Conscious vs. Subconscious

Less Than Perfect
I stared at the message. My hand inched closer to the "Send" button, and finally, I closed my eyes and pressed it. I looked at my phone. "No service," it read. "Ugh! Stupid phone!" I repeatedly tapped the button. The check-up was finally over, I was in the car, and I was sending the message to Joon. His bright smile was etched into my brain. I couldn't forget it. The way his eyes squinted and the wrinkles around his mouth appeared... It was the friendliest smile I had ever seen. Besides Yoseob's, I mean. I checked my phone again, and the message was sent. I stopped tapping the button, and I put my phone down. Right as that happened, it buzzed. "One new message-Joonie~" I opened the message. "Wow... I'm really sorry that happened. I don't know what to say ^.^;;" it read. I laughed. Typical Joon. But that was probably the nicest reaction I've ever gotten... Like with Yoseob, he laughed in my face. Unnie, well... Hers was a little dramatic... But whatever. I typed back, "It's fine:) I know how you feel:)" and sent it. I started to lower my phone, then Bzzzzzzt. Bzzzzzzt. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt. "One new message-Joonie~" what a fast texter... I opened it. "Heehee:3 let's go to the mall this week to make you feel better!! Dont girls love shopping? I'll pay:)" Joon was so cute. But a trip to the mall would be good... Especially if he paid... I replied, "Okay!! Thanks!! Bring your big wallet!" I smiled as it sent. Bzzzzzt. Bzzz-I picked it up right away and turned the volume up off of vibrate. "All my wallets are big:P" it said. "Then good. Bring them all:D" immediately after it sent, 2PM's Heartbeat started to play. I listened for a bit, then read it. "Sorry. Don't want to go broke:3" "Hahah of course not! So you can take me other places too, right??" Listen to my heartbeat, its waiting for you! Listen to my heartbeat, it's beating for you! The message opened. "Duuh!! Haha sorry, but I gtg. I'll pick you up on Tuesday at noon!!! Be prepared>:)" "Okie dokie! Bye!" I closed my phone. My face was permanently stuck in a smile. I love summer. I put my head on the seat, when the car all of a sudden threw me forwards. The seatbelt caught on my throat, and I gagged. My head lurched forward and barely missed the dashboard. The car screeched to a stop. "Mom! What happened!?" I looked at my mom to see her slightly bleeding on the forehead. The steering wheel must have hit her hard. "Mom! Are you okay!?" "I'm... I'm fine... How are you? No cuts or scratches? Bruises? No? Okay." my mom sighed in relief, but I was still panicked. "Your head! You're bleeding!" we were pulled over to the side of the road. I grabbed a tissue and wiped the blood softly off of her forehead. As I dabbed at her forehead, she winced. "Oh-sorry, sorry..." I dabbed softer. We were picked up by an ambulance, even though it wasn't needed. "It's ok, mom." I held onto my mom's hand and silently panicked. We got to the hospital and they took her in for an initial check-up. The doctor came out with a grim look on his face. "Doctor! How is my mom!?" "I'm afraid she will have to stay here for a little bit," the doctor replied. "What!? Was the crash that bad!?" I was so worried. "No. The accident has no relevance to why she has to stay. I'm afraid your mother has brain cancer." I fell to the ground. Well, my body fell, but it felt like my soul was in a totally different place. Sobs escaped my lips. Soon, it became bawling. I was bawling my eyes out. Just the thought of someone, let alone your mom, having brain cancer was intolerable. I absolutely regretted leaving my mom alone, but my dad needed some time too. I stepped out of the room and into the hallway. My phone rand a couple of times, but I ignored them all. I had ran out of sobs, but the tears kept coming. Then I heard a voice. "Jieun! Ohmygosh Jieun!" they ran closer. I looked up as saw Unnie. "U-Unnie..." I tried to maintain my voice, but it kept cracking. " Jieun. What is wrong!?" Unnie kept asking me until I had the courage to speak. "M-my m-mom has... C-c-cancer!!!!" I yelled the last word. Unnie was in shock. "Oh god. Oh god no. No. That's not possible. I'm gonna call Yoseob." "No!" I cut her off. "I... I look terrible." I really did. I had trails of makeup running down