
Less Than Perfect
Y'know what?? Cathycat, you're right. That was a crappy cliffhanger ending. Yay! This is thanks to Cathycat:D*******Joon's POV* I watched them walk away, hand in hand. I knew this was going to happen, I just didn't know it would be like that. Them kissing... That image was permanently etched into my brain. I longed to run after them, to take Jiyeun back. He cheated on her. How could she forgive him like that? I guess I can see now. She kissed him, but I'm still willing to have her. She was supposed to be mine... I'm his Hyung anyway! I yelled I frustration, earning strange looks from the Ahjumas and Ahjussis standing outside of the hospital. I moped back inside and saw a girl in a bed. She looked familiar... I came closer to see better, but she saw me. She waved her hand and beckoned me inside. I came and sat in the chair next to her. "You're Jieunnie's friend, right?" she smiled weakly. She didn't look to good, but yet, she forced herself to smile. I nodded in reply and realized who she was. She was the girl in the hospital with Jiyeun when she found out her mother had cancer... "Are you... Are you okay?" I asked, eyeing her wounds. "What happened?" her arm was bandaged, her forehead had bruises, and she looked so pale... "What, so you don't even want to know my name?" she chuckled, but stopped abruptly, her face in pain. "Oh... Well I already know. Jiyeun talks about you and I saw you at the hospital. Jennie, right?" she nodded softly and grimaced. "Don't strain yourself. If you want to get better, you have to let yourself heal." I looked at her and softly laid my hand on hers. I could see a little color return to her face, so I smiled and rested my head on the side of the bed. "So... What happened?" I yawned, still lying down. "Well," *Jennie's POV* *Flashback* "Yoseob! Calm down! I yelled, grabbing his hand as he ran. He shook it off and kept sprinting. I ran after him, thanking God for my long legs that kept me only a short distance away from him. I took a leap and tackled him to the ground, holding him underneath me. We were at a park with only a couple people here and there. I wrapped my arms around him, not letting him free. Yoseob struggled and squirmed, but my grasp was too much for him. He stopped and finally let all of the tears out. I straightened him up and hugged him. "She... Doesn't... Love... Me... Anymore..." he gasped. "She'd rather be with Joon Hyung..." Yoseob told me about the scene at the restaurant and I chuckled. "There were that many people watching?" he glared at me but nodded. "And they were cheering!" my chuckle turned into a full-on laugh. I could see his lips turn up slightly. He bit them so i wouldn't notice, but I did. I hugged him and messed up his hair. "That Joon kid... He's pretty hot..." I admitted to Yoseob. He glared and turned away. "No, really. He seems like a good guy, too. Maybe his hotness is fooling me." I teased. Yoseob turned around and shoved me. I slipped and tumbled down the concrete steps lining the park, ending up at the bottom. I opened my eyes as far as they would, and saw Yoseob stare at me from the top of the stairs with his mouth open. I heard a scream emit from Yoseob's mouth, but it was late. His mouth moved before the sound registered in my ears, and I blinked. When my eyes opened, I was at the hospital, on Yoseob's back.*End of Flashback* I looked down at Joon, but he was sleeping. I smiled and decided to join him in dreamland. *Jiyeun's POV* "Thanks for taking me home, Yoseob." I smiled and turned to him. "No problem." he shooed the thanks away and looked at me. "Not getting out...?" he asked. "O-oh... Right. Sorry..." I was so used to Joon opening the door for me, I thought that was what Yoseob was going to do. I waved and walked inside to see my dad on the couch. "Jiyoon. Sit." he pointed at the seat across from him. I sat warily, nervous about what he was going to say. "Was that Yoseob I saw in the car with you?" his eyes were glued to me, probably trying to burn a hole right through me. "Uh... Maybe...?" I could see where this was going. "Why." Dad said, still not looking away. "We... Made up... I guess..." I softly spoke. "How. Did he beg on his knees for forgiveness? Or did he do something better?" he brightened up at that thought. "N-no... I just... Well he just... Apologized, I guess..." Dad looked infuriated. "And what about that Joon boy? What did he do?" "He..." His hurt face flashed in my mind. "He... Did... Nothing." I said, on the verge of tears. "Nothing to deserve what i did..." I mumbled. "Dear lord! Our world is filled with wimpy men! If I had been him, I would've taken away his ability to have children, if not worse!" my dad exclaimed. "Oh well. What can I do. Let's go visit your mom." at the hospital, she was transferred to the main ward for the severe cancer patients. Today was the day she was going to get some chemotherapy that would either get rid of her cancer forever, or... Kill her. I didn't want to think of that, but it was an option. I saw her on the moveable bed, and reached out towards her. My own mother, the one that cared for me all these years. She was the only mother I knew. She was the only mother I cared about. My buoy in the sea, my umbrella in the rain. I needed her. Without her, my life wouldn't be able to go on. The most important woman in my life was about to have a surgery that could kill her. Meaning never come back. Ever. I would never be able to see her smiling face again. I would never be able to hear her sweet laugh. I would never be able to get her motherly advice and support. It would be impossible. "Mom..." I called to the slowly disappearing figures. "Mom... Don't go..." the tears from my whole life spilled here. It was like they had been waiting for forever for this moment, helplessly watching mom walk into her own death. My dad wasn't taking it too well either. he cried more than I had ever seen him cry. I held his hand and we sat there. *One Year later* It's been exactly one year since my mom died. One year since Yoseob and I got back together. One year since I did that to Joon. One year since Unnie and Joon became a couple. Now we were all huddled around her grave, giving our respect. We laid our flowers on and silently spoke to her. I sniffled and wiped my eye, and Unnie did the same. We left after a couple of minutes, and I looked up. *I hope you're doing well in heaven. I'm doing well down here, as you can see. I have the best friends and the best boyfriend. But no one could ever mean as much to me as you did. I love you, mom.* *******Now were done! Hahah thanks again, Cathycat! If anyone else thinks I missed something, just... Speak up! Hahah thanks for reading!
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Chapter 33: Amazing FF~ Poor Joon though...
This is a nice story, and I was thinking that her untie and joon might end up together! I'll subscribe so I can read it again if I feel like it
Oh~~~ What a nice ending ♥ her unnie and Joon ended up :))<br />
But yeah it was kind of sad her mother died... ohh :(((<br />
But yeah~~ im happy for her and seobbie~~~~ ♥♥
i never thought that joon will end up with unnie... great job though...
beesrocks #5
nice story...i read it from the first chapter to the final continuously coz i cant stop reading....^^........i like yoseob but i pity lee well, the ending is a little...funny....nvm, i still love it.
new reader here!! Loving the story so far! It has short chapters but contains many things and grabs me into reading the next chapter!!gotta say LOVING THIS!! XD
Really like your story!!! ^_^
yay!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! i love your story...^^...i hope you will write more fanfics in the future...^^...congrats on finishing this story and thank you so much...^^
YAH!!!! it's still a cliff hanger!!!! T.T...aren't you gonna write about what happen to jiyoon's unnie???TT.TT...pls don't end it so fast...I really like this fanfic...TT.TT