Going To Get Better

Mr. Kim's Daughters


+Jacklin's POV+



I was helping my mother cook more food for dinner because two new and unexpected guests had showed up at our door, so suddenly.

Sehun and Irene were in Toronto, in my house. I was very shocked and I couldn't believe that they had actually flown from Seoul to Toronto.

While they talked with my dad at the back, I used that time to think about everything. I knew for a fact that they did not travel this far, just to see me. Or did they?

After all this time, it felt weird seeing them, to be honest. What had it been? Three months? Four? I had stopped counting after the first one, because it was way too painful for me to even think about my life back there.

Mrs. Pierce: Are you okay, baby?

I turned to look at my mother, and smiled at her.

Jacklin: I am fine, don't worry. I just wasn't expecting to see any of them walk through that door.

Mrs. Pierce: Did you stop talking to them too?

I just nodded my head slightly, obviously not proud of it. I didn't want to be the one to break all contact, but I just wasn't strong enough to keep in touch with anyone Junmyeon related.

Mrs. Pierce: Don't worry too much. I'm sure they understand that you had to do it, in order for you to heal emotionally.

Jacklin: That's the worst thing, mom, because I know they didn't judge me for it. They even traveled all the way to here. Seeing that, I feel even more pathetic about it.

Mrs. Pierce: You're not pathetic, baby. Far from it. I think you just need to have a conversation with them and explain that you meant no harm. It's going to be okay.

I took a huge breath and tried to remain calm.

Irene: Hey. Do you need some help?

Irene walked into the kitchen with a smile on her face. I couldn't help but smile back, because honestly, I had missed seeing her so much.

Mrs. Pierce: Oh, don't worry honey! I've got it all covered! Jacky, you should take Irene to the living room and have a chat before dinner. I'll manage to finish everything by myself here.

Irene: Are you sure?

Mrs. Pierce: Positive! I'm so glad you're here, Irene.

Irene: I'm so happy to be here, and we are sorry for coming unannounced like that. Thank you for welcoming us so warmly.

Mrs. Pierce: It's our pleasure. Now go catch up!

Irene: Okay.

I lead the way to the living and sat on the sofa first before telling her to make herself at home. We stayed silent for a minute, none of us knowing how to start a conversation.

Jacklin: Where is Sehun?

Irene: On the phone with his brother.

Jacklin: Ah.

Another minute of silence followed.

Irene: You look good. And healthy.

Jacklin: I'm trying. You look happy.

Irene: Trying to keep it that way too.

Jacklin: That's nice.

She smiled at me again, before going on.

Irene: What have you been up to?

Jacklin: Nothing much, really. I've been looking for jobs here and there. Now I'm just waiting for a positive response.

Irene: That's nice.

Jacklin: What about you?

Irene: Just been going crazy because of my sisters. The usual!

Jacklin: Really? What did they do?

Irene: I would need the day to tell you about all of their shenanigans!

We laughed together and it lifted the mood up. We immediately felt like we had never been away from one another. We just took it back from where it had stopped, like it never really did.

Irene: Starting from Wendy.

Jacklin: Wendy?! Wendy did something wrong? I am actually shocked.

Irene: I was shocked too.

She told me everything about Wendy's little trip to the police office, and I was dumbfounded. Never would I have ever thought that Wendy, out of everyone, would be the one to cause that kind of worry. Not in a million years!

Irene: Now, onto Joy.

She told me about Joy's little secret, and of how she was shocked when she found out about her auditions. I could tell that she was proud of her sister for going after her dreams. I knew because I was also so proud of her.

Jacklin: So many things happened in so little time. I feel like I've been gone for ages.

She didn't answer and just smiled at me. I felt like this was the right time to apologize for being MIA all this time. I needed to say sorry, at least.

Jacklin: Irene, there's so much I would like to-

Sehun: Hello, hello.

Sehun walked in the living room and stopped me in the process. I sighed, but Irene reached out to grab my hand and squeezed it, before mouthing a 'later'.

Irene: Finished?

Sehun: Eo. I told him to let my parents know that we are fine.