my face, and my hair was a mess, it was horrible. Unnie scoffed. "Really? Jieun. If he loves you, he should love you when you're at your best and your worst." She emphasized the word "and". "... Fine." Unnie stood up and walked to the end of the hallway, where she called Yoseob while I watched. Somehow, tears were still coming. I heard another voice. "Ji...yeun...? Are you okay?" there was running, then a figure sat next to me. It was Joon. But this time, he had a look of concern on his face. I looked at him. "Jiyeun?" "Well I couldn't decide what to call you, so..." I cracked a small smile. When he saw my smile, his appeared. That smile I couldn't forget. It was silent except for the quiet mumbling from Unnie on the phone with Yoseob. We sat there, until Joon broke the silence. "You look like a mess!" he took his shirt and started wiping underneath my eyes. "Um... I think I just smeared it. "Joon!" I laughed. I grabbed my mirror from my bag and looked at my face. "Awww man!!" I used my finger and tried to get rid of the runny makeup. "So... What... Happened?" Joon asked quietly. "If you don't want to tell me, that's fine too..." I told him about my mom, who now has cancer. "I'm... Sorry..." Joon looked speechless. It was quiet again, but Unnie came and broke it. "Jieun, he's on his way-Oh! There's someone here!" she eyed him. Unnie came close to my ear and whispered, "Youre friend is hot!" I laughed and patted next to me for her to sit down on the opposite side of Joon. "I don't think soo~" I whispered back. "Remember? Hes the chubby kid you kept making fun of!!" I said this a little louder so joon could hear. His face brightened and he pointed his finger. "You're that bully that kept telling me to leave Jie-Jiy-Jiyeun alone!!!" "What!? Bully!?" they both stood up and turned around. Unnie hmphed and Joon chuckled. I grabbed both of them into a hug. "Aaaahh~I love you guys!" they turned around and smiled at each other. "Lee Joon." "Kim Jenny." Someone entered. "Yang Yoseob!" we all turned to look at him. He had his face stretched into a huge smile. The huge smile was the one in my subconscious, the one in my dreams. So which one was it? The one when I was awake, or sleeping? I pushed the thought away. "Yoseob! You came!" I ran to him. He grabbed me into a tight hug. In my peripheral vision, I could see Joon's face fall. Why did he stop smiling...? "Of course I came! What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't come when you were upset!?" Yoseob grinned. "B-b-boyfriend!?!?!?!" I practically yelled. "Well yeah! We went on a date. I like you. You like me! Isn't that what boyfriend means??" Joon excused himself. He stomped off muttering something under his breath. "Who was that? And what's his problem...?" Yoseob watched him walk off. Jenny Unnie came up to my ear and whispered, "He likes you too!" I rolled my eyes. "Unnie! You always say that!!" Yoseob looked back and forth at us, but kept his mouth shut.***********and... Cut!!! Haha:3 I tried to make this longer since I didn't update yesterday:( sorry!
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Chapter 33: Amazing FF~ Poor Joon though...
This is a nice story, and I was thinking that her untie and joon might end up together! I'll subscribe so I can read it again if I feel like it
Oh~~~ What a nice ending ♥ her unnie and Joon ended up :))<br />
But yeah it was kind of sad her mother died... ohh :(((<br />
But yeah~~ im happy for her and seobbie~~~~ ♥♥
i never thought that joon will end up with unnie... great job though...
beesrocks #5
nice story...i read it from the first chapter to the final continuously coz i cant stop reading....^^........i like yoseob but i pity lee well, the ending is a little...funny....nvm, i still love it.
new reader here!! Loving the story so far! It has short chapters but contains many things and grabs me into reading the next chapter!!gotta say LOVING THIS!! XD
Really like your story!!! ^_^
yay!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! i love your story...^^...i hope you will write more fanfics in the future...^^...congrats on finishing this story and thank you so much...^^
YAH!!!! it's still a cliff hanger!!!! T.T...aren't you gonna write about what happen to jiyoon's unnie???TT.TT...pls don't end it so fast...I really like this fanfic...TT.TT