y eyes, y nose, y mouth , don't you know? ^^''


This is just a dream Noona...” I said. Juah left the room quickly and I looked back to Eunmi “I'm going to talk to her...” “No... I will go. I asked her to meet me...” Eunmi said and wanted to stand up. I dragged her to me “I will talk to Juah and tell her you have later time...” I stood up and wanted to go.
But Eunmi shouted “Put back your clothes on.”
I smirked “but...” she shouted and laughed again “No put your clothes on.” I nodded “Gwenchanaa...” and grabbed my trousers. “Wait there..” I said and walked back into the floor. I looked around and Juah sat in the living room.
“Juah...” I said and she looked to me and blushed “uhm... you are shirtless..”
I sat next to her “I can't forget you if you are always around me...”
She shook her head “I can't do anything. Eunmi asked me to meet her at this time... and I didn't know.. you would have the thing... you know what I mean.” “Tell Eunmi you can't go with me to California... someone should go with us..” I said. “Changjo... don't worry I'm not trying to do something in California... you are thinking stupid things...” Juah said and suddenly stood up. Eunmi stood in the door sill. She had her dress on “We can go Juah.” Juah walked over me and I pouted “Noona...” but she shook her head and walked to me “I will see you later Yeobo.” she pressed a hasty kiss on my lips.
“This is not funny Noona.” I said but she just laughed. Juah just stood there and watched around.
Then Eunmi left with Juah and I lay down on the couch. “I'm going crazy....”

~Juah view... after a long time.. I think...~

Eunmi... Oennie. I'm sorry.. I couldn't know that.. you and …. Changjo had this thing.” I said while looking down.
She laughed “Don't worry... it's okay. So but now we should talk about the wedding... what do you think... what does he prefer a little chapel or a big church?”
“Maybe you should talk about all this things with Changjo... I'm sure I can't know him well...” I said quickly.
She shook her head “No... we never talked about weddings before because he always told me he would think about it like he was a child. So... you know him then the best.”
So I said finally “He said he prefers a little chapel... a wedding with all the friends and the whole family. He wants his bride in a arresting dress but not really white... maybe a cream color. I'm not sure about it.”
Eunmi smiled to me “Look. We can do that together. May I ask you something...?” I looked to her “Of course... whatever you want.”
“Do you think... you could be L.Joe's date for the wedding? So I mean walking to the altar. Dancing at the party... I think you can become close again.” Eunmi smiled bright.
“I think... we can act that we will do that if you like to do this...” I said. But she shook her head “Would you really like to do it? Do you still like L.Joe like this?”
“Yeah maybe... I'm not sure if L.Joe would also like to do this...” I said weak.
“Juah.. tell me. What happened actually between you?” Eunmi said.
“Oennie.. I won't talk about it, ok?” I said again and Eunmi nodded.

What about the decoration? Which one of them do you like better?” Eunmi said and showed me some pictures.
“I don't know... I'm not sure.” I said and Eunmi shook her head “Juah... I really want to hear your opinion.”
I smiled kind “I like this purple one...” Eunmi smiled pretty.
“Damn she is so beautiful.. how could Changjo cheat on her? How could I help him with the cheating thing?” I thought sad.

“Juah will you come in 5 month back and stay here for the whole month? We do the last things... like fit the dresses and so on...” Eunmi said and I nodded.
“Oennie... What about... we have a double-Date tomorrow... you Changjo... L.Joe and me? I'm going to ask him...” I suddenly said.
Eunmi looked up from one of her wedding magazines and smiled bright “Yeah... this would be great.” I smiled “Yeah... what about... ice skating again?” and Eunmi nodded.

Eunmi and me walked back to Teen Top's dorm. Not all members were home but I walked to L.Joe's door. Eunmi stood there and hid around the corner. She smiled friendly and raised her hand “Hwaiting.” I nodded and knocked at the door. The door got at first not open, I wanted to walk back to Eunmi but the door got open. “Hey...” L.Joe said. I turned happy “Hay...” but he didn't seem this happy.
So I kept on “May... I can come in?” L.Joe looked into his room and nodded “Yeah...” he let the door open and walked into his room. I followed him and turned for closing the door. Before I closed I saw Changjo... he stood there and watched me. He was confused and angry about that I finally closed the door.

