Chapter 28

Blood Love [HAITUS]

Hey guys, I'm back. you probably know what I'm about to say. I am so sorry for not updating for a long time. I hate it when I do this. I actually planned to update on sunday but the ideas just couldn't stop coming into my head. So for next few chapters in the future, they will be focusing on JunSoo and Eleanor's life together in this really wierd world of royals and betrayals. I really hope you be really patient with me becuase the next few chapters have things that you need to know in this story. Anyways, enough from me, time for you guys to enjoy this chapter. Remember to subscirbe if you haven't, comment and upvote. Is this font is easier to read? Comment your replies in the section below!!



“Old man!” Valentine called out, running to a figure behind the counter at the back of the store. The figure stepped out the shadow and into the sunlight.

“How are you doing, Valentine my boy?” the old chuckled when Valentine hugged him.

“Good, I brought Eleanor here,” he replied and pointed to me.

I walked towards them and greeted the old man, “Good morning.”

“Ah, good morning to you my Lady. You are beautiful full as always. Crème really suits you well.” The old man took my hand and kissed it softly. He was such a gentleman.

I smiled at him when he stood up straight.

“What brings you two here?” The old man asked, stretching his smile wider.

“We want to spread the news that Eleanor survived her attempted murder and is well,” Valentine announced, making me blush being put in the center of attention.

“I’m glad to hear that. You really had me worry that your youthful energy won’t be able to come back here,” the old man confessed.

“Wow, there’s even more candy than before!” Valentine suddenly awed at the shelves of the different types of candies lined up against it each other. 

 “Feel free to look at them, Valentine. Eleanor and I will be at the back office having a conversation,” the old man said, still smiling.

I tilted my head at him. What were we going to talk about? He led the way behind his counter to the door and opened it. We stepped into his office. It was small room with a desk along the length of it. It was filled with piles of documents. Why would a shop owner have so much documents? He pulled put a small stool from under the desk and told me to sit on it for now.

“My apologies, my Lady. I’m afraid this is the only stool I have around here,” he apologized for the inconvenience.

“N-no, it’s alright, I should be the one offering the stool.” I stood up but the old man shook his head.

“I’m younger than you think I am,” he divulged, with a different smile this time.

“What do you mean?” I asked, frowning at the information.

“Not everybody here in this town is normal.”

He walked to the painting on the far wall. It was a painting of a beautiful women with blonde hair and a crimson dress.  Her pale face doesn’t seem to be smiling or even have any emotions at all. I took a step back cautiously. Is he saying that there are people who are vampires, wolves and witches? I don’t even know if witches were real.

“What are you?” I commanded an answer from him. My body tensed from the dangerous atmosphere of the room.

The air around his face started to shiver and collapse. What the hell is happening to him?! Don’t tell me that he is Carlos. You know that guy who wanted to protect Mary.

“Pas D’Visage,” I whispered in fear. Already backing away towards the door with my shivering legs.

It’s him, definitely him. The guy who was the protector of Mary. Why is he here?

He turned around so fast it was a blur. He stared at me with shock in his eyes.

“How do you know that name?” his voice was stable despite the look on his face.

Well, I was apparently Mary and you came by to sign a contract to be her protector and everything messed up. I know I can’t say that. I need to come up with a legitimate lie.

“I went to France for a week and the people there were talking about an individual who has no identity terrorizing towns, thus, Pas D’Visage is your name,” I lied, internally screaming my lungs out.

His face is now a white blanket, like a mannequin with no facial features He knitted his brows at me, well, his blank face kind of just scrunched up on the top middle of it. A long laugh started to echo the small room.

“You’re not a very good liar, Jung JunSoo,” he observed, putting that smirk on his face that is now the face of Carlos. His white purple hair and gold blue eyes still baffle me.

Wait, did he just called me Jung JunSoo? How does he know my name?!

“Your powers are indeed unique. Yes, quite bizarre,” he nodded to himself.

What powers? I’m just a normal teenage human being. Well, I guess normal is an understatement. I guess Carlos has gone mad if he’s talking about me.

