to divorce you.”


“I’ll divorce you but not for this time. I need to take over the companies first before I let go my wife.”

“So, you meant, you married me all because of… YOUR COMPANIES?”

My eyes started to tear. Oh God, why am I fall for this cruel, mean man? Why am I loved him? Why..

“I’m sorry.”

He apologized to me. He still wrapping his hand to my waist meanwhile his another hand held my wrist. I pushed him from me but he didn’t want to. He cupped my face.

“I’ll let you go when everything is done. I’m promise.”

He caressed my cheek and smiled.

This is the side that I had never seen of my husband. He looks soo kind and hot in that way. Oh, how much I wished that he’ll always being in that way with me.


End of flashback




We reached the company and he leads me to the interview place. But before that he went to his room and take out something with him.

“What is that?” I asked him as I concern. But all what I got is nothing! He just ignored my question.

“This way, Young Master.” The office worker brings us to the place. As we reached there, I gulped. Hell no! How can there’s too many reporters and cameramen that came to this interview?! I tried to walk away but Junhyung quickly grabs my tie and I bumped to his chest. “Don’t you dare to run away, Yeobo”

I sighed and pushed him away. “I’m not and now tell to the reporters that we’ll get divorce!” his face immediately turned but I don’t care at all. I just don’t bear with this pains and feeling abuse anymore. Though I’m loving him, we can’t live together.

The interviews went fine and everything was perfect, except for one thing. That brat of my Husband didn’t tell about divorce thing. I stared him as the interview was about at the end. I pinched his tight under the table and he screamed. The reporters and cameramen look on him. The man blushed badly.


“Haha, what are you doing Yoseob-sshi? Do you did something under the table?” a reporter asked me. I was like what the hell!!? My face changed to red as tomato. Oh my, what is she thinking? I just giggled and laughed.

“A-Aniya! What a nonsense!” I said and the reporters laugh unison.

Oh God, Junhyung must be mad at me.









I run as fast as I can from Junhyung. Haha, that man is trying to hit me since what I had done in the interview just now. I run to his office and locked it from inside.

“Yah! Yoseob! Don’t you dare to enter my room!”

“I did!”

I yelled back. The office workers are laughing as they saw their cool boss getting dumb by me. I giggled in the side.

“You better run faster if I get you, idiot!” he shouts and kick the door. My laugh getting louder when I heard he moaned as his feet felt hurt.








Hyunseung’s P.O.V


I was sitting on the couch when someone is entering the room. I was thought Junhyung whom entered but it’s not. It was Yoseob. He is playing with Junhyung without noticing my presence.



“Oh my!!”

The boy jumped when he heard my voice. As fast as light he turned to me. I smiled, bitterly. Well, we can’t hide our jealousy, right? And this kid, he made me mad at myself for not accepting Junhyung’s proposal few months ago.

He walks closer to me and smiled. He bowed down.

“I-I get something to tell you.” I said and he smiled. “I know. I got something to tell you too.”












“Are you sure with your decision?” I asked Yoseob as I can’t believe what he said just now. The cute boy nods his head. “I’m sincere. I hope you do what I told you as soon as I opened the door. Junhyung is at the outside and I believed, the reporters are still in this building.”

“But you..”

“All I wanted now is to get release from him. I can’t promise to you that I’m willing to give him to you when my feeling towards him grew bigger.”

“Y-You love him?”

I asked Yoseob back. The pity boy didn’t nod nor shook his head. He just… smiling.


“I’ll open the door now, do what I told you. Don’t think about me.” He said and opened the door. He quickly gets out from the room and I can hear Junhyung is yelling his name. I run to my Junhyung and quickly gave him a hug back. The boy glued and he turned to me.



“I love you Junhyung.”

As fast as light, I wrapped my arms to his neck and pecked his lips. Junhyung widened his eyes. The workers did get shocked to as they covered their mouth and screamed.



“I’m sorry for hurting you but please give me another chance. I’m willing to be your wife.” I said and again, kiss him on his lips.


“Oh my, what are you guys doing?!!” the men and girls begins to surrounding me and Junhyung. Minute later, a reporter came and takes our pics.

Junhyung was trying to find his wife but Yoseob is no longer there. He looks around but all what he can see is reporter and the workers.

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catsKatty #1
Chapter 40: Damn this story have a lots of happiness, sadness, and of course... Fluffynes. This story just so touching... I almost cry to myself. But I love it!! Love it so much!! Thank you for making this!! And great job author-nim~~
iecha_chacha #2
Chapter 40: This story is really really sad...T-T
junseob97 #3
Chapter 33: hello, i'm nieyna and i'm a newbie here.. this story is so cute~!! i love junseob the best! this is one of my fav story by the way... hope you will write more about junseob~ lol :D
TiffanyBelly #4
Hai i'm tiffany belly i a new girl at asianfanfics..(^_^).
I hope u all can be my friend...Anyway ur story so great...
nice story^^ ... cant imagine both dujun n junhyung fight to get yoseob love... ahhahaha... XD
cheriehime #6
I want sequel.
More dooseob.
Their next life.
So, add bit supranatural(?).
great ending~ as long dooseob be together im okay with that XD
abes dah? woah my eyes went wide bcoz of this, so they both left their only treasure with junhyung, and now i'm fully awake, how can i get my sleep for now? the ending is so epic, so yeah maybe for the next life dooseob meant to be tgether..
urrfggghh why'd he always mentioned die die die and die