


What's this? What is she doing?

Kim was undeniably shocked to see Pie came out from nowhere. Even so, Pie's presence gave her momentary solace. She was on the verge of falling from the cliff when Pie came in to save her.

Pie noticed Kim's confusion. She held Kim's face with her left hand. "Honey, are you okay?"

Honey? Me? Is this really happening?

Kim peeked at Nam for a second just to see that the latter was a bit surprised too with Pie's sudden appearance. Her eyes went back to Pie. "H-how did you know I'm here?"

"I was looking for you and noticed that your IM status was idle, so I asked Van," said Pie, intertwining their hands.

Kim loved the warmth of Pie's hand on hers but the situation she's in right now doesn't permit her to enjoy it. Kim turned her face to Nam. "Uh, Nam, this is —"

"Pie, right?" Nam's eyes were on Pie. After getting a nod she shifted her eyes back to Kim. "Have you forgotten your girlfriend and I have already met?"

Kim's jaw dropped. The term girlfriend is too much for her to take. "Uh, yeah, I forgot, I'm sorry..."

"Kim has always been forgetful lately because she's too busy," said Pie, brushing a stray hair from Kim's eyes. "Right, honey?"

Kim felt Pie squeeze her hand, asking her to ride along. "Yeah, yeah..."

"So, Nam, what do you think of Kim's haircut now?" asked Pie.

Nam studied her old friend for a moment and nodded. "It looks good on her, yeah." Then she turned to Kim and asked, "Decided to finally cut your hair short?"

"Well... it's her request," said Kim, pointing at her girlfriend.

"Ahh," is all that Nam could utter. Her expression was unreadable.

"Um, Nam, could you excuse us for a while? Pie and I need to talk outside for a moment," said Kim. She felt that she needs to discuss with Pie about what's happening now.

"Sure. We'll just be right here."

Kim smiled and dragged Pie along outside the room.


The moment they were outside Kim released Pie's hand slowly. She wouldn't have done it but she doesn't want to give the slightest hint that she enjoys it.

"Are you alright?" asked Pie, grasping her small hands on Kim's shoulders.

Kim evaluated herself for a second. "I think... I think I'm okay, yes."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm cool."

Pie dropped her hands to her side. "Okay, that's good to hear."

"H-how did you know I'm here again?" asked Kim, still confused.

"I was looking for you because I needed to hand over the materials from Puey. Van told me you're here."

"Umm... are you... are you aware that Nam is here?"

Pie hummed to agree. "I saw Nam's picture on the outline Van showed me."

Kim furrowed her eyebrows.

Okay, so she went here because of that?

As if she could read what's on Kim's mind, Pie folded her arms on her chest and said, "I went here because I was worried. I was afraid that you'll be distracted if you saw them. It might affect you. It might affect your work. You lost the ability to speak the last time Nam showed up in your apartment."

"Oh." Kim scratched a finger at the back of her neck, feeling embarrassed. "Thanks, Pie. Thanks for considering that."

"W-were you... affected?" asked Pie.

Kim looked around and pressed her lips together. "I don't know..."

"You don't know?" It just added to Pie's troubled mind. When she saw Nam and Shone's picture earlier she felt something strange. It's like a part in her is dying to know if Kim is jealous of Shone, and a part in her doesn't want to hear Kim say yes.

"I'm confused, Pie," said Kim, looking down at her shoes. "I thought I won't be affected. But hearing Nam speak the way she speaks to me before made me feel something."

Pie felt nervous about it. "Something like?"

"Uhm, it's hard to explain." Kim shrugged. "I just felt nostalgic a while ago there. Suddenly it felt like everything was coming back to me."

"Including your feelings for her?"

"That I'm not sure anymore..."

"Were you jealous of her boyfriend?" Pie finally had the guts to ask that question. That's what she's been itching to know.

Kim chuckled as she shakes her head. "The dude is handsome, Pie, really..."

"So, what exactly did you feel when you saw them together?" Although it's not obvious, Pie was getting a little impatient. All she wanted to know is if Kim was jealous or not. The latter is just giving her vague answers and she's still clueless. It's just prolonging her curiosity, prolonging her agony.

"Um... I don't really know..."

"How come you don't know?"

"Well, because... because everything went okay when you came in..."

