ooO 37


Before anything else.. PLEASE READ THE AUTHOR NOTE. :) I just wanted to say some words to you guys.. *innocently blinks* Anyways, I'll be stepping aside so that you guys can read. :D ENJOY!


The bus going to the orphanage was full of cries,laughs and sighs of relief. Mostly the cries were from the children who doesn't want to be separated from their so called 'parents' just yet. Reliefs are going flying around the air mostly from the parents who didn't do good. And Luhan,Chen and Kris belongs to them.

" Finally~ This project is over! " Kris pumped his fist. Xiumin whacked his forhead with an eyeroll.

" Stupid. Can you shut up for a moment? Sunri's trying to sleep here. " Xiumin nodded at the little girl twitching on Xiumin's lap. Kris sheepishly smiled.

" O-oh.. Mianhae. " 

You looked at Hana who is sulking on her seat. Pouting her lips with arms-crossed and looking out of the window. You knew she was disappointed because in any minute now, she'll be away from you and Luhan. You were too, You're kinda attatched to this kid already. Luhan admitted it too but never spoke it out. I admit I enjoyed this project... a bit..?  

" Hey.. Hana? Hey.. " You called while tapping her shoulder.

Hana didn't reply but frowned. She closed her eyes then pretended to sleep instead. You bit your bottom lip as you retracted your hand fom her shoulder. This thing really had a great effect on her... mianhae Hana.. 

You sighed then closed your eyes for a minute. Luhan was just enjoying his sweet time while sleeping with headphones on. You looked at him for awhile. Thinking if he enjoyed the project too. 

" I guess.. Hana's disappointed noona. " Tao spoke. The guys looked at you. You looked at them then nodded.

" Well.. yeah, I think she's kind of attatched to us.. " 

Kris smiled then patted your head. " Don't worry, you'll find things to distract yourself from missing Hana. Though, It'll take time. " You thought of Kris words. But, its impossible not to miss that litte ray of sunshine you see everyday and you got attatched to. You sighed heavily.

" Well.. yeah.. I guess? " 

Kris smiled then leaned back on his chair opening a book to read. Reina is sleeping beside Lay so it isn't much of a problem for him. Lay patted your shoulder to ease your dissappointment. You looked at him then smiled assuringly.

" Don't worry. You can hangout with me! " Lay smiled. You chuckled " I guess so. "

Luhan tossed a bit in his sleep with a crinkling nose. The both of you looked at Luhan then to each other before burtsing out a chuckle. You hushed Lay.

" Shh. Luhan appa is sleeping. " Lay rolled his eyes.

" Yeah sure. He sleeps like a chicken. "

Luhan heard what Lay said. He frowned in his head then intentionally kicked Lay's back. Lay rubbed the sore part on his back before looking at Luhan with furrowed eyebrows.

" What the--? " 

" Told yah. " You shrugged.





Soon enough, the bus reached its destination and everyone was pouring out of the bus with their kids on their arms. You woke Hana up with a heavy heart. 

" Hana? Were here. "

Hana blinked an eye open before closing it back again. Pretending to sleep. She thought that way, she could change your mind for not returning her. You knew her plan and felt another pang of pain struck your heart.

" Hana, wake up. I know you're awake. I just can't take you.. now. " 

Hana finally woke up with tears streaming down on her face. Hana pounded her fist on a cushion while crying. Your eyes widen the tried to calm her down.

" I dont want to go! I dont want to! I dont want to leave! No~ Aniya! " Hana threw a fit. You tried explaining her. You're close on breaking down.

" You know that I dont want to let you go too right? I can't just adopt you like that and you know that too. Luhan appa and em are still minors and can't afford to adopt a child. " You explained with clasped hands.

Hana looked up with red eyes while sniffing. 

" But.. I wanna be loved... " Hana mumbled. You sighed then sincerley smiled at her. " You do know that me and your Luhan appa loves you. Even though we get separted.. we always will. " 

Hana stared at you for a bit before hugging you. You looked at the latter girl on your arms but squeezed her into a tght hug too. You pulled back then wiped Hana's tears using your thumbs. Hana finally smiled.

" Lets go. " You smiled then carried her. Hana thought for awhile then nodded. 






