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Less Than Perfect
Waaaah-a bunch of new comments and a new subscriber-puppy66:D thank you for loving my story so much, all of you! Another thing-you know how BEAST's Japanese Bad Girl came out recently? I looked through all of their albums again and I kept listening to... You'll figure it out later>:) But I wanted to incorporate it Ito my story, so...********Yoseob's POV*  No. I didn't just do that. I stared at my hand, unable to process anything. I stood there, staring at my red, throbbing hand. I hit her... Hard... Then the tears came. Joon picked her up in his arms; bridal style, and I stopped him. "I'll do it. I'm her boyfriend." I tried to grab onto her and take her, but Joon kept his grip. "No. I dont care who you are. You just hit her and made her unconscious." He walked away. With my girlfriend. But he was right. It was my fault. If I didn't overreact, my girlfriend wouldn't be in the arms of another guy. She wouldn't be hurt. She would still be mine. My memories of us were fading. No. This won't happen. It can't. I ran up to Joon and swung my fist at him. He was on the ground. I ripped Jieun out of his arms and set her down, away from him. I crawled to Jieun and softly touched her cheek. It was bruising... Oh my god. I got on top of him and continually pounded my fists on his face. He. Tried. To. Steal. My. Girlfriend. I punched with every word i thought in my head. All of a sudden, I stopped. I felt eyes on my back. I spun around and saw Jieun, staring at me. "Yo... Yoseob... What are you doing!?" "Jieun!" I crawled closer to her, but she flinched and turned away. "P-please... Don't h-hit me..." that was like a slap in the face. And it definitely stung. Just like Jieun's face must have felt. My heart shattered to pieces at those three words. Don't. Hit. Me. Jieun thinks her boyfriend is some abusive psychopath... She crawled over to Joon and felt his face. Her hand was covered in blood. What have I done? Its all my fault... Jieun weakly called a cab over and the driver helped her load him into the car. She sat down and put his head in her lap. She his hair, and when I tried to get in too, she stopped me. "Um... I... Don't t-think it's a good idea..." she mumbled quietly. She had her head turned away and was curled up protectively around herself and Joon. She took a quick glance at me and wiped a tear from my face. "I'm sorry..." she said as she shut the door. The taxi drove away, and I fell to my knees. My date came over and rubbed my back. "Its okay... But you never told me you had a girlfriend..." with what she said, came even more heartbreak. I realized I was being a hypocrite. I came with a date, yet she came with a friend... I was the one cheating. Not her... *Jieun's POV* My boyfriend slapped me. My boyfriend slapped me, I kept thinking to myself in my head. My boyfriend beat up my friend. He did this to Joon. My tears fell softly and some landed on his face. I wiped them off of him, then the taxi driver helped me carry him inside the hospital. *About 10 minutes later* "Are you the guardian of Lee Joon?" someone asked me. I looked up and nodded at the doctor. He led me into a room with Joon lying on the bed. "It's nothing serious, luckily, but he's going to have to stay here for about a week..." the doctor explained to me. I couldn't say anything, just nod. The doctor made his exit and I brought up a chair next to his bed. I examined his face closely. A black eye, some bruises, cuts, scabs, scrapes... I took his hand and sat down. I took out my phone and quickly called my parents, telling them I was going to stay at the hospital with Joon. They didn't question me and agreed. Joon was going in and out of consciousness, and I stayed by his side. He looks really pale, I thought to myself. The memory of Yoseob hitting me and beating Joon were too hard on me. He was with a girl I had never seen before... Maybe a couple times around school, but that was it. She was wrapped around him... No. Yoseob would never... No. He's been my best friend since 1st grade. Yoseob isn't the type. At all. I probably just came at the wrong moment, I told myself. He was probably trying to get her off of him. Yeah, that's it. I looked back at Joon and caressed his face. He flinched a little, then his eyes slowly fluttered open. "Are you okay?" he asked me. "Me? Why me? Youre the one I should be asking." I replied gently. "No, not physically, but you know... About your boyfriend..." he squeezed my hand that was still holding onto his. "Oh... Well..." "Nevermind! Forget I asked! But aren't you hungry?" my stomach growled to confirm his prediction. I laughed and nodded. "I'll go buy some food for us, since hospital food . I'll be right back!" I left to go to the nearest supermarket. *Joon's POV* As she left, I felt automatically lonely. I laid back down and sighed, when the door opened again. "Oh, Jiyeun, did you leave somethin-What are you doing here...?" Joon asked Yoseob, walking in through the door. "I'm... Sorry. I overreacted and was mad at you for trying to steal Jieun, but it was actually my fault. I know she likes you, So please take care of her and be a better boyfriend to her than I was." he wiped a small tear and kept going. "She can't drink too much, she hates the smell of cigarette smoke, she doesn't like to be alone, so always try and be with her, and dont forget to remember important days like her birthday. I've been really close to her for a long time, so please don't let me down. I'm not quite sure why I'm doing this... But I need you to take care of her." and he left. Was... Was he giving me Jiyeun? 
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Chapter 33: Amazing FF~ Poor Joon though...
This is a nice story, and I was thinking that her untie and joon might end up together! I'll subscribe so I can read it again if I feel like it
Oh~~~ What a nice ending ♥ her unnie and Joon ended up :))<br />
But yeah it was kind of sad her mother died... ohh :(((<br />
But yeah~~ im happy for her and seobbie~~~~ ♥♥
i never thought that joon will end up with unnie... great job though...
beesrocks #5
nice story...i read it from the first chapter to the final continuously coz i cant stop reading....^^........i like yoseob but i pity lee joon.....lol. well, the ending is a little...funny....nvm, i still love it.
new reader here!! Loving the story so far! It has short chapters but contains many things and grabs me into reading the next chapter!!gotta say LOVING THIS!! XD
Really like your story!!! ^_^
yay!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! i love your story...^^...i hope you will write more fanfics in the future...^^...congrats on finishing this story and thank you so much...^^
YAH!!!! it's still a cliff hanger!!!! T.T...aren't you gonna write about what happen to jiyoon's unnie???TT.TT...pls don't end it so fast...I really like this fanfic...TT.TT