
Mr. Kim's Daughters


Jacklin and Junmyeon were on their way back to their apartment, after announcing the news to his family. They were both silent, none of them daring to speak a word.

Jacklin was thinking about so many things at the same time. Her mind was all over the place and all she wanted to do was run to her bed and stay hidden under the covers, for days.

To say that it went bad would be an understatement. It was horrible.

Jacklin could still hear Mrs. Kim's voice cursing at Junmyeon and urging them to get out of her house. This time Mr. Kim was too shocked about the news to react nor stop her.

She was so lost in thoughts that she didn't realize that they were home, until Junmyeon slowly caressed her hand.

She looked at him for a second, but quickly looked away. She could not face him, for some reason, and she felt responsible for the degradation of his relationship with his family.

He knew how she felt at that moment, but he just couldn't console her. He too had many things on his mind. He kept wondering how his own mother had the courage to reject his child so vigorously. He was confused, upset, sad, and he was in no condition to lend a comforting shoulder. But he tried to act like he was fine.

They both silently went up to their apartment and as soon as they walked inside and had no more reasons to stay in the same room, they both separated, for the situation to be less awkward.

Junmyeon cleaned himself up while she cooked lunch. Their actions were practically lifeless, as they both wondered where to go from there.


Meanwhile, Yeri and Sehun had spent the last two hours cooking Irene's favorite cake with all the ingredients they could collect from the Kim's apartment. At 12 on the dot, Sehun received a message from Irene, telling him that she was back and would come up in a few minutes.

Sehun: Princess, she is on her way!

Yeri: She is going to love it! I will leave as soon as she gets here!

Sehun: Thank you for your help. Let's go shopping tomorrow as promised!

Yeri: Yay! Thank you, Oppa!

Just as they were finishing to clean the space, Irene walked inside the apartment. She was surprised to see Yeri and even more surprised when she ran out saying goodbye, as soon as she saw her. She turned to Sehun for some explanation, but he just grinned at her.

Sehun: Good morning, beautiful.

Irene: Hehehe. It's not morning anymore. What were you doing with Yeri?

Sehun: It's a secret. Where did you go?

Irene: I went out with Joy for a moment. She needed to buy some stuff, so we had a little girl's day out at the same time.

Sehun: I thought you went to see your mother.

Irene: I tried, but she had already left the hotel. I don't know what happened, but she was no longer there when I arrived.

Sehun: Really? That's weird. She seemed like she was going to stick around for a while.

Irene: I don't really care, truth be told.

Sehun knew she did care. He could see disappointement written on her face, as she took her jacket off. She put his car keys back on the counter before walking to the bathroom to wash up.

Sehun stayed in the same position, until his phone vibrated in his pocket, signaling a call. It was Lucas. He picked up right away, ready to scold his friend for what happened with Irene.

Sehun: Dude! I am pissed at you!

Lucas: What? Why?

Sehun: I know what happened with Irene. Why didn't you tell me?

Lucas: Ah... She finally told you? I didn't want to stir troubles, man. I am sorry.

Sehun sighed before passing a hand through his hair.

Sehun: It's not your fault. Irene is a big girl, she can decide what she can or cannot do. I just wished you told me earlier.

Lucas: Did you two fight?

Sehun: Not really... but I have to admit that I am still feeling a little off about it. I know I should tell her how I feel right away, but I don't want to hurt her. Right now is not the time.

Lucas: I know it's going to sound weird coming from me, after I hid it from you, but not telling her is eventually going to hurt her too. Because I know you Sehun, and you at acting fine. When something bothers you, it shows on the short run.

Sehun: Maybe later... anyway, why did you call? It must be really late there already.

Lucas: Ah, yes! I almost forgot. I will be there for your birthday! John and I took our tickets for April 8th. 

Sehun: Really?! Woah, that's awesome! I can't wait!

