Chptr 22: Round 1?

SHINee Girl


--Key's POV--

'I'm I seeing it right? Jonghyun and Minho are now talking to each other and they're even sharing a pack of snack?'

With narrowed eyes, I observed the two carefully.

When Minho arrived just a few minutes ago and  he said that he went to Jaei, these two almost melted while staring at each other. Then Minho quietly entered his room but a few minutes later, Jonghyun followed in.

I'm not sure what happened inside but when they both came out, it seems like they have removed tons and tons of loads on their shoulders.

Suddenly, I noticed them talking already. The conversation that I haven't seen for weeks since their 'so-called FIGHT' started. And now, they're even eating and sharing a pack of chips?

'Something happened. I'm sure of that. I must call Jaei!'

Jaei was asking for my help to fix the problem between Jonghyun and Minho. I honestly didn't do anything but Jaei needs to know this. She'll be very happy that his boys are back to normal.

I left them on the living room and I headed to my room the dialed Jaei's number.

"Key oppa? Why?", she answered.

"Jaei. Something happened and I know you'll be glad to know it.", I excitedly said.

I heard her chuckle. "What is it?"

"Jonghyun and Minho. I guess they have settled their problem already. Just now, i saw them chit-chatting to each other like nothing happened."

She squealed. "Really? Just now? Woah! Thanks for telling me oppa."

"No problem. I was not able to help fix that so might as well just tell you the news."

Few more talk then we ended the call. I fell into a deep thought.

'If Jonghyun and Minho is fighting over Jaei, and they are already okay with each other, then...'

--End ok Key's POV--


--Your POV--

"We're here!", Onew yelled as he entered he enter the kitchen. Followed by the rest of the boys.

"It's so tiring!", Taemin said then sat tiredly on the chair on the dining room.

"Tired? How come you got tired considering that you didn't even carry a single grocery bag?", Jonghyun said, placing the grocery bags he's carrying on the dining table.

I looked at him and Minho. They are carrying the most grocery bag. Key and Onew just carrying a small one bag each and Taemin holding nothing.

Earlier, before they came here, I asked them what lunch they wanted to eat because I'm gonna cook it for them. Then I also asked them to buy the ingredients that we need since they're already out.

"I didn't help you carry because I know you can do it, hyung", he said and smiled widely.

"Uhm. I told you to buy the ingredients, right? But why do you have a lot of grocery bags there? Are you planning to have a Feeding Program?", I said.

"We did buy the ingredients. But there's this boy named Taemin who bought every snack that he saw on the the supermarket.", Key said then rolled his eyes.

Taemin just chuckled and made a peace sign.

"You're really going to cook lunch for us?", Minho asked with sparkling eyes.

"Yeah. is it unbelievable?", I chuckled and checked the ingredients they bought.

"Kimbap and Japchae for us? Really?", Onew came to me and asked like a kid.

I chuckled. "Is it really unbelievable?", i said then brought the ingredients to the kitchen counter so I could start.

They all followed me and literally stayed beside me while I'm preparing the ingredients. They are all walking after me, watching and following me around wherever I go. 

I already expected this. This is the first time that i will be cooking them a main dish. Before, i would just bake for them or just simple pancakes, waffles and hotdogs.

I can't move freely having these guys following me so I turned around and looked at them.

"Seriously. If you don't stop following me around. I'll stop this and won't cook again.", I said with a serious face but I'm just joking.

As soon as they heard my threat, the boys scrammed and went away from me, specially Onew and Taemin who ran to the dining table and just sat there like behave kids.

Jonghyun and Key went to the other side of the kitchen counter and stood there so they could still watch me. Minho stayed on my side but farther.

"You could have just watched a Cooking channel. Do you find this really interesting?", i told them while washing some vegetables.

"No we're just excited that you'll be cooking lunch for us. For the first time.", Key said.

I chuckled then went to the bowl cabinet. The bowl was on top so I couldn't reach it but before I could ask for help, Minho already went beside me and grabbed the bowl on the top.

Then suddenly Key laughed heartily and it was very loud. We all looked at him asking why is he laughing.

He calmed himself first before explaining. "That. I'm sorry for Jonghyun that he won't be able to do that.", then he started laughing again.

Jonghyun gave Key a death glare. "Shut up."

Key was talking about Jonghyun's height and that he wasn't able  to reach the bowl on top.

I looked at Jonghyun, he seems pissed. But I doubt that it's because of Key's teasing. I have the feeling that he's pissed because Minho got to help me and he was not.