Pie saw how Kim avoided her eyes before saying that. She felt it was true. Although Kim hasn't told her yet what she really wanted to know, that answer was far better than what she's expecting. With just that simple answer all her anxieties vanished. It calmed her curiosity. It calmed her mood.

Kim continued, "I have to admit I felt something in there. But when I saw you I went back to my senses and felt like I don't give a damn about them anymore. I was almost falling there. I thought of giving in and accepting my defeat, but then you came and everything just lightened up."

A small smile drew on Pie's lips. "Did I come around at the right time?"

"Yeah," said Kim, nodding. "I didn't know what to do before you showed up. I have to thank you for that, Pie."

"I'm relieved to hear that." Pie gave out a sudden sweet smile.

Kim had to catch her breath first before she could say anything. Seeing that smile gives her the feeling as if she's seeing it for the first time. The effect is just the same every single time.

"But I think you don't need to pretend that we're together. Nam might believe it." Kim was trying her best not to smile because she loves the idea.

"Don't worry. Nam always thought that we're together, right? Let's just make it real."



"Did you just say that you want us to make it real?"

It's too late when Pie realized what it meant. She scrunched up her face and said, "No, no, I... I mean, let's just make it seem like real."

"Oh." Kim looked down on the floor again.

Okay, you're really being stupid now, Kim. How dare you think it was a confession already!

The two looked away from each other for a while since the ambiance around them started to feel awkward.

Kim stared at her left hand and traced her thumb on it. It suddenly felt empty after letting go of Pie’s hand.

"Pie, can I ask you something?"


"Why are you doing this?"

Pie's was caught unprepared for that. Truth is she doesn’t know the reason herself. Her feet just dragged her there. She had to get some air first while mentally composing how she should state her reason.

"I just don't want her to think that you're not happy with your life because she's not with you. I want her to feel that you're complete and contented even without her."

Kim bit her lower lip. She didn't know that Pie cared for her to that extent. She's thankful that the latter cares for her that way. At some point, she's afraid that maybe that's the most attention Pie could give her.

"You're happy right?" asked Pie.

"I am happy," said Kim.

I'm happy being like this with you.

"Besides, it's a win-win situation for you. Who knows, you might get her back because of me."

"Don't tell me you're planning to make her jealous?"

Pie traced her fingers on Kim's sleeve as if she's fixing something. "Not intentionally, but maybe. If she gets jealous then you'll know she's not over you yet."

"Are you sure you really want to do this?" asked Kim. She couldn't believe what she's hearing.

"The first time Nam and I met she already thought that we're dating, right?" asked Pie. "And I seriously believe that there's no point in denying it. Let's just use that misconception to find out if she still has feelings for you."

"What if she won't get jealous?"

"Then it'll be clear that she's really over you. You can completely move on with your life."

"And what if she gets... jealous…?"

Pie hasn't really thought of that yet. One of the reasons she jumped into that situation is because she wants to help Kim prove that she's better off without Nam. But the idea of Nam going back to Kim is something that her mind doesn't entertain yet.

"If she gets jealous then you'll get her back..."

Kim is confused with what she's feeling now. She knows, a hundred percent, that she loves Pie. However, there's a part in her that still longs for Nam, and she doesn't know how dominant that part is. What would she do if Nam wants to get back to her? She doesn't want to lose Pie either.

"Consider it as a favor from a friend, Kim, a favor from me,” said Pie. “Let's just do this and get over with it. The sooner you'll find out what you really mean to her the sooner you'll know what to do next — move on or be together again."

Kim let out a loud sigh. "I'm more worried that you might not be comfortable doing this with me."

Pie slapped Kim's arm playfully. "Psh. You worry too much. Loosen up. In case you didn't know I was a part of drama club when I was a student."


"Don't tell me you don't want to do it with me?"

"That's not what I meant. I can do it, but we both know that it might involve some... you know. I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me because of that."

"If it just involves cuddling, touching, and clinging to each other, I don't mind that," said Pie casually. "In case I haven't told you this yet, I'm very comfortable around you and things like that won't bother me."

Kim felt there's no way out. Besides, Nam has already thought that they are together. Like Pie said, it's a win-win situation for her.

"Anyway, it's just for a day. I guess it won't do us any harm," Kim finally said.

"So, are we cool?" Pie raised her fist for a fist bump.

