Just A Bet ?

"Mummm , I'm home !" Taeyeon said as he entered their basement house . His mum just finished folding the cleaned fresh laundry .

"Oh , my boyy . Come ." Mrs Kim greeted at him and kissed his cheeks . "Oh , Tiffany !" She exclaimed as soon she saw Tiffany .

"Auntie !" Tiffany exclaimed and hugged her .

"You two ?" Mrs Kim looked at them .

"Yeahh ... we are back . "Tiffany bit her lips shyly . 

Taeyeon smiled and pinched her cheeks for being adorable .

"Good! oh my god , i knew you guys are fated ." Mrs Kim joked .

"Mummmm ." Taeyeon cutely whined .

"Alright alright . What brings you here , Tiffany?"

"Oh, I'm just accompanying him to take his stuffs . " Tiffany smiled .

"Ooo , alright .. By the way , I have cooked for lunch. Do you guys want to eat here first or ? Later , I'm going to the community centre again to help out " Mrs Kim said . Since her health had extremely improved , she started to volunteer for community work more frequently . 

"YES !" Tiffany immediately exclaimed as she missed her homecooked food .

Taeyeon chuckled seeing Tiffany's reaction . "Aigoo , so impatient .hahaha " he laughed , earning a pinch on his arm and laughter by Mrs Kim .

"Owwww , i'm sorrrry hahaha . Okayokay , you help mum to set up the food . I'll call Uncle Im to join ." He continued .

"Oh ? Uncle Im is here as well ?" Mrs Kim asked surprisedly .

"Jyeappp . I'll be back ." Taeyeon replied as he went out to call for uncle Im .

"Oh my . "Mrs Kim suddenly panicked and immediately go to the mirror to check her appearance . Tiffany stared at her amusedly . "Tiffany . Do I look messy or untidy ?" Mrs Kim asked .

"Uhhh , nope ?" Tiffany said before smirking . "What are you doing , auntie ?" She asked , causing Mrs Kim to look at her with slight blush on her face.

"Uhh .. nothing ." Mrs Kim stopped what she's doing as she blushed and went to the small kitchen .

Tiffany smirked widely before widening her eyes . "You like him !" She teased as she followed Mrs kim into the kitchen .

"No !" Mrs Kim denied as she scooped the food to a bowl for everyone .

Tiffany suspiciously stared at Mrs Kim . "Auntie . Are you sureeeeee ? I promise I won't tell anyone !"

Mrs Kim looked at her before sighing . "Okay , i'm not going to lie that i kinda like him though .. He's nice .. gentleman ... but we are old . I don't think it suits us to be together ." 

"Oh my godddddddd !!" Tiffany spazzed . "Auntie ! Who said that old people can't have their love of their life ? Everyone needs their partner no matter old or young ! Uncle Im has been alone for quite some time . He's the nicest and best person I've ever seen . Auntie ! I support you !" She exclaimed excitedly .

Mrs Kim laughed seeing Tiffany's excited face ."Let's just see how . Don't get your hope high . The chance is quite low ." She said .

"Naw . Auntie ! Be confident !" Tiffany laughed as she helped to set up the food .

"hahaha . Alright , be quiet , miss . I don't want Taeyeon to hear this . He's specially sensitive . Since the incident about his father , he hates to hear if I like any man or any man likes me ." Mrs Kim explained .

Tiffany nodded understanding as she knew about their past . "Oh yes ! Auntie ! You know what ? Just now , there's this two men came to our school and find Taeyeon ." she said .

"Really ?? Who ?" Mrs Kim looked at her .

"We don't know . Taeyeon told me that they wanted him to follow them back to meet their superior chief but they can't reveal their chief's name . Do you have an idea who will it be ?" Tiffany asked .

Mrs Kim frowned and shook her head . " No .. I never heard of it . Did they find the right person ?"

"According to Taeyeon , yes ." Tiffany said .

Mrs Kim sighed ."Just say to Taeyeon to avoid this kind of people." she continued .

"Okaaaay ." Tiffany just nodded . "Done !" She exclaimed after setting the foods on the floor . 