He said as he sat down next to Irene.

Irene: What about my family?

Sehun: I asked Jun to let them know that we were safe and still alive, in case they would be worried.

I felt like my heart was about to pop out of my chest when I heard his name. It had been so long since anyone talked about him, around me.

Sehun: Pierce Jacklin! Neo, Chincha!

I looked at him.

Sehun: How could you not give me a hug, after all this time?

I was taken aback by his request. I thought he was going to scold me for not texting or calling. Hyogsi, Oh Sehun is the coolest person alive.

Sehun: What are you waiting for?

Jacklin: Here comes your hug!

I stood up and ran to him, before throwing my arms around him. We both fell backwards on the sofa, and we couldn't help but laugh at our uncomfortable positions.

Sehun: No more hugs for you.

He said after I let go of him and as we both laughed it out. It felt nice to have this clown of a friend back.

Sehun: How have you been?

He asked me more seriously, after we had settled down.

Jacklin: I have been good. I can see that you too.

I said as I smiled at Irene and him. They looked genuinely happy.

Irene: Ah.

Irene tried to scoop a little farther away from Sehun, which made me giggle.

Jacklin: Don't mind me, you pabodeul!

"We are home!"

We heard voices coming from the hallway and I knew that my brothers were back from practice. I suddenly thought of doing something fun.

Jacklin: Let's surprise them! Hide behind the sofa!

I told Sehun, who immediately obliged. I was sure he wanted to surprise them as much as I wanted him to do so.

Jacklin: Boys! Come here a second, please!

I called my brothers to the living room.

Jamal: What?

Jamal asked as he walked into the living room, followed by my two other younger brothers. Their faces lit up as soon as they saw Irene sitting on the sofa.

Tobias: Irene!

Tobias ran towards us and threw his arms around Irene's body, to hug her.

Jacklin: Stop it Tobby, you're all sweaty!

Irene: It's fine! How are you doing Tobby?

Tobias: I am good!

He replied, after letting go of her.

Stanley: It's so good to see you here!

Irene: It's good to be here! How are you, Jamal?

Jamal: I'm doing good. How are you?

He asked as he hugged her too.

Sehun: Don't you think you've been hugging my fiancee for way too long?

Sehun asked as he jumped out from behind the sofa. The whole room erupted into roars of joy. The boys rushed to Sehun and tackled him in a tight group hug.

Jamal: It's so nice to see you after so long, Sehun!

Stanley: We missed you!

Sehun: Aigo! How come you grew up so quickly? Stan, look at you! Tobby!

Tobias: You've been gone for a year already. Last time we saw you it was when you came to visit for Jamal's 20th birthday!

Jamal: And now I'm turning 21 tomorrow! It's been too long!

Sehun: I know! You guys should come over to Seoul too! You know you have a home there too!

Mr. Pierce: I see that everyone is happy to see Sehun. You've got your math teacher back, Stan. Maybe you could use his help for a few days. Ha-Ha!

Mrs. Pierce: I don't think he likes the sound of that. Ha-Ha! Come on guys, dinner is ready!

Jacklin: We're coming.

Mrs. Pierce: Boys, go wash your dirty hands first!

Jamal: Are we not waiting for Marvin, to have dinner?

Mr. Pierce: He won't be able to make it tonight. He will be going back to his apartment right after work.

We all walked to the dining room and sat around the table. The atmosphere was so nice. It felt good to have two fresh faces sitting down with us, and it changed from our usual dinners.

I felt like I was coming back to life, somehow.

After dinner, the boys helped us clean the table before leaving to go play video games upstairs. My mother sat with Irene and I, to have a little chat.

After an hour or so, Sehun came walking down and joined us in the living room.

Sehun: Babe, I'm a little tired.

Irene: Do you want to go back to the hotel?

Sehun: Mm. Mrs. Pierce, we're going to leave. We will come by tomorrow, for Jamal's birthday.

Mrs. Pierce: Oh? Aren't you sleeping here? We have a spare room, you know?

Irene: Ah, thank you so much! We didn't want to be a bother. Don't worry, we've already booked a hotel room for two nights.

