Chapter 20

Blood Love [HAITUS]
Chapter 20
Read this at your own will, this contains some m rated scenes!!

*Kevin POV*

I think everybody left me here. Meanies, hmp!

I went out of my room to the living room and … what a mess!! There’s like newspapers on the floor, make-up and brushes everywhere. As I walked into the kitchen I heard someone shuffling on a … bed? It sounded like it came from DongHo’s and Hoon’s room. I silently walked towards their room and opened the door a little and saw DongHo in bed, looking really sick, and I mean really sick. But Vampires can’t get sick, right? I mean we never get sick unless … we drank something that we’re not meant to drink. Wait, did he just...

“Omg,” I whispered and ran to DongHo, “DongHo, what did you drink?”

“What, hyung, why are you still here?” DongHo said, weakly.

“What did you drink?” I repeated ignoring his question, I tried to open his mouth wide, I felt like he’s losing his energy when I successfully opened his mouth and smelled it, “Hmm, chips, chocolate and… HUMAN BLOOD?!”

This can’t be. I mean DongHo will never drink human blood. But when I smelt the human blood, there was some scent of chocolate mixed up with human blood. Did someone cut their hand and loads of blood fell into mixer? Most likely that happened.

“DongHo, did you know that chocolate that you ate was mixed with human blood?” I asked DongHo as I sat on his bed.

“No, hyung,” he said, weakly again.

I just nodded and got my phone out and called Xander.

“Hey, Xander hyung, DongHo’s sick,” I basically said, “can you come back?”

I heard someone screaming, most likely Soo, “GIVE IT BACK, HOON!!!!!!”

“Yeah, but how can DongHo just get sick, I mean it’s impossible, right?” Xander asked.

“Yeah, I know that, bu—,” I started before I was interrupted.

“Tell me later, but right now we are chasing Hoon,” Xander said before he hanged up.

I looked back at my phone and glared at it, imagining it was Xander. How could he just hang up on me without saying bye.

I put my phone away, done with the glaring and told DongHo, “It’s gonna be okay, DongHo. I’m a doctor, well, used to be one anyway.”

DongHo nodded slightly as a response to my words; maybe he’s too weak now.

I heard Soo said, “Fine, Hoon, take it, I still have a lot anyway.” And Hoon saying, “Yes!!!”

I got up and checked DongHo’s temperature. It's obvious that it will be cold but DongHo's temperature is even cloder than mine.

I walked out to the living room and everybody just stared at me, “What?” I asked. Then I remember that I still have the clothes that Mirae gave me, “I’m going on a date, so…” I added.

“Oh, right, I have to change too!” Soo said while getting up and ran to our room and closed the door. Smart.

“Xander, can you come and look at DongHo,” I said seriously.

“Okay,” he replied, looking really worried now.

We walked to DongHo’s room and Xander went to DongHo and said, “Just give him a cup of animal blood and stuff he likes, then volla, he’ll be up and going,” Xander said, laughing like I’m an idiot.

I just walked out, too embarrassed to say anything since I was a doctor before.



*JunSoo’s POV*


I changed into the clothes that Mirae got me and looked at the mirror. I stared at the person in the mirror, hoping it wasn’t me. But it was me when I waved at the mirror.

Wow, how could I look so much… omg, I can’t take this.

I ran to the living room and tried to find Kevin and he was at the couch sitting down there, reading a magazine.

“Hey gurl,” I said sitting down next to Kevin. I put my arm around Kevin’s head.

“What are you doing?” Kevin asked me, still reading his magazine.

“Practicing to be a boi (Boy),” I replied, lifting Kevin’s chin up, breaking his concentration on his magazine and looking at him seductively. Kevin looks so cute with the scared face.

His scared face reminds me of the second day that I was in this dorm with U-Kiss and sharing a room with Kevin, when Kevin stole my first kiss. I smiled at that memory.

“I’m gonna punish you for what you did on my second day here,” I said, looking at Kevin evilly.  It’s not the kinda punishment you’re thinking >.<

“Oh, what kinda punishment?” Kevin asked me, smiling like the punishment that I will give him is a dirty one. 

Aj came in and kinda interrupted our little conversation.

"Anyways, I was gonna say was that your punishment is that you cannot sleep in the same room as me for a day," I told him.