"Mummmmm ! We're backk !" Taeyeon said as he entered with Uncle Im . "Uncle . Come on in . Welcome to my humble house . Not a fully house though ." Taeyeon joked .

"Thank you . Hmmm , i smell nice foods ." Uncle Im smiled as soon he entered . He looked around for a while as it is his first time coming into Taeyeon's basement house .

"Of courseeee . Who's the one that cooks ? MY MUMMMM !" Taeyeon exclaimed , earning laughters from Uncle Im and Tiffany while Mrs Kim knocked his head .

"Knock it out . You're embarrassing me." Mrs Kim laughed .

Taeyeon pouted as he rubbed on the spot that his mum just knocked . He looked at Tiffany while pouting . "Payyyynnnnn ." he whined .

"Awwww . Come here ." Tiffany reached out to him with two arms and kissed the pain . "Is it gonee ?" She said like a mum .

Taeyeon giggled and nodded cutely . "Thanyykkk yuuu." he said .

"Welcome , baby boy ." Tiffany giggled as well and pecked his lips .

"Ehemmmm . You do realise that we're here right ?" Uncle Im cleared his throat and teased , causing the lovey dovey couple to blush .

Mrs Kim just laughed seeing them . "Alright . Come on . Let's eat ." She called them out as she sat down .

"I apologised that you have to sit on the floor instead of the dining table . As you can see , we don't have dining table ." Mrs Kim apologised at Uncle Im .

"No no no. It's okay . I don't mind . When I was a kid , I always ate on the floor with my family . This brings back memory and plussss I missss your foods so much . Woww " Uncle Im said honestly as he scratched the back of his neck shyly .

"Really ? Is my cooking really nice ? You're too kind ." Mrs Kim giggled in embarrassment .

"Reaaally ! I don't lie about such things . Truthly speaking , I love eating your foods everydayy . It's like a energy food for me . When you live at Ms Hwang's mansion , I totally fell in love with .... your cooking . hee . " Uncle Im grinned while looking at Mrs Kim.

"Well , thank you then ." Mrs Kim smiled .


"...... what are you guys doing ?" Taeyeon raised his eyebrows towards them .

"Huh ? Uhhh , nothing !" Mrs Kim said .

"Yeahh , i was just complimenting your mum's cookings !" Uncle Im said as well .

"Oookaaayyy ....." Taeyeon squinted his eyes and glared at them .

"Okay ! LET'S EAAT !" Tiffany quickly intercept and Taeyeon looked at her . "OKAY ! EAAAAT !" He exclaimed .




Tiffany AND Jessica were sitting on the bench outside the pitch . Yes , Jessica . When Tiffany told her that she's accompanying Taeyeon for training , she also don't want to miss the opportunity to see Sooyoung in training . In fact , as she grows up , she started to have a secret thing for a guy who excels in sports and unfortunately Jaejoong is not a sport person so she just slides that off .

"Yah . Where did you go this morning ? Why are you absent ??" Tiffany asked .

Jessica just looked at her and grinned widely .

"oii , are you okay ? Are you crazy ?" Tiffany stared at her bewilderedly .

Jessica grabbed Tiffany's hands . "Tiffff . I fell deeeeeeeeep into a pool filled with love that I never felt beforeeee ." Jessica said as she smiled like a drunk person .

"Yess yess . I know that you're in love with your fiance . Don't need to say . I'm asking you why are you absent ?" Tiffany laughed seeing Jessica .

"I'm not referring to him ." Jessica shook her head . Still while grinning .

"Huh ?! Then whoo ???"

Jessica looked into the pitch , at her new love before looked back at Tiffany . "Who's the person that I came with here ?" She asked excitedly .

"Uhhhh ...." Tiffany bit her lips ... "Ohmygod !" She quietly exclaimed , don't want to alarm the boys in the pitch . "Choi Sooyoung ???" She whispered surprisingly .

Jessica gave a reply but nodding repeatedly . "Yessss !" She grinned .

