Transfer Student!?

Less Than Perfect
"Ugh. Morning. School." I said groggily, barely awake. I swayed from side to side as I tried to step into the shower without tripping. The water beat on my back softly, waking me up. I stepped out after I was done, and stared into the mirror. I frowned at what I saw. "Wow... I'm getting uglier." I moaned to myself as I started to try and picture me actually looking pretty. It didn't work. The only thing that I pictured was me, looking ugly as usual, with some makeup caked on my face. Blech. I stepped onto the school bus, and saw my friend waving at me. "Jin ah!!" I yelled, running to her. We gave each other a hug that lasted about 5 minutes, even though we had seen each other the day before. We started to chat, but it was so confusing I forgot what we talked about. I came to school and walked to my locker, as usual. I opened it and grabbed my math book. I walked into homeroom, but tripped on my way in. I blushed and hurried past the giggling students. As I sat in my seat, the teacher came to the front of the room and cleared . "Good morning. Today we will be having a new student, Yang Yoseob. Introduce yourself," she told the new boy. He had the normal black hair, but his was different. It had a tint of gold in it. I scoffed. He seriously dyed his hair? That was so immature. When he lifted his head up, all the girls fell silent. He was CUTE. Not like when we girls say, "oh look, that guy is cute", but like puppy dog cute. I immediately melted at his gaze, and his voice was even better. "Annyounghasaeyo, my name is Yang Yoseob." he said shyly. The girls all had this look on their face that was obviously very happy. I have to admit, even I was wearing it. He was just too cute to resist. And I never talk like this. "Take a seat wherever you would like, Yoseob." the teacher said with a sweet smile. Even the teacher was falling for him! He started to walk, and all of the girls made space enough for him to sit, but he walked past them. He was walking towards the back of the room, where I was sitting. Okaay! Hahah that ending was SUPER cliche, I know:) but I just thought it would be nice to have some cliche stuff in here too:3 but yeah! Hahaha pleaseeee comment and tell me how you liked it!! And I want some criticism and some suggestions too please:3 thank you for reading!!
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Chapter 33: Amazing FF~ Poor Joon though...
This is a nice story, and I was thinking that her untie and joon might end up together! I'll subscribe so I can read it again if I feel like it
Oh~~~ What a nice ending ♥ her unnie and Joon ended up :))<br />
But yeah it was kind of sad her mother died... ohh :(((<br />
But yeah~~ im happy for her and seobbie~~~~ ♥♥
i never thought that joon will end up with unnie... great job though...
beesrocks #5
nice story...i read it from the first chapter to the final continuously coz i cant stop reading....^^........i like yoseob but i pity lee well, the ending is a little...funny....nvm, i still love it.
new reader here!! Loving the story so far! It has short chapters but contains many things and grabs me into reading the next chapter!!gotta say LOVING THIS!! XD
Really like your story!!! ^_^
yay!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! i love your story...^^...i hope you will write more fanfics in the future...^^...congrats on finishing this story and thank you so much...^^
YAH!!!! it's still a cliff hanger!!!! T.T...aren't you gonna write about what happen to jiyoon's unnie???TT.TT...pls don't end it so fast...I really like this fanfic...TT.TT