Chapter 27

It's Complicated

Hey guys! It's the last chapter!!!! It's going to be extra long because I combined 2 chapters into 1~ Thanks so much for all the love and support. There'll be an update that's going to be a thank-you note to all the readers after this. This has been a great ride, and I'm happy to have found such awesome readers such as you guys! Much love~

It was all over the news.

Oh Corporations and Lu Enterprises Breaking Ties

Baekhyun threw his remote at the TV and the screen cracked and turned black. The remote clattered on the floor and broke. He picked up his phone and dialed Sehun’s number. He didn’t even wait for Sehun so greet him before he yelled, “Motherer, what happened?!” into the phone. Baekhyun didn’t get a reply. Instead, he heard the muffled sound of sobs and he felt his anger subside and morph into worry instead. “Sehun? Are you crying?”

“Can you come over? Please?” Sehun whispered, voice scratchy.

“Yea, sure.”


Then Sehun hung up. Baekhyun had never been so worried for his best friend in his entire life.


“This is horrible,” Kyungsoo said. His hand was trembling and he felt Jongin’s hand touch his. “When we saw them last time, they were fine.”

Jongin couldn’t believe it either. “I have a feeling that it wasn’t their fault. Sehun seemed too much in love with Luhan to do something stupid,” he said.

Kyungsoo glanced at Jongin, who was biting his lip. “We should go talk to Sehun,” he suggested.

Jongin nodded. “We should.”


Sehun hands shook in his lap. Tear flowed from his eyes like a waterfall and nothing he did could stop it. His eyes were red and puffy and he knew he looked like a mess, but he didn’t care. What was there to care about if Luhan wasn’t there with him?

Baekhyun handed him a warm mug of tea and sat down across from him. “How are you feeling?” Baekhyun asked softly.


Baekhyun let out a sigh and moved so he sat beside Sehun. He watched Sehun stare at the floating tea leaves and rubbed Sehun’s back comfortingly. “He’ll be fine. Luhan’s strong.”

“He’s not fine. The chances of him dying are higher than the chances of him surviving. There’s no way,” Sehun said.

“Why are you so negative? Luhan wouldn’t want you to give up hope.”

“How would you know that’s what Luhan would’ve wanted? Even I don’t want what Luhan wanted. I don’t think I know that much about him at all.”


Yifan felt Zitao squeeze his hand so hard it felt like it was about to fall off. “He’s still breathing right?” he asked, voice shaky.

“Yea. He’s still alive,” Yifan replied.

“What happens if he leaves, Yifan? How are we going to cope with that? How am I going to cope with that?” Zitao buried his face in Yifan’s shirt and Yifan’s arms circled around his husband’s body.

“He won’t leave us. He knows that he’s too important to us to do that. He won’t leave.” Yifan felt hot tears pricking as his eyes as he felt Zitao shake. He gave the room his brother occupied another look before guiding Zitao away. He wanted to cry, but he couldn’t. There would be no one to protect him if he did.


“He...he’s in the hospital,” Minseok gasped. Jongdae glanced up from his iPad. “Jongdae, he’s in the hospital.” Minseok’s eyes began to dart around the room crazily and his breathing became harsh.

Jongdae went over to his husband’s side, alarmed, and began to rub Minseok’s trembling hand. “Who’s in the hospital?” he asked.

“Luhan. I don’t know how, but he’s there.” Minseok grabbed Jongdae’s hand and stared him in the eyes. “We have to go. I can’t lose Luhan.”

“First, calm down,” Jongdae said. “Breathe in...breathe out...” Minseok followed Jongdae’s instructions and he felt his frazzled mind become clearer. “Alright. Now tell me what’s going on. Slowly, alright?”

Minseok hands began shaking again. “He’s in the hospital. I don’t know why. He was fine yesterday, he called me and we talked for forever. But-but something happened. Jongdae, we have to go. I have to see if he’s okay.”

Jongdae let Minseok rest his head on his chest and he ran his fingers through Minseok’s hair. “It’ll be okay. We’ll go.” His fingers stopped at Minseok’s neck. “But you have to be calm.”

“I don’t know if I can, Jongdae. I don’t know if I can cope with it if he’s gone.”

Jongdae knew. Luhan was still more than just a friend to Minseok.


Luhan felt trapped. Everything was dark and suffocating. He struggled to breathe and his arms flailed in front of him, trying to find something to hold on to, anything to prove to him that he wasn’t dead. But he was met with nothing. However, despite the darkness, he could hear a little voice, quiet and barely there, but he could hear it. He strained to hear what it was saying.

Sobs. He heard sobs and a broken voice that sounded so familiar to him. Luhan tested himself by lifting a leg and taking a small step. He didn’t fall. So he continued towards the sound of the voice. However, with every step, the voice got quieter and quieter. Luhan stomped his foot in frustration.