Luhan looked at you and Hana walkting towards him. He noticed how red Hana's eyes and cheeks are. Yours too. He knew that you and Hana cried. Luhan titghly gripped on Hana's backpack in his hands. The guys just came back from the orphanage. They already returned their child except you and Luhan.

Kris nudged Luhan. Luhan looked at him with a confused look. 

" Go " Kris nodded at your direction. Luhan looked at you both. At first he hesitated. But again, he knew Hana would look for him so he walked up to the both of you. 

Kris lightly smiled then walked away with the guys.




" Where's Luhan appa? " Hana asked. You looked around but can't find him anywhere. You swore that if he won't appear in any minute, you will chop off his balls for the kid's sake. 


" Boo~ " Luhan smiled while appearing beside Hana. Hana squealed then hugged his 'father' for the last time. Luhan just smiled meekly then hugged Hana back. Hana buried her face on Luhan's neck. You watched them with a smile. You never thought that Luhan could change into a fatherly figure to Hana on the past 3 days. Yu took your phone out then silently took a picture. You hid it quickly to your pocket with a grin.

" Im going to miss you appa. " Hana pulled back. " And umma. " She added. You and Luhan smiled at her. You thought of an idea. Again, you whipped otu your phone then waved it to them.

" Wanna take a pic? " You sheepsihly smiled. Luhan looked at you while Hana just nodded. " Yes! "

Luhan had no choice but prayed to the heavens about his sinfulness..thats what he thought. The three of you posed for the camera. Hana in between. Hana noticed your and Luhan's awkward poses. So she quickly moved them closer and made Luhan put his  arm around you. You blushed but only a bit. You got used to it already.





A little keepsake of Hana's departure. 








You and Luhan walked back to the bus. The other were already there so its just the two of you. It was akward walk. You're just blank. Blankly staring ahead of the road. Luhan would take quick glances at you. What is she thinkin?---oh wait. why do I even care?  He just walked casually with his hands on his pockets. 

" So.. what happened back there? " Luhan asked out of the blue. still looking ahead. You snapped your head towards him.

" What do you mean? "

" What happened on the bus? You made me wait and waiting is not my thing. " Luhan coughed. You directed your gaze at the road again. Flashbacks of the events that happened inside the bus earlier made you dizzy. So you waved it off... and thankfully you both reached the bus.

" Its nothing. I just lost something. Sorry from making you wait. " You said blankly then climbed on the bus.




Luhan smirked. Little did you know that he witnessed everything. 

" Pabo. "

Then climbed on the bus after you.





A/N: First of all, I wanted to say sorry because this chapter is short and also because I stayed out longer than a month. But my studies are more improtant. So I wasted my time on studying instead. And soem of you might wondered why im always on, its because I didn't logged out my acc in my cellphone. And yeah, Im having some friend issues to on the past weeks so Im kinda destructed and my imagination wasn't working. And of course, I need to pass all of my requirements for my clearance's sake so that I could take a peaceful vacation. And also.. Im kind of scared about my exam results. Im jsut scared that I might take Summer classes. Pray for me. :'( 




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UPDATED 3/25/14


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 64: Omg this story is so good!!! Please update soon~
suliman #2
What should i do?
I am so in love with this story
Please try to update
suliman #3
Chapter 64: Please update soon
Chapter 64: update plss im loving this story
Chapter 64: Oh my gosh!!!!! Author-nim!!!!! I .just read your story in just one day!!!!!!! ,I love your story!!!!! And are they dumb or What??!? There is a thing called DNA. test!!!!
Chapter 64: y Yujin I swear I will really pull your hair if I can and Im on Mrs. Wu's side you can do it ma'am! Aja! Fighting! Prove to them that Yujin is pretending!

Btw authornim~~~~~ a very very very late WELCOME BACK!! Thanks for the updates
Chapter 64: the chapter is so short~~ but thanks for updating. i still don't like Yujin and I kinda feel bad for Kris and his dad, sigh... why won't anyone find out the truth?!~~~~ mehh, i'm dying in frustration .
Chapter 63: welcome baek panda unnie!! ~~~

omigosh i miss you so much !!!! i was on hiatus while waiting for a millenium for my most favourite fanfics to update and finally! kamsa unnie ! but i pity lay cause unrequited love ;n;
Chapter 64: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh I hate that Yujin

The story's been quite misleading =;
naznew #10
Chapter 64: Gomawo update..
I like this chapter..