The two friends chit chatted for a bit, before hanging up. Sehun looked at his watch and 40 minutes had passed already since Irene left to wash up. She usually didn't take that much time, so he walked into the room to check on her, only to find her sitting on their bed, head in hands.

Sehun: Baby? What's wrong?

Irene: Why don't you honestly tell me how you feel?

Sehun: Mwo? What are you talking about?

Irene: I heard everything. I heard you talking on the phone with Lucas.

Sehun tought for a second before realizing what she must have had heard.

Sehun: That's nothing, Irene.

Irene: Yes, it is something. You are mad at me, but you don't tell me.

Sehun: Irene, it's nothing to be worked up about.

Irene: Stop saying that! It's important! If you don't tell me now, it's going to get worse. I know how men of your kind act when they feel betrayed.

Sehun: Men of my kind? What is that supposed to mean.

Sehun was starting to get mad. How could she say something like that, he thought.

Irene: You think that you can control your emotions, but at the first occasion you're going to get, you'll do something to make yourself feel better.

Sehun: Are you being serious right now, Irene? Oh, my God.

He could not believe it. Irene wasn't budging either.

She hated his habit of hiding what he really felt just to preserve her. She is a big girl, like he said, and can handle lectures when she deserves them, she thought. She was trying to upset him enough to make him speak up.

Irene: Aren't you going to tell me?

Sehun: What the hell do you want me to tell you? That you messed up and that I will need some time to forget? Do I really need to say those words to make it obvious?

He screamed, surprising Irene. She didn't expect him to burst out like that.

Sehun: You surely know how to push my buttons, Irene. I worked my off this morning to make you a surprise and all you do is make me go crazy.

Irene: If you didn't want it to happen like that you should have told me how you felt right away. Now I understand why you didn't want to sleep next to me, yesterday. You were disgusted.

Sehun: What?! What are you saying now? Are you really going to keep pushing it?

Irene: I'm not pushing anything. I am just speaking the truth and you're visibly getting upset over it.

Sehun: Irene, shut up!

Irene: You, shut up!

Sehun took his jacket from the room's couch and stormed out, followed by a very fired up Irene. He grabbed his keys and was about to leave the apartment when she spoke up again.

Irene: I'd rather have you be mad at me like this once, than keeping it all bottled up inside.

He stopped for a moment, looked at her, before completely leaving. He just wanted to drive somewhere and calm down.

He took his car and just drove, drove, and drove, stopped at a riverside and put his head on the wheel.

He heaved a sigh and passed a hand in his hair.

He had not been this angry in a long time and didn't like the sentiment of it. He stayed there, looking at the river for an hour, without any noise around him, before finally calming down.

He looked down at his feet and realized that he was still wearing his Pokemon slippers, making him chuckle because of how ridiculous he looked.

After thinking for a few more minutes, he wanted to call Junmyeon to ask if he could stop by for lunch, since he did not have time to eat at home before the scene. Then he realized that he had also left his phone back at the apartment, so he drove back there, but instead of going up to his condo, he went to the Kim's.

Jinyoung: Oh, hyung! I was just about to call you. We're ready to go home.

Sehun tought about it for a second and it worked out perfectly.

He decided to have lunch at home with his family. He would be able to spend some time with his mother like that and also avoid Irene.

Truth is, he was no longer angry, but he didn't particularly want to see her either.

Sehun: Princess, I will come fetch you at 12 tomorrow.

Yeri: Alright, Oppa!

Sehun left with the two boys following him behind. In the car he tried to take his mind off of his problems by asking about others'.

Sehun: Jaebum, are you planning to go back home at all?

Jaebum: Yes, actually I am... I am going back tomorrow. I went back a few times already and she refused to budge, but this time I have a good feeling about it.

Sehun: I hope it's going to work out for you.

Jaebum: Thank you, hyung.

Sehun: What about you, Jinyoung-ah? It seems like it's getting better between Wendy and you.

Jinyoung: I am trying hard. There's no way I am giving up so soon.

