A kiss on the lips


Changjo and me were sitting in Teen Top's dorm , his face always approached me. We practiced how we should kiss each other for Mnet Scandal. I had an always blush on my cheeks. So embarrassing.
L.Joe joined us with a weird look “Watcha doing there?” he asked confused. Changjo just said kinda cold “We are practicing for Mnet Scandal.” then he got up. L.Joe looked kinda jealous to me “What's in the script?” he asked. I shook my head “Did you forget? We said we don't tell each other about it.” I bit my lip knowing what the end of Mnet scandal would me.

And now kiss her” the producer of Mnet Scandal said. So we started to take a new cut. Changjo and me were on a river sitting next to next. He smiled to me “Just two hour left until our week finished.” I nodded nervously “N-nae.. It's kinda said, isn't it?” He nodded just.
We sat like this for a while. He approached me always just a bit until our arms touching each other. I looked down smiling and Changjo leaned in to me whispered into my ear “If we need to kiss each other, help me a bit instead looking down. Don't care about L.Joe. This here is just an job.” I looked up to him “Hm?” Changjo leaned more in and his lips touched mine. I blushed mad and he touched my cheek caressed it with his thumb. “Even if we decide not to keep on this, I want to let you know it's nice time we had in here.” he smiled and I just smiled back. “N-Nae”
10 minutes left and I sat into the van having my mobile phone in my hand. I wrote the last message for this couple being “It was a nice time... Have nice days. I'll miss you” I sent this message and his came back “I miss you too.”

I arrived home and lay down. Silently I cried. I wished him laying next to me. Not L.Joe but Changjo. I realized he is going to marry... someone else. I fell asleep after a long tiredly time.


I hugged my pillow if I woke up. Changjo sat next to me onto the bed. “Yah.... for how long you can actually let me wait? Didn't we say meeting a hour ago?” I sat up rubbed my eyes looked at the clock. 11 o'clock. I blinked looked to him then I realized... I was . I grabbed the pillow and covered myself with a mad blush. “Eh... meeting? Why?” I looked away with a sigh. “Because I should give you a ride to Eunmi... she needs your help for preparing the wedding. Why are you ?” I grabbed the blanket pulled it closer around me still looking away “I don't know.” I sighed again leaving to the bath.

Few hours later I sat in Eunmi's bed room. She looked through magazines and Jiae was also in here. I looked around a bit sighed and got up. I walked into the bath room. I looked into the mirror and checked up my make up. I came back into her bed room and walked to the bed if I suddenly saw a under her bed. I looked away and sat onto her bed.

Another day I came into Teen Top's dorm. I was there for a date. I wore a pretty dress and Changjo opened the door for me. I smiled and hugged him. I entered the kitchen because Changjo cooked for us. He made some Kimbap and fish in puff pastry, rice and kimchi were also there. We fed each other it was really sweet. I grinned and he smiled to me pecked my lips “Will you stay overnight, Sweetheart?” I nodded “For sure I do. I love you.” “I love you too.” a gentle warm smile appeared over his lips. “Just one bit” he said placed his chopsticks at my lips and I parted my lips to him.
After finished eating he cleaned a bit the dishes and grabbed my hand “Let's go sleeping, it's late, isn't it?” he smiled and I got up. I followed him into his room. In his room he locked his door start kissing me hungrily and deeply. I smiled replying his kiss letting him pulling off my dress. This scenario kept on and he hovered over me kissing around my s. He caught with his teeth my and on it while massaging and groping the other one. I moaned softly closed my eyes then opened them hugging his head. I had a short gaze into the mirror. And me.. my face.. my hair was different. I was in a different body.

~Dream finished~

I woke up crying. I hugged my pillow.


Where is Changjo?” I asked curious if I sat in Teen Top's kitchen with Ricky and L.Joe. Ricky cooked for us and L.Joe played with my hand. Ricky shrugged “He's with Eunmi.. they are doing some things like signing a contract with the church and such things. Do you know how her bridal gown looks like?” I nodded , tried to smile softly “Nae... it's really pretty. She looks great in it.” “Oh Juah... tomorrow is the releasing of Mnet scandal. We planned all to watch together, will you join us?” he smiled I just nodded bit my lip “Nae.. I'll be there. I thought we won't watch it actually...” L.Joe just shrugged “the other want to watch it and manager wants us to watch it too.”

On the next day Ricky made some popcorn while the other member already placed themselves onto the couch. L.Joe's arm was around my waist and Changjo sat onto the ground. “Ey Changjo, where is Eunmi?” Chunji asked. Changjo looked up to him “She knows the script so she watches it with Jiae another time.” I looked to him then Changjo looked up to me “She's not that fan of it, like nobody of us might really are. But hey.. the fans will love it I guess.” he rubbed the back of his neck. I just glared at him a bit then I rest my head onto L.Joe's shoulder as he hold my hand tightly. Ricky came into the room as finally the commercials were done and Mnet scandal started. The other ate the popcorn while they shown how all the couples met each other.
I tried not to get jealous if L.Joe was with his girl.
Changjo squeezed sometimes my hand if Changjo and me was flirting. I blushed a bit looking down. It was embarrassing to watch on TV without problem. Then the dates were shown.
CAP and his girl were really cute. L.Joe and his didn't get along well and then there were Changjo and me. We got along well... very well. And the filming was great being on his side at least for few hours of filming. I smiled softly and Chunji noticed it. Sometimes there were laughter but L.Joe already seemed to be pissed off the whole time. Then the ending part came and Minsoo seemed sad on tv... L.Joe was kinda relieved. Then the whole ending we just filmed few days ago was shown. Changjo and we sat there at the river really close to each other. I looked down and Changjo rested his head against mine. He whispered something while smiling softly and everybody could see my tomato face. And then it happened I lifted my head and Changjo kissed me. Now it's cut. I bit my lip and L.Joe got up. He's angry and I said “L.Joe... it's.. not” I grabbed his hand. L.Joe just wrested away “It's not what? It's not what it looked like? Don't tell me you didn't enjoy this whole thing. That you couldn't say no to the kiss. I should have also kiss this girl but I said no Juah. You didn't” L.Joe wanted leave but Changjo stood up “Be nicer to Juah. It's just a job we've done. Nothing else.” L.Joe frowned turned angrily and with clenched fist he beat into Changjo's face.

I'm so sorry... it's not the best chapter at all.. 

any ideas? Just tell me ^O^ I know it's been a while I updated but my ideas are so rare >_<"



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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Chapter 34: Oh no you didn't L.Joe
YoongiholicAnonymous #2
Chapter 33: O!M!C! *speechless*
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
Chapter 32: Finally~~ wow I really missed this story kkk
Chapter 31: I'm so curious, yeah (?) haha
Chapter 31: I think that too, I think they know the true or Ljoe knows the true but he want her to tell him personally hehehehe
YoongiholicAnonymous #7
Chapter 31: And now I think they know the truth :D
Chapter 30: Oh my goshhhh!! Your story is awesome! Update soon!!! :D
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
Chapter 30: Omc Chunji wants to tell :o
Is there going to be a fight between Changjo and L.Joe like in the 장난아냐 MV when L.Joe knows the truth? (Somehow I hope so :D)