My Fault

Mr. Kim's Daughters



+Sehun's POV+



I made my way to Junmyeon's apartment with his five latest contracts in hand, for him to work on them from home. He had not been to the office even once in a whole month, so his paperwork had pilled up to a crazy amount.

He had decided never to leave the house again, so I had to bring them to him.

Junmyeon had been a kind of ghost, not really living his life, but more like surviving. So many things had happened in so little time, and he didn't see any of them coming. None of us did.

A full month and a half had passed already since he lost her. Since he lost his love and his dreams.

The day Jacklin walked out that door and decided to leave him, Junmyeon had became another person. A version of himself that I had never encountered before.

Nobody could blame Jacklin for the decision she made, after what had happened. That day is one of those we all want to forget, but know very well we will never be able to.






Jacklin's blood kept leaking incessantly, and she had lost consciousness by the time they got to the hospital. The medical team immediately took care of her, taking her into immediate surgery because she was having a serious hemorrhage. Junmyeon begged them to save her, before she was taken away.

He called Sehun and Irene to explain the situation and told them not to panic, but they rushed to the hospital as soon as they hung up on him. The three friends sat in the waiting room for about thirty minutes, with none of them talking.

Irene: What did they say about the baby? Is there a chance for the both of them to be saved?

Junmyeon rose from his seat in shock.

Junmyeon: The baby! I didn't tell them about the baby! They must not anesthetize her! Where is the doctor?

Junmyeon walked around looking for a doctor in a complete state of shock and worry. Sehun had to stop him from barging into the surgical room and calmed him down, before leaving to ask for some information himself.

Junmyeon: How could I forget to mention my baby... I might have killed my own child.

Irene: Stop saying that! They are professionals! They must have found out that she was pregnant! Stop it, please.

Junmyeon: I am such a bad person... This is all my fault.

Irene: Junmyeon...

Irene could not bear to see her friend in that state. She had herself been on the verge of crying from the moment she put a feet in that waiting room, but she wanted to be strong for him.

He had obviously been shaken by all of this. She kept thinking about the possibility of Jacklin loosing the baby, or worse... loosing her life. She tried shaking those pessimistic thoughts from her mind, while Sehun came back with a doctor.

Doctor: Mr. Kim?

Junmyeon stood up, and almost ran to the doctor when he heard his last name.

Junmyeon: Yes. How did it go?

Doctor: We did our best, and now she is in a stable state. We are very optimistic.

Junmyeon: Oh my God. Thank you, doctor! Thank you so much! How about our baby?

The doctor fell silent before slightly shaking his head, not directly looking at Junmyeon.

Doctor: I am sorry... We couldn't save both of them.

Junmyeon: What? No... no... No!

Doctor: I am really sorry, Mr. Kim. We really did our best.

Junmyeon: NO! NOOOO!

Sehun: Jun! Calm down!

Irene was in tears by that time, her heart aching at the despair she had just witnessed and felt. Her heart felt heavy for Junmyeon... for Jacklin. Sehun had to take his friend out for a few minutes, in order to calm him down.

Junmyeon cried all the tears he had in his body, blaming himself for what had happened. For an hour after that, the two friends stayed silent in the cold air of the night, hearts heavy.

After another hour of being outside, Irene came running to tell them that Jacklin had woken up and was asking for Junmyeon. He didn't know if he was ready to face her already, so he asked for them to go inside and win some more time for him.

He wanted to recollect his thoughts first, before facing their new reality.

When Irene and Sehun walked into the room, they found Jacklin bawling her heart out while holding a nurse's hand. She had probably just told her about the baby because Jacklin's look of despair was one of a profoundly hurt woman.

When she heard the door close, she looked up and immediately started crying some more at the sight of her friends. Irene rushed to her side and held both her hands, and they both cried together.

Sehun stood there in the middle of the room, head down looking at the floor, not knowing what to do with himself. "Why was this happening?" He thought. "Why was it happening to these two wonderful people, out of everyone?"

After a few more minutes outside, Junmyeon had finally gathered the courage to walk to the room. He waited in front of it for a few more seconds.

As soon as he saw Jacklin, tears filled his eyes and when their stares met, he couldn't take it anymore. A single tear fell out. He closed the distance between them and hugged her tight, both of them strongly holding onto one another.

