Just Checking Up

Visitors From EXO Planet?

I push my lazy body out of the bed. Now I get why SeHun always took forever just to get out of bed.

I hesitate when I open the drawer. The clothes I selected with the boys at the mall appear on top of the others. I push them further down and pull up another set of clothes.

I slowly change and drag my heavy feet down the stairs. I start to head to the kitchen for breakfast.

Then there are clicks at the door. My ears perk up.

I rush to the entrance and fly the door open.

"Good morning."

My father greets seriously. My mother is at his heels.

"...Good morning," I greet back.

We step inside together and settle ourselves on the couch. Just like we did with the boys.

"How are you doing with your studies?" my father asks.

"I'm doing well," I answer.

"Good. I can't possibly have you any place other than first place in that cheap school," my father sharply says.

"I'm so proud of you," my mother says, without any feelings.

"...Thank you," I reply.

"Oh, who are they?" my mother asks, pointing to the photo stand on the kitchen counter. It's the picture we took on Kris oppa's birthday.

"My friends," I answer, more energetically.

"These are your friends?" my father asks, disgusted. I nod. He sighs and shakes his head sideways. "And you invited them to our house?" I nod again. He lets out a deeper sigh. "I am so disappointed in you. There are other people, other intelligent people you should be with, that are not these unintellectual punks."

I bite my lip. "They're not what you think they are," I mumble.

"What? Speak up," my mother urges.

"I said, they're not what you think they are. In fact, they're the exact opposite," I declare.

"Mind your manners. Who do you think you're talking back to?" my mother says, insulted.

"You, father. I'm talking back to you. I've been letting what you said slide, but I can't let you say that about them. Not them." They give me surprised expressions. No wonder; it's my first time talking back. Ignoring them, I continue. "They're my dear friends. They are smart, although at times they can be very childish, they are still kind, fun people."

"They are just trying to use you, for your wealth. I am so disappointed to know that you have become so stupid," my father says.

"Why would you guys care?" I ask. "Why would you ever care if I'm stupid? Why would you ever care who I hang out with?"

"Because we are worried about you," my mother answers.

"Since when?! Since when did you ever worry about me? Never! All you're worried about is your reputations and my so-called future. You have never worried or cared about me."

"We have always cared about you," my father answers.

"Don't lie. I can tell when you guys worry or care about something. You guys will fly to that trouble, no matter how far it is, to fix it. But you guys never did that for me. For the countless times I wanted you guys around and when I felt lonely, you guys never came. Never. All you did was turn your backs and leave me in this huge house alone. Do you know how that feels, to be abandoned?"

I am at the edge of tears now. My father rests his hand on my shoulder.

"If you felt that way, why didn't you just say so?" he asks.

I scoff. "Like that will solve anything." I stare right into my father's brown orbs.

I escape from the living and into my room before the tears escape from my eyes.

I sigh as I lean onto the door at my back.

"Han oppa.... did you get my message? Please don't just disappear like that... Please come back..."


We                be              soon           .....       wait            little           more  

Something, like a broken radio, flows into my mind. One word at a time, slowly, skipping some words in between, I hear Han oppa's voice.










Hey~~~~~~ Oh, so the chapter wasn't really about EXO.... SORRY > <;;;

I needed to put in some family issues to reveal your character more..... poor girl..... them asian parents be like "YOU DO THE STUDY."

......Han oppa~~~~~~~~ YAY YOU GUYS ARE GONNA COME BACK~~~~~








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PieLife #1
Chapter 30: Baby don't cry
Chapter 60: this is just cooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllll fic everrrrrrrrr
Chapter 22: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!
its so funny the scream of kris! haha overprotective!!!!!!hahahahaa
Chapter 30: My feels!!! They won't stop, I'm like (you) right now..
qistina16 #5
Chapter 59: Can i request writing abt me with exo???
Chapter 58: I request the derp squad with the OC :D so Chanyeol, D.O and Sehun, I think xD
Chapter 56: Hhaha! This cracked me up XD I like the part when Baekhyun and Luhan hugs each other XD
Chapter 31: Ahhh the overflowing feelsssss
Chapter 13: I know how them asian parents are like, cause I have them as well ^_^ "You better get an A because the rest of your family got As"

And I "wonder" who D.O likes..
Chapter 5: Authornim~~ Good story so far!! ^_^