ooO 7



" Phew! Finally, all done! " You wiped the beads of sweat on your forehead, because of your too much concentration you sweated a little. You held up your canvass then smiled.

Tracing it using your fingers, Your frowned when you saw a little smudge on it when you touched it, You immediately picked a white cloth and started dabbing it carefully, trying not to smudge some more colors on it.

* Aish.. I have to pass this, but its a little bit wet! * You pouted.

Little did you know that Jongjin is taking quick glances at you while smiling,  So cute~ 

He thought while watching you dab the cloth to the canvass. You felt someone staring at you, You narrowed your eyes a little bit then turned to Jongjin,

Who immediately turn his head and continously drew more lines on his canvass. You tried to take a look on it but he hid it from you.

" Aww. come on! lem'me see! " You held out your hand. He chuckled then shook his head.

" Maybe next time. " He said then turned back on drawing. You pouted then huffed away

* Wierd kid.. * You stood up then picked up your canvass and made your way to the teachers table. You bit your bottom lip. 

" Songsaengnim, Im done on my drawing.. I want to pass it now. " You said while smiling sheepishly placing the canvass on the desk.

The teacher nodded then picked it out and smirked, judging every features on it. Then put it down. " For starters, your actually good. Well done, Ms. Park. " The teacher said with a little smile.

You bowed 'thanks' then hurried back at your sit. Once you plopped down. something caught your eye. You looked at Jongjin's desk where his canvass is placed. Your eyes widened, and mouth agape. No.Way. 


" I-is this m-me? " You thougth while taking hold of it. You touched then nose, the eyes, and the lips. It really looked liked you. You are surprised that someone can draw you for like 1 hour only, While staring at it in awe, You woke up in your trance when your heard someone chuckling.

You looked up and saw Jongjin smiling sweetly at you, You blushed then put the canvass down.

" What? you dont like it? " Jongjin said, taking a seat and stared at you.

You shooked your head then gave him a reassuring smile. " No, its very beautiful, really.

" You said while smiling. " But.. Why did you draw me? " You asked.

Jongjin smiled then ruffled your hair. " The teacher said to draw something 'beautiful and charming' and i thought you suited on today's theme."

Jongjin winked at you playfully, while you are flustered.

" O-oh, Ah.. really? Well.. Thanks " You stuttered. While looking down, You cant look up because of your blushing face.  Damn.. this cheeks of mine. You cursed your cheeks on your mind.

Then suddenly a hand stuck out infront of your face.You looked up and saw Jongjin smiling at you.

" Friends? " He asked while grinning, You chuckled then shooked his hands.

" Friends. "





You and Jongjin imemdiately became friends, You are so happy right now.  Wow.. 2 friends in a day!  You thought happily while skipping with Jongjin in the hallways.

You see, You and Jongjin are going to your next class which is the Dance class. Fortunately, You and Jongjin have the same classes.

" You good at dancing? " Jongjin asked while looking down at you.

You just shrugged. " Im not good, but im neat. " You said looking up.

" How about you Jongin-ssi? " You asked him with a smile.

Jongjin chuckled then nodded. " Yeah, I love dancing since when i was a kid. And.. " He trailed on.

" Yeah? " You asked.

" Please dont call me 'Jongjin-ssi' again, Its makes me feel... old. Just drop the formalities neh? " Jongjin asked while putting an arm around your shoulder. Your eyes widen in the sudden skinship and blushed.

" U-uh, ive never called someone 'oppa' before.. So can i just call you by your name? " You asked still looking flustered.

Jongjin nodded " Sure.. wait, why you so red? You alright? " He worriedly asked and put a hand on your forhead. You tensed a bit. 

Jongjin chuckled. " Aww~ Moon-ah~ dont be flustered around me! Even though you love me right? " Jongjin cooed.

You made a face at him  " Shut up wierdo. " Jongjin gasped then pretended to be hurt.

" Ow~~ how could you Moon? you just hurted a flowerboy's heart~ " Jongjin pouted.

You made a face then pushed him. " Get away from me you wierdo~ " 

You ran away from him while laughing at his dumbfounded face. Once he woke up from his trance, he snapped his head towards you then screamed.


Jongjin shouted while chasing you, You laughed then ran away faster.

" ANIYO~ " You squealed. Students are looking at you 2 with wierd faces.

Jongjin chuckeld while chasing you.

 He picked up his pace then succeded at catching you, He whirled you around by back-hugging your slim waist, You laughed heartily and hit his arms.

" YAH! Let me go you wierdo! " You laughed while trying to shook of his hold at you.

He smirked then back-hugged you more. " Aniyaa~ Take back of what you've said! " He said while whirling you again. You nodded then said.

" Okay, OKAY! Youre not a wierdo anymore! " You chuckled. Jongjin grinned victoriously, then let you go.

He was about to say something when he frowned a little and looked over your shoulder. You grew confused then followed his gaze.

* Wha-- * You gasped when you saw 6 guys staring at you, But one person caught your eyes. * Its him again. * He clapped. 

" Wow, Has the movie of you two ended? " The guy in middle smirked.

Little did you know one of them is Hurt by the sight of you and Jongjin.

--------- O ---------

A/N: Yay! New poster! <3 did you guys like it? :D Its really cute! Do you Pandas know that GUY is? geuss?guess? :)) Hehe. Update again next week ^__ ^

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UPDATED 3/25/14


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 64: Omg this story is so good!!! Please update soon~
suliman #2
What should i do?
I am so in love with this story
Please try to update
suliman #3
Chapter 64: Please update soon
Chapter 64: update plss im loving this story
Chapter 64: Oh my gosh!!!!! Author-nim!!!!! I .just read your story in just one day!!!!!!! ,I love your story!!!!! And are they dumb or What??!? There is a thing called DNA. test!!!!
Chapter 64: y Yujin I swear I will really pull your hair if I can and Im on Mrs. Wu's side you can do it ma'am! Aja! Fighting! Prove to them that Yujin is pretending!

Btw authornim~~~~~ a very very very late WELCOME BACK!! Thanks for the updates
Chapter 64: the chapter is so short~~ but thanks for updating. i still don't like Yujin and I kinda feel bad for Kris and his dad, sigh... why won't anyone find out the truth?!~~~~ mehh, i'm dying in frustration .
Chapter 63: welcome baek panda unnie!! ~~~

omigosh i miss you so much !!!! i was on hiatus while waiting for a millenium for my most favourite fanfics to update and finally! kamsa unnie ! but i pity lay cause unrequited love ;n;
Chapter 64: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate that Yujin

The story's been quite misleading =;
naznew #10
Chapter 64: Gomawo update..
I like this chapter..