ooO 43



After that Incident with you, EXO-M held a secret meeting. And again.. without Luhan. EXO-M met on their hangout place. And also, the reason why they don't bring Luhan with them on their meetings is because they thought that your relationship with Luhan was improving even just a little bit. And they know how Luhan doesn't talk to any other girls besides Yujin and now you. And they assume that you both have a chance to be friends in the future. They decided to give the both of you a little push.

" So.. is this plan called-- ' Make Moonbyul and Luhan together ' ? " Tao asked. Kris nodded.Lay was silently drinking his shake on a corner, listening to them with a worried heart. 

" Well you could say that. " 

" Hmm~ I think I love it! " Tao cheered. Chen smirked then rubbed his palms in an evil way. Xiumin gave him a look then pulled his hands down.Chen rolled his eyes. 

" So.. whats the plan? " Xiumin asked. Tao,Kris,Lay and Xiumin looked at Chen. Chen blinked. 

" Me? "

" Oh anyi! The ceiling, ge. " Tao sarcastically pointed the ceiling. 

" Yah! "

" Aish! Can you just tell us your so called 'fantastic' plan? You're the one who planned this meeting anyways. " Kris rolled his eyes. Chen sighed then gestured for Lay to come closer. Lay blinked but followed his gesture. The rest of EXO-M scoffed at them. Chen ignroed them and whispered his plan to Lay. Lay's eyes widen a bit then looked at Chen with a 'are you damn serious?' look. 

Chen nodded with a creepy smile. Lay sighed then looked at Kris with a 'goodluck to you' look. Now, The others were curious. Especially Kris.

" WHAT IS IT?! "



Chen tsk-ed then began telling the plan from A-Z. 

" I just thought that Moonbyl and Luhan, needs an 'alone' time together right? And also.. we don't need Yujin interfering on our plans and maybe ruin it. So I was thinking that maybe.. we could trick them going to the council room and someone will lock the door. "

" What? We will lock them in? But how are the------ "

" Of course we will unlock it babo. " Chen rolled his eyes at Tao. Tao oh-ed inunderstanding then gestured for Chen to continue. 

" As I was saying. We will lock them for about 2 hours and we won't forget about Yujin here. We need someone as distraction. We need someone to distract her away from us. And Kris is going to do that for us.. " Chen nonchalantly said the last part.

Kris was sipping his juice calmy but when he heard what Chen said made him spat his drink to Xiumin's face. Kris' face was priceless and the others laughed at him because of it except for Xiumin.

" YAH! DO YOU HAVE DOLPHIN BREED IN YOU? Aish.. " Xiumin glared at Kris while wiping his face with a tissue. But Kris didn't listen to him. 

" Bwoya? I-I will ask Yujin for a--- "

" Yes Kris ge. If you want Luhan and Moonbyul to be friends and in goodterms. You will help us and date Yujin.. And what the hell. Its not like you're going to marry her. Its a fake play okay? So don't give me that scary look.. geez. " Chen explained facepalming himself. 

Kris thought about it for awhile. Its not like I will be dating Yujin.. for real. Not gonna happen. All I have to do is to keep Yujin distracted from searching Luhan. That's all. Im not going to lose anything.. right?

" ..fine.. " Kris muttered.

EXO-M Stood up then rejoiced, Throwing themselves to their leader while shouting 'canon-ball' or 'hamburger'. Kris groaned because of their foolishness.

" The plan will start tomorrow by the way--- CANON BALL! " Chen jumped to Kris. 

" This is absolutely.. NOT my style. " 





The Next Day..

Today is the day were your teacher in History will hand out the results about your special tests the other day. You sighed stressfully while tapping your table with a pen. Mira is fidgeting on her place because of nervousness. You were just waiting for your name to be called and you thought that its going to take forever.

" Park MoonByul-ssi " You flinched when the teacher called your name. The teacher looked at you with stern eyes. You gulped then stood up giving Mira a fighting look.

You walked over the table to collect your test paper. You didn't even looked at your paper even a bit. You just bowed to your teacher then returned to your seat. Once you sat down, Mira was stealing glances at your paper. You closed your eyes while opening it slowly. Please be high.. high grades please. 

" Not bad~ " Mira nodded. You peeked an eye before looking at your paper fully. You mentally squealed.


Once the teacher finsihed handing out the papers. The both of you squealed while packing your things. Mira somehow got a score of 85% and she's releaved that she passed the test.  History is your last subject that means its dismissal. It made your mood even better.  

" Bye Mira~ " You waved at her at the hallway before parting ways. You grinned then hummed taking small steps.




