Who are You?

My Prince

No one’s p.o.v


Hyunseung smiles widely when Jiyong wished him a good luck. Jiyong, the man whom is always there for Hyunseung gave his support and advises to Hyunseung tapped the doe eyes’ shoulder.” Are you sure he’ll do what he said and promised to you?”

Hyunseung nods.

“Well, I can’t say anything about that, but please..” he continued. “ Please don’t put your hopes and trust on getting Junhyung back. He’s married and you should know that there will be obstacles to face.” Said Jiyong to his best friend.

“I’ll. Don’t worry, I’m very sure Junhyung will make me as his wife someday though our relation is not that good as before but yeah, he’ll divorce Yoseob.” He said, with a low and unconfident voice when he says ‘divorce Yoseob’.

Jiyong, which is in black T-shirt with the white jacket smiles. Later, he caressed Hyungseung’s smooth cheek.” If that so, I wish you happy.” He said and ushers his best friend into his car to some place.




Kikwang’s p.o.v


Dongwoon didn’t stop from sobbing since last hour. This boy cried and sometime he sat on the cold floor before his parent and Halmoni came.

He hugged them and sobs.” Hyung..Hyung is inside. I don’t know what had happened, it just went like that!” he sobs and Mr.Yoon caressed his son’s back. He tries to calm him down.” Don’t worry. Kikwang told me everything. It’s not your fault, my dear. It’s not your fault you didn’t manage to stop and save them.” The man said and stares me.” They’ll be safe. I’m promise.”

Meanwhile Mrs.Yoon and Halmoni are sitting on the waiting chair, pointless and staring the emergency room with teary eyes.


2 hours later, the doctor came out and I rushed to him.

“Don’t worry. We managed to safe them three from dying. Dujun-sshi is doing fine. There’s no serious or critical injured on him but I’m afraid..” he paused and tries to say something as there’s loom in his throat.

“I’m afraid Junhyung-sshi will be in coma in few days as he hit his head on the road.”

As soon as he said that, Mrs.Yoon screams as she was being hysteria with the news. Well, which mom couldn’t scream and collapse when they heard how serious their son was?

Mr.Yoon and I walk closer to the doctor to ask him further. Meanwhile, Dongwoon is calming his mom and Halmoni at the corner of the place. they all cry.

“ We will check him out every hour if there will be any changes on him.” He said and looks on Mr.Yoon.

“H-How’s about Yoseob? Is he okay?” at last, I manage to ask the doctor this question since back then. It was about when he’s going to answer it when Mrs.Yoon shouts some bad words to my Yoseob.


“He’s the one whom should be blame! He should be blame on all of these!” she screams.” He shouldn’t be in our family! I knew this since he married to my Junhyung! All what he gave to my son is bad luck and problems!” she continued. I was like what the hell with you Mrs. Yoon?! Yoseob isn’t bad luck and this accident is not his fault, but it was the driver which is driving the car in overload speed! This accident is obviously not Yoseob’s fault! He’s the one whom ran to the road but the car can stop if it was been driving with the suitable speed! Plus, it’s your son decision! He ran to Yoseob and protected his own WIFE from being hit! But luckless, he didn’t manage to push Yoseob away so yeah, they both got hit together!


“How’s my son-in-law, Doctor? Is he okay?” this time, Mr.Yoon asked the doctor. Even though his wife screams and shouts bad words to Yoseob, still he wants to know how’s Yoseob’s condition.

“Well, Junhyung-sshi protected Yoseob-sshi from being hit and that reduced him from getting the serious injured. But, he still needs to be under our eyes and examination.”

We both nod as we understand.

“You can visit Dujun-sshi and Yoseob but not Junhyung as he’s still in ICU.”

We nod.


“So, call me if there’s anything you want to ask me.” he said and smiles. Later, he bows down and did we. I thanked him and after he went away, Mr.Yoon taps my shoulder.

“Thanks for helping my family, son.”

I smile.

“No deal. Yoseob’s family is my family too. I’m willing to do anything to help your family, Mr.Yoon.” I stutter as this was the first time I talk to him directly face to face.

“Do ask me if you want something, okay my dear? Again, thank you very much for helping my sons.”

“Most welcome, sir.”






Dongwoon’s p.o.v


As mom and Halmoni went away with my dad, I sat on the waiting chair, staring on my feet. Later, a drop of tears rolls down to my cheek.




I tried to catch Yoseob’s hyung hand but I didn’t. he ran to the road and there was a car heading to him with a high speed. I’m trying to run to his place, safe or push him away from the road but someone is faster than me. it was my Hyung, Junhyung. He embraced Yoseob hyung and protected his wife by hugging him. So that the impact should gives on him, not Yoseob.

As they didn’t manage to get away, they both got hit by the car. Junhyung-hyung was flying to the pavement meanwhile Yoseob hyung left on the side of road, with another motorcyclist heading toward him. Didn’t know what to do, I just stand there, as I was waiting my hyung to get hit for second time as my legs numb.


