I think I met you before

My Prince

Yoona’s p.o.v


I chose the fresh salad and take a pack of tomato cherries from the fridge. Next, I take out the frozen lamb ribs with two packets of chicken wings. A line curve formed on my lip.” He’ll love this.”


As I already washed the lettuces and others vegetables, I start to cut them into cubes. Meanwhile I put the lamb ribs and chicken wings at the side, melting them up.

“Mrs. Yoona-sshi, do you want us to help you?” a maid approached me and there’s another two or three maids at her back.” Help?”

They nod.


“No, not really because I want to serve them with my own cook, if you don’t mind.” I said and they looked worried.” Don’t worry. I’ll not put this house on fire!” I said and chuckle. Well, it’s true that this is the first time I cook in this house after two weeks come back to Korea from America but hey, why don’t you give me a chance to show my cook skills?


“Don’t worry. I know how to cook.”


She’s still there, arguing and averse in letting me to cook.

“Miss, please. At least, gives us the grilling part. We can help you out with that meanwhile you make the salad?”



I stop for a while from cutting the tomatoes and smile.” Sure. You can help me with that.”




No one’s p.o.v


The small boy run to his mother and gives the pretty woman a big and tight hug. He grins.

“It’s not we’re going lah, it’s we’re back or home.” The mother said and kisses her son on the fluffy cheek.

“Neh, we’re home umma..” he said and giggles. The woman did too.

“I’m home.”

She smiles and carried her son in her embrace. Later, the man caressed his wife’s smooth cheek.” Are you preparing us something?” the husband said as he can see there’s a hidden grin on his wife’s face.

“Well, there is.”





Dujun’s p.o.v


I don’t know that she can cook this well. I meant, when we’re in America for last 4 years, she never show me this skills she got. Well, the foods are pretty delicious and tempting. Even my son who is never finished his foods is his fingers like a hungry beast.


“Seriously, you cooked all of these?” I asked Yoona as now I’m helping her with the dishes. She smiles.

“Not the grilling. The maids were helping me with that.”

“The salad?”

“hurm, you can say that is my hand cook!” she said and chuckles.


I call her name out of sudden. As I finished with the dishes, I take off the red gloves I wore and head to her which is wiping the plates.” Neh?” she said as she still had her eyes on the plates.


“Thanks.” The word that I almost say to her since last year when Gongchan is born.  “For what?” she asked and looked on me.

“For loving and being my wife though I almost hurt and dump you when Yoseob left Korea.” I said with a regretful tone. Honestly, I did regret of my past action towards her. I scold her and even want to break up our engagement officially. But thanks to this strong woman, she still wants to accept me and helped me out to forget Yoseob.


“I was the one whom should be thank and grateful. You decided to live and have babies with me. I know, deep down inside of your heart, you’re still hoping for Yoseob. But, yeah, you picked and chose me to be your soul mate.” She said and smiles.” And I want you to know that, I’ll always love you and there will be no one else besides you, Dujun.”


 Yoona caresses my cheek and later, giggles. I raise my eyebrows as I didn’t understand with her action.” W-Wae are you giggle out of sudden?” I asked her for a confirmed and she replied.” Gongchan and the maids are hearing our conversation.”






Jiyong’s p.o.v


I waved to my friends and drag my bags to the departure lounge. Before I walk into, I smile and shout.” Take care of Hyunseung, Junhyung otherwise I’ll cut you into cubes if you didn’t!”

The boys smile and he nods.” Don’t worry, I will!”

“Don’t forget to buy me a pair of Kimono, okay Jiyong?” shouts Joon and the boy next to him, Mir smacked the boy’s head.” What are you? a girl?”

All of them burst into laugh.

“Don’t forget to bring Sandeul when you both go to Japan. Otherwise, I’ll kick you Junhyung if you not reminding Hyunseung ‘his’ son, okay?!” I shout again. From far, I can see the doe eye is showing me his ‘angry’ face. I giggle.

“What your meant ‘my’ son, huh?!” hyunseung chuckles and later, waves his hands to me.” Okay guys, need to go now. Again, don’t forget to bring the kid when you and Junhyung go to Japan okay? I want to meet him there.”

The Junseung nod unison and I went off.








The first thing I do when I arrived to Japan are visiting the kindergarten where Sandeul will be in when Junseung come here. Well, Hyunseung will be busy with his dance practice till the completion day meanwhile Junhyung with his new business agreement.


I parked the car at the outside or the beautiful kindergarten and walk in. for the first time, I amazed with the beautiful and cheerful theme they got there. Seriously, Sandeul will love this as he loves beautiful things.


“May I help you, sir?” a familiar voice greets me from back in Japanese.

“I-I came here for a new entrance of the kid. Name Sandeul, from Korea.” I said, stutter. The pretty boy smiles and grins.” So, you’re a Korean?” he chuckles and next ushers me into the kindergarten. I just follow him from back.


“You don’t mind I used Korean language, don’t you?” he asked me while making me a cup of hot cappuccino.”No, no. of course I’m not.”


So, where’s the kid? Is he here already?” he asked me again and gives me the hot beverage. I thanked him.

“He’ll in next week. His mother will bring him here.” He nods.


“Hurm, by chance Miss.. Do we know each other? It looked like I had seen you before but I don’t know when and where. You looked familiar to me.” lastly, I asked him.


“You do?”

I nod while take a sip on the drink.


“Do you live in Korea before? Because, I’m sure that I had meet you before.”




Update ! mwahahahahahahha…

Well, I did as what I wrote last night..

I got 10 comments and above so yeah, update!

Hurm, I think this chapter is a bit confusing too, right? Hehe..




I want 12 comments and above then I’ll update! Mwahaha..( trying to avoid from updating. Well, I’ll start school tomorrow day so yeah, idk either I can update more)




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catsKatty #1
Chapter 40: Damn this story have a lots of happiness, sadness, and of course... Fluffynes. This story just so touching... I almost cry to myself. But I love it!! Love it so much!! Thank you for making this!! And great job author-nim~~
iecha_chacha #2
Chapter 40: This story is really really sad...T-T
junseob97 #3
Chapter 33: hello, i'm nieyna and i'm a newbie here.. this story is so cute~!! i love junseob the best! this is one of my fav story by the way... hope you will write more about junseob~ lol :D
TiffanyBelly #4
Hai i'm tiffany belly i a new girl at asianfanfics..(^_^).
I hope u all can be my friend...Anyway ur story so great...
nice story^^ ... cant imagine both dujun n junhyung fight to get yoseob love... ahhahaha... XD
cheriehime #6
I want sequel.
More dooseob.
Their next life.
So, add bit supranatural(?).
great ending~ as long dooseob be together im okay with that XD
abes dah? woah my eyes went wide bcoz of this, so they both left their only treasure with junhyung, and now i'm fully awake, how can i get my sleep for now? the ending is so epic, so yeah maybe for the next life dooseob meant to be tgether..
urrfggghh why'd he always mentioned die die die and die