
Hello, My Baby!

Yong's POV


I know I was dreaming. Ami was on a stretcher. She was breathing hard. Tears and sweat were endlessly rolling down her face. I tried reaching out for her but it seemed like she was too far from me. She was screaming. It's like she was in pain. I didn't know what to do. I stared at her, frightened. Ami... what's happening after taking three more pained breaths, I saw her collapse. Her body seemed lifeless. No. I have to wake up from this nightmare....


I sat up on my bed. My body was soaked with sweat. I was having difficulty breathing. Am I having an asthma attack? I tried to stand, gasping for breath. I tried to look for my inhaler but it was too late. My sight out and, I know, I'm already unconscious.


I woke up in a hospital. Oxygen was flowing in through my nose. Darn. My family would be so worried. I sat up and felt the IV needle move on my right hand.

"Ah!" I gasped from the pain. I glared at the needle for a second before I noticed my best friend.

"Oh, you're awake." I saw HongKi stand up. "Are you alright?" He walked closer to my bed. His hair was in a mess and I can tell that he slept on the room's couch the whole night.

"I am. I'm sorry for the trouble..." I said in between breaths. I can feel my chest tighten as I spoke.

"Yah. You owe me one." He playfully punched my left shoulder.

"I know, I'm sorry." I looked down.

"Why didn't you tell us about your asthma?" He sat on my bed, putting his arm around my shoulders. I could tell that he is also worried.

"I forgot about it. My last attack was when I was in junior high..." It was really surprising. I didn't think that my asthma would come back after a year of teraphy. "How long have I been sleeping anyway?" I sighed.

"Two days..."

"TWO DAYS?! What about my t---" I suddenly stood up. How can I slack off for two days?!

"Mr. Kim said that you need a break... The doctors also said that you need to undergo asthma treatment..." Hongki sat me down on the bed. I stared at him in disbelief. This. Is. Not. Happening.


"No. I don't need that. I... I'm perfectly fine! I just had a nightmare---"

"Yong, listen to me..." HongKi held my shoulders. "FNC will still be open for you. Even i it'd take you a year or the treatment, they would still be willing to train you."

"No. I don't want to go! I promised you that I'll be debuting with JongHyun!" I suddenly felt heavy. My chest is closing in on my heart. I clutched my chest.

"Are you alright, Yong?" HongKi looked at me with worried eyes.

"" I breathed hard. HongKi pressed the emergency button. The machines that were on me were making me go crazy. They were beeping nonstop! A few seconds later, nurses started to crowd in the room. They checked the machines. One nurse went beside me. I then felt something sharp pierce through my arm. My head slowly felt light and my breathing slowed down. God, why is this happening to me?


I woke up with a headache. I saw manager Kim sitting at the foot of my bed. He was talking to my mother. Wait, my Mom' here?!

"Yong!" Mom rushed to my side when she noticed me.

"I'll be going now, Mrs. Jung..." Manager bowed then went out.

"We're going home to Busan after you're discharged." Mom my hair.

"No. I still have training... I will be debuting soon!" My eyes were welling up. Why? Why is everything like this? I'm a step closer to my dream!

"Yong, honey... we have to listen to the doctors. You have to undergo treatment again." Mom was holding my left cheek.

"Tell me this isn't happening. Why? Why now? Why this?" I sobbed. I really couldn't believe that this is happening to me.

"I promise to let you come back if the doctors permit you after the treatment, okay?" Mom wiped my tears.

"Mom... this has always been my dream. I really want to debut as a singer..." I cried.

"You will be one, my son. Eomma knows that." She embraced me.




Sorry for the short chapters... I'll be updating soon, I promise~ :)

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K-PopAddict72 #1
Chapter 49: I feel so sad for the kids. I can't wait for the sequel.
I finally had a chance to sit down and read this the saying want. Which means on the quiet so o can let my imagination get caught in the story,. All Ivan say is WOW!!! This is amazing! It is sad, funny,entertaining, has sibling love,friendship display that makes you wish your own friends were that way, and is all out heartwarming!
I lovelovelove this story so much!! Read it in one shot heh :B changmin <3 yonghwa <3 UPDATE SOON OKIE ^^ <3
My phone internet is going crazy so I will have to stop reading for now and come back later. Before I go I do want to say already this story is tugging at my heartstrings!
Wow his grandmother has an amazingly strong will. I wonder what kind of woman she picked.
I feel so bad for Yong, Amid really didn't explain why she is leaving. I wonder is it better to be hurt and know the reason why or to be jury and not know why.
New reader here~!!! Good story! Hope you'll update soon.
Eycha_sk11 #8
now yunho get close to his son :D im waiting for sequel !!! Especially seohyun !! Seoyunho <3
Interesting description about your story ^^ <br />
I will start reading it after I update mine T.T