Chptr 2: Coincidence?

SHINee Girl


'I gotta find something to spend my day to.'

"Unni, I'm going to the supermarket and walk somewhere. Is there anything you want?".

"Nothing. You must be bored here. Ok, just ride with me and I'll drop you off there.", Unni said. She's always like this, taking care of me, making sure that I'm doing and feeling well. I'm happy to have a friend who's playing as my mother, bestfriend and sister, all at the same time.

I jumped inside the car and we set off to the road. It has been few weeks since I first stepped here in Seoul. Everything is going fine, so far. But I haven't met any friends yet so I'm feeling kinda bored. KyoungEun Unni is not always around so I gotta find someways to entertain myself.
I already met Unni's boyfriend, HyunWoo.  The coat that I bought fitted him well. Thanks to the guy who fitted it for me.
Oh, that guy. Until now I haven't figured out yet why he looks so familiar to me and it's really bothering me these past few days. And what's more frustrating is that the image of him, smiling at me, haven't stop intruding my thoughts. This is quite serious, I really need to keep myself busy.

After a few minutes of drive, we stopped in front of the supermarket. "Thanks for the ride Unni. I'll go home right away after I finish strolling around. Bye!". After greeting her goodbye, I stepped out of the car and walked inside the supermarket.
I pulled a cart and continue to walk as I look at the checklist saved in my phone.  'These are quite a lot. Gotta get going.'
I grabbed some stuffs listed in my checklist and headed to the cereal section. Slowly pushing my cart forward, I carefully scanned each racks to find my favorite cereal. 'There you are!", I already found the box I am looking for but it's on the top. I walked closer and stretched my arms up to reach it but unfortunately, my height is not enough for me to grab it. I want that cereal badly so I tried my hardest, jumping and reaching my desired cereal box. I tried few more attempts and as I was about to do my last try, a longer arm extended from nowhere and grabbed the box. I was shocked, unable to move because I know someone at my back is  just a few inches away from me. I started to feel uncomfortable and ashamed as well, so I stepped to side a bit, bowing my head down. I'm sure that the person who reached the box is a man, so I really felt shy being that close to him.

 The man who is now in front of me, handed me the box. Still bowing my head down, I reached for it.
"Thank you." I uttered.

"You're most welcome." he said cheerfully.
Wait. That voice! I know that voice.... is he....

 I looked up to see the man in front of me. I was surprised to see the guy who helped me at fitting the coat. The guy whom I was thinking these past days. But., 'does he really dress like this? Fully covered?'. Just like when I saw him at the mall, he's face is covered again. A cap, a pair of sunglasses but no more scarf this time. Still, I can't see his face clearly

"I knew it was you! You're the girl at the mall, right?". he said with a wide smile and drew closer to me.

"Y-yes. You're right. Thank you for your help and sorry for bothering you again." I let out a sweet smile. I suddenly realized that I was acting cutely in front of him. "By the way, the coat fitted well to my friend. Thanks again."

"Nice to hear that. It's my pleasure to do some help.". An awkward silence came after that. He looked at me, tilting his head like he was curious about something.
He then spoke, "You really don't know me, do you?".  He looks amazed and puzzled at the same time while looking at me.

"Hey. I already told you, right? You are the guy that I saw at the mall. Am I wrong?". I also gave him a curious look. That was a wierd question. Didn't we confirm that just a while ago?

He kept silent for a while, giving me a chance to talk but I'm curious on what he's gonna say.
He smiled afterwards. "Ah. Arasso. I'll start.", he started to remove his cap slowly, followed by removing his tinted glasses.
The next thing I know is that I am standing, completely shock, unable to speak and Choi Minho was standing in front of me. The great Choi Minho of  a kpop group, SHINee.

"Maybe you really don't know me. I'm Choi Minho." He offered his hands in front of me to do a hand shake.
I just stared at his hand. I can't do anything but to look at him with wide eyes and open mouth. Maybe by then, he already knows that I'm totally dumbstrucked because I know who 'Choi Minho' is.
He showed a proud smile. Maybe he noticed too that I have no thoughts of reaching his hands so he grabbed my hand and shook it himself.
Then suddenly another guy walked and came to Minho. Minho gently put my hands down and look at th other guy.

"Hyung~! I already got thi- ". He suddenly stopped and looked at me. Maybe he's in the process of remembering where did he see me. After a few seconds, he smiled at me. Oh! this guy! He's one of the 'covered guys' that I saw at the mall. Although I want to greet him back, I was still trying to calm my thoughts.

He turned to Minho and looked at him as if he was asking why do I look startled. Minho whispered something to him, then he also slowly took off his face covers.
I haven't recovered yet from the shock of meeting Minho and now, here's Lee Taemin, smiling at me and introducing himself.
This is too much for me to handle. I'm completely dumbfounded right now. Who wouldn't be? This two SHINee boys is standing in front of me and actually talking to me. UH, my fangirl mode is now on insane level. 

Before the boys started to talk again, a group of teenage girls is walking towards us. The two boys obviously got startled and immediately find a way to keep them unrecognized by these girls. Minho quickly turned around, facing the cereal boxes and pretended to inspect it. Taemin also the opposite direction where the girls are walking. He tried to bow down his head as low as possible so he could hide his face.
I found this scene funny. It's wierd to see these Halyu stars hiding themselves to the possible attack of fans. It was like a scene from a comedy show where the characters are hiding clumsily.