Sehun chuckled at his younger brother's perseverance. They definitely took that trait from their father, he thought. When they got to the residence, their mother came to greet them, recognizing Sehun's car from afar.

Mrs. Oh: Adeul! You're here!

She exclaimed, running to hug Sehun. He hugged her back immediately, feeling good in his mother's embrace. She smiled and caressed his face when they pulled away.

Mrs. Oh: You boys are right on time! I just finished cooking lunch, and Jaebum we have two special guests for you.

Jaebum: Oh?

They all walked together into the house and to the backyard. Since it was a sunny day, Mrs. Oh wanted to have lunch under her magnificent trees. She was very proud of them and showed them off every time she could.

At the boys' surprise Mr. and Mrs. Im, Jaebum's parents, were sitting at the table and chatting with Mr. Oh. They stopped when they saw their son and both smiled at him. Jaebum, Jinyoung and Sehun were all taken aback by the action. It didn't feel like they were angry, at all.

The boys bowed and greeted the adults before sitting down. The air was awkward at first, until Mrs. Oh came back and started making the conversation. It sure was going to be an interesting lunch, Sehun thought.

After eating, Jaebum and his parents stayed around the table to talk, while Mrs. Oh peeked from time to time to see if everything was going okay. It eventually ended up in tears and a reconciliation, with Jaebum's mother making the promise to try and accept Seulgi from now on.

They left with their son that day. Sehun looked at his mother celebrating the success of her plan and couldn't help himself but to laugh. She was definitely a special person.

He stayed until late in the night, and his mother forbade him to drive back, so he just crashed there.

Since he did not have a phone on him, he could not tell Irene about it, but she found out after looking for him at her family's apartment. Her sisters told her that he left with his brother and Jaebum, so she connected the dots.

She was relieved to know that he was safe and sound at his parents' house, and also spending some quality time with them.

The next day, Sehun stopped by the Kim's to tell Yeri to get ready, before going up to their apartment to get changed. He stopped in front of the door for a minute, took a deep breathe, then stepped in. It was already 12, so he knew Irene would be up by now and he was right.

He found her watching TV. She muted the sound when he walked in and turned to look at him.

Sehun: Good morning.

He coldly said before walking to the bathroom. He quickly washed up, got dressed and went back to take a glass of milk. Irene was watching his every move, not knowing what to do nor say.

Irene: Are you going out?

She asked him as he wore his jacket.

Sehun: Yeah, I am taking Yeri out for a shopping day.

Irene: Oh?... Can I come?

He was wearing his shoes when she asked, and stopped to look at her.

Sehun: That's up to you.

Irene: I just have to change clothes real quick.

She said, running to the room. 

Sehun: Meet us downstairs then.

He stood up and left after saying that.

Irene: Wait... for me.

She scoffed and breathed heavily before proceeding to finish what she started.

When she was ready, she took the elevator down directly to the parking lot and found Yeri and Sehun inside the car already. She was at the front, so Irene took the backseat.

Yeri: Eonnie? I didn't know you were coming with us. Come sit at the front!

Yeri started taking her seatbelt off, but Sehun abruptly started the car, surprising the two girls. The entire car ride conversation was between Yeri and Irene. Sehun was focused on driving and didn't meddle in.

When they got to the mall, Sehun took his phone out and gave it to Yeri.

Sehun: Call your friend and tell her that we're here.

Irene: You're meeting with a friend, Princess?

Yeri: Yes, Nayoung and her sister are going to shop with us.

Irene: Ah.

Irene knew Nayoung, but never met her sister. They waited for a few minutes and saw two girls walk towards them. A beautiful girl with short brown hair was accompanying Yeri's friend and Irene couldn't help herself but to look at her from head to toe. She was really pretty.

Nayoung: Yeri!

Yeri: Nayoung!

The two friends hugged, making the adults smile. Nayoung's sister then walked closer to the group and introduced herself.

Hayoung: Annyeonghaseyeo. I am Nayoung's older sister, Oh Hayoung.

