Chapter 21

Blood Love [HAITUS]
Chapter 21
Chapter 21
Hey guys/Nasties (yea i used the EatYourKimChi fandom name idk y xD)

i kno that i havent update in like forever, yea i can count, you surprised? maybe not :(
a small part of  that time there was  the school holiday and i was watching an anime called Bleach too get some ideas but now im addicted to it so i couldn't stop watching it until now but i will continue to watch xP
and guys, im here to tell that i havent and will not abandon this story

“Hey so are you guys getting your hearts ready?” YunHyung asked us winking too.

“If you have enough gaming experience, do you still have to prepare yourself?” I asked YunHyung, twirling my fingers around and looking at my feet.

“I’m afraid not,” YunHyung answered me using the same tone as I did when I asked him my question.

“Oppa~ how about me? Do I have to?” Kevin asked, shaking my arm to get my attention on him.

“I think so yeobo~” I replied, kissing Kevin on the forehead.

“Oh someone’s getting hot here,” YunHyung said fanning himself with his shirt, walking away to his sister.

“You know, Soo that wasn’t necessary,” Kevin said, touching his forehead and blushing.

Our eyes met and Kevin looked away.

“Hey, don’t look away, you look cute when you’re blushing,” I admitted and lifted Kevin chin so he can look at me in the eyes.

“Okay, next time when we’re gonna have a date, we’re so not gonna cross dress,” Kevin said, taking my hand, holding it in his hand.

His hand, it so… warm. The warmth, it’s spreading into my heart. I smiled like an idiot, but I don’t care if I look like one now, I just want this moment to last forever.

“Hello,” a girl with a really cute voice that I really wish that I have said after I was finished with my little moment there.

I turned around automatically and smiled when she bowed to me.

“I’m Kate Lee, nice to meet you,” she said, smiling till her eye disappeared.

“Yo! I’m YeoMin Kim, it’s nice to meet,” a boy around 170 cm tall grinned and saluted to us.

“Hello,” I replied, smiling and returned the bow with Kevin.

“So, may I ask your name?” Kate asked, clinging to YeoMin’s arm while smiling, like she can just smile for days and won’t break the smile.

Why?! Why does she have to ask my name?! Gotta think quickly!! Gotta think quickly!!

“My name is E-Eric Woo,” I hesitated, breaking a cold sweat and mentally note myself that my name is Eric Woo. I know, I know, I stole Kevin’s last name.

I glanced at Kevin, who glared at me. Mianhae, Kevin, I couldn’t think of any other last names. Hope you’ll understand.

“I’m KeMin Kim,” Kevin said, smiling.

“Whoa, you guys look so cute!!” Kate shouted jumping up and down like a kid who got a new toy to play with.

“Really? I guess we really do,” I laughed.

“Listen up guys!” YunMin shouted, standing in front of us. How did she get there, I don’t know, “There’s just some new people who will be joining our group so—okay, whatever they’re just at the back.”

I turned to look at them. Six people, one really tall person, the rest are just the same height. All blonde. They look familiar somehow... there's only one thing, they're Best. Absolute. Perfect.

“So I would like someone to be the leader, a person who has experience in this kinda stuff,” YunMin continued, looking at me.

“Does gaming experience counts?” I asked, putting my hand up.

“I think so,” YunMin replied, still looking at me.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” I asked, touching my cheek.

“No, I was just thinking that you should be the leader,” YunMin said, smiling.

“M-me?” I asked, pointing to myself.

“Oppa!! Just say yes,” Kevin said, looking into my eyes.

“Yeah, Eric, just go for it,” Kate said, encouraging me with a thumbs up.

I nodded my head and said, “Okay, I’ll be the leader.”

“Next, I need everybody to have a mic with this ear piece, you can talk to each other with it by pressing on a button on the ear piece and don’t press it if you are gonna to be split into small groups,” YunMin said, handing it out.

“Okay, now that’s done, I need everyone to line up in like a triangular formation with no base and the leader in the front,” YunMin ordered.

Everybody did as they were told. Kevin next to me and Kate on the other side of me and so on.

“The blonde group, could three of you go to the other side, thank you,” YunMin said, taking out a professional camera, “Okay, now everyone do a posse with your gun, like resting it on your shoulder etc.,” she said.

I put my gun on my right shoulder and put my left hand on my hip and smiling.

“Okay, now look really serious and scary,” YunMin said.

I cocked my head to the left and look serious.

YunMin took the picture, “Okay, now we can go into the hospital, woo~” YunMin said, excitedly.

“Eric, you can do it, I bet ya,” Kate said, winking at me with the thumbs up.

We step outside the shed and walked towards the building in front of us. Everybody stopped to get deep breaths.