“Do you know Queen Mary?” I asked, still kind of in defensive mode.

Based on the other dream I had when I was Mary, I think it was in the thirteenth century. And this year is in the eighteen hundreds. That was five centuries ago. Mary was probably long gone.

“Your powers are rare. The power to dream other peoples’ lives and experience it yourself and able to change it but making sure that it doesn’t affect the present, the others are simply unknown. It is quite a dangerous power,” he continued to talk to himself.

“Do not worry, Miss Jung. I am no longer with Queen Mary for she has gone ecstatic with greed and power,” he answered my question.

“How do you know my name?” completely ignoring what he said after he said my name.

“Earlier I touched your shoulders. Remember that I m a sorcerer. I can receive information of anybody I touch. I know that you are not Lady Eleanor but you are in her body and she was murdered thus, she asks you to take over when you fell into an induced coma and live her life. Her soul is still on this earth watching over you,” he said with sadness in his beautiful eyes.

I’m in an induced coma? I guess Kevin did that to protect me. I hope Carlos is alive when I get back to my time, because I need to find him.

“Your main power allows you to travel to the spirit world and any spirit can reach out to you, good or evil. However, you must not die while in the spirit's body. If you die, you cannot come back to your own body, in other words, you are forever to roam the spirit realm.”

How can he know so much about a power that I think don’t even existed? Is this power somehow from that curse that Jiyong gave me or something else? I know I am slowly turning into a vampire. Is my power growing with me?

“You are not turning into a vampire,” Carlos said like it was a fact, making me look at him with confusion.

“What do you mean?”

“The Prophecy of the Vampires is wrong. You were never born a human,” he told me.

I fell silent when he said that, really deep in my thoughts now.

“You are the descendant of the Great Sorcerer.” He looked towards the painting with the women in it.

Is who is this so called ‘Great Sorcerer’? My parents never really talked about our family tree. They keep on saying that it was a thing of the past. Perhaps that what Carlos is saying is true. Everything would make sense. I have never met my grandparents and if they were sorcerers then my parents must’ve thought that being in the world of the supernatural is too big of a risk for their family. But what Kevin and the Six Princes said about how I’m the human who was prophesized a long time ago won’t make sense with this theory. Unless what they told me was not interpreted correctly, then this theory would be correct. Argh, this is giving me a headache.

“This woman is your ancestor. She died an honorable death. Died protecting this small town where her granddaughter lived in from Queen Mary,” Carlos said with great admiration for that women.

But here is the problem. I’m Asian. And she’s British.

“How can I be her descendant when I’m Asian?” I challenged him, still very confused at these information coming at me.

“She was married to another great sorcerer from the east,” he told me as he turned around. “Please accept this information. I know learning that you are a descendant of a sorcerer is hard to acknowledge when you were told that you are slowly turning to a vampire, which is not the case and I completely understand that you are in shock. But please do not deny it.”

I’m in shock? Well, I could faint any moment now and someone give him a certificate for first aid. He stepped towards me and gently made me sit down on the stool, which feels a lot better than standing up. He stood up straight and started to walk away when I grabbed onto his arm. He looked at me with his eyebrows raised.

“Then what am I?”

“A sorcerer of great importance to this world.” He smiled at me. A smile full of hope and faith.

“How can I be a sorcerer of great importance when I can’t trust what you are saying, let alone believe it.” I really need to confirm these things. This is just too much for me to handle in one day.

“Tomorrow this time, a person will appear in your bedroom and will attempt to kidnap you. However, I will come and rescue you, let this event clear your confusion. If I don’t appear then call me a liar. But if I do, I must be with you all the time,” he said seriously.

I just stared at him. Trying to figure him out. Is he actually telling the truth about me that I don’t even know? Why does he need to be with me all the time? Is there something that I still don’t know?

“We shall end our conversation here.”

His entire body started to make the air around him vibrate and a cloud of smoke appeared suddenly. I quickly put my hand over my mouth in case it was poisonous. Five seconds later, an old voice spoke.

“We can’t keep Valentine waiting,” it said. The voice is the old man’s. What is his name anyway? I’m just gonna call him Carlos.

