Yoseob's Memories

Less Than Perfect
**********This is all in Yoseob's POV!! It's of when he wasn't at school!*************** "Yang. Yo. Seob." my mom was mad. "It is 6:00 in the morning. Where were you!!?!" she was always used to getting her way. We're rich, you see. Now, I'm not bragging. I hate every part of being rich. Always having people doing things for you, not wanting you to get hurt, it's annoying. You may consider me selfish-not enjoying what was given to me, and it's true, I am selfish, but im pretty miserable here. I always hung out with Jieun and Jenny Noona when we were younger... But when Jieun disappeared, we just kind of... Disbanded, I guess. But now Jenny Noona is visiting! And she's staying here! In my house! I'm pretty excited, but she'd be heartbroken to hear about Jieun... Jieun was like her own little sister. They were joined at the hip. I usually felt like a third wheel, but now, I don't mind it. I want to see Jieun today at school, but I need to pick Noona up from the airport. She moved to America when she graduated elementary school. I was all alone, both of my best friends gone. I spent most of the time during recess crying. The other boys called me a sissy. I hated it. But they didn't Understand. They just sat there seeing who could stuff the most bugs into his mouth. I tried it once, at my house, and got beat by my mother. It was too "uncivilized" for her liking. She didn't really like Noona or Jieun either. She said friends were useless and that no one was worthy enough to be friends with me. (Got the idea from Boys Over Flowers) I didn't care. I kept playing with them, and my mother finally caved. I threatened to run away. I hated never being able to bring them over to my house because of the dirty looks my mother gave them. I shooed the thoughts away as I entered the car with my mother.  "Yoseob, are you alright?" mother asked. "Yes, mother." I was wearing a formal tuxedo, top of the line  brand. Mother doesn't believe in normal clothes. It annoys me a lot, but I've gotten used to it. We exited the limousine in an orderly fashion, and met Noona at the gate.  "Yoseobie!!!!" I heard someone scream, and I recognized the high, feminine voice of Jenny Noona.  "Noona!!!" we ran towards each other and hugged. "I missed you sosososososososo much!" I yelled. "Where's Jieun!?" of course, she asks for Jieun first. I smirked. Just like old times. She frowned at my failed attempt at changing the subject. "Yangyo. Sometimes..." she shook her head. We left the airport and drove towards her favorite restaurant. It was a Korean barbecue place. She was very skinny, but meat was her favorite food. She never stopped eating it. As we ate, we talked and caught up on things. She kept asking about Jieun, but I dodged the questions. "So when do I get to see Jieun?" I stuffed a spoonful of rice in my mouth. I didnt answer, taking way too long to swallow. I pretended like I didn't hear her. Eventually, she gave up trying to ask about Jieun. It was already noon, and we paid and left. We stopped at home and put Noona's things in her room. We hung out at the house for hours, when my phone rang. I glanced at the caller ID. Nam Jieun. I looked at Noona and decided to ignore it. I'm sorry, Jieun... I said in my head as I pressed the button. "Why'd you ignore that?" Noona asked me. "It was a telemarketer." I quickly lied. "Whatever..." she dismissed. "Let's go jogging now, Yangyo." she enthused. She was a health freak. Besides the fact that she always ate meat. "Fine!" I looked at my phone, silent. 34-no. 37, 39, 43-it just kept climbing-new messages. I looked at two of them. They all had the same message. Woah, I thought to myself. I never thought she had it in her. I then got a bunch of missed calls. I rolled my eyes. How childish. I walked outside with Noona, and she started jogging. I tried to keep up, but my legs happen to be way shorter than hers. Soon, I began panting. "Noona! Wait up! Youre running too fast!" I caught up to her and stuffed my fingers into her side. (a/n you already know this part, so I'll just skip part of it.) "Jieun!?" Dangit. Today of all days. "What are you doing here!?" I glanced at Noona and saw her newly brightened expression. ********** blah blah blah, you know the rest. And did you hear about BEAST's new Coordi Noona!? There is a petition to get rid of her on Yong JunHyung Facebook page! Please sign it to protect us B2UTYs and B2ST!!! If you didn't know, she has been Coordi Noona for many groups, but a terrible one. With many groups, she abused fans and their letters/art, and has been a ert to many members. With SHINee, she got kicked out for spreading rumors about seeing Jonghyun , and other things. YOu can read a better article online Please sign!!! Besides that, thank you all for reading, thank you maddielovesgreen and DilEMMA6969 for subscribing!!! Thanks to scarletdance and littledreamer-05 for commenting again!! I recently read this fanfic called "Miracle" by purrrplehong13!! A real tear-jerker, but it is amazing!!!!!!!! Hahaha just an FYI:3************
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Chapter 33: Amazing FF~ Poor Joon though...
This is a nice story, and I was thinking that her untie and joon might end up together! I'll subscribe so I can read it again if I feel like it
Oh~~~ What a nice ending ♥ her unnie and Joon ended up :))<br />
But yeah it was kind of sad her mother died... ohh :(((<br />
But yeah~~ im happy for her and seobbie~~~~ ♥♥
i never thought that joon will end up with unnie... great job though...
beesrocks #5
nice story...i read it from the first chapter to the final continuously coz i cant stop reading....^^........i like yoseob but i pity lee joon.....lol. well, the ending is a little...funny....nvm, i still love it.
new reader here!! Loving the story so far! It has short chapters but contains many things and grabs me into reading the next chapter!!gotta say LOVING THIS!! XD
Really like your story!!! ^_^
yay!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! i love your story...^^...i hope you will write more fanfics in the future...^^...congrats on finishing this story and thank you so much...^^
YAH!!!! it's still a cliff hanger!!!! T.T...aren't you gonna write about what happen to jiyoon's unnie???TT.TT...pls don't end it so fast...I really like this fanfic...TT.TT