Walking Through Fire

Mr. Kim's Daughters



+Sehun's POV+



I was on my way back home after dropping Irene's mother at the nearest hotel. As expected, she was not happily welcomed by her daughters, and even Seulgi who is usually always composed, almost begged her to leave.

Irene was surprisingly calm compared to the time we met her mother together, a while back. The first thing I did when I got back was to check on Mr. Kim and the girls. They all went straight to bed apparently, and he was left alone in the living room. Alone with his thoughts.

I approached him and sat on the floor next to the sofa, waiting for him to speak. Irene was probably waiting for me at our apartment, but I couldn't bear to see her father like that. He is usually impenetrable, no matter what happens, but at that time he looked lost.

Mr. Kim: Did you know that she was back in Korea?

He asked me bluntly, and I immediately regretted staying. I looked down at my hands, not knowing what to say. I felt so guilty.

Mr. Kim: I really appreciate you and Irene trying to protect me and the girls, but you should have told me as soon as you met with her. This is obviously not an ideal situation, and what I have been avoiding for so long has happened.

I stayed silent. There was nothing more I could say to justify the fact that we hid it from him. He said all the possible reasons we thought of, and for the first time they sounded invalid, even to me.

Mr. Kim: I did not want my Yeri to meet her mother... like that. I really did not want that.

Sehun: I am so sorry, Abeonim. I really did not mean any harm.

Mr. Kim: I know, and you're not alone in this. I perfectly know my daughter. I just wished you thought about it a little more and went against her, just this time.

I opened my mouth to speak again but there really was no use. I felt really bad. Like I had just disappointed him.

Mr. Kim: It's not to that extant.

He chuckled and patted my shoulder. I realized that I had said it out-loud and felt even more embarrassed.

Mr. Kim: I am just putting it all on you because I can't say this to my Juhyeon... not tonight. Out of all my daughters, I know she is the one who is hurting the most from the situation. She was old enough to understand everything, when her mother left us, so I am sure she still perfectly recalls that painful feeling. How much pain she must have felt while keeping it all to herself... I will never know.

Sehun: Abeonim... Please trust me once more. I will keep protecting her heart like I've always did.

Mr. Kim: I know. I am glad to know that Juhyeon has you, Seulgi has Jaebum and Seunghwan... has her books, I guess.

He chuckled once more, making me smile.

Sehun: And Yeri and Joy have all of us. They are very much loved.

He stayed silent for a minute, then stood up from the couch.

Mr. Kim: Give me the hotel's address. Can I use your car?

Sehun: Ah... Dae. Here are my keys... What should I tell the girls?

Mr. Kim: They're already asleep, so don't bother. I won't be long. I just need to clear some things up before having second thoughts. If I see any one of my daughters, my judgement will be clouded.

Sehun: I understand.

Mr. Kim: Please go back to my Juhyeon. I will bring your keys back before midnight.

Sehun: It's okay, take your time. I don't have to go to work tomorrow.

He nodded his head and walked to his room to take his coat. We exited the apartment together, and I made my way up to mine while he went in the opposite direction. I slowly opened the door, not wanting to wake her up in case she fell asleep while waiting, but she did not.

I found her in the living room, eating ice-cream. She had one of my shirts on.

Irene: Oh, you're back.

Sehun: Yes... I checked on your family first. What are you doing, still up? I told you not to wait for me.

I sat next to her and leaned against the sofa. She turned to me and fed me a spoon full of vanilla ice-cream.

Sehun: Why are you acting all sweet tonight?

Irene: I don't know... I guess I want to show you a new side of myself.

Sehun: I like you the way you are. You don't need to change for me, or adjust just because you think I want you to do it.

I smiled and caressed her face. Since she did not mention the incident, I did not want to point it out first either.

Sehun: Hey, you still did not tell me why you kept the fact that you met my friends, from me. What happened?

And as if I had pushed the wrong button again, she turned back around and closed the ice-cream, before going away to the kitchen. That was definitely weird, and I didn't like the sensation. I waited for her to come back, but instead of sitting back on the sofa, she walked straight to our room.

Irene: Going to bed. Love you!

She said, closing the door behind her.

Sehun: Irene!

I stood up too, not willing to let it pass this time. When I opened the door, she was getting under the covers, but I stopped her.

Sehun: Irene... Tell me right now if something happened. If I hear about it later from someone else, I won't be this understanding. Please, tell me.

Irene: Sehun... I...

Sehun: You?

She looked at me, pleading with her eyes, but I did not want to let it go this time. She looked at her hands and finally spoke up.

Irene: I... kissed someone else.

I really was not expecting that. I froze for a second before calmly letting go of her hands that I was previously holding. I looked at her, waiting for her to continue.

Irene: I really did not mean to do it. One night when Jacklin was sick, I went out with your friends and had a conversation with your ex-girlfriend... She told me a lot of things that I wish not to remember, but I was mad at you and started drinking until I was completely drunk.

I sat on the bed trying to process everything that she was saying. I was mad, sad, and I felt betrayed. I know it was just a kiss, but still.