I realized that I was blocking the door way to the main part of the shop and felt warmth in my cheeks. I quickly opened the door and dusted my dress softly and walked in front of the counter. Valentine turned around when he heard us and his eyes were big with happiness.

Maybe he ate too much sugar.

“The candy here is so delicious, old man,” Valentine praised, possibly drooling at the moment.

“I’m glad you love them. Here take some of them home,” Carlos said, appreciative of the praise. He held a bag full of different candies and dropped it into Valentine’s palm.

I took out a hand watch in my purse and saw the time. We’ve been talking for almost two hours. Wow, time really go by really fast.

“We should be going now. Thank you for the conversation and the candy,” I thanked him, my eyes meeting his. He smiled back and bowed as we left for our carriage that is waiting outside already.

“My Lady, Young Master, I hope you had a wonderful time in there,” our driver, Edward greeted us.

“Yes, we have. Thank you, Mr. Hart.” I smiled at him to show my appreciation.

He held his hand out in front of me and I took it. He assisted me on to the carriage and handed me my umbrella and hat that I took off before getting on. Valentine came after me.

“Do you know the old man’s name?” I asked Valentine, trying to initiate a conversation in the silent carriage.

“No. I never really asked for his name,” he answered and smiled, “but he never really told me, he’ll just say that it’s not that important.”

He’s probably remembering a funny memory right now.

“What do you talk about with the old man?” it was his turn to ask me.

“A-ah, we talked about your favorite candy. And umm, also my favorite candy and how everything is going,” I lied. Almost got caught. Whew. That was too close.

He nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer. I looked to my left. The streets seemed so bare right now. Maybe because it was the afternoon. But don’t people come out in the afternoon to have some tea? Is it just the cloudy weather?

“Mr. Hart, why is there no one on the streets?” I inquired, pretty suspicious now. The latch between the driver and the carriage opened so that he can hear me better.

“I am not sure, my Lady. There might be some sort of festival that we have missed,” he reckoned, looking left and right to confirm what I had said.

The silent drive to home was uncomfortable. There was no one on the streets to distract us from the silence, only the clicking of the horses’ hooves.

“What do you think is happening?” Valentine wondered, leaning on his arm to have a better look outside.

The carriage stopped in front of our house, almost causing me to fling forward before Valentine caught me. I tidied my dress after thanking Valentine and took my umbrella and hat in my hands. The carriage door opened and Edward extended his hand. I grabbed onto it and slowly walked down the footsteps.

“Why is it so silent?” I asked, suspecting something already. Don’t tell us that they were going to throw party because I recovered from my injuries.

The door to the mansion opened and a red carpet was rolled towards our carriage. It stopped at my feet and I instantly put my hat on and put the veil at the back down to cover my face. Trumpets from nowhere started to play and my mother and father came out, holding each other’s hand, holding them elegantly in the air.

“Welcome home, Eleanor, Valentine. Come let’s celebrate this occasion,” father greeted us, holding his arm out for me and mother holding her arm out for Valentine.

They walked us towards the door that was decorated with pot plants. The trees, they are the trees that represent life. I forgot the name but there are my favorite trees. Eleanor should stop going into my head. The trumpet band on the side started to play a piece that sounds really royal. The doors opened simultaneously and revealed people of noble class, civilians and militants. Wait, why are there militants here? Just exactly what is Eleanor’s family?

“Welcome their royal Majesties: Queen Beatrice, King Maylor and their heirs, Princess Eleanor and Prince Valentine,” an announcer shouted and bowed towards us.

Eleanor’s family is the royal family? Well, I better not mess this up. I’m feeling the pressure already and the party haven’t even started yet.

“Go have fun you two,” mother said, letting go Valentine’s arm. Father did too.

“Come on, Eleanor,” Valentine ushered me, pulling my arm with him as he walked towards the table full of snacks.

Of course he would go there, besides he is a growing little boy. It took us a long time to get there because everybody who passed us always congratulate us and wished me a well recovery.  Many of them thought it was a miracle that I survived with such circumstances. I hate to admit, but I replied to them with that Doctor Whatever-his-name-is-in-this-century saved me. Whenever I mention him, I really want his neck in my hands, just strangle him. But I can’t, he’s immortal.