“Wow, this is gonna be my first time doing this kinda stuff, how about you oppa?” Kate asked YeoMin, who’s shaking hard.

“Man, this is gonna be a pain,” I complained, scratching my head.

“How?” Kevin asked, looking at me with puppy eyes.                                                   

“I know for sure everybody’s gonna scream and runnig everywhere,” I answered.

“Oppa you’ll protect me, right?” Kevin asked, holding my arm for dear life.

“Yeah, I’ll protect you… from nothing,” I said sarcastically.

“Oppaaaaaaaaa, you're so mean, ” Kevin said in a cute voice and shaking me.

After a few minutes of people getting their breaths, “Okay, let’s go team,” I said, walking into the building with my gun ready and I gotta say this building sinks as!!!!! Jesus!!! It smells like a dumpster or even worse!! And looks of this place… it’s like eerie and abandoned and pitch black, my heart accelerated.

“Hello? You guys can hear me, right? Okay, in order for you to win this game, you have to get everyone to the other side of the hospital and outside, but once you’re outside, you can’t go back in, and remember that this is a course which is twenty kilometres long with twenty different scenarios, you have to complete them, and there’s no time limit. Oh a hint on the first scenario, which is the hospital, it’s actually a maze,” a voice said in the ear piece that YunMin gave us.

“Okay, let’s split up into four in each group and let’s meet up on the other side and if you can’t make it, ask for help and another team will come and get you,” I said, smiling to encourage everyone and of course they can’t really see me, apart from Kevin, that guy is lucky that he has really good eyesight.

“Eric? Eric? Can we be with you? It’s Kate,” Kate asked, clasping my arm rally hard, I can feel her shaking. She’s that scared?

“Yeah, it’s best to stay with me if you think that you’ll be lost,” I said, feeling for YeoMin’s arm and Kevin’s.

“Wait, do you guys have any string or something?” I asked, just to make sure that we’ll stay together.

“I have a ball of stings in my pocket,” Kate said, “Here.” She pocked me with the ball of stings.

“We should line up in one line, I’ll be the front and YeoMin at the back, girls, you’ll be in the middle,” I instructed, tying the string around my waist and passed it to the person behind me, “Tie it around your waist.”

After a few minutes of tying the string, I tried to feel around my pockets to check if I have a mini torch and bingo I do have for emergencies. I turned it on and pointed it to the ground. I think I have sticky tape in my pockets and guess what, I do. I taped the torch to my gun.

“Okay, now let’s, go,” I said, walking slowly into the darkness.

“Eric, I been feeling like someone’s following us since we started to walk,” Kevin said, looking back.

Right after Kevin finished there was this bone chilling shriek that sounded like it was behind us. I whipped around and shoot in front of me, just once not too many times, silence.

“RUN!!!!” I shouted, running already, dragging everybody with me.

As we ran randomly to rooms and hallways, being chased by the shrieks and the sound of running I stop and told everybody to be quiet. As soon as we were the shrieking died down. I pointed my gun to YeoMin, shining him at his chest then moved it just over to his left.

OMG!!!! I just can’t believe what I just saw!!!!! A horde of people whose flesh are rotting and peeling off, eyes cloudy and moans can be heard for their hanging mouths. Yes, you guess it right, zombies, a horde of freaking zombies.

I pushed everybody behind me, still have the terror painted of my face. I quickly covered YeoMin’s and Kate’s mouths to prevent them from screaming or making any sounds. After they nodded at me to take away my hands, I roughly untied the rope around us. I untied mine first then went on to Kevin, but when I was about to untie the rope our fingers touched. I felt an electrical current went through my body, as a reaction I instantly drew my hand back to my side. I ignored that sensation and continued to untie Kevin’s rope.

After everybody was free from the rope, I felt around my pockets and found another small touch. Seriously?! What wrong with me having small torches in my pockets?! I gave it to YeoMin so he can take the lead in the front and I’ll take the back, looking at the zombies to see if they will follow us. I shone the torch down on the ground and saw an empty can,, I picked it up and threw it as hard as I could over the horde of zombies’ head and it hit a wall. The impact of the can to the wall was loud enough for my ears. Then all the zombies in front of me turned their head toward the sound and slowly walk to it then they started running after five seconds while making disturbing sounds.

I slowly walk backwards but looking back frequently, after a few a few seconds had pass I turned around and jog softly back to the group.

“Shh,” I said quietly, putting my index finger on my mouth when Kevin came running to me.

I walk towards Kevin and whispered, “Shhhh, gibee gibee gibee.”  I think this is so random…. Wait wat r u talking bout?! Im random!!!! By the way jibee is a word I made up originally it’s gibberish xD

Kevin snorted as he tried to stop himself from laughing.