Irene: I took some random guy and kissed him, but Lucas stopped me right away... I really didn't want it to go this far. I just wanted to drink and forget. I am so sorry! I am so sorry. So sorry.

She was crying by then. I wanted to take her in my arms and calm her down, but why wasn't I moving? My heart wanted me to wipe her tears away, but my head was holding back my entire body. She cried for a long time before calming down by herself. I was still in the same position, unaware of what to do, or say.

Irene: Sehun, please say something. I hate myself already.

She was hardly breathing, trying to contain her tears. I looked at her and regretted not calming her down sooner. I slid closer to her and kissed her forehead.

Sehun: It's okay Irene... Calm down first.

Irene: Don't say that. You should be mad at me, you should be hating me right now!

Sehun: It's my fault too.

Irene: How can it be your fault? You've been nothing but the best boyfriend anyone could dream of. You could find so much better.

Sehun: Irene, calm down. Let's stop talking about that and go to sleep for today.

She nodded her head and slowly caught her breathe again. She looked at me, and I forced myself to give her a reassuring smile, but I don't think she bought it. I put her to sleep and went to take a shower.

I didn't know what to think. Was this why Lucas was weird every time I talked about Irene on the phone? Many things were starting to add up, and I was honestly hurt. I didn't think Irene could let someone get to her head so easily for her to do something so stupid.

I dried up and changed into comfortable clothes, before heading back to the room. I looked at her from the back for a moment, before sitting on the bed.

Sehun: To think that this is our first night together in our apartment.

I said it more to myself, knowing that she was already sleeping. I didn't expect it to be this cold.

I laid on the bed, but I couldn't sleep. I had too many things on my mind. After thirty minutes, Irene started shifting and moving. She started to turn around, so I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I felt her gaze on me for a while, until she got out of bed.

I slightly opened my eyes and saw her making her way to the living room. When she closed the door behind her, I sat up and felt a little guilty somehow. I know Irene and I know she wouldn't do anything to hurt me intentionally.

Plus, she was having a hard time then, and I had to be by her side. I stood up and walked to the living room too. I found her laying on the couch and looking at the ceiling. I made my way up to her and sat on the table next to her.

She saw me from the corner of her eyes, but she did not directly look at me. I sighed and changed my position to be closer to her.

Sehun: I am sorry.

Irene: You should not be. I am the one who is sorry. I've messed up.

Sehun: I've messed up first, not telling you about Mary. I forgot how convincing she can be.

Irene: Let's not talk about her anymore, please.

She sat up to face me, after saying that. I chuckled and put the strand of hair that was blocking her eyes, behind her ear.

Sehun: Alright. Who cares if I loved her or not. It's you that I am going to marry, right?

Irene: Right!

She confidently said before hiding her face behind her hands, feeling embarrassed. She was cute. I smiled and took her hand, making her stand up from the sofa.

Sehun: Now, let's go to sleep. I think we will have a long day tomorrow.

Irene: I don't want to face what is going to happen tomorrow.

Sehun: And what is that?

Irene: Knowing my dad, he will want us to talk to her, even if it's just one time.

Sehun: You don't want to?

She vigorously shook her head no.

Sehun: Then you won't have to do it. I don't think your dad will ask you to do something against your will.

Irene: He will trick us into saying yes... I know my dad.

Sehun: And he knows you too. I am sure he is not going to waste his time asking for something that is going to be rejected right away.

Irene: I hope so... I cant' really say no to my dad.

Sehun: I know.

Irene: You know a lot of stuff, Mr. Oh.

Sehun: That's because I love you, Mrs. Oh.

Irene blushed at what I said and I couldn't help myself but kiss her immediately.

Sehun: I don't think we should sleep on the same bed tonight.

Irene: Wae?

She asked me, too quickly maybe, because she blushed even harder. I smiled and looked away because if I looked at her any longer, I wouldn't have been able to control myself.

Irene: Sehun...

Sehun: Just for tonight... I'll sleep on the couch.

Irene: Oh... Okay.

She looked disappointed. She brought me a blanket and two pillows, before entering the room once again. I thought she was going to come back and wish me goodnight, but I waited too long for nothing. I eventually fell asleep.

The next morning when I woke up, I found my breakfast ready on the living room table. I washed up and looked around the apartment, but Irene was not home.

After eating I made my way to Jun and Jacklin's apartment, to see how they were doing.

Jacklin: Where is Irene?

Sehun: I thought she was here. She didn't stop by?

Jacklin: Nope. She just texted me this morning and asked me to cook you breakfast, because she had to leave early.

Sehun: Ah... thank you for the breakfast. I don't know where she left to.

Junmyeon: Don't you think you're coming over way too often?

Junmyeon said, walking out of the bathroom. He kissed Jacklin and sat in front of me at the table.

Sehun: Cham. Now that she is back, I am no longer welcomed?

Junmyeon: Only on the week-ends.

I scoffed and smirked at his joke.

Sehun: I was leaving anyway. I need to find my girl.

Jacklin: Did you guys fight yesterday?

Sehun: Not really... Anyways, I am out. See you guys later!