"Okay, now get off of me and let's go to our date!!!!" I said in a cute voice. "Kevin oppa!!!!"

I ran into our room and grabbed my bag

The black one of course, don't want people to think that I'm a girl... hahaha.....

I stuffed my money in their, like all of my money in there, my phone and stuff.

"Okay, Kevin, let's go now," I said cherrfully, hopping this date will be succussful and I'll be Kevin's girlfriend, make KissMes jellies (jealous) or happy for me. ^^/

"Let's go oppa~" Kevin said skipping to the door with me.

"Bye people," I said while opening the door and left with Kevin.

Kevin held my hands, swinging them as we walked to my car, and yes I have car, I can drive. We sat in my car as I started it.

"Oppa, where are we going?" Kevin asked me, smiling at me like it normal for me to call me oppa. I'm just about to die everytime Kevin call me oppa.

I looked at the time and it's 1:00 am.

"Umm... how about the amusement park?" I asked, smiling back of course.

"Okay. Let's go, oppa!!" Kevin replied.

I think I'm gonna die.

We drove off to the closet amusement park that I can find.


*20 Minutes later*


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! STOP THIS ING RIDE!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" I screamed my head off in english cuz I'm in a roller coaster. I HATE ROLLER COASTERS!!!

"WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! THIS IS SO FUN!!!!!" Kevin screamed, flinging his arms out.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" I screamed on top of my lungs and grippped the bar in front of me and leaned towardes it, like I'm about to spew.

Minutes later the ride stopped and continued to stayed in that position.

"Soo oppa, we need to get off now," Kevin said, poking me.

"Mmm," I groaned then got up from the ride and got off with Kevin to a cafe.

"Do you want coffee?" Kevin asked when we sat down outside on a two seated table.

"Yeah, but I should get it," I said, getting up. "Do you want some too?"

"Yes, oppa," Kevin cutely said.

Another death for me. I swear Kevin, you'll be the death of me, my own personal killer.

"Can I get a large cuppocino and a regular coffee, please?" I asked her, well ordered whatever...

"Yep, I just need your name," the waitress said, pulling out a notepad and a pen, a fluffy one.

"Soo," I replied, smiling.

“Okay, Soo,  it’ll be there in a minute,” the waitress said and left to the kitchen.

I walked between a table with a lot of girls and I mean a lot of girls.

“Oppa, come sit with us, please~” one of the girls asked me as she grabbed my hand.

“Oppa~ Oppa~” all of the girls said with aegyo and grabbing my hands.

“Oppa~ are you done?” Kevin said, looking around. And I bet he knows that I’m completely surrounded by girls but wanted to see me in this kinda situation.

Suddenly one of the girls grabbed my cheeks with both hands and placed her lip on mine. I stumbled backwards and tried to push her off of me, but man she’s strong. After several seconds I finally pushed her off of me and stepped backwards.

“Don’t you dare touch me again,” I said through my teeth and glaring at her.

She her lips like a snake and came up to me next to my ear, “Oppa, you smell delicious,” she whispered.

. That’s all I can think now just .

“Let him go, he’s with me,” Kevin said though his teeth and walking up to me with his fist clenched.

The girls just smirked and left.

“Kevin did you just heard what she said?” I asked, looking at him with my eyes wide opened from the shocked when she said that.

“Yeah, sure did,” he answered, shaking his head.

“I think she was serious about me smelling delicious,” I said with disgust.

“Soo!! Your order is done!!” the waitress said, putting down one large cup and another regular one on the counter.

I walked there and grabbed the two coffee and payed for it, “Thank you.”

“Here,” I said and gave Kevin his cup.

I sat down in front of Kevin, “Wow what a day,” I sighed, running my hand through my wig.

"Now just to think of it, our day's not done yet," Kevin said, sipping his coffee.

“So where do you want to go next?” I asked, sipping my own coffee.

“The Haunted Hospital!!” Kevin said jumping up and down on his seat.

Seriously?! The Haunted Hospital?! Like I wanna scare the crap of put of me. Uh uh.

“Fine, but you own me your phone number,” I said.

What the hell is wrong with me, why did I agreed to this. Now this time I’m gonna scare the crap of out me.

And you guys are probably screaming at me like WHY DIDN’T YOU GOT HIS PHONE NUMBER IN THE FIRST PLACE?! And blah blah blah. I’m so sorry mianhae~

I finished my cappuccino first and waited for Kevin to finish his coffee. He hasn’t finish half of it so I started to study his every movement without me noticing really.