Seconds later, I heard someone is yelling Yoseob’s name.

It was Dujun hyung. as fast as light, he ran to Yoseob and pushed the boy away. So by that, dujun hyung got hit too by the motorcycle and his elbows, shin and forehead are bleeding.

I got my sense back after Kikwang came to me and gave me a back hug. I know, he was trying to comfort me after what all I had seen.


End of flashback.



“So, how’s them, Hyung?” I asked Kikwang hyung as I saw him get out from Dujun’s ward. He smiles.

“He’s still unconscious. Well, the doctor said he’ll get up tomorrow or tonight as there are no serious injured on him.”
“Yoseob hyung?”


“Had you pay him a visit?” I asked with my swollen eyes.

“No, not yet. We can visit him now if you want.” He said and gives his left hand. I stared the hand.” Let’s visit him.”



We both entered into the ward and saw Yoseob hyung laid on the bed with the tubes and bandages on his head and hands. Later, Kikwang hyung gives me the chair to sit down.


“Hyung..It’s me. Dongwoon.” I said and my eyes start to teary.

“I’m sorry for not saving you earlier. I’m so sorry..” by that, my priceless tears roll down to my cheek. Seconds later, I sob.


Kikwang hyung holds my hand and wipes the tears.” Please, don’t cry. Even though Yoseob is unconscious, he hate if you cry, don’t you know? He said that you’re the most cheerful dongsaeng he had in this world and no one can make you cry for.” He said, trying to comfort my guilt feeling.

“But, if I safe him earlier..”

“Shh… don’t say that.. it’s not your fault, okay?” he rises his eyebrows and chuckles.” You look ugly when you cry..” he said and yelled as I pinched his arm.





Yoona’s p.o.v



I brought a bouquet of daisies to the hospital. At the waiting corner (at the outside of the boys’ wards), I saw Hyunseung which is standing in front of Junhyung’s ward. I walk closer and greet him.

“Visit Junhyung?”

He nods.


“Send my regard to him. I want to visit Yoseob first.” I said and bow down.

“A-AH, n-neh.”





I twisted the knob and walk into the ward. There, I can see there’s two or three already vases that filled with flowers. Somehow, I smile.


“I’m coming to visit you, Yoseob-ah. Hope you don’t mind.”



“I bought you daisies?”



“Okay then, I’ll put these fresh flowers in a new vase, okay? Next, we can talk as much as we want.” I giggle as hell, it felt very weird as I was talking to myself.


I walk to the corner of the room, trying to reach a beautiful and new vase when I heard a groan. I turned back and what a good news!


He’s awake and he’s staring on me.


“Yah, Yoseob-ah! You awake? You awake?!”

I said with a high, cheer pitch and heading to him. Well, who’s not if the person whom had been ‘sleeping’ for weeks awake and stared on you?

“How are you? do you want anything? Water? Food?”

The cute boy just stares with his round eyes.

“Yoseob-sshi?” I asked him again as he didn’t answer my questions.

“Do you want…/Who are you?”


“W-Who are you and where am I?” he asked me as if he lost his memory. “ Yah, Yoseob-shhi.. This isn’t funny ya..”

“Who are you? seriously, who are you? do I know you? or are you one of my family members?” he asked me again and again.

“Tell me, who are you and who am I exactky?”










Hahaha, at last, im back from the camp two days ago and now I managed to update this story.

(im sorry for Don’t Let Me Go’s subscribers and readers as I didn’t update it for a long time)


And ha, to cheriehime: im sorry too ‘cause I didn’t tell you yet about how dujun managed to get on the bed with Yoseob. Hurm, just guest that he was cheeky and try to do something to our Yoseob! Heheh~~


To glesh: both of your thought are true!!


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catsKatty #1
Chapter 40: Damn this story have a lots of happiness, sadness, and of course... Fluffynes. This story just so touching... I almost cry to myself. But I love it!! Love it so much!! Thank you for making this!! And great job author-nim~~
iecha_chacha #2
Chapter 40: This story is really really sad...T-T
junseob97 #3
Chapter 33: hello, i'm nieyna and i'm a newbie here.. this story is so cute~!! i love junseob the best! this is one of my fav story by the way... hope you will write more about junseob~ lol :D
TiffanyBelly #4
Hai i'm tiffany belly i a new girl at asianfanfics..(^_^).
I hope u all can be my friend...Anyway ur story so great...
nice story^^ ... cant imagine both dujun n junhyung fight to get yoseob love... ahhahaha... XD
cheriehime #6
I want sequel.
More dooseob.
Their next life.
So, add bit supranatural(?).
great ending~ as long dooseob be together im okay with that XD
abes dah? woah my eyes went wide bcoz of this, so they both left their only treasure with junhyung, and now i'm fully awake, how can i get my sleep for now? the ending is so epic, so yeah maybe for the next life dooseob meant to be tgether..
urrfggghh why'd he always mentioned die die die and die