“I did some experiments on the zombies. They’re attracted to sounds like in the movies, they’re vicious and dangerous, please don’t do anything that spells stupid,” I whispered to the others, afraid that the zombies could hear me. imagine yourself in a chemistry lab with a test tube with chemicals filled half way in the test tube and like pour it in a beaker (measuring jar) with a brain in it and it like exploded in contact with the chemicals. I wonder what’s wrong with me?! Im so random!!!!

We continued to walk straight and after what seems like forever, we saw a door with light escaping from it. I stopped and so did my group. I signed them that I’ll go and investigate. I slowly walked to the door and opened it ajar (open slightly) only to hear crunching sounds and blinded by the sudden brightness.

I waited a few minutes so my eyes can adjust to the brightness and opened the door fully, I almost screamed right in its face if it isn’t for Kevin who covered my mouth and kicked the zombie in the stomach.

“Don’t touch him!! He’s mine alone!!” Kevin hissed loudly, grabbing me on my waist and pulled me to his side.

I sighed, “You really shouldn’t have done that, KeMin,” I whispered, pushing Kevin aside gently.

I ran into the blinding light and jumped onto a high place, which I think is a shipping container and shouted, “Hey!!! Come here!! Yeah, just like that!!!” attracting all of the zombies below me to me.

I started shooting at them, getting perfect shots. Okay, Soo aim for the head, just aim for the head. Need head shots right now.

“Eric!!! Behind you!!” Kate screamed pointing behind me.

I turned just in time to hit its head, before it touch me. It’s gross to touch it.

It flew back and stopped moving. It’s dead, I mean dead dead.

I looked back up and saw Kate, YeoMin and Kevin surrounded by zombies. I banged the shipping container really hard that it hurt my ears, attracting all the zombies to me. I feel so sorry for these guys; they’re like going back and forth.

Then someone came shouting and shooting like a maniac, what’s even crazier is that he ran through the horde of zombies.

“I’m coming to save you people!!!!” a deep voice shouted which belong to one person that I know whose voice is like that…. Bang YongGuk.

“YongGuk?! Why are you here?” I asked when he jumped up onto my shipping container.

“Is there a problem for my group to come here?” he retorted, smiling, showing all of his teeth.

“N-no,” I stumbled, stepping back.

“Good, now let’s just get rid of these zombies first,” YongGuk said, already shooting at them.

“Hey, you should leave some for me,” I complained, shooting too.

I looked up and saw no zombies standing, just my team and YongGuk’s and the door. We both climbed down and high fived each other.

“Oppa, oppa, are you okay?” Kevin asked, running to me.

YongGuk snorted when he saw Kevin soon after it became laughing.

“Shut up,” I said, elbowing YongGuk on his waist, which I shouldn’t have.

“Hyung, that was so awesome!!!” Zelo said, running to us at human speed.

“Oppa, he’s mocking me,” Kevin whined, pointing to YongGuk, pretending to cry.

“How dare you, YongGuk, to mock a girl, my date on top of that,” I said, cracking my knuckles and neck, threatening him.

“What did I do?” YongGuk asked me, putting his hands behind his back and rocking on his heels.

“Whatever,” I waved it off, frustrated, walking to my team.

“Hey, thanks for the help back there, Kate,” I patted her on the shoulder and thanked her, winking at the end.

“Hi, it’s me, YunMin again; I’m just here to tell you guys that there been some changes to this game’s rules. I can see that right now that you’re all separated into groups, there will be truce amongst two groups, but only two groups. And there will be places such as first place and stuff like that; there will be prizes to win. Oh and one more thing, if you get touched or bitten by any zombies, game over for you,” YunMin told everyone in their ear piece.

“Hey should we join with you guys?” I yelled at YongGuk, smiling evilly.                                                  

“Yeah sure, I’ll make sure to leave some zombies for you,” YongGuk rosed his voice, winking at me.

“Sorry, I’m taken,” I said back into his face. Owned!!!!

“Oh~ Rejected, hyung,” HimChan said playfully, flinching as if it was him.

“Is he gay?” YeoMin asked me as I ripped my small torch away from my gun.

“W-what? G-gay? No, he’s not. I was just joking,” I stumered. I seriously didn’t think that people will think like that nowadays. Wtf?

“Hey guys, I forgot to tell you that you’ll need everyone to finish the first course so you can continue. You may enter the course again to retrieve others to finish the course. Okay, YunMin out,” YunMin told via our ear piece.

“Well, you heard her, E~ric, let’s go,” YongGuk said, swinging his gun onto his shoulder, grinning.

“You guys can stay here if you want, I won’t stop you,” I said to my group, retaping my torch to my gun.