It took some time for me to calm myself and mend the thoughts in my mind. I can think clearly right now. I can't hold my laughter on what I had witnessed a while ago. The girls already passed and gone. Minho and Taemin looked around before walking back to me again. I'm still laughing when they finally came near me. They both gave me a puzzled look but they both managed to laugh afterwards. 

"So. You found this funny, huh?". Minho said while looking at me with amusement. "If only I know this could make you laugh, I should have removed this covers earlier and shouted here that I'm Choi Minho."

I calmed myself down first before talking. "Ok. First..." I bowed politely in front of them before continuing. "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Jaei. Sorry for laughing at you. I meant no offense." I remembered what happened earlier. Me, looking dumb while Minho and Taemin are introducing themselves. I stuttered as I continue to talk. "..a-and also, s-sorry for being dumbstrucked in front of you a while ago. I-it's kinda rude. S-sorry." I managed to finish my sentence and bowed my head. This nervous feeling is back again but not as severe as earlier. 

"I thought you're not going to talk to us. You're the girl that Minho hyung is talking to at the mall just a few weeks ago, right?" Taemin asked with a very sweet smile. 

"Ne, you're right. Sorry again. I really just don't expect that you would talk to me. You know, korean artists..."  I regreted what I said. It came out wierd for me. I sounded like a typical fan being starstrucked.

"Ahh that." Minho chuckled on his own thoughts. "I found you quite interesting so I got excited and introduced myself to you immediately." He smiled shyly and scratched the back of his neck, maybe he found his words wierd.

"Plus the fact that you're pretty." Taemin came closer. He leaned forward on the pushcart in front of me, bringing his face closer and boyishly grinned at me.

My heart melted right away. I can feel my cheeks really warm. I can imagine myself severely blushing. This boys really know how to flatter a fan. Right now, I can't hide my wide smile and blushing face. Though it looks so girly, I lowered my head a bit and covered it with both my hands. I'm feeling extremely warm. I'm controling myself from fainting in front of them. Again my fangirl mode has been activated.

As I continue burying my face on my palm, I heard the two boys squeal. "Ah! kyowo~!", "So cuuuuute~!", they squealed in chorus. I felt my body went warmer. Seriously, does this boys know how crazy I'm feeling right now?

I tried to calm myself. It's hard to act normally with these guys around. I fixed myself and stand straight. After some moments, Taemin spoke. He's still leaning on the cart, resting his arms on it, close to me. "Since we're having fun now. I guess we're already friends. Why don't we shop together? Please~". he said with begging eyes and acting cutely. 'So this is how he does his aegyo.'

"Just as much as I want to, I can't. I don't want to bother you guys. I know you're busy and I don't want to be a burden to your free time.", Of course I don't want to reject this once in a life time offer. A part of me is histerically screaming for me to say yes but I don't want to bother them, like what I have said.
Taemin turned to Minho, still with begging eyes as if he was asking for help. But the way I see it, Minho will insist and try to convince me even without Taemin telling him to do so. At the blink of an eye, he's now leaning on the push cart in front of me, beside Taemin. Seeing him close in front of me, with cute big eyes and a childish but sweet smile makes me wanna run around and scream. Who can resist these two cute guys' offer, with a special aegyo service?

"Arassoyo. Let's go." I finally agreed. After hearing me agree, Taemin, with a victorious smile, immediately got up from leaning onto the cart, moved beside me and hold the handle of the cart. He started to push the cart slowly. On the other hand, Minho walked a few steps and excitedly went behind me. He rested both his hands on my shoulder, gently pushing me to walk forward.
"So, what shall we buy?" he asked.

"Let's see...", I pulled my phone out from my pocket to check on my list. Minho, also wanting to see what's on my checklist, stepped beside me and streched his arms across my shoulder. He pulled me closer so that he could take a better view on my phone. My heart stopped at that moment. I continued to walk with him, controlling my weak knees.

"There's quite a lot. Let's keep moving.", he said, then he held my elbow, he walked ahead of me, pulling me gently. I just stared at his hands holding me. That touch brought a certain happiness on me. I can feel my heart jumping of joy. Because of thinking a lot, I'm walking a bit slow so Taemin stepped backward and hold me on my other arm.
"Hey Jaei. Let's go. We're going to buy a lot.". He said looking straight to my eyes. Then he pulled me and I just walked with them..... 


stay tuned for chapter 3... ^^

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Chapter 36: No matter how many times I reread it I still believe they should have a sequel :(
Chapter 35: Love this fic very much^^ Please make a SEQUEL~~~ ★
Chapter 35: kyah I wanna be SHINee's girl tooXD
annyeong Readers :) a sequel for shinee girl? Actually i already have an idea on what will be the plot for the sequel. I just dont know if i can write 2 fics at the same time :(
LeeTaeman #6
Chapter 35: :') that end was beautiful *cough* sequel? *cough* ;)
Chapter 35: Happy Ending. :3
Ping0426 #8
Chapter 35: Minho is my bias!! I enjoy reading your story. You're really creative and you make the plots very concrete and interesting. Looking forward to your next work, fighting~~!
bilbo20101 #9
Chapter 33: Keep the updates coming!!