L.Joe... would you like to go out with me again? Going ice-skating? But with Eunmi and Changjo again.” I asked while I looked down.
“Are you stupid?” L.Joe asked angry. He sat down on his bed but I still stood there “L.Joe... I didn't want you hurt. I won't kiss Changjo. I want to forget him... I want you.”
L.Joe stood up “Then you wouldn't kiss him. Juah... don't be childish. You love him and this can't change this easily what you think. You don't want me... you want him.” L.Joe was really cold.
He grabbed the door latch and I grabbed then his hand “Jebal...” He looked strict to me “What do you want? What shall I do now?”
I looked into his eyes and touched his cheek. Then I grabbed his head with both hands and pulled it to my own. L.Joe didn't resist against me and followed me. He pulled our waists together and his hand walked to my neck. “You are stupid Juah... jeongmal Babo.” he smirked and it made me happy. “So what is with tomorrow?”
He looked up from the kiss “No. Not with him.” Then he walked to his bed and pulled my waist to him. I dropped down on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck “Okay... but will we see us more often?”
He nodded “If you like... and... if you stay away from Changjo... don't kiss him again.”
I replied with a kiss.

I should go...” I said after a while and wanted to stand up. L.Joe grabbed my hand “Are you sure?”
I shook my head “No... but I need get ready for the party.” L.Joe stood up and kissed me soft “okay... I'm waiting for you.” he smirked.

I walked out of the room and walked over the living room. Eunmi and Changjo sat there and I just said “Bye.. I see you later.” Changjo was angry but Eunmi stood suddenly up “I will help you to get ready.” I looked surprised and she said to Changjo “The other guys will do the rest. I'm going also... I see you.” she kissed his cheek. I imagined to be her... the girl who kissed his cheek. Unintended.
“Eunmi Oennie, why are you following me?” I asked. I walked home but she went the same way.
“I thought I should help you with looking for a dress.” she said and kept on “What happened in L.Joe's room? You stayed a while there. Changjo was nervous and wanted already to disturb you but I told him not to do it. I mean what about you doing.. something special.” she smirked.
I looked to her “I asked him for a this double-Date but he won't see Changjo so I said it's okay...” I bit my lower lip “And then I kissed him. We just kissed.”
Eunmi smirked “I think this is great. I'm happy for you Juah... finally you have a second chance with him.” I nodded smiling “Yeah...”

Eunmi looked in my cupboard but didn't seem happy “Don't you have something... more.. I don't know. All the dresses look... innocent.” I looked up to her “No... this is actually my style.”
“Okay... we need a plan..” she said. “Okay follow me.”
Then we walked to her home. We entered her room and I looked around. Her room was really pretty like her. It looked classy and chick. The walls were white but they didn't look dump. There were a lot of pictures with her and Changjo and the decoration was in blood red color. The furniture were dark brown. It had style.
She walked to a door in her room. She opened and I saw a room full of shoes and dresses and bags. “Woaah.” I said.
She turned her face “I know.. Changjo helped me with this.”
Great.. I called him and he was doing something like this. “So... what shall I wear?” I looked a bit around. She gave me about 5 dresses “Try them... I'm looking for shoes.” she said.
I nodded and walked back to his room and tried all 5 on. But Eunmi wasn't great with them so she suddenly said “Actually I wanted to wear this dress … but I think this would be prettier on you.” she pushed me a purple one in the hand.
Then she viewed me from head to toe. But she didn't seem happy “What kind of underwear do you put on?” I said stammeringly “uuhm.. I.. .. just my normal one?”
The walked over to her little clothing room and grabbed into a drawer. Then she turned and in her hands were purple lace underwear. My eyes got bigger and I shook my head “No...”
She smirked “Of course.. then it looks like you would have a better cups.” the pushed it into my hands “Go and change your underwear... maybe your night becomes hot.”
I looked to her and my eyes grew wider “Mwo?” then Eunmi's eyes also grew “You hadn't it?”
I looked down “No.. not really. But don't tell someone. It's awkward...” she nodded “okay... so... there are the things you can use.. make up and so on. I'm going to change my dress.” she smiled and left into her dressing room.
After a while she came back with a red dress “So.. Juah.. you always just kissed?” her face was totally confused and I looked to her “Let's not talk about it... it's awkward... embarrassing.” She smirked “What about Byunghun-ah... do you have plans with him?”
“uuhm... I don't know..” I said weak and she smirked “Chin up..” I smiled kind. Actually she was annoying. Actually I tried to think not about Changjo. His boyfriend.