They are already okay with each other and I already talked to them about it. But even if they didn't told me, I feel that there's still something between them. Sometimes it feels awkward when they're like battling over me. When the other did something for me, surely, the other one will do something to. Sometimes they would forget that the other members still doesn't know our situation and do intimate things bringing some suspicions and questions from them and I'm the one having a hard time explaining.

When I was mixing some ingredients in a bowl, Jonghyun leaned forward to me from the other side of the counter.

"Wait. Look here first.", he said.

I was bowing down so I looked up to face him. He held my chin up a little the he wiped the sweat all over my face.

"O-oppa.", I blushed and looked away.He just chuckled.

Even though it's already not awkward between me and Jonghyun, or even me and Minho, I still can't help myself from blushing and being shy everytime they would do something like this. But what's important is we're comfortable with each other again.

When I started chopping some vegetables, I really can't concentrate. The boys would shout or stop me everytime I will move the knife.

"Ohhh! Careful! Careful!", Onew said when I started slicing.

"Wait, wait wait wait! AHHH", Taemin yelled as he covers his eyes.

"Hey. I'll just do it! wait!", Minho said.

"Hey stop for a while.", Jonghyun yelled.

"Oh NO! Don't slice too fast! You're fingers!", Key yelled too.

I stopped and glared at them. They covered their mouths and backed away. Onew and Taemin went back to the dining table and the other three to the kitchen counter again. Then I started slicing again.

I was bowing my head down so my hair fell down on my face and I can't see well. My hands are dirty so I can't fix my hair.

"Ahh, so cute.", Jonghyun chuckled then he tucked my hair behind my ears.

"Thanks.", I smiled and went back to slicing.

But your hair is too stubborn that it won't stay and just kept on falling down on your face and Jonghyun kept on brushing it away and tucking it again on your ears.

"Sorry oppa.", I pouted when my hair fell off again.

He just chuckled and fix it again. Suddenly, Minho silently walked away.

I worriedly looked at him, 'Oh no. Is he mad?', i thought as i watch him walk out of the kitchen.

I looked at Jonghyun and he just shrugged, then I went back to what am I doing.

After a few minutes, Minho went back to the kitchen, smiling. He's holding something in his hand.

"Where did you go?", I asked worriedly.

Instead of answering me, he walked and stopped behind me. He held my hair and I was surprised when he started gathering my hair and gently brushed his hands from front to the ends of my hair.

He was gently tying my hair in ponytail.

After securing the elastic band on my hair, he gently turned me and made me face to him. He fixed some hairs that can't be tied back and tucked in behind my ears.

"I had a hard time finding where do you keep you hair elastic bands.", he smiled and wiped some sweat on my forehead with his hand and made me faced again to the vegetable I was slicing.

"Kyaaa! Minho hyung's skinship ability leveled up! It's almost as high as Jonghyun Hyung's", Taemin squealed.

"No. I'm still the skinship king.", Jonghyun defended and glared at Taemin.

"Well hyung. Hold on to your title.", Minho said meaningfully and simply smiled.

I just went back to what I am doing but I seriously got bothered on his actions earlier.



 Im gonna die because of these TWO! ♥  

Got my voice back. huhu :'< i can't talk the whole morning because of this stupid sore throat.

First round goes too............. *tada* it's your choice :] kekeke

BTW, maybe most of you already saw this but I'm going to announce this properly.

MY NEW FANFIC. if ever you're interested. You could check it here >>>

Though it doesn't have the chapters yet 'cause I'm still doing it, you could check the description and the characters so you know what is it all about ^-^


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Chapter 36: No matter how many times I reread it I still believe they should have a sequel :(
Chapter 35: Love this fic very much^^ Please make a SEQUEL~~~ ★
Chapter 35: kyah I wanna be SHINee's girl tooXD
annyeong Readers :) a sequel for shinee girl? Actually i already have an idea on what will be the plot for the sequel. I just dont know if i can write 2 fics at the same time :(
LeeTaeman #6
Chapter 35: :') that end was beautiful *cough* sequel? *cough* ;)
Chapter 35: Happy Ending. :3
Ping0426 #8
Chapter 35: Minho is my bias!! I enjoy reading your story. You're really creative and you make the plots very concrete and interesting. Looking forward to your next work, fighting~~!
bilbo20101 #9
Chapter 33: Keep the updates coming!!