Sehun motioned for Irene to follow him outside, and they let the two have a moment together. Once they got out, Irene stopped Sehun and hugged him tight. He immediately responded, not feeling the need to ask why the sudden gesture. He already knew how she felt because he felt exactly the same way.

Back in the room, Junmyeon and Jacklin had been coming back to their senses and slowly calming down.

Junmyeon: I am so sorry, Jacklin... This is all my fault.

Jacklin: No, it's not... It just... I don't know!

Junmyeon: I should never have yelled at you... I did this to you.

Jacklin: Junmyeon, you know it's not your fault. It was a miscarriage... It happens... I am really not feeling like comforting someone right now, Jun... please help me out, here.

Junmyeon: I am so sorry.

They both fell silent, emotionally staring at each other. Nothing else was said.

The next day, their friends came to visit and it was an overall sad day for everyone.

A few days later, Jacklin was discharged from the hospital. Once they had gotten home she felt a bit better, but only for a short amount of time. When they were left together, everything felt weird and awkward between Junmyeon and her.

It felt like both of them were putting the blame on themselves for what had happened. This had been hands down the hardest moment they have ever had to experience in their relationship, and they both wondered how they were going to move on from it.

They started to move past it and slowly getting there, but two weeks later Junmyeon's mother came to visit. She had heard the news from Sungjae and felt extremely bad for her son and his girlfriend.

She had came with the intention of resolving her issues with Jacklin, but since the incident, the latter was not having it anymore.

Loosing her baby made her reevaluate a lot of things, and one of them was her place in Junmyeon's life. She had realized that she felt more hurt in the past while she had her child in mind, but because there was no more baby, she felt like she did not have any ties with the Kim's.

She felt like she already made a lot of efforts to please them, and she simply was not having it anymore. The conversation between the two women quickly escalated and lead Jacklin to tell Junmyeon's mother that even though she would never be good enough in her eyes, that she did not care at all anymore.

She told his mother that she had finally gotten what she had always wanted, because Junmyeon and her were now completely broken.



End of flashback



+Sehun's POV+



Junmyeon had been going home late for a few days, but one time he came to my office and told me that he felt like something had changed between Jacklin and him. He was also having a hard time but none of them tried to resolve the problems. The unspoken feelings lingered in and one day when he went home at night, she was already gone.

She had left a message for him, begging him not to come looking for her, to go on with his life and to find someone who would be able to fit in with his family. She wished him the best and asked him to give her love and best wishes to everyone. Nothing more, nothing less.

We all understood that she must have felt like she needed to leave for a while. All of us, except for Junmyeon.

On top of feeling guilty about what happened, Junmyeon felt like he could have done so much more to help Jacklin with her grieving process. He did not want to listen when Irene and I tried to tell him that it had absolutely nothing to do with him, and that she probably just needed to leave for a while.

How could he have helped her, when he wasn't even letting himself grieve first?

It had been hard for him, and we had not heard from Jacklin at all since then. Whenever we tried contacting her on Kakaotalk, she would read the messages but never reply to them. Irene and I felt relieved to know that at least she saw them and knew that we were supporting her.

All of my birthday plans had been cancelled at the last minute, so my friends had to reschedule the trip. It was for the better because none of us felt like celebrating anything at that time.

I made my way to his apartment and knocked at the door, waiting for him to come open it. After waiting for about ten minutes, I just used the set of keys that Jacklin had left with her letter. I had decided to keep it with me, in case of emergencies.

When I walked in, everything was clean and neatly arranged. You wouldn't think that the owner of this house was going through some crazy emotional stuff.

Sehun: Jun?

I tiptoed to his room, trying not to make too much noise in case he would be sleeping.

Sehun: Jun?

Junmyeon: Hm... Hm?

He was in bed, obviously. In comparison to the lounge room, the bedroom looked like a battlefield. It was a real mess. I struggled to make my way over to his bed.

Sehun: What are you still doing in bed at 7p.m.?

Junmyeon: I was tired.

Sehun: Then you should have slept during the night.

Junmyeon: I couldn't. How did you get in?

He sat up on his bed and looked up at me.

Sehun: I was on my way home, but I needed to drop this first. You've got a lot of work to catch up.