Sehun: Then after that, we're going to stay at Lucas'.

Mrs. Pierce: Really? That's too bad. We would have loved to have you home with us. You're family!

Irene: We know. I will still come visit everyday, so it will feel like I stay here. Ha-ha!

Mrs. Pierce: Okay. How are you going to get to the hotel?

Sehun: I'm going to call a taxi.

Jacklin: No need. I will drive you there.

Irene: Are you sure?

Jacklin: Yes. I'm just going to grab a jacket, then we can leave.

Sehun: Okay. Thank you for the great meal, Careen. It felt good to eat your cooking after so long!

Mrs. Pierce: You're welcome. Go back safely. I'll see you tomorrow for Jamal's birthday, right?

Sehun: Of course. Won't miss it for the world.

My mother left after saying goodbye one last time, then I went upstairs to grab a leather jacket, put it on and walked back downstairs.

Jacklin: Let's go!

I helped them with their luggage, then I jumped in the driver's seat. Irene sat at the back while Sehun took the seat next to me.

The first minutes of the ride were quiet. The only sound we could hear was of the music blasting through the radio. It was starting to get a little bit uncomfortable, so I decided to talk.

Jacklin: How are things back there?

Sehun: Mm?... Ah, everything is good. Everyone is healthy and happy.

Jacklin: Ah... That's good.

I heard a muffled sound coming from behind us, and I knew that Irene had just kicked in Sehun's seat, because he winced a bit in pain. I smiled to myself and acted like I didn't hear a thing.

Irene: But we all miss you terribly. We miss talking to you and seeing you everyday.

Jacklin: I know... I am sorry. I am such an awful friend for acting like I did, considering all the things you've done for me.

Irene: It's not about that, Lin-ah. We didn't ask for a thing back, we just wished for our friend, meaning you, to be happy. We understand that you could no longer be happy with us back there.

Jacklin: You guys are way too forgiving. I left without a proper goodbye, and I didn't even contact you. You are my best friend, Irene. Sehun, you are my brother. How could I have done that to you, my family?

Sehun: Lin, there's nothing to forgive! You didn't do us any wrong. We saw you hurting, trying to move on, but it just couldn't go on anymore. What tells you that we wouldn't have done the same thing if the tables were turned?

Irene: If you really want to hear that we forgive you, then yes. And there's nothing you have to feel sorry towards us about.

She put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it a little bit.

Jacklin: You guys are the best. Thank you.

By the time we had finished our conversation, we were in front of their hotel. I parked next to the entrance and we all stayed silent for another minute, before Sehun spoke again.

Sehun: We want you to know that we will all always be there for you, no matter what. And by all, I mean every single one of us.

I looked at my friend.

Jacklin: How is he doing?

I saw Irene shift in her seat and Sehun's eyes go from being determined to being sad.

Sehun: He is hanging on.

Irene: And he isn't blaming you for anything.

Jacklin: I know... He must be blaming himself.

They didn't even need to confirm it, because I knew Junmyeon very well.

Jacklin: Does he talk with his family?

Sehun: Mm.

Jacklin: What about work?

Sehun: He hasn't really been the best employee lately, but nothing too serious.

He smiled at me, probably in an attempt to reassure me.

Jacklin: Does he... talk about me sometimes?

Irene: He doesn't talk to us that much, to be honest.

Jacklin: What do you mean?

Irene: He has closed up to everyone. He keeps his head in his job whenever he shows up at work, but that's the only thing we're sure of.

Sehun: But he is trying to fix that. He was just lost for a little while, now he is trying to move on. It takes time.

Once again, none of us talked for a while.

Irene: Have you moved on?

I was taken aback by the sudden question. It was a question that I had been asking myself for a few months, but to which I had yet to find an answer to.

Jacklin: I don't know.

Irene: Do you want him to move on?

I turned around to face Irene.

Irene: Do you think you would be fine if you heard that he has moved on? Not even with someone else, but that he has put your story behind, in the past.

I still could not find an answer.

Irene: If not, you should do something about it. I can tell that the both of you are hurting more than you should, and it's quite sad.