"Yeah, cool." Kim smiled as she bumps her closed fist to Pie's. "C'mon, let's go back inside."

"Ehrm... ehrm..." Pie cleared . She stretched out her hand and said, "You're forgetting something, honey."

Kim couldn't believe what she's hearing. "Oh yeah, sorry." She came close to Pie and locked their hands, secretly smiling inside.

I could get used to this.


The two walked together hand in hand in the room. They saw Nam and Shone in the same spot where they were left earlier. Shone's face lit up upon seeing them. Based on his looks, Nam has already told him about Pie.

"Look who's here!" he said, excited to see Kim getting back with a beautiful woman.

Kim can't control herself from smiling. She knew what Shone is thinking. "Hey, you guys ready?"

"Aren't you going to introduce her to us, first?" asked Shone.

"Well, Nam already knows her. By the way, this is Pie," said Kim, then she turned to Pie, "and Pie, this is Shone. He's one of the models I'm taking pictures today. He's Nam's boyfriend."

Shone immediately offered his hand. "Nice meeting you, Pie."

"Nice meeting you too."

"You're Kim's girlfriend, right?"

"Y-yeah..." Pie couldn't understand why but she felt shy this time thinking that they are officially pretending to be real.

"Hey, you're turning red," said Shone, grinning.

Pie smiled and buried her face against Kim's sleeve. She tightened her grip on Kim's hand.

"That's so cute!" Shone turned to Kim this time and nudged her. "You surely know which to pick, huh?"

"Uh... well..." Kim trailed off, scratching her ear with her hand.

"Oh my, Kim. You're blushing too. Hahaha! What a lovely couple we got here."

And so the photo shoot began. While watching Kim take pictures, Pie realized that this is Kim's real passion. She can see how much the latter enjoys what she’s doing now.

Nam and Shone, on the other hand, were very professional and easy to work with. Kim asked them to do some sweet poses since the cover is for Valentine's. It was a smooth flowing shoot and it didn’t take them long to finish.

After calling it a day, Kim approached Pie with the DSLR on her hand. "Hey, bored yet?"

Pie shook her head. She's currently sitting on a chair, legs crossed, her head resting on one hand. "Nope, I enjoyed watching you guys. This is my first time to witness how magazine covers are done."

Kim stretched her arms wide. "Welcome to my world. This is what I do ever since I was in college. Graphic designing was just a part of it, but this, this is the main course."

Pie's stomach growls after hearing that. "Speaking of the main course, I'm getting hungry now," she said pouting her lips a bit.

Kim can't find the courage to resist Pie each time she acts like a baby. "What do you say about us grabbing a burger or something for dinner?"

"Burger again?” asked Pie, frowning. “I thought I already told you to stay away from those kinds of foods?"

"Haha! I'm sorry,” said Kim, not sure if Pie is just acting or not because it seemed real to her. “I totally forgot about that. Well, let's just go out for a dinner before I drive you home, what do you think?"

Pie's face lit up. "Hmmm, dinner sounds good!"

"Where are you having dinner guys?" Shone approached them. "Thanks for the easy and fun photo shoot, Kim," he said, shaking her hand.

"You guys made it easier, you're both good," said Kim, tapping Shone. "And as for Nam, well, we've worked together a lot way back college, making things a lot easier for all of us."

Feeling really comfortable, Shone rested an elbow on Kim's shoulder. "By the way, I heard you guys going out for dinner?"

"Yeah, the baby here is kinda hungry," said Kim, pointing a finger at Pie.

Pie pressed her lips together. She felt something tickled her when Kim called her that.

"Why don't we all go out for a dinner?" said Nam, joining them.

Kim knew what was coming next. She suddenly felt the initial instinct of protecting Pie from Nam. "We'd love to, but Pie needs to go home in an hour. She has some errands to do."

That's enough pretending for today.

"Don't tell me you're planning on getting a burger for your girlfriend?" asked Nam. "I just heard that Pie doesn't want to you eat burger anymore."

Shone laughed. "Oh really? You don't allow Kim eating burgers? That’s sweet."

Pie stood up from the chair and tucked her arm under Kim's. "It's because she's always having that for breakfast. Very unhealthy. Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Nam reached for Shone's arm to hold on it too. "So, you're into burgers this time? I remember you used to love noodles before."

Kim noticed what Nam just did but didn't mind it. "Yeah, it's easier to get a burger than to prepare noodles."

