We were meant together

My Prince

Yoseob’s pov



“I need my dress!!” I shout to Kikwang and he gets me mine. Minutes later, I came out from the bathroom and sit in front of the mirror where Dongwoon is already prepare to put my makeup.” We’re late, Hyung!” he says and I just chuckle.


“Well, I’m sorry. Don’t worry, Dujun will not mad at me. today is our wedding, he can’t mad at me, right?” I raised my eyebrows and that makes Dongwoon mad.” NAAHHH!! Don’t move you face! Otherwise I’ll make you up as a zombie!!” he says and together, we laugh.







“Yah! Where’s the bridegroom?!!”

A voice from downstairs yells and I bob out from my room. at the downstairs, I can see Junhyung is dressing nicely and the maids are looking on me with surprise.” Yeppo~~~” one of the maid says and I just giggle.

“Uh, well, thanks!”



“Yah, we’re getting late now. Palliwa!!” junhyung shouts for second times and when I was downstairs, he quickly grabs my hands and brings me into the car.


“Goodbye Hyung!!”

“Goodbye Seobie!!”


“Goodbye Young Master!!”


All the people in the house shout and wave their hands. Just like I will never back to this home?

But I wave back and smile to them.” Thanks!!” I shout and by that, Junhyung drive us off from the enormous house to the gate where we bumped onto Appa and Umma which is in their way to back home.


“Appa and Umma..” Junhyung utters and faltering to stop. I turn to him and nod.” Just stop the car.”


As Junhyung did what I said, I get out from the car and went to my parents. The driver opens the window and I can see Umma’s and Appa’s face.


“Thanks, Umma, Appa! i.. we owe you our happiness!” I say and bow down. The couple just smile and nod.” We’re really sorry, Yoseob for giving you the obstacles. We’re really sorry and we wish you happy ever after with Dujun..”Says Appa and Umma just agrred with it. She nods her head and apologizes

“I’m sorry for all what I had done to you..”


I grin and shake my head.” It’s okay.”






We reached in front of the church…urm, an hour late? Ahahaha, don’t mad at me, Dujun..i’m sorry for my lateness…



“So, where is he? I cant see his figure here..” said Junhyung as we’re now still in the car, waiting for Dujun.



“Let me check him out at the outside..” I give my suggestion and get out from Junhyung’s exclusive car with the gown I wore. The boy did get out too and we both are searching for my future husband around the place. it took us almost 10 minutes to find him which is in the car, waiting for me. my lips curled by itself and I take my steps to him.




I wave my hands and shout his name. well, the sisters and some people around the church do look on me with weird and funny but I don’t care all of that.

Junhyung and I run to him as he saw me waving to him just now. He smiles in the car and he shows me ‘wait a minute’ sign with his hand.

I do stop with Junhyung by my side and the man I love is smiling, again to me.


Somehow, deep inside myself, I kinda knew this scene. The scene where I saw Dujun is in a car, trying to get out as I called him out and then..the car is..






My thoughts were swept away by a loud bang from in front of me. something is on fire, a big fire.


The fire is getting bigger and hotter as I feel my face burnt due of it. As I was trying to process my mind, Junhyung suddenly blocks my view from the fire burning with his body and hugs me tightly.


“Yah, Junhyung…What are you doing?” I asked him but he didn’t answer.

“Wait, Dujun’s car is near to the place, right?!” I ask him but he still didn’t answer instead a shaky voice and trembling body from him. I tried to push him away but I can’t. junhyung keeps hugging me till…





Another loud bang sound was heard and the people start to scream for help and call for the firefighters and ambulance.



“There’s someone in the car! Oh my God! God!! Save him!!” I heard the people scream and telling that there’s a man in it..









Dongwoon’s pov



“So, appa is dead?” the young boy with a chubby cheek asked me. slowly, I nod.

“Then, how about my umma? They’re not getting married, right? Dujun appa dies in the car explode and…/Well, just imagine that you’re a miracle for Yoseob Umma..” says Kikwang, snapped the boy’s confusion.


“So, how can my umma dead too? Is he killed himself or what?” the curios boy keeps asking and asking. Kikwang stares on his husband and smiles.” No, my dear. Yoseob umma loves you too much till he loves his life. He wants to stay strong till he gave birth to you..”