Sehun: Irene...

I looked down at my hands, not knowing what to say or do.

Sehun: We're going to leave now. Thank you for the ride. Have a safe ride back, and we will see you tomorrow.

I didn't budge so Sehun reached for my hand and grabbed it.

Sehun: If what we said bothered you, we are really sorry about it. We just want you to be happy, whatever you decide to do.

Jacklin: Don't be. I get where you're coming from. To be honest, I've thought about it for a long time, but I have never realized that me moving on would mean that he was going to move on too.

Irene: How do you feel?

Jacklin: I suddenly feel uncomfortable about that thought. Ha.

My eyes unconsciously trembled.

Irene: Do you want to come up with us for a bit?

Jacklin: Ani, it's fine. Thank you. I will see you two tomorrow.

I showed the best smile I could as I watched my friends gather their stuff and get out of my car. As soon as I was sure that they had disappeared into the hotel, I stopped smiling.

I took my phone out and dialed a number. I waited for the other person to pick up the phone.

Jacklin: Hello?... It's me, Lin... It's been a while.



+Irene's POV+



Irene: Don't you think we were a little too direct with her?

I asked Sehun the next morning after we had that intense talk in the car, with Jacklin.

Sehun: I think she needed someone to tell her what we did. Maybe it helped her figure out what she really wants.

Irene: I hope so.

I finished wearing my shoes and grabbed my bag.

Irene: So, where are you taking me today?

Sehun: We're going to meet up with Luke.

Irene: Do you think it's a good idea for me to come? Last time I saw him, I did some things that brought you two to have a fight.

Sehun: All of this is in the past. Don't worry too much.

Irene: Okay.

Sehun had rented a car for us to use during our stay, so we didn't have to worry about taking public transportation. Being in a foreign country was a very challenging and new thing for me, considering that for 24 years of my life, all I had known was Seoul. I was turning 26 soon and I didn't think I would ever get used to it.

Thinking about it, Sehun and I had been dating for almost two years already. So many things had happened that we didn't even realize how long we had been dating for.

Sehun took the wheel and drove me downtown to show me around the places he used to go to. It was mesmerizing to listen to his stories and to think that this place had once been his home. I was envious of him.

Sehun: Luke is waiting for us in that restaurant over there.

He said as he pointed at the place.

Irene: The Italian one? Okay.

We walked hand in hand towards the restaurant.

As soon as we walked in, a girl ran to us and hugged Sehun, taking his hand away from mine in the process. I was surprised that I turned to Sehun to see if he was alright, and you could bet he was. He was smiling from ear to ear and hugging the girl back.

"Sehun! It's been so long!"

Sehun: I have missed you, Luna! How have you been?

Luna: Good! Oh my God, it's so nice to see you!

Sehun: It's nice to see you too.

Lucas: Hey guys!

Lucas came walking down from a room above the bar.

Lucas: Irene, it's nice to see you!

He said as he smiled at me.

Sehun: Ah, Luna, this is Irene. Irene, this is Luna, Lucas' sister.

Luna: Hello Irene! I've heard a lot about you. It's nice to finally meet you!

Irene: Ah. I didn't know Lucas had a sister. Nice to meet you too.

Luna: I'm not surprised. That moron never talks about me to his friends.

Lucas: It never came on the table, Luna. Anyways, how have you guys been?

Sehun: Good. Where are your parents?

Lucas: At the back. They are getting everything ready before we open.

Irene: Is it your family restaurant?

Lucas: Yes. Didn't Sehun tell you?

Irene: Not that I remember of, no.

Sehun turned to me, probably surprised at my answer and by the tone of my voice. I had failed to hide my discomfort.

Luna: Come on! Mom and dad are so excited to see you!

She grabbed Sehun's hand and pulled him towards the back of the restaurant.

Lucas: I'm sorry about my sister. They just used to be very close, so she is just happy to see him again.

Irene: I see. It's okay, don't worry. Let's go.

He nodded his head and motioned for me to follow him. We could hear people laughing from there.

"Hello, beautiful young girl! My name is Giuliana, and I am Lucas and Luna's mother!"