“Luhan!” Luhan’s head snapped up and he found a speck of light at the end of the dark tunnel. “Luhan!” he heard again. The voice was so familiar, and it hurt his head to try to figure out who it was from. “Luhan!” The voice called out the third time. It seemed to be coming from the light at the end. He took a step towards it. “Luhan!” He began running, every step bringing him closer to the dot of light and every step making the voice sound clearer and clearer.

“Luhan!” Luhan stopped at the end of the tunnel and found himself in an all-white room. A complete contrast from what Luhan was used to, his eyes burned and he had to blink tears away. But at least he could see. He turned around and found the tunnel gone. Instead, he was met with a white wall.

“Luhan!” Luhan turned but found no one.

“Hello?” he called. There was no reply, only a quieter sentence uttered by the same voice that had been calling his name. “Hello?” he said again, louder.

“Wake up, hyung. Please wake up. I can’t do this anymore. I need you.”

Luhan knew who was speaking now. It was Sehun.


“I know this is something really horrible to ask of you taking in consideration all the you’ve been through, but....” Jongin fiddled with his fingers.

“But what?” Sehun asked, lifelessly. “Just spit it out, Jongin.” It came out harsher than he meant it to be, but Jongin brushed it aside.

“I was thinking of proposing to Kyungsoo,” Jongin said quietly.

Sehun looked up from his lap and stared at before saying, “That’s great.” Jongin felt his heart flutter when Sehun gave him a small smile. “Do it.” The smile seemed so out of place on Sehun’s tired features, but Jongin couldn’t help but feel glad that the rough exterior of Sehun’s wall was cracking a bit.

“I’m not sure though. We’ve only been together for 6 months.”

“Hey, if you feel more with him in six months than with me in a year, just propose. He’ll say yes, immediately.” Sehun have him another encouraging smile and Jongin reached his hand in his pocket. Fingers brushed over the velvety cover of the box and he smiled.

“Thanks, Sehun.”


Jongin didn’t know how much it was hurting Sehun inside to see his ex-boyfriend find love when he had to deal the broken remnants of his old one. One that probably couldn’t be fixed.


Luhan slammed his body against the wall. Pain crawled up his arm, but then became numb. The wall was still the same, white and unbroken.

“Sehun?” he called out. His throat felt dry, as there was no food or water in the room. “Sehun.”

Luhan didn’t know why he was calling out to Sehun when he knew that Sehun couldn’t hear him. Maybe it was because he was desperate. Or maybe it was just out of instinct. Sehun always came to save him.

“Sehun!” he called again. Still nothing. Luhan slumped onto the floor and leaned his head against the wall. He hated this room even more than the dark tunnel. It made him feel even more trapped. Luhan looked down at his hands. He missed seeing Sehun’s fingers between the little gaps of his fingers.

“Luhan, wake up.”

Luhan’s head snapped upwards as he heard a voice. It wasn’t Sehun’s; it was too deep to be Sehun’s, but it was still familiar. But for some reason, Luhan didn’t remember anyone but Sehun. He didn’t remember if he had a brother or sister. He didn’t remember who his best friend was, who he hated. He didn’t remember anyone but Sehun.

“Luhan wake up, please.”

Another voice: so familiar, yet so unknown. Luhan felt his head ache from thinking too much.

“Luhan we need you back here.”

Luhan’s hands came up to his head and covered his ears. But even with plugged ears, he could still hear the voices. It bothered him to no end.

“Stop it!” he screamed, his voice hoarse. But the voices only grew louder and louder. “Sehun! Sehun!” he cried. He chanted the name like a mantra, like the person would magically appear in front of him if he said it enough times. “Sehun-ah, save me. I don’t want to stay here anymore.” With his eyes squeezed shut, he didn’t see the room gradually get darker and darker, until he was smothered in darkness once again.

When Luhan woke, he found himself in darkness. He waved his arms and let out a cry of pain when his hand hit the wall. He was still in the same room, only in the dark. He pushed himself off of the floor and wobbled unsteadily before hugging the wall and walking around. Maybe there was a door now.

He was beginning to give up hope when he felt his hand touch something cold and smooth. He rattled the doorknob and heard a faint clink. Luhan let out a breath and turned it. He pushed the door and peeked inside.

“Wake up, Luhan,” he heard someone whisper. “Wake up.”


“Luhan! Wake up!” Luhan’s eyelids opened and he knocked his head against Sehun’s when he sat up. He heard Sehun cry out and saw him clutch his forehead in pain through his blurry vision.

“Sehun?” Luhan took a few seconds to register what was happening before his eyes widened and he pulled Sehun into a bone-crushing hug. “Oh, my god. Sehun.”

“Hyung? Are you okay?” Sehun struggled in Luhan’s embrace before falling limp and letting Sehun squeeze the life out of him.