We walked to the party and I asked “Should I really wear this shoes? This dress and... yeah. This underwear. It's not comfortable.”
She viewed me from head to toe “No.. it's damn y. This is the right...”
I looked to her “Oennie..” I said weak and she looked to me “Mh?”
I smiled kind, actually I wanted to cry. She was too nice “Gomawo...” she smiled “Cheonma..” we arrived Teen Top's dorm. Changjo was in his room. L.Joe was outside and the other members made some things for the party. I asked what I should do something in the kitchen. Mixing something to drink. In a huge bowl.
I grabbed the bowl and started to fill it with grape juice and vodka. Suddenly someone grabbed my waist and kissed my back to the shoulder “You are looking so damn y Noona.” the guy kept on to my ear and he approached me. I starred. I couldn't say something and I finally wanted to say something but he turned me and I felt his lips on my own. My eyed were wide and then his eyes got open. His face became shocked and he shouted “JUUAAH.” I still couldn't say something.
“Changjo... you... did it again...” I whispered. He looked with wide eyes to the door. Nobody. “I thought.. you are Eunmi. Damn why are you wearing her dress and underwear?”
I stammered “I... Eunmi... she... ga-gave me her dress. Be-ca-cause L.Joe O- O- Oppa.”
“Mwo? L.Joe?” he said. I looked down “L.Joe shouldn't know about this... I promised him no kiss with you again. Damn... what I am doing here now..” I wanted to leave but he grabbed my hand “Stay away from Hyung.”
“No.. you can't tell me what I can do what not...” I said and he approached me. Our faces were close and I could feel his breath on my mouth. I could only look into his eyes and he said “L.Joe isn't good for you. Put down Eunmi's things. I dare you to sleep with him. Eunmi wrote me about your plans.”
I wrested away and walked a step away from him “You have no rights to do it... don't do it again... we shouldn't see us again... not these days. Actually I should be in... California. I should.. go now. You should keep on doing with your drinks.. I need some fresh air.” I walked quickly out of the dorm. Downstairs. In front of the door.
I stayed there for a while. I wanted to cry... I really wanted to do this but then the others could see what I felt. After a while Changjo joined me “I'm sorry Juah...”
I didn't look to him “For what? Just go. I won't see you.”
“I'm sorry that I felt you up and kissed you. I thought you would be Eunmi...” he broke up but didn't say something to him so I wanted to go back in.
Changjo grabbed quickly my hand “and... I'm sorry that I didn't call you once. I thought I couldn't..” I broke him up while I looked at my wrist which hold by him “No.. don't keep on talking.” I wrested away “You don't need to say sorry... you won't have contact with me.. I got this... thank you for not being like this again... telling me what I can do what not.” so I left and walked back upstairs to the dorm.
There I met L.Joe I ran to him and hugged him tightly “L.Joe...” he smirked and viewed me “You.. look y. Jeongmal y. Is there something what will happen? Something special?” he smirked. I kissed him “Maybe..” he also smirked and I kept on “.. maybe not.” and his view became disappointed.

A new chapter... Juah and L.joe are going to become again a couple... Eunmi is doing things Changjo doesn't like... yeah.. how do you like it? 


What about the dress? 

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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Chapter 34: Oh no you didn't L.Joe
YoongiholicAnonymous #2
Chapter 33: O!M!C! *speechless*
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
Chapter 32: Finally~~ wow I really missed this story kkk
Chapter 31: I'm so curious, yeah (?) haha
Chapter 31: I think that too, I think they know the true or Ljoe knows the true but he want her to tell him personally hehehehe
YoongiholicAnonymous #7
Chapter 31: And now I think they know the truth :D
Chapter 30: Oh my goshhhh!! Your story is awesome! Update soon!!! :D
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
Chapter 30: Omc Chunji wants to tell :o
Is there going to be a fight between Changjo and L.Joe like in the 장난아냐 MV when L.Joe knows the truth? (Somehow I hope so :D)