I walked back to the elevator and made my way to Irene's family apartment. Yeri opened the door for me.

Sehun: Hello, Princess.

Yeri: Annyeong, Oppa!

She was back to being her perky self. This was a good sign. I stepped in, but there was no sight of Irene and her dad. Jaebum and Jinyoung were watching a show, while Seulgi and Wendy cooked breakfast.

Sehun: What are you two doing here?

Jaebum: Oh, Sehun Hyung!

Jinyoung: Hyung! We got here a few minutes ago. The girls invited us over for breakfast.

Sehun: Why didn't you tell me that you were coming? And why didn't you come to my apartment?

Jinyoung: Hyung, you've never told us that you moved out. Mom thinks that you're staying over at Jun's for work.

I remembered that I never actually told my family that I had found an apartment. Or that I was living with Irene. What have I even been doing all this while?

Sehun: Jaebum, still no change with your family?

He weakly shook his head no. I thought about how he must miss seeing his mother everyday and how not being able to talk to her must feel like hell. And here I was, ignoring mine.

Sehun: How is mom?

Jinyoung: She is good. She said that you never answer her calls.

Sehun: I was a little busy. Tell me when you'll be ready to leave. I'll drive you guys back home.

Jaebum & Jinyoung: Okay!

Sehun: Hello girls. Have you seen Irene?

I asked Seulgi and Wendy as I walked into the kitchen.

Seulgi: She left with Joy earlier this morning, but we don't know where to. They said that they would be home by 12.

I looked at my watch and it was still 10. What was I going to do in the mean time?

That's when I remembered. I was going to go buy her favorite cheesecake, to apologize for the previous night.

Sehun: Did your dad leave my car keys with one of you?

Wendy: Eonnie is using your car.

Sehun: She knows how to drive a car?!

They all laughed at my surprised expression. I genuinely didn't know that she could.

How was I going to buy her cheesecake? The best bakery is kilometers away from our apartment complex.

Sehun: Princess? Do you want to help me make your sister happy?

Yeri: Of course!

Sehun: Come on!



+Junmyeon's POV+



Junmyeon: Are you ready?

I asked Jacklin when we were parking in front of my family house.

Jacklin: Do you think this is the right time?

Junmyeon: Didn't you want to tell someone first, for once?

I joked to lighten the mood. She punched me in the stomach, but I couldn't help but laugh.

Junmyeon: Lin... you're going to show sooner than later. We have to tell them now.

I continued, seriously this time.

Jacklin: Ah... Alright. Let's go.

Junmyeon: Don't worry. I will be holding your hand all the while. I will be by your side.

Jacklin: Okay.

We got out of the car and made our way to the door. My mother came to greet us.

Mrs. Kim: Jacklin! Omo, it's been so long. I thought you were going to leave me!

I looked at my mother and at how happy she sounded. I felt bad knowing that in a few minutes, she would not be this happy anymore.

Jacklin: How have you been, Eomoni?

Mrs. Kim: Good! Come on in! Everyone is home today. Yeobo! Sungjae! Junmyeon and Jacklin are here!

I looked at Jacklin, and I could tell she was starting to panick. I squeezed her hand tightly and smiled to reassure her.

Mr. Kim: Adeul. Lin-ah! Welcome back!

Sungjae: Noona, you're back!

Mrs. Kim: Come on, I've made some tea and cupcakes for you.

We all followed her to the living room and started making small talk, until I felt like it was the right time to talk about it.

Junmyeon: Eomma... we have something to tell you.

Mrs. Kim: What is it now?

She asked, immediately getting serious after hearing my tone.

Junmyeon: First, just know that this wasn't planned. We didn't do it to make you suffer. It just... happened.

Mrs. Kim: Junmyeon! Tell me already!

Jacklin: Eomoni... I-I am pregnant.

Sungjae spat his tea on the floor, and my dad's eyes widened in shock.

Mr. & Mrs. Kim: Mwo?!


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heluu_ #1
Chapter 8: Oml
Chapter 19: I personally love the scene where sehun is conforting Irene in the bed... Very realistic and I wish I would experience it my real life
Chapter 39: Expected to read about the five girls' lives but there's too much of the Jacklin girl, not enough of Joy, Wendy and Yeri tho :(
Hunbaeks #4
Chapter 37: This is a really good fanfic..thank you author nim..
imemyself07 #5
Chapter 37: This was a beautiful story. It was so relatable and believable, and the storyline was just the right speed. Thank you for this story...it was a lovely read :)
This fanfic is sooo well-written and full of suspence that it could easily be the plot of a drama! Well done!
Chapter 37: if it has sequel about married life????????
i would really excited if it can be
jepukcolek #8
Chapter 37: i really love your story hehe. i hope you will continue writing hehe. maybe sungjoy' s story hehhee. i really love bbyu couple hhee
Chapter 34: Aigoo!!! When I can see this more? I'm falling for this already.
seoswifty #10
Chapter 31: Omg! I know you just come up with chapter 29, but pls update soon? Kkk i really love your story :)) even i did refresh this fanfic for the whole time (am i going too overboard? But jinjja i really like your story). Authornim hwaiting!