That's it

We're at it again
You also proceeded to get into fighting stance, keeping your eye on Jin. You were physically and mentally ready to give it all you've got, knowing this is literally the fight for not only your life, but also the lives of the ones you held dear to you. You suddenly heard an automated voice over the intercom, "This is the final battle between Tasha and Jin. Both opponents will begin their fight to the death. The use of guns is prohibited, thus, this battle will be won solely by the initiation of the best fighting techniques. At the end of the countdown, both opponents are to initiate the battle. 10....9....8....7....6....5....4....3....2....1....Fight" the voice finished, and you immediately began fighting, kicking Jin so hard in the face he went flying back. Everyone immediately started cheering, seeing you starting off well. You dashed right forwards Jin, barely giving him the chance to get up. Right when you made it up to Jin, he threw a punch at you. You dodged it immediately, maneuvering behind Jin, kicking him in the back, twisting your body around, bringing your leg up and kicking him on the side. Jin went tumbling, and you slowly walked towards him. "You talked all that , and you fight like this? Don't with me Jin, I know this isn't how you really fight" you said, as you sped up, charging at Jin again. Right when you were a couple of feet from Jin, he suddenly kicked at you, catching you off guard, kicking you right in the face. You flew back a bit, and Jin got up, punching you in the stomach so hard you went flying. You heard everyone gasp as you hit the ground hard. You got up, spitting up blood, immediately realizing something was up. You didn't have much time to think as Jin was already speeding towards you. You quickly spit out the blood and charged right back at Jin. Jin immediately threw an arsenal of punches at you, mainly focusing on trying to hit you in the torso. You continued dodging all of his hits, and threw punches of your own, trying to land a couple of them on his face. Seeing he was keeping up with you, while you were still punching, you took your leg, wrapped it around Jin's left leg, stopped punching, slid to the side of Jin, changed the angle of your leg, and pushed Jin over it, causing him to fall towards the ground face down. Right before he hit the ground, you got your balance on your right leg and put your knee up, then smashed Jin's face into it, hearing a loud crackle. You then took Jin by his hair, bent him backwards, and put him into a head lock, ready to snap his neck. Right before you got the right positioning, Jin placed his hands on your upper arms, keeping them in place on his shoulder, then stood up. Your feet were dangling almost two feet in the air, and Jin quickly threw you from over his shoulder, making sure to hold on to one of your arms and yank it back, dislocating your shoulder. You screamed in pain, but quickly snapped back into your senses when you saw Jin trying pin you under his foot, trying to completely dislocate your arm beyond repair. Despite the pain, you used your arm, along with the leverage you already had to quickly slide between Jin's legs, causing him to lose grip on your arm. You slid along the floor, holding onto your arm, then quickly got up. You knew how to relocate your arm and proceeded to do so. You know Jin purposely stretched your ligaments, so even if you put your arm back in place, you would not only feel pain long afterwards, but have the possibility of losing use of your arm while in mid battle. You had so much adrenaline running through your veins that once your arm was back in place, you felt no pain. You quickly looked up, seeing Jin spit out his mix of broken teeth and blood, and speed back towards you. You knew you had to hurry up and end this, seeing to it that your adrenaline would be wearing off and the pain would come flooding in. You moved your fingers, then put your fists back up. You waited for Jin to get closer to you, then began to run the opposite direction, taking out a dagger. Everyone watched you, wondering why you were running. Jin was right on your tail, and you were running towards a wall. Right when you made it to the corner of the wall, you ran up the wall, pushing yourself off of it right at face level with Jin, bringing your body slightly past his face as you hooked your leg around his neck and swung around, slicing up his torso, then stabbed him in the back as you finished swinging around his body one time, quickly getting off before he could retaliate. You quickly ran back towards the middle of the room, then abruptly stopped, unable to move. Your whole body then turned around. You saw Jin standing there with his arm stretched towards you. You stared at Jin, seeing him staring right back. With one simple fling of his arm, you went flying, smashing into the wall. Everyone immediately went crazy, trying to get to you, but the place where they were sitting was a sealed room, leaving everyone with no choice but to watch in agony. Knowing Jin had nothing but the pure intent to cheat his way to the end of the battle made everyone even more upset. You quickly got back up, just to be slung to the other side of the room once again. You felt the pain starting to set in, getting you worried all over again. "Averse Stratention....The complete version of the power development my brother never finished" Jin said, as he slowly lifted you up in the air. You looked down, seeing Jin bending your leg inwards. You decided you weren't going to give Jin the satisfaction, so you closed your eyes in agony as Jin slowly broke your leg, wanting you to feel all the pain. When Jin saw you weren't giving in, he took your good arm and broke it in half, causing tears to escape your closed eyes. Bang went insane, pounding and ripping at the door that was keeping everyone inside. You heard muffled screams, knowing everyone was terrified seeing what was going on. You started feeling nothing but heat as you were in the middle of the air, floating at Jin's mercy. Seeing that you still weren't giving in, Jin started twisting your neck, knowing this would be it once your neck was snapped. You opened your eyes giving everyone one last look before your neck was quickly twisted to the side. You saw a burst of flames before you lost all feeling and your body went completely limp.
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Nata97 #1
Chapter 34: This both stories are so damn good!!!!! I havent slept for 2 days to just End it xD i have an idea... What if you write a sequel sequel, which means u could tell US the story about Kai, Anthony and Aiden, how Tasha learned Them to fight or something Like this.... That would be so damn cool *~*
Fighting for your Next stories, imma gonna stalk u some time ^-^ xD
Chapter 34: I missed yoooou!!!

And the chapter was goood!!
Chapter 34: I just had time to read this stories up till the end~ And this sequel is seriously daebak - same as the first one in the mood and scene which made me fully immersed into Tasha's character ^^ This is one of the best stories that I'd read and what could I say? You're so amazing! Thanks for this sequel, I'm gonna miss both this stories for sure~ :)
XD! Yessssss!! You know Tasha is all about surprising people and making it through!! Don't worry, there's another update coming reeealllly soon! ^.^
Chapter 32: I KNEW THERE WAS HOPE FOR TASHIE!!! aww I can see them now..UPDATE SOON, but take your time
Chapter 30: D; at least she's breathing..eeeppp!! UPDATE SOON.
Chapter 29: D; oh shiz!! this was legit!! UPDATE SOON!!
Chapter 26: xD I'm dead.. that was to funny, the ending. Kai!! so cute, is he like Tashas baby now!! aahh the twins, damn Bang is ing it love it so much..