Beach and BBQ

Visitors From EXO Planet?





"BaekHyun! That's my clothes! Give them back!!!" ChanYeol yells, following BaekHyun down the stairs.

"Alright, alright. Just let me take a shower first," BaekHyun replies, shooing ChanYeol away. He closes the bathroom door shut.

"That boy...." ChanYeol sighs, shaking his head. He sits at the table, across from me. "What-ya studying~?" he asks.

"Psychology," I answer, not looking up from my textbook.

"Psy... what?" he asks.

"Psychology, the study of mental functions and behaviors," Chen smoothly answers, opening the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"Huh?" ChanYeol asks in more confusion.

"It's like why a person does something," XiuMin oppa explains, coming down the stairs. SuHo oppa follows behind him.

"Ah~ See, now that makes it easier," ChanYeol replies, satisfied.

"WE'RE HOME~~~!!!!!!" Tao, SeHun and Kai exclaim, entering the house.

"Welcome back," Lay oppa greets from the couch. The three of them rush to join Lay oppa and Kris oppa on the couch. ChanYeol joins them.

D.O, ever so quietly, walks over to the table and sits down in the seat next to me. He sighs, then starts doing his homework.

"_______-ya, do you know where my towel is?" Han oppa asks loudly from upstairs.

"No," I answer, still not looking up.

Chen takes the seat on the other side of me. XiuMin oppa sits next to him, and SuHo oppa sits next to D.O.

"Done~~!!!!!!" I announce proudly, stretching my arms. I crash right onto my textbook. "So tired..." I mumble.

Chen pats my head. "Well done," he says. I nod.

D.O puts his pencil down. He smirks. "You done too?" I ask. He nods.

"Ya, let's talk about where to go this weekend," Kris oppa suggests from the couch.

"Where do you guys want to go?" SuHo oppa asks.

"BaekHyun's grandmother's house," Lay oppa answers. We all laugh.

"Hyung, that's not on earth," ChanYeol points out.

"THE BEACH!!!!!!!" The maknae line answer in unison.

"Yeah!!! Let's go to the beach!" BaekHyun, now coming out of the bathroom, agrees.

"And then we'll do barbeque after that!!!" Han oppa adds, walking down the stairs. The others agree.

"Are you guys sure that's what you guys want? I mean, we always do that when we have a break," I say, lifting my head up from the textbook.

"Of course!" everyone answers at once.

The people on the couch start to discuss about what kind of sand castle to build, or what meat they want to eat, or what to play at the beach.

Han oppa joins the table 'conference.' We discuss about what time to wake up, what we need to buy, and who will do what job at the barbeque.

"It's not much different from last time," Chen chuckles.

"Don't you guys ever get bored of the same thing?" I ask.

"Nope," XiuMin oppa answers without hesitation.

"The beach and barbeque mean something special to us," SuHo oppa explains.

"It's where we met, both times," Han oppa adds.

"Ah~" I say, nodding my head. I smile to myself.

"It's 58 hours 37 minutes and 29 seconds until our 2nd anniversary," D.O says.

"What should we do this time?" SuHo oppa asks.

"Well, we can't use our power... So it would be more boring," Chen answers, pouting.

"Let's build a huge cake!" Lay oppa suggests from the couch.

"Huge cake, huh.... doesn't sound too bad," XiuMin says to himself.

"Let's put strawberries on it!" Tao suggests.

"And chocolate!" SeHun adds.

"Cookies!" BaekHyun suggests.

"Make it edible," I say, but everyone except for Chen and D.O have gone into a discussion on what to do for the party.

I sigh. Chen and D.O both pat my shoulders. I chuckle.

"You guys never change, do you," I say.

"Do you want us to?" Chen asks, challengingly.

"You can, you know. Like... be more mature," I answer jokingly.

"Impossible..." D.O says quietly, looking down. I laugh.

"I know," I reply.

"But that's why I love you guys."


"Alright, are you all ready?" my mother asks. My father looks into the camera.

"Yes!" we all answer.

"OK.... what is 1+1~?" she asks.

"2~~~~~~~" we answer, smiling brightly.

There is a flash, and my mother puts the camera down with a satisfied smile.

She hands it to us to see the picture.

"Don't push, I can't see," Kris oppa complains.

We all look into the small screen.

In front of the school gate, and with cherry blossoms peeking in from the sides, we all stand, in two lines.

All smiling.

Just like the picture we took 2 years at our house together,










Sorry for the late epilog......

I hope you enjoyed it^^ Although it was kinda.... normal... and.... weird....





Thank you to all of you who have read my story (and this note....) until this very end.

Thank you to all of you who have subscribed, befriended, and/or commented!

This is "officially" the end of this story.

Of course, like I have mentioned, there will be special chapters coming up.

And, anyone (who can comment) can ask for a special chapter, or two, or three, or.... 10?!

So stick around for more chapters if you are interested~~~~

*No limits to the requests^^*

Oh, and about the sequence thing, should I do a sequence with another group...? or with EXO...? I don't know.... Someone has asked for a Teen Top story, so I might do a sequence with Teen Top.... I don't know... What do you guys want??

(LOL I feel like I'm asking you guys for everything..... Sorry~~ ^^;;)


Once again, thank you so much for reading my story^^









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PieLife #1
Chapter 30: Baby don't cry
Chapter 60: this is just cooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllll fic everrrrrrrrr
Chapter 22: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!
its so funny the scream of kris! haha overprotective!!!!!!hahahahaa
Chapter 30: My feels!!! They won't stop, I'm like (you) right now..
qistina16 #5
Chapter 59: Can i request writing abt me with exo???
Chapter 58: I request the derp squad with the OC :D so Chanyeol, D.O and Sehun, I think xD
Chapter 56: Hhaha! This cracked me up XD I like the part when Baekhyun and Luhan hugs each other XD
Chapter 31: Ahhh the overflowing feelsssss
Chapter 13: I know how them asian parents are like, cause I have them as well ^_^ "You better get an A because the rest of your family got As"

And I "wonder" who D.O likes..
Chapter 5: Authornim~~ Good story so far!! ^_^