Sehun: You're Oh? What a coincidence. I am Oh Sehun.

Hayoung: Woah. It's such a rare name! That's so cool.

They smiled at each other then she turned to Irene.

Yeri: This is my oldest sister, Irene.

Hayoung: Nice to finally meet you, Irene-shi. I've heard a lot of great things about you from these two girlies!

Irene: Ah... me too.

They awkwardly shook hand.

The two friends were excited to look around all the shops, so they started right away. The three adults were walking behind, keeping an eye on them. Hayoung was a really nice girl. She tried to make the conversation with Sehun and Irene, and if she had a hard time acting like everything was fine, Sehun was having a good time.

He was glad to be talking with a nice and intelligent girl like Hayoung, and they surprisingly had a lot in common. Irene was extremely wary of the conversation the two were having, even if she was technically participating. She wanted to take Sehun away from Hayoung, for some reason.

Nayoung: Eonnie, could you help us choose what to buy here?

Hayoung: I'll be back.

She left Sehun and Irene together. They were both still ignoring each other.

Sehun: Why did you decide to come if it was to be like that all day long?

Irene: Like what?

Sehun: You know exactly what I am talking about.

Irene: I'm no mindreader, Sehun. If you don't tell me, I won't know.

Sehun: Starting with that again?

Irene: Aish... Let's just drop it.

Sehun looked at her and shook his head in disapproval, before sighing. The rest of the shopping day was like that, and when it was finally time to leave, they were both relieved. They thanked Hayoung and Nayoung for their time and parted ways with the sisters.

Sehun: Did you have fun?

He asked Yeri who was busy trying to make some space for her bags in the trunk.

Yeri: Yes! Thank you, Oppa! When I will be older and rich, I will buy you even more stuff.

Sehun: I'm marking your words, Princess.

He chuckled and helped her with her bags. Irene was already in the car and she voluntarily chose the backseat this time.

She was tired of the day and just wanted to go to bed, even though it was only 5pm. They drove in silence to the apartment complex, and Sehun had a hard time unloading the trunk once they arrived, because there were just so many bags.

Yeri bought stuff for all her sisters and had fun showing them the cool clothes and items she found for herself too. Sehun and Irene went back to their apartment together, but in silence again. None of them really felt like talking. They were not angry, but for some reason they just didn't want to talk.

Irene went straight to bed, not minding Sehun.

At some point he kind of felt guilty, so after sulking for a few more minutes he joined her in the room, but she was already asleep. He sat on the edge of the bed and sighed once again.

If he counted the number of times he sighed for the past two days, it would probably surpass thirty. Which is a lot for him.

He laid down next to her on the bed, closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep, hoping to meet her in his dreams.

A drama free dream.

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heluu_ #1
Chapter 8: Oml
Chapter 19: I personally love the scene where sehun is conforting Irene in the bed... Very realistic and I wish I would experience it my real life
Chapter 39: Expected to read about the five girls' lives but there's too much of the Jacklin girl, not enough of Joy, Wendy and Yeri tho :(
Hunbaeks #4
Chapter 37: This is a really good fanfic..thank you author nim..
imemyself07 #5
Chapter 37: This was a beautiful story. It was so relatable and believable, and the storyline was just the right speed. Thank you for this was a lovely read :)
This fanfic is sooo well-written and full of suspence that it could easily be the plot of a drama! Well done!
Chapter 37: if it has sequel about married life????????
i would really excited if it can be
jepukcolek #8
Chapter 37: i really love your story hehe. i hope you will continue writing hehe. maybe sungjoy' s story hehhee. i really love bbyu couple hhee
Chapter 34: Aigoo!!! When I can see this more? I'm falling for this already.
seoswifty #10
Chapter 31: Omg! I know you just come up with chapter 29, but pls update soon? Kkk i really love your story :)) even i did refresh this fanfic for the whole time (am i going too overboard? But jinjja i really like your story). Authornim hwaiting!