The way his blinks, it’s like so graceful, the way he lefts up his coffee is graceful. OMG EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM IS GRACEFUL, BEAUTIFUL AND BLAH BLAH BLAH.

“Okay oppa, let’s go now,” Kevin said, putting down his cup and got up.

“Okay, let’s go,” I said, getting up and grabbed my bag and took Kevin’s hand and walked to the Haunted Hospital with him.

There’s a lot of couples I gotta admit.

“Hello everybody, I’m YunMin,” a female staff from a big shed to the right of us couples shouted.

“So today, there are obviously a lot of you here today, you guys are lucky cause this ride just upgraded, like you can get scared and shoot at the same time,” YunMin explained, smiling at us when the girls whimpered that’s including Kevin and me.

“Oppa I’m scared,” Kevin whimpered and holding my arm.

“It’s okay,” I comforted him, his hair, “Babe,” I whispered into his ear.

“Oh someone getting a bit into this date now,” Kevin whispered back into my ear and bit my ear lobe.

I elbowed him in the stomach, which caused a bruise on my elbow.

“Okay everybody please follow me into the shed to your right,” YunMin said, walking to the shed and opened the door. “And here is where you need to wear gears and equip with the laser guns.,” she added.

Then a guy taller than YunMin appeared.

“This is YunHyung and you can tell that he is my brother,” YunMin said, hugging him as the waist, since she’s like at his neck.

“Hi everybody, so we’re gonna get you guys into the gears first,” YunHyung said, walking to a wall full of the gears that are hung up by hooks.

"This is a vest to that protects you if you run away screaming your head off," YunHyung said sarcasticly and pointing to the gears.

"And thses are the laser guns that you are to use, please be aware that if you scream cuz of the sound that the laser gun makes don't go running off," he continued.

"Okay, everybody please wear the gears on and wait for me at the door," YunHyung said and went toYunMin.

"Isn't this exciting?!" Kevin asked me, jumping up and down.

"If you have nighmares after this, yeah," I said sacarsticly, picking through the gears.

"But it sounds fun, oppa~" Kevin continued, picking through the gears.

I found one that fits me and wore it on, then grabbed a gun. Kevin's luckly that I play horror video games, I've seen enough jumpscares to react properly, like shoot it down. Jumpscares are like something scared you and you jumped.

We walked to the door with our guns and waited for the other couples to come here.


so sorry my lovlies~
just finsh my exams and stuff... ^^/
anyways if you enjoy this please comment and upvote ^^/


ilovpocky93 || summer
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Hey guys! I just edited some parts of the last chapter. you can read it if you want.


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Chapter 35: I love this story! And I love you, such a talented writer!!! PLEASE update, I'm dying! And would love to see some smexy time between Kevin and Soo ;) Lol
Yazzy16 #2
Chapter 35: One word: amazing. Your story is truly amazing, I am in love with it! It has everything I love. You rock authornim!:-)
MarzVangchhia #3
Chapter 35: Thumbs upppp!!!""""""!!!!!!
Winnerikonab #4
Chapter 36: I love this story authornim! Update-juseyoo
MarzVangchhia #5
Chapter 27: Strange for mee.... I read all the chapters including 20 when u updated and posted that chapter 20 was not there I tried to read it... Than I realised I have already read chapter 20 sooo I guess chapter 20 wasn't gone for me.., I'm reading from my iPad so I guess that's why I read it. All...
Chapter 31: I can see the chapters on the side just like this: 19, 21, 22... It's confusing that there's no 20.
MarzVangchhia #7
Chapter 34: Is this the new series of twilight???? Haha I luv it ty XD
MarzVangchhia #8
Chapter 34: love it!!! n can someone help me and tell me how to know the date when the chapters was posted im new here just joined yesterday have read your series since yesterday i love emm and kevin saranghaeo (did i pronounced it right? if not sorry im not korean neither english im simply an asian XD)
veran97 #9
Chapter 32: Finally you’re back..! I kinda confused with the story...hahaha *such a stupid me*
Keep up the story!!!
jackiekitt #10
Chapter 32: I love you story so far!!! I can't wait for the next chapter. Please update soon!!!! ^^ <3