Nam smirked. "Tss... you never change Kim. You're still lazy."

Kim felt Pie's grip on her arm tightened.

"So, what about dinner? Are you guys coming with us or you're coming with us?" Shone invited them again.

"Let's all go together. It's not every day we get to see each other like this. The last time Pie and I met we barely talked, right?" Nam insisted.

These are the moments when Kim feels like she's talking to the new Nam. She can't predict what's on Nam’s mind anymore.

Kim moved her head closer and whispered something to Pie, "What do you think?"

"It's okay, I don't mind," Pie whispered back.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. This meeting might not happen again. Let's just make the most out of it," said Pie, gazing at everyone.

Kim sighed. Yeah, you're right, this might not happen again.

"Well said, Pie," Shone agreed.

"Where should we eat then?" asked Kim.

"Wherever the ladies like. Do you have a place in mind?" asked Shone, turning to Nam.

Nam shrugged. "I'm not the best person to answer that kind of question. I think we should ask Kim."

"Why me?" Kim pointed at herself.

"Well, because I believe you're the one with the most sensitive taste buds in here?"

Pie can't tell if her feelings are correct. Something inside tells her that Nam is eagerly pointing out all the personal things she knows about Kim. She poked Kim's ribs with her elbow. "What does she mean by that, honey?"

Kim had to control her smile. She's still not used to hearing Pie call her that. "You know that I often go out to eat at restaurants, right?" she asked, Pie, waiting for a nod. "I kinda have tried eating at all the major restaurants here in Bangkok."

"And mind you, she's very picky. Once she didn't like the taste of the food she’ll never go back to that place again," Nam added.

Pie was in awe with Nam's confidence on Kim's preference. It made her feel that something had really happened between these two. Nam surely knows a lot of things about Kim and she's telling that in Pie's face.

"Which is your favorite restaurant then?" Shone asked Kim.

"I love going to Issaya Siamese Club. However, I don't think that's the right place for us tonight. I'd say we go to Scarlett in Pullman Hotel. What do you think Nam?" said Kim.

Nam ran her fingers through her hair. "Yeah, Issaya Siamese has more romantic ambiance, Kim. I think it's more fitted for a dinner for two. Scarlett is a good idea, plus the view there is great."

"Alright, so it's Scarlett then," Kim confirmed.

They separated on their way there as they have to travel by car. Although the conversation was short, Pie has a feeling that Nam is indirectly telling her that she cannot replace the relationship they had before. Nam is intentionally making her feel that she knows Kim better more than Pie does.

But then all of these were just a hunch. She's not sure yet. She needs more proof. But yeah, she knows that pretending to be Kim's girlfriend gave her ticket to a silent war with Nam.

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stafeniewan #1
Chapter 47: The company's party is in the afternoon or evening?
stafeniewan #2
Chapter 1: Author, have you changed this story? I still prefer the old one, please give us the old version, many thanks
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Chapter 1: I thought Kim's hair was short? I'm really confused
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Chapter 1: Hey author, what happen to Yin Yang, how come I couldn't find it anymore?
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Chapter 24: ❤️
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Chapter 54: I just can't stop reading your stories Hershe and Yinyang, they were really amazing!! Please write more Tiaom stories for us, author!!
dcocta 17 streak #8
authornim please make kryber version
Gingergarlic #9
In love with your stories hershe and yinyang. Both are very very nice and lovely. The storyline is fun to read and I never got bored re reading them even after countless times. How I wish my love life is like the one inside the stories you’ve written. Too perfect. It’s just like a dream come true even though it will not happen in my real like but at least I can imagine it. Thanks again for the wonderful stories.
Chapter 24: Ok, am gonna give my thoughts about this chapter between Nam and Kim talk. I am so amazed of how you delivered the moment. I can feel the intensity, the pain, how it's very close to reality. But usually what happens in real life, if this very strong feeling present between two people who happens to be so in love and suddenly cut ties have conversation like this after seeing each other again even if they both in-relationship,all emotions coming back I don't think they'll still end breaking up or separating. Instead, they might sort it out, they won't let go of each other and just find a way to be together again. Argh you know what I mean? Omg. I'm so into this. Maybe because I have my share of experience? But instead of me being Nam, I'm actually the Pie here. Hope I delivered my thoughts well? ???