Chapter Thirteen

You Who Came From Heaven

"Taeng?" As Tiffany went to check on Jessica in the morning, she then went outside and notice Taeng standing next to the door..seem like waiting for something..

"Oh...hi...I'm just doing?" Taeng scratch his head while stuttering.."Why is he stuttering? cute.."

"Jessi?..she's feeling better, I'll be taking her to the doctor later in the afternoon." 

"Oh...uhm." Taeng smile awkwardly and walk away..




"Fany-ah!" Jessica yell out to Tiffany while limping slowly to the door of her room..

Taeng almost stood up to go help Jessica, but as he see Tiffany already went over before him, he sat down again and act like he didn't notice the two.

"Why are you walking here and there?..You're going to damage it more." Tiffany help Jessica walk over to the couch and Taeng move far away to make space for the injured Jessica.

"I will be fine after I go see the doctor later." Jessica quickly glance over Taeng, who is looking at her foot with a worry expression, but then look away.

"Aigoo Jessica, Jessica..." Tiffany shake her head while looking at her friend who can't even walk correctly right now..




As JeTi left to the doctor afterward, Taeng decided to stay home instead of going with them and so he did..

*POOF* A wild Yoong appear onto the couch next to Taeng..."You again? tsk tsk.." Taeng try to mock Yoong and look at him with a disgusted face.

"Hyung again? Aigoo.." Yoong wasn't scare of him and mock Taeng back.

*Ding dong* The doorbell made a loud sound signalling that someone is outside...

"Who who?" Taeng mumble to himself as he approach the door to open it.

"Hey!" He quickly close it back as he slightly see a man figure outside...

"Sica? Fany? Why are you closing the door on me?" The person outside try to open it but can't because Taeng is blocking him inside.

"Hey, go! Hide! Disappear!" Taeng mouth the words to Yoong, who is sitting on the couch eating chips innocently, not caring about anything else beside the bag of chips.

"Ow." Yoong angrily look over to Taeng, who just threw a shoe straight to Yoong's head to get his attention.

"Disappear." Taeng whisper quietly to Yoong.

"Oh. oh." He now understand what Taeng is trying to said and quickly disappear..*POOF*



"Yah, open the door...when did you guys became so strong??" Yul again try to push the door with all his strength, but it didn't seem to afftect anything on Taeng.

*Bam!* Yul went flying in and falling flat on the ground as Taeng open the door without letting Yul know.

"Umma..." Yul groan as he still lying on the ground can't get up because it hurt.."Who are you?" He look up and notice Taeng standing next to him.."

"Who are you?" Taeng ask him back while looking at him wierdly.

"Did I go to the wrong house?" Yul mumble to himself while looking around the place..."I'm Kwon Yul..Ahem.." He quickly stood back up on his feet trying to act like nothing happened. "Ah ah! I know who you are...the one that Tiffany li-........always with." He smile brightly after remembering Taeng and held out his hand waiting for a hand shake.

"I'm Taeng." Taeng shake his hand and smile awkwardly...he notice that Yul is the one that he always see around Jessica and during that one time...he then somehow feel like closing the door on Yul again.

"But..why are you here?" Yul curiously look at Taeng then around the house trying to search for someone...Jessica.

"Uh...." Taeng didn't know how to answer him...he can't say that he live here though....

"Tiffany must've invited you over...hmm.." Yul guess first without even letting Taeng finish his sentence.

"If you say so."

"And why did you came here?" Taeng ask back to Yul.

"Me?..I want to meet Jessica...she have been avoiding me alot I want to see how she is doing...hehe.." Yul smile widely while talking about Jessica..on the other side, Taeng is just nodding on the outside but inside he doesn't really care about what Yul just said..

"Jessica and Tiffany went to the doctor.." 

"Doctor?...why?..Did someone get injured?? Was it Jessica? How is she?" Yul keep on asking a bunch of questions to the annoyed Taeng, who is currently wishing that he can just tape Yul's mouth so he won't talk  anymore.

" they're not home.." Taeng reply to Yul quickly before he might talk any longer.

"Oh..but, if they're not home...why are you still here?" Yul look at Taeng suspiciously while circling around him.

"I uh...." Taeng paused trying to find an answer..."They told me to watch over the house for them...yeah..hehe.." Taeng smile slightly pretending that he is saying the truth.

"Watch over?...." Yul eyes wide open..."Aye is blind...That Hwang Miyoung, you never even let me walk inside your house when I am your friend, and yet, you let your crush watch over your house." He mumble to himself while making a scowl look.