I just can’t believe Kevin was like this. What happened to him that made so innocent, so pure and so human?

We finally got to the table and I silently pick at the snacks. The mini kebabs I guess are my favorite ones. But that moment was shot lived when my head maid, I kinda don’t know her name, she never told me, came and said that I need to change dresses for the ball. I groaned at the thought of changing into a dress that is hard to even get in the first place. But she dragged me away from Valentine who looked at me with helplessness.

We walked into another room, left from the ball room. There was a dress as red as blood hanging on the wall. And it is as beautiful and graceful as my current dress. That red dress made me feel so insignificant just by looking at it. Imagine me wearing it. I shivered at that thought. I know I would probably look great but when the people outside having the time of their lives see me, they would probably feel what I felt when I saw this dress.

“My Lady, please turn around with your back facing me,” the maid that I came in with instructed with a gentle voice.

I did as I was told and she gently placed her hands on the small of my back and ped the dress. She knows that I am very uncomfortable in this situation so she quickly removed the dress and hands me a thin blanket for me to cover with.

A knock on the door made her look towards it and she welcomes the person to come in. Fortunately, it’s another maid who’s holding a suspicious suitcase and is around the same age as me. I eyed it, judging the current situation that I’m in, I can only guess that it was a make-up bag.

“My—” she started to address me.

“No, there is no way I am wearing make-up. Lipstick is my limit,” I interrupted as soon as I figured out what they are going to do to me.

The maid with the bag sighed as if she knows that this would happen.

“Lady Parker, please do this for your family if not for yourself,” the maid tries to convince me.

“What is your name?” I asked, possibly trying to escape my fate.

She looked at me, taken aback from my sudden personal question.

“Victoria Clestar, My Lady,” she replied with confidence in her voice. She clearly proud of her name.

I might need someone like her in this life. She could be my advisor or a person to go to or a friend.

“Well, Victoria, I shall appoint you as my advisor,” I appointed her.

She looked at me perplexed on what I said. It only took her a few seconds to hear it. Her eyes slowly widen and hanged open. The head maid gasped when she heard what I said, I might have possibly heard something being dropped.

“E-excuse me?” she out her fingers on her chest as if to calm her heart down.

“Be my advisor.” I know that she may be in shock right now, but I think my plan worked. Hey, don’t get me wrong, I still want her as my advisor.

“And what is your name?” I asked the head maid.

She looked at me with a bit of disbelief and told me her name is Elizzbeth Nevenda.

“Hello, ladies,” a sudden manly voice sang. The door slammed opened revealing a man with a tailed coat and those puffy things on his chest. His beardless face made him look really young. His brown hair was waxed to the side of his sharp face, slightly covering his blue sparkling eyes. The broad shoulders of his made him looked even more manly than any men can get. It’s not large but not too small.

“And you are?” I asked, completely forgetting that I am covered by a blanket right now.

The maids in the room quickly ran towards me and stood in front of me with their hands shielding my covered body. The man also quickly noticed what happened and turned his body away from us towards the opened door.

“I am terribly sorry for my indolence,” he apologized, ears turning red from the embarrassment.

I turned around with my back facing his, trying to protect Eleanor’s pure virtue.

“Please step out of the room, Mister Edmund Alston,” Elizabeth instructed him, gesturing to the door. He slowly walked away from the room and stood outside. “Now, please, My Lady, we can no longer waste our time on excuses.” Elizabeth turned around and looked at me with hard yet gentle eyes.

I sighed and replied with a yes, my head hanged low to the fate that I cannot run away from. The two maids then proceed to take the dress down from the wall. I stood there in the middle of the room and waited for them to take it down. I sighed for the tenth time today and hugged myself warm. Standing here is so cold. Wait, is it winter, or spring? I guess spring just started because it was warm in the afternoon. Wow, Eleanor was murdered just when spring started, the season of life. That is so ironic. I felt a nudged on my shoulders and smiled. It’s clear that Eleanor didn’t like what I just thought of.