Junmyeon: Ah... Alright, put it in the living room on your way out. I'll look at it later.

Sehun: No, you have to look at it now. There are a lot of contracts on hold because of you, so some people are getting impatient. And by some people, I mean me, myself and I.

Junmyeon: It's no big deal. If those clients are still clients after our activity of the past month, it means that they are patient enough to wait a little longer.

Sehun: What?

I looked at him in disbelief.

Sehun: Jun, I know you are having a hard time and I get that the last thing you want to do right now is work, but we aren't just talking about a job that you could lose. This is my family business, and my father has worked his off to get us to the point where we are now, so I would like for you to show a little more consideration and do the work you are paid for.

He threw me a dirty look before standing up from his bed.

Junmyeon: I will look at it now. Happy? Now can you leave, please?

He said, snapping the documents out of my hands and walking to the living room. I sighed before following him outside.

Sehun: You should come over for dinner. It looks like you're not eating well lately.

Junmyeon: Do you want me to work, or do you want me to eat? Make up your mind.

Sehun: Alright. I'll leave you to this then.

Junmyeon: And please don't come into my home like that without knocking.

Sehun: I did knock, but you were too busy sleeping to even hear it. Anyways, I think I am going to leave before you say something that will really piss me off.

Junmyeon: Everyone has good and bad days, get over it.

Sehun: Then this is definitely an awful day for you. I'm out.

I quickly left his apartment because I didn't want the argument to last for too long. His mood swings had been unbelievable. Some days were good, but most of the times we all had to deal with that attitude of his.

Thankfully he was still nice and respectful towards Irene's family, no matter what kind of day he was having.

Irene and I were the ones who often experienced "The hulk" part of his mood-swings. His family members too, of course.

Sehun: Irene? Are you home?

I walked into our flat, and she didn't have to answer as I smelled the nice aroma of her cooking coming from the kitchen. I joined her in the next room and found her sitting on the counter, playing on her phone.

Sehun: Is this the reason why your food ends up getting burned sometimes?

She looked up and smiled at me.

Irene: Yes, phones are too addictive. When did you come back?

Sehun: Just now. Went to Jun's first.

Her face immediately closed up.

Irene: Bad day?

Sehun: I would say an okay day. He wasn't as mean as he usually gets on bad days.

Irene: I don't know how to face him anymore.

Sehun: Just don't mind him. He is going to realize that he is behaving badly pretty quickly.

Irene: Anyways, we are having dinner with the girls tonight. My dad is on a business trip.

Sehun: Hm? Why did you cook then?

Irene: I was just making some soup for Yeri. She caught the flu.

Sehun: Really? That's too bad.

Irene: Go take a shower then we'll go.

Sehun: Okay. Where is my kiss?

Irene: Here.

She kissed her hand then wiped it onto my lips, trying to tease me. I scoffed and grabbed her by the waist while she sat on the kitchen counter. She wasn't going to get away with this.

Sehun: Give me a real kiss.

Irene: Ha-ha! Arrasseo!



+Seulgi's POV+



Seulgi: Hurry up, they will be here any minute now!

Joy: Where is Jinyoung Oppa?

Sungjae: Let me call him.

Yeri: I am so glad you could come, Oppa!

Yeri said, hugging Junmyeon Oppa.

Junmyeon: Thank you for doing all of this and inviting me.

We were all getting ready for Sehun Oppa's surprise birthday dinner. Junmyeon Oppa wasn't having that bad of a day, and he had suggested the idea. Since we couldn't celebrate his birthday on time due to many circumstances, we had decided to do it unexpectedly.

The doorbell rang and Wendy ran to open the door.

Wendy: Yah, what took you so long!

Jinyoung: Well, I am happy to know that you wanted to see me so badly.

We could hear them arguing from the dinning room. It was cute.

Wendy: Did you bring the- OH MY GOD! OPPA!

We all looked up from what we were doing, surprised at her sudden outburst.

Seulgi: Wendy? Who is it?

Before she could answer, she walked back into the room followed by Jinyoung... and Jaebum. My eyes automatically grew big, naturally expressing my state of shock.

Joy: Oppa! Omo! We've missed you so much!

Yeri: Where have you been all this time!?

Sungjae: Hyung, it's so good to see you!