“Sehun, I’m so sorry. So sorry. I heard you, everything you said,” Luhan sobbed into Sehun’s shoulder.

Sehun’s hand came up and patted Luhan’s back awkwardly. “Hyung, what’s going on? Are you okay?”

“I could hear you crying, it hurt me so much. I’m so sorry for making you worry.”

“Hyung, it was just a dream. Calm down.”

Luhan hiccupped and pulled away. Sehun was right. He wasn’t in the hospital like he thought he would be, but rather in his apartment. “It was a dream?”

“Yea. Just a dream. You’re fine.”

“It was just a dream,” Luhan repeated. He looked at Sehun and then at the room around him. It was a mix of his own room and Sehun’s room from his dream. “So I don’t have an incurable sickness that I’m going to die of?”

Sehun let out a laugh. “No! Where’d you get that from?” Luhan felt Sehun kiss his forehead and pull him into a hug. “You’re so funny, hyung.”

Luhan made a contented noise at the back of his throat and melted in Sehun’s arms. Warm and sturdy.


“So what happened in this dream of yours?”

Luhan saw Sehun place breakfast, toaster waffles and a smoothie, in front of him. He tore apart the waffle and stuck it in his mouth. “I don’t know, it was really weird,” Luhan replied.

“Like, how weird?” Sehun asked. He stuck a straw in his own smoothie and took a long sip.

“Like, we were married weird.” Sehun coughed and pounded at his chest. “Ew, Sehunnie!” Luhan made a face and wiped the spit out smoothie off the table.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting that.” Sehun his lips and blinked tears out of his eyes. “Aw, that felt horrible. I think I have strawberry chunks up my nose now.”

“Stop it! That’s disgusting!”

Sehun laughed. “I’m kidding. Continue your story.”

Luhan cast Sehun another look before ripping another piece of waffle. “I don’t really remember, but I think we were together at the beginning and then we broke up.” Luhan’s eyebrows furrowed. “I think that’s how it went.” Sehun, who was thoroughly amused, picked an apple from the fruit basket and took a bite. He nodded as a sign for Luhan to continue. Luhan snapped his fingers when he recalled something. “You got with Jongin after.”

Sehun snorted. “Why would I get with him? He’s marrying Kyungsoo in two weeks. Hyung, with your imagination, you could write a book and buy us a mansion.”

“Shut up. You wanted to hear what happened right?” Sehun made a face and Luhan rolled his eyes. “Anyway, we were forced to get married and you hated me. And then somewhere along the path we made up and...”

“And?” Sehun had a little trail of apple juice dribbling down his chin and a half eaten apple in his mouth.

“Wipe your mouth,” Luhan scolded. He waited until Sehun finished before continuing. “I don’t really remember.”

“Aw, hyung!” Sehun flailed around in his chair until Luhan smacked his head.

“Stop it. You’re so immature; I don’t know how I survived these past three years dating you. Ugh, you could have done so much better, Han.”

“Is that all you can remember?”

“Everything else is really fuzzy...but I think remember something else.”

“What?” Sehun asked, curious.

“Never mind.”


“It’s complicated.” 

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Thank you Nelu1991, LovemyLulu and Unicorn77 for donating!!


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Palak27 #1
Chapter 31: Wow. This was nice! I enjoyed it. The ending was good but there are some loopholes. How did they make sehun believe that luhan is dead. His body must have been seen by sehun.
Thank you for the story! I enjoyed it. Stay safe and warm!
Palak27 #2
Chapter 30: What in the world..... i am glad Luhan is okay but wow.. it was all a dream..
Palak27 #3
Chapter 1: I am already feeling bad for Luhan. Sehun better have a good reason for treating Luhan like this.. Or I am gonna kick his .
Chapter 9: Luhan was awake till 3 lol it's 3 now as I'm reading this!
Chapter 1: I can't wait if I have already read this in the past but tonight I'm in for some Hunhan feels so I'll read this! :)
Chapter 31: Ya know I had this theory where that Xi Luhan is Lu Han and Luhan's family hated Sehun for what he had done to Luhan so they fake Luhan's dead to send Sehun away lol hahahahaah it's complicated
Chapter 31: Alt ending made me cry...i dunno lol I'll be honest I didn't like either of the endings (don't kill me it's just my opinion lol)...the whole of the story was great though. Loved it :)
Chapter 30: Cute story...even though it felt wierd reading the ending like lol never expected that to happen :P
ruhanlu #9
Chapter 31: i like an alternative ending more, i think quotes from stairway to heaven applied dont you? hehe great story!
ayu2291 #10
Chapter 29: i don't really get it..what sickness is luhan having and chap 26,why is luhan lying in a pool of blood?is he suiciding or what?gosh why it has to be so complicated? T_T