The maids slowly put the dress on me, making sure that I’m not hurt in the process. They gently patted the dress down and added some accessories on me. They put a choker on my neck; it felt very cold to the touch. I looked at myself in the full body mirror. The choker was a white ribbon with metal weaved in it and a single blue gem hanging out from it. I can only guess that the gem is sapphire.

I looked at the frowning person in mirror who is not really happy but is truly happy deep down. She then smiled.

“See, what have I told you? Now let’s make you the star of this night,” Victoria effused, eyes beaming with pure excitement.

“Mister Edmund Alston, please come in now,” Elizabeth said, making way for the guy.

“I apologies once again, for my clumsiness, Lady Parker,” he repeated, bowing down on his right knee.

My eyes widen at the gesture. That is the most respectful bow in the English culture; it’s only met for Kings and Queens. I flabbergasted and reach my hand out for him to get up. He got up without taking my hand and nod his head at my gesture.

“My Lady is too kind,” he pointed out and smiled at my reaction.

Do people treat Eleanor like this? Being really formal and all and keeping their distance. Sigh, it’s time to spice things up here now that I’m here.

“Please, call me Eleanor,” I requested, smiling to encourage them.

“Oh, never, we will never call you by your name,” Edmund protested immediately, shaking his head. The maids looked at me baffled.  

“Please, you will be doing a service for me by addressing me by my birth name,” I tried to convince them and seemed to have work as they sighed and looked at me in defeat.

“As you wish, Eleanor,” Edmund accepted my request with slumped shoulders.

“Alright, now that is out of the way, why are you here?” I asked him, tilting my head with a smile.

“Yes, I am the make-up artist for today.”

I nodded my head at his reply. Seems like I have to endure this for everybody. He gestured towards the chair in front of the large mirror in the room. I slowly walked to it, making sure not to ruin the dress with my clumsy feet. I sat there quietly and studied the techniques Edmund used to enhance my facial features. It took an hour just to do my face.

Sitting still and waiting is not my forte, I cannot keep still, like, I need to move my fingers. Just drumming them is enough but that just annoys me and the other people around me too. Do you see my situation? This is why I don’t like make-up, it’s not only I can’t do it myself, I need to have my mom and friends to do it for me when something special comes up.

A sudden knock fortunately broke the unending cycle of the brushing on my face.

“Come in!” I shouted, clearly expressing my discomfort. I probably shouldn’t do that.

“H-hello, My Lady, I am the apprentice of Earl Smith. I apologize for not attending to you in the morning with Mister Smith,” a young man nervously said as he opened the door slowly.

I looked at him, more like his reflection, through the mirror as he gawks at me. He has silky, blonde hair falling just above his right eye and tailed coated suit, gloved hands and a suitcase. It was more like a box.

“Good evening, umm,” I dragged the sentence out when I just remembered I don’t know his name.

“Oh, I apologize, my Lady for not introducing myself. I am William Adams,” he introduced himself, bowing quickly.

William, huh? More like Would I Was.

“Please only address me as Eleanor,” I told him, not taking a no for an answer.

He nodded and smiled as if he felt like he was accepted by me.

“I-I am here to do your hair. May I ask, what hair style do you wish?”

Ah, he’s so cute when he’s nervous. He always laughs when he stumbles on his words. Kind of like Kevin in a way I guess. I seriously miss him; I wish he was here with me. My heart felt like it was being boiled in lava and cooled with cold water with that thought. It hurts not having him near me. I think my face is down because the maids and the men looked at me worryingly. I dropped the emotions and proceed to make them happy by smiling.

Like the humble person I am, I’m not going to ask for outlandish hairstyles. I love simple things, you know.

“I’ll shall ask for my hair to be down and my fringed pinned backwards. And you do your magic,” I instructed and smiled a small smile into the mirror at him to encourage him to show his skills.

“As you say, my Lady.” With gentle hands, he smoothly combed my hair and pulled my fringe back with delicate hands.