Tiffany grinned as well . "Ohmygoooodd . What happened to both of you ??" She excitedly asked , wanting to know the details.

"I'll explain later . Now , I want to watch my baby giraffe . He looked sooo handsome wearing sleeveless top for training . See that body !" Jeessica fangirl-ed herself as she lost into the world of love as she stared at Sooyoung .

"Baby giraffe ?" Tiffany laughed . "Okaay, I want to watch my baby boy . My baby boy is wearing tank top . Much handsome . See that feature ! Ohmygoddd ~"" She said before bursting into laughter with Jessica with their antics .



"Okaayy, training for today is speed ." Uncle Kang explained to the boys who are sitting down . "I'm going to test each of your speed and agility . " He said as he took out cones out of a bag 

"We are going to do Illinois agility test today . As you can see , there's 8 cones here . There will be three rows , two cones on each side and four in the middle . At the side , the two cones will be 10metres away . In the middle , the four cones will be 3.3m aways . First you guys starts by running at the start which is at the left then turn to then proceed to the middle row , run zig zag then u turn to run zig zag again , , before exiting to your right row , turning back to end . Understand ?" Uncle Kang explained .


"Yes , Coach !" The boys said in unison.

"Alright , great . First , warming up . Get to circle and start stretching . Someone can come up to the center to lead the warm up . " Uncle Kang said .

Everyone looked at each other . "Okaay , me ." Sunny volunteered . With that , everyone stood up and get ready . 

"Ehhh , why is Tiffany and Jessica are here ?" Tao asked Taeyeon .

"Uhhh , she wanted to accompany me . For Jessica , I don't know . I myself surprised seeing her ." Taeyeon said

"She's with me ."Sooyoung interrupted .

"Heh ? With you ??" Taeyeon smirked .

"Eiiiiiiiiiiii" Suddenly all guys teased the two boys . "Your girlfriends are here , heh . I'm jealoussss ~" They teased and luckily they do not say too loud that Jessica and TIffany can hear .

"SHUSH !" Taeyeon and Sooyoung exclaimed shyly .

"You got some explaining to me about her ." Taeyeon teased Sooyoung while pointing to Jessica using his mouth .

Sooyoung grinned . "Heeee."

"Alright , let's warm up ." Uncle Kang sternly said . 

After few rounds of stretching and few rounds running around the pitch , they are preparing to start their agility test .

"Alright . Here . I'm going to time your speed . I want you guys to obtain timing lesser than 15.2sec . Whoever exceeded the timing , I required you to repeat and repeat and repeat . But first , all of you will do two rounds of this then I will take the average later . The competition is coming soon and all of you has not played a lot at a real stadium . So I want all of you to give your best in the training . In the competition , all of you will be competing strong teams . Teams that already played for their school . Understand ?"

"Yes , Coach !"

"Good . Alright , we will go in order , Keeper then defender then midfield before going to striker . Alright , let's go ."


Moments later .

"Ahhhhhhh . I'm so tired !" Sunny whined as they finished their intensive training . All the boys gathered at the center of the pitch and sat or some are lying down .

After the agility test , they proceeded to improving their speed , agility and reaction time and shooting .  They had to do ladder drills , zig zag running , jumping on two bars , passing back and forth before shooting into a goal post where Uncle Kang puts a medium size red circle for them to hit . They had to do three rounds each . Whoever miss the circle had to do 20 push ups on the spot .

"Wowwww . I never felt this tired ~" Tao said . 

"Okay , guys . You guys have done well . Good good . Alright ! Come on . Sit back up . Time for debrief then I'll let you guys off to slack in the house ." Uncle Kang praised them .

With that , the boys immediately sit down properly to finish the debrief so they can go back to the house quickly .

"Okaay . So how's training for today ?" Uncle Kang asked .

"Urghhhhhhhh." All grunts were heard , causing Uncle kang to laugh .

"Okay , i think i already know your answers . haha . Alright . keep up . Our training will be the same for the next 2 weeks before we proceed to focus more to your stamina . Soooo , I think that's all I want to say. Is there anything you guys wanna voice out ?" Uncle Kang asked .