 Xiumin started to panic. Oh crap. How am I supposed to bring Luhan---AHA! Xiumin suddenly gripped Luhan's hand. Luhan flinched and looked at Xiumin.

" Yah. What are you doing? "

" Luhan. Help me.. " Xiumin frowned fakely. Luhan's eyes turned serious. HA! He's falling to my trap. 

" What is it? " 

" Help me get something on the Council's room. Our adviser talked to me this morning about it! A-and I have to bring it to her! " Xiumin excused. Beads of sweat are forming on his forehead. Luhan looked at Xiumin for awhile before nodding. 

" Fine.. "

Xiumin kissed Luhan's cheek then thanked him. Luhan stood there frozen before punching Xiumin's back. 




" MOONBYUL! " You heard someone calling you.You were standing by the school gates. You spun around then found a panting Chen infront of you. You looked at him, a bit surprised.

" Chen.. what are you doing here? " You asked. You waited for Chen to catch his breath but Chen suddenly grabbed your hand and started pulling you with him. Your eyes widen then stopped.

" Yah. Where are you taking me? " Chen looked at you a bit.

" At the Council room. Please.. just help me? I need to find this slip. Please? " Chen pleaded while doing some aegyo. You choked on air then laughed but nodded.

" Arasso! But don't ever use aegyo on me! You look horrible! " Chen scoffed but pulled you to the Council's room. He sended Xiumin at text, signaling him. Chen smirked.

My plan is working~ 







You and Chen reached the council room. You walked inside and placed the bag on the floor. Chen followed suit behind you. You asked him what kind of slip he needed.

" What slip do you need? " You asked while looking through the folders. Chen began to nervously look around.

" U-uh.. Uhm.. DETENTION SLIP! Yeah. " Chen said a bit too loud. You gave him a look but you shrugged it off. Detention slip? I thought that the teacher will give it to you when you got detention.. I guess his teacher forgot.

You looked around the room btu successfully found the detention slip folders. You brightened up.

" Aha! Chen I--- " But once you turned around. Chen was nowhere to be found. You grew worried then suddenly. The bulb began to flicker until..


* Lights out *


" W-what?! " You immediately stood up then went to the handle it won't move. You gasped then you started to panic. Omona! Im locked! OH NO!  You looked around the room with a bit of scare in you.Darkness is something you really hate. No one was there and It was dark, but good thing that the sun still hadn't set so theres a bit of light coming from the window. its only 5:30 PM. You sighed then sat on a corner. 

Chen you're dead if you planned this.. You thought with clenched teeth. Soon, fatigue took over you until you fell asleep.





You groaned while you opened your eyes. Where am I? Oh.. right. Im locked at Council room. You squinted your eyes on you dark surroundings. You looked at the window then gaped at it. Its like the first time you ever saw a window in your whole life. 

! ITS NIGHT TIME AND IM STUCK HERE! HOLY COW! MY PARENTS ARE GOING TO KILL ME! You panicked. But a voice spoke behind you. 

" Byul?! " 

Your eyes widened when you heard someone call your name. Im not hearing ghosts right? You turned around slowly then gasped. You didn't see a ghost or anything.. but that certain SOMEONE.


" WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! " The both of you shouted while pointing to each other.














Luhan was there kneeling a bit far from you. With wide eyes and shocked/surprise look on his face.








A/N: To be continued~ CLIFFHANGER~ XDD

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UPDATED 3/25/14


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 64: Omg this story is so good!!! Please update soon~
suliman #2
What should i do?
I am so in love with this story
Please try to update
suliman #3
Chapter 64: Please update soon
Chapter 64: update plss im loving this story
Chapter 64: Oh my gosh!!!!! Author-nim!!!!! I .just read your story in just one day!!!!!!! ,I love your story!!!!! And are they dumb or What??!? There is a thing called DNA. test!!!!
Chapter 64: y Yujin I swear I will really pull your hair if I can and Im on Mrs. Wu's side you can do it ma'am! Aja! Fighting! Prove to them that Yujin is pretending!

Btw authornim~~~~~ a very very very late WELCOME BACK!! Thanks for the updates
Chapter 64: the chapter is so short~~ but thanks for updating. i still don't like Yujin and I kinda feel bad for Kris and his dad, sigh... why won't anyone find out the truth?!~~~~ mehh, i'm dying in frustration .
Chapter 63: welcome baek panda unnie!! ~~~

omigosh i miss you so much !!!! i was on hiatus while waiting for a millenium for my most favourite fanfics to update and finally! kamsa unnie ! but i pity lay cause unrequited love ;n;
Chapter 64: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate that Yujin

The story's been quite misleading =;
naznew #10
Chapter 64: Gomawo update..
I like this chapter..