I sighed dejectedly, trying to give him a hint that I clearly do not like to sit still. Everything was done in an hour again and William stood back to see his work of art. He proudly smiled which made me smile at the beauty that is my hair. I have never seen my hair this pretty; it’s always in a messy bun or pony tail. I turned around, curious of everybody’s reactions to my appearance.

I looked at the stoic person in the mirror. She looked so powerful, so majestic. Her hair glistering in the light; it shined with authority. 

“Eleanor, you look like a goddess,” Victoria squealed and praised my looks.

I embarrassingly smiled at her, already feeling that all too familiar heat surfacing from its short slumber. Edmund applauded at Artemas’ skills which made him looked down at the ground, trying to not blush from the attention.

“We should get going for they are waiting, Eleanor,” Elizabeth gasped when she looked at the grandfather clock in the corner ticking away.

“Come, Victoria, Edmund, William and Elizabeth. Let us go and greet the guests,” I said, looking back to look at them.

They looked back at me with confused faces.

“You are my stylist team. It is only righteous if I introduce the people who helped me looked this beautiful. Just stand next to me. It will be fine.” I lifted my left eyebrow at them, not really getting why they are confused. I guess they are not used to these kind of things.

They nodded as they put their trust in what I am doing. We walked out the double doors and Elizabeth took the lead in front of me. I think we are going towards the balcony where the two staircases met. My guess was right when she turned around to look at me, probably checking if I’m feeling okay. I nodded my head and gave her a genuine smile.

William and Edmund pushed opened the double doors that revealed the balcony looming over the ball room. The doors creaked loudly causing the muffled sounds of people talking to suddenly being silenced. The bright light poured into the hallway, slightly blinding me for a few seconds. I walked forward after my eyes adjusted.

Everybody in the ball room turned around and focused their eyes on me. Victoria and Elizabeth placed themselves beside me and took my hand in theirs and guided me down the stairs. My high heels clicked on the white marble floor as I walked towards my parents and Valentine who are currently sitting on thrones made of gold and silver and decorated by gems of different kinds with an empty one besides them on a stage with stairs on the sides. As I walked towards them, people around me whispered how about my appearance. Apparently, a lot of them are in awe of my beauty and some of them are envious of my red dress. I nodded my head in their directions, appreciating their comments.

“Mother, Father,” I greeted them, smiling.

“You look lovely, Eleanor,” mother commented, patting on the throne next to her.

“Ah, nothing can beat you in beauty, my beautiful daughter,” father proudly said, laughing loudly in the end.

Valentine just beamed at me silently. I smiled back and sat in the throne. Victoria and Elizabeth moved to the side, on the ready if I need any assistance. Father stood up and clapped once to get the people’s attention.

“Citizens of England, let us continue this celebration of my daughter’s recovery with a dance,” he announced with his booming voice.

The noise of the people talking finally came back and soon the band on the right side of the room filled the place with waltz, getting people to dance. I got up, feeling the grove to move, and walked down the short stairs with the help of Victoria and Elizabeth. They bowed and moved to the side of the stage to wait for me to come back.

I slowly and tried to gracefully walk to the center where people are twirling in a waltz. I stopped just before I stepped on the floor with the crowd circling the people who are dancing happily. Many of the people around me congratulated me from my quick recovery. I thank them back to be polite. I stood there watching the people gracefully glide across the white floor.

I wish I could waltz around like them. I can only do modern dance. I’ve never tried ball room dance before but I can try. I smiled at them and clapped lightly for their elegant dance. Not soon after I finished clapping, a tap to my shoulder made me turn around to find the person who do it.

It was a soldier; he has some medals showing his bravery and services. I looked at him seeing his look of shock and then he nodded his head and tipped his golden peaked cap towards me.

“How you do, Princess?” he kindly asked, smiling at me.

“I’m doing good. How about you, sir?” I looked up into his eyes and noticed that they were the exact same eyes as Carlos. That moment I knew I was talking to him.

Dressed in a black suit with badges that I can only guess are from the army here and a red neck tie. But his hair caught me off guard…again. It was pushed back from his forehead, revealing a more handsome man behind all of that hair.