A beautiful woman told me as soon as I stepped in, with Lucas.

Irene: Nice to meet you! I am Irene!

She sounded so welcoming and warm that I immediately appreciated her. She gave off a really nice feeling.

Lucas : Where is papa?

Lucas asked, looking around the room.

Luna: In the garden, talking with Sehun. They want some lemonade. Any of you want some too?

Giuliana: I'm fine. Irene?

Irene: Ah, no thank you.

I smiled at the woman and her daughter before turning back towards Lucas, only to find out that he had left the room. Meaning that he had left me with his mother and sister that I had just only met. Great.

Giuliana: You're even prettier than what Lucas told me. Sehun is a very lucky guy.

Luna: Are you and Sehun together?

She sounded and looked rather surprised.

Irene: Erm... Yes, we are.

Luna: Oh my God, I never knew! No one told me!

Giuliana: Your brother told me about it a few weeks back only. You were in Dubai with your father, remember?

Luna: Oh, yes we were there for a food convention. Oh wow! That's really nice to hear!

She looked genuinely glad to hear that, but at the same time it felt like she was honestly taken aback. Why, though?

After a while, the three men came back and I got introduced to Lucas' dad as Sehun's girlfriend, for the first time in the day.

The restaurant opened and we helped their employees with the service. The first part of the day was nice for as long as it lasted. Luna was really nice to me, and she helped me a lot with the orders.

Lucas: Break time for us!

The four of us took a table on the terrace to eat the lunch Lucas' mother had cooked for us. With her being Italian, I couldn't wait to taste her cooking.

Sehun: It's been a while since I ate your mother's cooking. This is awesome, as per usual!

Luna: I think she made an extra effort on today's meal. She doesn't work so hard when she cooks for Luke and I though.

We all laughed at her little joke and proceeded to eat. Everything was going great until some of the boys' friends showed up for lunch. Tristan and Mary were of the party, to name a few.

Tristan: Well, well, well! If this isn't our gold fingers! Dude, why didn't you tell me that you were back in town?

Sehun chuckled and stood up from his seat to hug the boy.

Mary: Hi, Sehun.

Sehun: How are you, Mary?

He smiled at her, and I wished that I could just stand up and scratch that stupid expression off of his face. Did he forget everything she had done?

Jackson: Hey, Gold fingers!

Sehun: How are you, Jackson?

Irene: Oh, it's the bartender. It's nice to see you again.

Jackson: Well, I am more than just a bartender, but given that you only saw me doing that, all I can do is agree. Ha-ha!

Mary: Oh! Isn't this the pretty Irene? Oh wait! Woah, Sehun you're a champ. To be able to make the woman you used to love and the woman you're with right now, sit around the same table and laugh like this? This should be in the Guinness world book! Ha-ha!

Tristan: Oh, Mary. Not again, please.


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heluu_ #1
Chapter 8: Oml
Chapter 19: I personally love the scene where sehun is conforting Irene in the bed... Very realistic and I wish I would experience it my real life
Chapter 39: Expected to read about the five girls' lives but there's too much of the Jacklin girl, not enough of Joy, Wendy and Yeri tho :(
Hunbaeks #4
Chapter 37: This is a really good fanfic..thank you author nim..
imemyself07 #5
Chapter 37: This was a beautiful story. It was so relatable and believable, and the storyline was just the right speed. Thank you for this story...it was a lovely read :)
This fanfic is sooo well-written and full of suspence that it could easily be the plot of a drama! Well done!
Chapter 37: if it has sequel about married life????????
i would really excited if it can be
jepukcolek #8
Chapter 37: i really love your story hehe. i hope you will continue writing hehe. maybe sungjoy' s story hehhee. i really love bbyu couple hhee
Chapter 34: Aigoo!!! When I can see this more? I'm falling for this already.
seoswifty #10
Chapter 31: Omg! I know you just come up with chapter 29, but pls update soon? Kkk i really love your story :)) even i did refresh this fanfic for the whole time (am i going too overboard? But jinjja i really like your story). Authornim hwaiting!