“Oppa I’m coming with you,” Kevin said, running to me with his arms out ready to hug me tightly which he did.

“KeMin, c-can’t breathe,” I struggled against his strength as I tried to breathe.

“Okay, let’s go *cough*” I said, hitting my chest.

“Let’s go,” YongGuk said, running into the building, with his group.

“I’m sorry, oppa,” Kevin said, pouting, holding my arm tightly.

“Kay, kay, yeobo,” I said smiling, patting Kevin on the head, after that, we walked into the hospital trying to catch up with YongGuk’s group.

As we ran into the darkness of the hospital, we heard someone signing really loudly, and I mean really loudly like a vacuum cleaner, literally a vacuum cleaner. (wuuuuuuuut?)

“Stop it!! You’re gonna attract all the zombies here,” I hissed at whoever is singing, most likely DaeHyun and Zelo and YongGuk since I can hear rapping too, the song sounds like Warrior.

I felt an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me to its body, “Is that you, Kevin?” I asked into the blackness.

“Hahaha, it’s YongGuk, Kevin’s on your right, right Kevin?” a deep voice said, tightening the arm around my waist.

“Then whose arm is around my waist?” I asked to no one. Sigh, so lonely these days.

“Not me,” Kevin and YongGuk said together.

I seriously didn’t notice that I still have my torch with me, until I felt it. I turned it on and pointed it towards my waist and there was ………………………-.-…………………………………………………………… I’m getting bored………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………seriously you should stop……………………………………………………………………..


“Wuuuuuuuuuuut?” I said when I saw nothing on me...

Then something touched my , “HEY!!” I shouted, defending my by moving away, automatically.

“What happened, Soo?” Kevin asked, raising his eye brows at me.

“Someone just touched my ,” I said, pouting and frowning at the same time.

“Uh huh,” Kevin said, his eye brow still up, disappearing into his hair.

“What, I’m saying the truth,” I desperately said. Kevin, why can’t you believe me?

Meanwhile, YongGuk is snickering behind his hands as he watches our conversation; it soon became roll on the floor laughter, like laughing really hard.

 “Shut up,” I hissed almost whispering it, covering YongGuk’s mouth with my hand.

“Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” I heard from afar.

“Thou shalt not live with rotting flesh and soul, ye will die!!!!” I shouted in old English, shooting my gun down a hallway that I think the zombies are...

Translation: You will not live with rotting flesh and soul, you will die!!!! >.< idk why i did that but anyways

so... yea this is part 2 and umm yea, i'm sorry for like updating so slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwly. yea, i just had surgery and im just gonna tell u guys that the surgery lasts for 6 weeks or wat my mum/mom said 4 months and i was like wtf? and i have to rest within the weekdays, yes, i'm in pain, i can't walk too often that means i cant go to school yah!!! i'll try to write up my more chapters in that time ^^

anyways, hope you liked the story and umm comment and subcribe if u havent and pls, wait patiently.

new subbies, we shall welcome you to the family mwahahahahahahha~ :3




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Hey guys! I just edited some parts of the last chapter. you can read it if you want.


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Chapter 35: I love this story! And I love you, such a talented writer!!! PLEASE update, I'm dying! And would love to see some smexy time between Kevin and Soo ;) Lol
Yazzy16 #2
Chapter 35: One word: amazing. Your story is truly amazing, I am in love with it! It has everything I love. You rock authornim!:-)
MarzVangchhia #3
Chapter 35: Thumbs upppp!!!""""""!!!!!!
Winnerikonab #4
Chapter 36: I love this story authornim! Update-juseyoo
MarzVangchhia #5
Chapter 27: Strange for mee.... I read all the chapters including 20 when u updated and posted that chapter 20 was not there I tried to read it... Than I realised I have already read chapter 20 sooo I guess chapter 20 wasn't gone for me.., I'm reading from my iPad so I guess that's why I read it. All...
Chapter 31: I can see the chapters on the side just like this: 19, 21, 22... It's confusing that there's no 20.
MarzVangchhia #7
Chapter 34: Is this the new series of twilight???? Haha I luv it ty XD
MarzVangchhia #8
Chapter 34: love it!!! n can someone help me and tell me how to know the date when the chapters was posted im new here just joined yesterday have read your series since yesterday i love emm and kevin saranghaeo (did i pronounced it right? if not sorry im not korean neither english im simply an asian XD)
veran97 #9
Chapter 32: Finally you’re back..! I kinda confused with the story...hahaha *such a stupid me*
Keep up the story!!!
jackiekitt #10
Chapter 32: I love you story so far!!! I can't wait for the next chapter. Please update soon!!!! ^^ <3