
Visitors From EXO Planet?

"Done~~!!!!" Han oppa announces.

We all clap, smiling at our newly made sand castle.

"It looks nice," I comment.

"Let's take a picture," SeHun suggests. Han oppa pulls his phone out.

I am sandwiched between the two of them. They put their arms around my shoulders. We all make a peace sign.

"Say cheese~~~" Han oppa says.

"CHEESE~~" we say in unison.

Han oppa takes a picture, and we break apart.

"Let's go home~ I'm hungry," SeHun says.

"Do we still have the cookies?" Han oppa asks excitedly.

We ride the bus home.

Once inside, they run to the kitchen to get food.

"Wash your hands!" I scold.

They rush to the bathroom, and come out, racing to the kitchen once again.

I chuckle, shaking my head sideways.

"The others aren't home yet, huh," I say to myself as I take off my shoes and organize the others.

I walk into the bathroom and wash my hands.

"_______-ya! Come on! Let's eat this together!!" SeHun calls from the living room.

I walk over to the couch, where the two of them are already eating from the cookie jar.

Han oppa pats the empty spot between him and SeHun. I sit down where he gestured.

SeHun tilts the opening of the cookie jar towards me, and I take one.

"That was fun," Han oppa says.

"Yeah, we should do it again," SeHun agrees.

"Let's go with everyone next time," I suggest.

"No~ BaekHyun always pushes me into the water," Han oppa complains.

"And ChanYeol hyung always crushes our sand castle," SeHun adds.

I chuckle. "But it's more fun with a lot more people," I reason.

"No~ With the three of us~" Han oppa says.

"Ye, just the three of us..." SeHun says, trailing off.

I feel their heads on my shoulders.

I look into their faces, and smile warmly.

They fell asleep.

I carefully remove the cookie jar from SeHun's hands and place it on the coffee table without waking them up. I sit back, recalling the fun we had at the beach today.

My eyes start to get droopy, and I yawn.

Before I know it, I am in a deep sleep, sandwiched between the two boys.










Actually, I had a request for "SeHun and LuHan," and so I decided to do a separate one for SeHun, and one with the both of them. Since there was already a chapter for LuHan, I didn't add another chapter for LuHan.....

Does anyone want another LuHan one?


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PieLife #1
Chapter 30: Baby don't cry
Chapter 60: this is just cooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllll fic everrrrrrrrr
Chapter 22: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!
its so funny the scream of kris! haha overprotective!!!!!!hahahahaa
Chapter 30: My feels!!! They won't stop, I'm like (you) right now..
qistina16 #5
Chapter 59: Can i request writing abt me with exo???
Chapter 58: I request the derp squad with the OC :D so Chanyeol, D.O and Sehun, I think xD
Chapter 56: Hhaha! This cracked me up XD I like the part when Baekhyun and Luhan hugs each other XD
Chapter 31: Ahhh the overflowing feelsssss
Chapter 13: I know how them asian parents are like, cause I have them as well ^_^ "You better get an A because the rest of your family got As"

And I "wonder" who D.O likes..
Chapter 5: Authornim~~ Good story so far!! ^_^