Youre Confusing Me >

Less Than Perfect
"Are you serious?? I'm gonna have to walk this far every day!?" Yoseob whined. This whole time he was talking to himself. He was trying to start up some small talk, but no way would I oblige! People were already staring... "Um... Ok... Were here..." I said while opening the door. Yoseob caught it and closed it again.  "What was that for?" I snapped. "Woah there! No need to get cranky..." Yoseob said. He then took the door and opened it for me. "Now you can go." The nerve of this guy. Yeah he was cute, but really? He took a seat right next to me.  "Jiyoon-Uh... Nevermind!" Jin said, noticing that I was already sitting with someone. She quickly mouthed, "tell me later" and turned toward the front. Math was really boring, and i couldn't remember anything that was talked about. Mainly because Yoseob kept glancing at me. It was making me so self conscious.. After what had seemed like years, math class finally ended. Turns out Yoseob had the exact same schedule as me except for three classes. Greeaaat. I should be ecstatic... But I'm not. He's really starting to piss me off. He's following me EVERYWHERE! Whatever, at least we get out early today. As soon as our last class ended, Yoseob caught up with me. Finally I decide to ask him. "Why are you following me!?! Are you some stalker!?!?" I yelled at him, and I actually felt bad. Yoseob didn't reply. Instead, he started pushing me. He shoved me towards the busses, and got on with me. I stared at him in awe. "What do you think you're doing!?" I stared at him, trying to figure something out. Those eyes... They look like my friends' eyes... But she passed away a couple years ago... I shoved the thought out of my mind. "Can I help you?" Yoseob giggled and waved his palm in front of my face. I didn't notice I was just staring at him... M face went completely red and I looked down. As we got off of the bus, he linked arms with me.  "Just like old times, huh..." he muttered. "What are you talking about?" I was seriously confused.  "You don't remember, huh? Thats ok. You will soon." what the heck was that supposed to mean?! I stopped in front of my house. "This is me..." I stated.  "You moved?" "What? I have no freaking idea what you are talking about. I've lived here my whole life!" "Wait... What!?!?!" Hahaha:3 Cliffhanger:D I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do next though... :/ whatever, I'll find something!! Unless you guys wanna help me... Pleaseeee give me your feedback!! Suggestions!! Hahaha I don't care really:3 but thanks for reading!!
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Chapter 33: Amazing FF~ Poor Joon though...
This is a nice story, and I was thinking that her untie and joon might end up together! I'll subscribe so I can read it again if I feel like it
Oh~~~ What a nice ending ♥ her unnie and Joon ended up :))<br />
But yeah it was kind of sad her mother died... ohh :(((<br />
But yeah~~ im happy for her and seobbie~~~~ ♥♥
i never thought that joon will end up with unnie... great job though...
beesrocks #5
nice story...i read it from the first chapter to the final continuously coz i cant stop reading....^^........i like yoseob but i pity lee well, the ending is a little...funny....nvm, i still love it.
new reader here!! Loving the story so far! It has short chapters but contains many things and grabs me into reading the next chapter!!gotta say LOVING THIS!! XD
Really like your story!!! ^_^
yay!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! i love your story...^^...i hope you will write more fanfics in the future...^^...congrats on finishing this story and thank you so much...^^
YAH!!!! it's still a cliff hanger!!!! T.T...aren't you gonna write about what happen to jiyoon's unnie???TT.TT...pls don't end it so fast...I really like this fanfic...TT.TT