Jaebum: Hello everyone.

Junmyeon: Jaebum. How are you?

Jaebum: I am good, Hyung. How are you?

Junmyeon: Not bad.

I was still staring at him, not believing that he was really standing in front of me. After three months of being MIA, Jaebum stood in front of my very eyes.

He walked up to me and stopped at a decent distance.

Jaebum: How have you been, Seulgi?

I looked back at him, tears threatening to fall out from my eyes.

Seulgi: Pabo.

I had managed to say with a small voice while a single tear dropped from my left eye. He chuckled a little bit before nodding his head.

Jaebum: Injeong.

Seulgi: Stupid.

Jaebum: I know.

The doorbell rang again, waking me from my trance as I quickly wiped the tear away, before taking the cake from Jinyoung's hands and lighting the candles. Joy went to open the door.

Joy: Annyeong!

As soon as we saw Sehun Oppa we all started singing the birthday song. He looked genuinely taken aback and couldn't stop smiling.

Sehun: Gomawo. Jeongmal, Gomawo.

Irene: Jaebum!? What are you doing here? Oh my God, it's so good to see you!

She hugged him tight while I placed the cake on the table. Everyone chatted with him while I tried to occupy myself with setting the food for everyone.

Seulgi: Everything is ready. Come on.

We all sat around the table and I purposely placed Joy and Yeri to my sides, not wanting to feel uncomfortable with Jaebum.

The whole thing was great. Sehun and Junmyeon Oppas looked like they were back to their old relationship, and just for a night, everything felt like before. Except for the fact that Jacklin Eonnie was missing all of this.

After dinner people scattered into groups around the apartment, to chill. I had decided to wash the dishes to avoid finding myself in an awkward situation, while being in the same room as Jaebum.

Jaebum: Need some help?

I didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

Seulgi: No, thank you.

Silence filled the room for ten long seconds.

Jaebum: How have you been?

Seulgi: Good. What about you?

Jaebum: Okay.

Seulgi: Where have you been?

Jaebum: Here and there. I mostly drove around the coast for about a month then wandered around.

I didn't respond. How could he tell me all of this so nonchalantly. I sure didn't expect him to come back that night, or at all for that matter, but now that he was in front of me I would have expected him to do something different. I didn't know what, but I wasn't satisfied with this.

Jaebum: Seulgi, I know there are a lot of questions you probably want to ask me, and I am more than willing to answer all of them. I know that I need to explain myself but-

Seulgi: Why did you come back?

Jaebum: Hm? What?

Seulgi: I said, why did you come back?

Jaebum: I-

Seulgi: If you decide to leave for that long, why come back so suddenly? It doesn't make any sense to me.

Jaebum: Seulgi-

Seulgi: I want to be alone, Jaebum. Let's talk another day. Please.

I couldn't bear to turn around and look at him because I knew I was going to break down. I waited for him to say something else, but I just heard him sigh and walk out the door.

He always leaves when I ask him to, when in fact all I want is for him to hold onto me. It was happening again.


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heluu_ #1
Chapter 8: Oml
Chapter 19: I personally love the scene where sehun is conforting Irene in the bed... Very realistic and I wish I would experience it my real life
Chapter 39: Expected to read about the five girls' lives but there's too much of the Jacklin girl, not enough of Joy, Wendy and Yeri tho :(
Hunbaeks #4
Chapter 37: This is a really good fanfic..thank you author nim..
imemyself07 #5
Chapter 37: This was a beautiful story. It was so relatable and believable, and the storyline was just the right speed. Thank you for this was a lovely read :)
This fanfic is sooo well-written and full of suspence that it could easily be the plot of a drama! Well done!
Chapter 37: if it has sequel about married life????????
i would really excited if it can be
jepukcolek #8
Chapter 37: i really love your story hehe. i hope you will continue writing hehe. maybe sungjoy' s story hehhee. i really love bbyu couple hhee
Chapter 34: Aigoo!!! When I can see this more? I'm falling for this already.
seoswifty #10
Chapter 31: Omg! I know you just come up with chapter 29, but pls update soon? Kkk i really love your story :)) even i did refresh this fanfic for the whole time (am i going too overboard? But jinjja i really like your story). Authornim hwaiting!