“Care for a dance, Princess?” he offered, holding out his right hand to me, which I gladly took. I don’t want to dance with some stranger.

I looked at him and lifted the corners of my mouth, already accepting this dance. I placed my right hand on his and he guided us towards the space emptied of people who were dancing before. Murmurs started as soon as we reached the middle of the circle. 

We stood before each other. I placed my right hand on his right shoulder and my left hand in his. He put his right hand on my hip which caused me to blushed at the sudden intimate moment. He smirked at me reaction and probably guessing that I can’t really dance like this because he knows my real identity.

He slowly leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Just follow my lead and do not do anything.”

I nodded my head, looking down to hide my face. Carlos started to move back and pulling me with him. My eyes found themselves lost in Carlos’ light blue and gold eyes. It gave a sense of security being in his arms. Don’t get me wrong, I have Kevin but Eleanor maybe had a relationship with Carlos in this life. Maybe she doesn’t know who is Carlos. But the only thing I know so far is that I feel so safe in his arms. We twirled around the floor with people looking at us, probably wondering if there is something going on between us.

The music slowed down to a close and we part away and bowed, enjoying that moment we had. Carlos gazed at me for a few seconds and interruptedly smiled at me and looked down quickly. One strand of waxed hair fell down as if he is trying to hide his face.

Oh my God, he is blushing; his cheeks are slightly red. The crowd applauded us and whistled and commenting our dance. Carlos bowed again and walked to the left towards the balcony with the crows parting for him. I followed him to the balcony. We walked in silence, enjoying our presence. We stood outside in the cold air. Carlos turned around looking all serious now. I gazed at his expression, wondering what it is that is bothering him.

“I have information that you must know,” he started to say, putting his hands on my shoulder. “There is someone here with the intent to kill.”

“Who is it?” I whispered, looking into his eyes. They were full of fear. Fear for what, I don’t know.

“I do not know, but I need to hide,” he quickly said again, and morphed into a maid. A cute one at that.

Right now, my heart is doing somersaults in my throat. And it is not a good feeling. My breathing slowly begun to turn shallow. I didn’t notice that Carlos hid under my red dress, I know its puffy enough to hide a person but really? Suddenly, I heard a rock or something fall to the ground.

I turned quickly to the source of the sound which is towards the barrier of the balcony. “Who’s there?!” I shouted.

A sudden familiar laugh filled the cold night air.

Updated on 02/09/17 at 6:30pm

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Hey guys! I just edited some parts of the last chapter. you can read it if you want.


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Chapter 35: I love this story! And I love you, such a talented writer!!! PLEASE update, I'm dying! And would love to see some smexy time between Kevin and Soo ;) Lol
Yazzy16 #2
Chapter 35: One word: amazing. Your story is truly amazing, I am in love with it! It has everything I love. You rock authornim!:-)
MarzVangchhia #3
Chapter 35: Thumbs upppp!!!""""""!!!!!!
Winnerikonab #4
Chapter 36: I love this story authornim! Update-juseyoo
MarzVangchhia #5
Chapter 27: Strange for mee.... I read all the chapters including 20 when u updated and posted that chapter 20 was not there I tried to read it... Than I realised I have already read chapter 20 sooo I guess chapter 20 wasn't gone for me.., I'm reading from my iPad so I guess that's why I read it. All...
Chapter 31: I can see the chapters on the side just like this: 19, 21, 22... It's confusing that there's no 20.
MarzVangchhia #7
Chapter 34: Is this the new series of twilight???? Haha I luv it ty XD
MarzVangchhia #8
Chapter 34: love it!!! n can someone help me and tell me how to know the date when the chapters was posted im new here just joined yesterday have read your series since yesterday i love emm and kevin saranghaeo (did i pronounced it right? if not sorry im not korean neither english im simply an asian XD)
veran97 #9
Chapter 32: Finally you’re back..! I kinda confused with the story...hahaha *such a stupid me*
Keep up the story!!!
jackiekitt #10
Chapter 32: I love you story so far!!! I can't wait for the next chapter. Please update soon!!!! ^^ <3