Chapter Fifteen: I Dread Being In This Room


// A.N. Guys, I'm gonna post two chapters again. Guys, a question though, do you like my story? Because I let my cousin read this and he said that it . :( (*crying*) Well, I could understand him 'cause he's not into KPOP, but I would like your honest opinion. BTW, the sewer thing in the border is not real.

Location: Smartphone Factories Inc.
Time: 12:02 a.m.
Date: March 13,2012

Changmin woke up in a room where he probably dreaded where he'd be .

" Yah! Wh-where am I ?" Changmin  shouted as he tried to feel for something in the pitch black room.

Apparently. Changmin felt something, but, it may have seemed wrong.

" Yah! Who are you! " the voice said.

" Yesung-hyung? It's me, Changmin." Changmin said.

" Oh, Changmin. You touched me in my misters ." Yesung said.

" Sorry, hyung." Changmin apologized.

" It's okay. Wh-where are we anyway?" Yesung asked .

" I don't know- hyung. It seems like we're alone here. Apparently, I can't hear Onew snoring or D.O. saying stuff ." Changmin said.

" Yeah, you're right. I guess we--" Yesung said, but got cut off by the light turning on.

" Crap! My eye." Yesung said as he covered his eyes.

Changmin complained as well, but it was short lived when he looked around the room.

" Oh, ." Changmin said. " Hyung! Look around, we're in--."

" An office." Yesung continued.

" Hyung,let's get out of here before--" Changmin said as he dragged Yesung up and got cut off when the door opened.

A masked man entered the office, as usual, he was bringing a gun.

" Let us out!" Changmin shouted.

" Sorry, I can't . After what you did." the masked man replied.

" What? What did we do now?" Yesung yelled.

" My wall." the masked man replied with a faint smile on his face.

" The hell who cares about your wall! We just want to go home! We wanna go back to Seoul!" Changmin yelled.

" I think that's not possible." the masked man said as he hit the record button on his video camera and set it on the table.


Location: Tokyo International Airport
Time: 6:48 a.m.
Date: March 13,2012

" Flight 5J36A bound for Pyongyang, North Korea has been delayed. Flight 5J36A bound for Pyongyang, North Korea has been delayed. Sorry for the inconvenience ." a lady said through the intercom.

" Ugh! Its delayed again!" Kris yelled.

" I swear, we will never get to them with all these delaying!" Lay added.

" Yah! Keep quiet ! We're working undercover here!" Zhou Mi said as he shushed Kris.

" Yeah, he's right. Keep quiet Canadian!" Henry added.

" Yah! You're Canadian too !" Kris said as he hit Henry.

Kris and Henry had a little hand hitting war and they were stopped by Victoria.

" Yah. Could you keep quiet! You know, I only had two hours of sleep! I'm trying to sleep here you know?"

" Okay, umma." Kris said.

" What did you call me?" Vic asked, with her eyebrows twitched.

" Nothing." Kris said as he lowered his head in embarrassment.

" So, what time are we supposed to be going ? We need to start moving, or someone else might be hurt!"  Amber said.

" I don't know, Amber. But, I guess Tao's checking for any available flights ." Victoria replied to her dongsaeng.

Just a few moments later, Tao arrived with a frown in his face.

" I guess we're gonna be stuck here for another hour."

The seven other Chinese members sighed in frustration. Hankyung took his phone out and texted Leeteuk about the delayed flight.

While waiting for their flight, the eight idols started planning. They went to the nearest coffee shop and ordered their breakfast there.

" So, what's our plan when we get there." Henry asked.

" Well, first, Teukie hyung is asking if all of you know how to drive." Hankyung said.

The seven other idols nodded in agreement.

" Why?" Zhou Mi asked.

" Well, Teukie-hyung is asking us to drive from Pyongyang to the border. And while going there, we are taking shifts on driving." Hankyung explained.

" Pyongyang to the border? That's like 200 kilometers!" Victoria yelled, which made the entire restaurant shut up.

" Yah! You can go back to eating." Lay said to the group of people who were giggling at them.

The entire restaurant resumed to their activities and  the idols went back to planning.

" Each of us should drive at least 25 kilometers. That's it." Hankyung whispered.

" Okay. After the drive, what are we supposed to do?" Kris asked.

" Teukie-hyung mentioned something about a sewer." Hankyung said.

" A s-sewer? What are they gonna do, pass through the sewer?" Tao asked.

Hankyung nodded his head in agreement and said:

" They're gonna stink."

" So, how is this sewer thing related to the border?" Amber asked.

" The border has a sewer line which is located underground.

Suho made some research and he said that there is a line which connects from a river near the South Korean border to the parking lot of te North Korean border." Hankyung explained.

" So, are we gonna wait for them in the parking lot?" Zhou Mi asked.

" Yes. The only possible way." Hankyung replied as he took a sip of his coffee.

A few minutes later, their orders arrived and they started eating.

" So, what car are we using?" Henry asked.

" I was thinking of using an Ice delivery truck. It's big enough for everyone, and it has slight air-conditioning. " Hankyung replied.

" Good idea ." Zhou Mi said.

" But the thing is, how do we get the truck?" Lay asked.

" Just as Teukie-hyung said, we do some illegal business." Hankyung smirked.

They exchanged worried looks and said:

" Are you crazy? This is North Korea!" - Victoria

" You could be imprisoned !" - Tao

" Or worse, killed!" - Amber

" I know it sounds crazy but it's the only way, we just need to give that person enough money ,that's it. Then we get his truck!" Hankyung said .

The seven otter idols looked at their " leader" and sighed. Afterwards, Victoria said:

" I'm in."

The other boys looked at her like she was crazy, but she just ignored it.

" I'm in too. As what Sulli and Krystal said, it's better than Do KyungSoo's boxers ." Amber added.

This made the others boys laugh and they said:

" Better than boxers ."

Hankyung laughed at his seven dongsaengs and said:

" Yeah. Better than boxers."

After a few minutes, a lady spoke through intercom:

" Thank you for waiting. Flight 5J36A bound for Pyongyang, North Korea is now boarding. Flight 5J36A bound for Pyongyang, North Korea is now boarding."

" Let's go. We have some work to do ." Hankyung said as he led his family to the boarding area, bound for Pyongyang .

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Guys, I know I rarely send you messages, but, I want to tell you my second fanfic is up, and I hope you could read it :)


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fraJILListic58 #1
Chapter 6: Are you like reading 39 clues? cuz' v1 really reminds me of vesper 1 :D
Chapter 30: love it author-ssi.
eRnah_hanRe07 #3
Chapter 30: ..' oooooommmoooooooo..
..' not again..
..' I like the suspense thing of the story..
..' keep it up.. :)
smtownmylifes #4
teentexo #5
Chapter 30: This was amazing, although you ended it with a cliffhanger.. :)
smtownmylife #6
I just read it again... I really need to say, this is one of the best fanfiction I´ve ever read. I love it sooooo much.
Casandra #8
Chapter 30: did leeteuk get kidnap. .??. .WHY!!!!
sonelf_YW #9
Chapter 30: Omo Leeteuk oppa!!!!
Good luck for your next story author-nim !!! :))