Idk I'm tired so...

Less Than Perfect
"Will... Willyoubemygirlfriend?" Yoseob's question was so sudden. But I couldn't resist. The answer came without my consent. "Yes!" he grabbed me into a hug. Yoseob whispered to me, "I always think about you. I haven't stopped since the fourth grade. Your face is like permanently stuck in my brain. But it doesn't matter to me. I don't mind. I need you in my life. Thank you..." his voice trailed off. We stood in the hospital. Hugging. Was it cheesy? Yes. Did I care? No. There was nothing in the world besides us two. I looked into his big brown eyes. His smile was the only illumination in the hospital, it seemed. It was completely quiet. We stood there, staring at each other. Yoseob broke the silence by asking me out again. "Do you want to go somewhere with me tomorrow?" Yoseob innocently asked. "I would love to!" Joon popped into my mind. "But... I'm busy tomorrow. How about Wednesday?" Yoseob looked at me. "Youre... Busy? Doing what?" "I'm... Going to the mall with my friend." "Oh. Okay! Wednesday is good!" He curled a strand of hair behind my ear. "You look gorgeous. Just like always." I flinched. Gorgeous, beautiful, pretty, all lies. I sighed. "And dont say any different," Yoseob warned. "You are gorgeous." I didn't say anything. But it felt good, having him tell me that. A couple hours later, I sat in my room, praying. Praying for my mom, my family, Yoseob, Joon, Unnie, and just about everything else.**** I'm so sorry! But I have to end! I'm so tired I keep dozing off:( it's 1 am, so please understand!! Thanks to SapphireRY and PuppyJoo for subscribing! I'm probably gOnna write another fanfic about Junhyung soon, but not today... *yawn* so g'night!! Love yaaaaaa all!!!
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Chapter 33: Amazing FF~ Poor Joon though...
This is a nice story, and I was thinking that her untie and joon might end up together! I'll subscribe so I can read it again if I feel like it
Oh~~~ What a nice ending ♥ her unnie and Joon ended up :))<br />
But yeah it was kind of sad her mother died... ohh :(((<br />
But yeah~~ im happy for her and seobbie~~~~ ♥♥
i never thought that joon will end up with unnie... great job though...
beesrocks #5
nice story...i read it from the first chapter to the final continuously coz i cant stop reading....^^........i like yoseob but i pity lee well, the ending is a little...funny....nvm, i still love it.
new reader here!! Loving the story so far! It has short chapters but contains many things and grabs me into reading the next chapter!!gotta say LOVING THIS!! XD
Really like your story!!! ^_^
yay!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! i love your story...^^...i hope you will write more fanfics in the future...^^...congrats on finishing this story and thank you so much...^^
YAH!!!! it's still a cliff hanger!!!! T.T...aren't you gonna write about what happen to jiyoon's unnie???TT.TT...pls don't end it so fast...I really like this fanfic...TT.TT