"Can we proceed to the house ?" Sehun asked , making everyone laughs .

"Okayokayyy . DISMISSED!" Uncle Kang exclaimed , earning cheers .

All of them then walked to exit the bench before walking to the bench where Jessica and Tiffany were as their water bottles were there .

"Hi , babyyy ." Taeyeon smiled to Tiffany as she gave him the water bottle .

"Helluu. You are awesome there . So handsome ,so good ." Tiffany giggled while she took a towel to wipe his sweats .

"Awww . thanksss ." Taeyeon kissed her lips , ignoring the other boys there .

"AWWWWWWWW !" All of the boys teased in unison as they were drinking .

"Tsk !" Taeyeon playfully glared at them .


"Helluu ,my ice princess ? Are you bored ?" As soon as Sooyoung came , he then caressed her cheeks while asking .

"Helluu to my baby giraffe . Nahh . Luckily Tiff is here ." Jessica stared into his eyes lovably .

"Hmmm ... What are you girls gossiping about ? Boys ?" Sooyoung playfully glared at her .

Jessica pinched his cheeks adorably . "Yesss , gossiping about the boys who were training just now . The one wearing black sleeveless top and the one who wearing black tank top . They're so hot ." She played along as she refers to Sooyoung and Taeyeon .

"Heh ?! No no no no . Only the one wearing black sleeveless top is hot . The one who wears tank top throw him out ." Sooyoung said in jealousy , causing Jessica to laugh .

"Alrighhhttt . Only that person is hot . Super super hot ." She laughed .

Sooyoung grinned widely . "Here ." She opened the bottle cap and gave him .

"Thank yuu . I love you ." Sooyoung grinned as he took a big gulp of water .

"I love you toooo ." Jessica pecked his cheeks and lips even though he's drenched with sweat . For her , it doesn't matter .





At mysterious high rise building

"Sir !" The familiar two guys greeted a man ,

The man just nodded . "So , did you guys bring him back ?" He said with a deep voice .

"Sir , we apologised . He ran away from us and we unable to chase him . " The guys apologised .

"What ? *sigh* I'm giving you one last chance . Bring him back . I need to see him . I want to see him . Understand ?!" The man exclaimed as he looked at the two guys .

"Sir ... I don't think that's possible . He resisted to follow us back if we don't tell who you are . I think it will take a longer time ." One of the guys said .

"*sigh* . Alright . Don't force and pressurize him . Just take your time to persuade him BUT i do not want any of you to put a single touch on him . Do not ever hurt him . Understand ??!"

"Yes , Sir !" The guys bowed .

"You may leave . Thank you ." The man thanked . With that , the two guys left the office .

The man sighed and looked at a old photo on the desk . It's him with a lady , a small boy and a baby . He stared at the photo until a tear fell dropped without realising .

The man woke back to the reality and wiped his tear . He then pressed on the intercom to his secretary . "Miss Seo . Cancel all of my evening plan . Don't ask why and just cancel everything . This is an order . Thank you very much ."



*BAMBAMBAMMMMM* Who is that man ?! hehehe

Okayokay . My silent readers are a loooooooooooooooooooot . Like seriously . Come on . Comment ! 


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YoonTi #1
Chapter 60: still waiting author 😭
miselio28 #2
Chapter 60: Back again for this masterpiece update soon author nim please
NekoLS #3
Chapter 60: I come baack to reread this story again
Aigoooo i miss your story authornim when will you update sob 😭 😭 sob
kwansegon #4
You know I've been waiting for the update up till now. Where are you author-nim?
Tae143tiff #5
Chapter 60: It'll be good till the complete
CrissYoung #6
Chapter 60: New reader here.. please do continue...
lampi5 #7
Chapter 60: Author please come back 😭
embongtaar #8
Chapter 60: I’ve been waiting for your update, Please update soon author-nim.
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 60: Author please update.
Chapter 60: Author I love your story will u plz update another chapter, cause I am so desperate right know of thinking what happens next and thank u for story?