“Then? How can he left me if my umma loves me soo much?” this boy named Dooseob across his hands over his tiny chest and pouts. Well, honestly, he does looks like Yoseob when he did that..


“Yoseob umma loves you, my boy.. He loves you..”


“But he left me! they both left me!!” he shouts and begins to cry.

“It’s not like that Dooseob-ah..believe us, your parent love you soo much. I knew it..” I say, try to convince him but failed.


He ran out from my room and Kikwang is trying to chase him when I hold him from doing so.” Don’t, don’t go. Let him be alone for this time..” I say and caress Kikwang’s big tummy.” I hope our baby inside will feel the love from his appa and umma…” I smile and did kIkwang.






Junhyung’s pov



Dooseob is running passing my room when I was about to go downstairs.

Worrying of him, I followed him from back till to the garden, where Yoseob almost spent his times, plays with the mink..


There, I took a seat next to him on the grassy ground and approach him.


“Junhyung appa, why did my parent left me? don’t they love me?” he asks me and sobs. I shake my head and pull him into my embrace.


“No, that’s not true, Dooseob. Your umma and appa love you soo much. I’m very sure about that..” I say and my eyes start to teary.


“You know that Dujun appa die in car explode?”

He nods.


“Well, there’s some bad guys out there whom hate and envy Dujun appa’s life so that they set a plan in order to kill him..” I say and caress his hair.


“So, Dujun appa was murdered?!” he asks me. hesitate, I nod.


“Well, you will understand about this when you grow up but for now, just let be that the bad guys hate Dujun appa for his success, okay?” he nods his head, innocently as he believes me.


“ Then, how about my umma?” he asks again.


“Yoseob umma…” I stop for a while as I can’t hold my tears anymore. It’s too pain..it’s to hurt to me to remember all of these back.



“Your umma died due to his appendix cancer. He was pregnant of you when he knew he got the killer disease..” I say and the tears roll down to my cheek.

“ He was given two choices, either abort you or continue till he gave birth to you.. and he chose the second path..”


“Why didn’t he just abort me, appa? I don’t want to be the reason why my umma die!!” he says and he starts to cry for second times.


I ruffle his hair and hug him.” Because he loves you, and he wants to gave birth of you as the prove for their love..” I finish my sentences and rubbed my face as I can’t continue with it anymore. Ican’t.




Dooseob slept already as he was crying too much today in my room.


Walking to the balcony, I look up to the sky and smile.


“I miss you, Yoseob..I miss you too, Dujun-ah..” I say and I start to cry, again.


“Don’t worry, your murderer had been caught, Dujun-ah.. Yoona and her father had been into jail and Dooseob is fine with me, with us. Though Appa had gone too, I will take care of this family.. I will take care of your son..”


I wipe my tears and inhaled.


“I know, you were meant to be, right Dooseob? If not in this life, you will in next one..”…..















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catsKatty #1
Chapter 40: Damn this story have a lots of happiness, sadness, and of course... Fluffynes. This story just so touching... I almost cry to myself. But I love it!! Love it so much!! Thank you for making this!! And great job author-nim~~
iecha_chacha #2
Chapter 40: This story is really really sad...T-T
junseob97 #3
Chapter 33: hello, i'm nieyna and i'm a newbie here.. this story is so cute~!! i love junseob the best! this is one of my fav story by the way... hope you will write more about junseob~ lol :D
TiffanyBelly #4
Hai i'm tiffany belly i a new girl at asianfanfics..(^_^).
I hope u all can be my friend...Anyway ur story so great...
nice story^^ ... cant imagine both dujun n junhyung fight to get yoseob love... ahhahaha... XD
cheriehime #6
I want sequel.
More dooseob.
Their next life.
So, add bit supranatural(?).
great ending~ as long dooseob be together im okay with that XD
abes dah? woah my eyes went wide bcoz of this, so they both left their only treasure with junhyung, and now i'm fully awake, how can i get my sleep for now? the ending is so epic, so yeah maybe for the next life dooseob meant to be tgether..
urrfggghh why'd he always mentioned die die die and die