"Huh...oh...nothing.." Yul was caught off guard with Taeng's question and just smile brightly instead..."Alright then....thanks for the informations...I guess..I will leave..." Yul slowly walk outside and wave goodbye to Taeng...

"Wait!" He stop the door with his foot when Taeng is ready to close it.."I think you didn't know this...but since you are Tiffany's cru-.........friend, I'll tell you. Tiffany's birthday is in tomorrow...keke...get her something pink or a totoro..haha...Goodluck man." Yul laugh while patting Taeng on the shoulder before leaving..."Bye."



"Weird." Taeng just shake his head after closing the door and going inside.

*POOF* Yoong appear once again and the first thing he do is eat again.

"Shikshin!" Taeng came next to him and slap him on the back...

"What??..I didn't get to eat...that shikshin Sooyoung ate all my foods." Yoong keep on munching his chips..."Who was that?"

"The guy that we saw the other"
"Him?? Did you tell him you live here??" 

"No, I lied to him that I was just watching over the house...ah but Yoong, what is birthday?" Taeng sat down next to Yoong and curiously look at his brother.

"Birkjadfth dakjy day isajkj." Yoong try to talk with a mouthful of food, making crumb flying everywhere..

"You're so nasty Yoong!..Swallow before you talk." Taeng glare at his brother and wipe the crumbs of his body..

"Okay, birthday is.." Yoong swallow his foods before talking agian.."Is a day where human celebrate every is the day that you were's really special, people give you gifts and stuffs..hoho...I have one also, it say it in my 'ID'..May 30. It pass already." Yoong took out his ID and laugh while reading it.

"Mine is March 9." Taeng try to read the small numbers on his card...

"Ayee Hyung's birthday pass like ten years ago.." Yoong said sarcasticly..."But why are you asking?"

"Because that guy told me...that the girl who helped me, birthday is tomorrow...and tell me to give something pink or a something totoro to her...weird..." 

"Oh..are you going to give her something...since she helped you?"

"I don't know...I think I should since she helped me so much..."

"I know right...if not you will still be a loner on the street...hahahha!!" Yoong burst into of laugher imagining Taeng living on the street. "Ow." Taeng smack Yoong on the head for teasing him.

"Yoong. Go get me something pink or a totoro whatever that is..bali! Since you can fly and you know everything around here...get something nice for me..." 

"Huh?...right now??"

"Noooo~ Ten years later.." Taeng rolled his eyes at Yoong..."Arraso...what am I? Your maid??" Yoong stick his tongue out at Taeng before disappearing...

"I'm seriously going to kill that choding when he come back.." Taeng pretend to form a fist and punch the pillow slightly..



...30 minutes later...

*POOF* Yoong appear back into the living room holding a bright bag on his hand...

"Finally you came back!...what is this?? Why is" Taeng try to peak in the bag to see what it is..

"You're going to ruin it!" Yoong slap his hand telling him to stop peaking..."It's a totoro that you pink...everything pink...bleh..." Yoong is also disgusted on how girly the bag look and give it to Taeng..

"Do I give this to her?"

" said her birthday is tomorrow..then give it to her a thank you gift.." Yoong smile brightly

"Uh...I guess.." Taeng and Yoong, the two brothers is sitting in the room talking and talking to each other afterward since JeTi hasn't come home yet...




Who "birthday" is it tomorrow?...what will happen during tomorrow??? End Chap. >:)

Lol sorry if you were expecting Taengsic or Taeny in this chapter...cheeky it's basically YulTae and YoongTae hahaha...Taeng seem to think that Yul is crazy hoho xD poor Yul..

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Chapter 46: Wow this story is really nice. I really enjoyed reading this uwu
Taeyeon2209 #2
Chapter 20: TaengSic 😍 TaeNy
could you please put the pdf version up??? >.<
js1234 #5
I am sorry for not coment in this story but to be honest i already read it more than once and i never bored about your story have a great idea and you can make me feel the story
Thank you for your story author you are amaizing ..
you are talented author fighting
Butterflyer #6
Chapter 46: Thx u... Sweet ff
gabiel #7
Chapter 46: hahahaha :) i enjoy thigs story <3
it isteresting i wish u make another story of yours !!!!!!
make taeny story please author shii
FrozenArc #8
Chapter 46: I've finished this story in 3days
chuchu4 #9
Chapter 46: After 10 years I already finish to read this hahaha...
Jingoo and Hyemi is so cute... Well great story author-nim..
Thumbs up! (y) (y) Hehehehe
Chapter 46: it is a nice chapter
please write more