Just A Bet ?

This chapter is all SooSica . *thumbsup*





"Hmm ...." Sooyoung groaned as the sunlight pierced into his room . "Argh .. I should have closed the curtains ." He mumbled annoyedly . He tried to stand up but he felt something heavy pushing him down . 

Sooyoung looked to his side and saw Jessica sleeping so comfortably , resting her head on his chest with her arms around his waist . He blushed when last night incident came into his mind . It felt so warm cuddling with Jessica but it's particularly warm because they are now . Yes , .

?! *checks under blanket* SH*T ! OH MY GOD !

Sooyoung's ears turned red as he noticed both of them are and Jessica's s are literally against his body . 

*dugeundugeundugeun* ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod 

Sooyoung carefully pushed Jessica to the side , not wanting the lady to wake up . He quickly pick up yesterday's clothes on the floor and wore it before rushing out of the bedroom . It's already 10.45am and they are super late so Sooyoung take it calm and just decided to skip school . 

He paced back and forth at the living room . "Oh my god . What have I've done ?? STUPID !" He ruffled his hair frustratingly and mumbled .

"CHOI SOOYOUNG , you should control yourself last night ! Oh my god .... " He smacked his head .

"She has a fiance ! A childhood oppa who is now her fiance ! Who are you to be the third party ?! " He smacked his head again . He then sat on the couch and ruffled his hair again as he sighed .

"No ... I should not do this. I don't want to break her relationship . I'm not a third party and I don't want to be a third party . Choi Sooyoung , you idiot ! Idiot !" He scolded himself and smacked his head again and again .

"Arghhhhh . Aishhhh !" He exclaimed .

*grumbles* "Pft . I'll put all this aside . For now , I'm super hungry ." Sooyoung patted his stomach as he stood up and walked to the kitchen .


For Sooyoung , he have to eat rice for breakfast but because of school , he starts to eat light breakfast due to no time . Since he decided to skip school , he wants to cook rice for breakfast . *ecstatic grin*

He started to cook the rice first . While waiting for the rice to be cooked , he then took out ingredients in the fridge . With his skills , he easily chopped the vegetables and other ingredients like a professional chef . His scalded hand has recovered 98% so he can already use both of his hand .

Sooyoung decided to cook fried rice with soup and meat as side dishes . Even though there's only two side dishes , Sooyoung will cook a lot and he can eat more than 3 bowls of rice with those side dishes . Since Jessica is here , he cooked extra .

As he was stirring the soup , he felt an arm sneaked around his waist before hugging him . Sooyoung freeze for the moment and his heartbeat races . 

"Hmm ... Smell so gooood .... What are you cooking ?" Jessica mumbled sleepily as she backhugged Sooyoung while resting her head on his back , inhaling his scent .

"Uhh ... B-b-breakf-fast ." He stammered . In fact , he want to be cold to her because of yesterday's incident . He don't want to break her relationship with her fiance but when she did that , Sooyoung loses his cool .

Jessica giggled after hearing Sooyoung . "Where did the brave Sooyoung go ? The Sooyoung that leads me last night ?" Jessica teased as she bit her lips , suppressing her giggles . She pecked his back with a smooching sound .

Sooyoung widened his eyes and breathes in nervously . Wow , is she teasing ? *dugeun*

 "Uhh .." Sooyoung then covered the soup to let it boil . He then turned around facing Jessica . He gently pushed Jessica a bit . "Jessica ..." He said .

Jessica looked at him confusedly .

"Look , I'm sorry about last night . I'm sorry for not controlling myself . I'm truly sorry . I h-"

"Shhhh ." Jessica put her finger on his lips . "You didn't force me . I willingly do it . You should not feel sorry at all . After last night , I'm sure about my feelings . I'm falling for you , Choi Sooyoung ." She caressed his cheeks .

Sooyoung widened his eyes again with Jessica's confession . Well , she said that she's falling for him . He should be happy but at the same time , he's scared .

Sooyoung moved backwards a bit . "No .. I don't want to break your relationship . You got a fiance , Jessica ."

With that sentence , Jessica kept quiet and looked down .

Yeah , she of course love her fiance . She must be feeling guilty now . *sigh*

Sooyoung looked at  Jessica and sighed . "Look , all of this is a mistake . I'm sorry . We should just eat breakfast and I'll send you home . You should take a shower first . New towel and toothbrush is already in the bathroom ." he said as he turned back to continue cooking . 

Jessica stared at his back . Sooyoung's right . She pondered. She has a fiance , a fiance who is her lover for a long time but why doesn't she feel any guilt or feeling of betrayal towards Jaejoong ?

As she continues staring at Sooyoung , she felt that being with him since last night is the best and right feeling .

"Jessica ?" Sooyoung glanced at Jessica .

"H-huh ?"

"Why are you still there ? Quick , take a shower and have your breakfast . I don't want your fiance to be worried ." Sooyoung said as he looked back to his cooking . Even though he said with a normal tone , his heart actually aching . *sigh* 

Jessica just nodded and went to the bathroom .

As Jessica entered the bathroom, Sooyoung can't help it but to sigh again . "She must really really love him ." He then scoffs ."Well , of course . He is her childhood oppa and they knew each other for sooooo long . As well as dating . You should just forget about having her , Choi Sooyoung ." He mumbled to himself as he shook his head .

"Last night is just a mistake .... just a mistake .... mistake ..." He chanted softly as he finished preparing for breakfast .


Soon later , both of them were having breakfast quietly with them sitting facing each other . They did not talk and ate in awkward silence .


Jessica's phone is just on the dinner table and Sooyoung just slightly looked at it before focusing eating back

Jessica glanced at Sooyoung before picking up the call .

"Hello ?" She said softly .

"Babe . Where did you go ? " A guy's voice who appeared to Jaejoong coming through .

Sooyoung just continue eating as if nothing's happened .

Jessica glanced again at Sooyoung before continuing , "I met my friend for a while . I'm coming back soon ." She said softly again .

"Really ? Quickkkkk ! I miss you so badly ." Jaejoong said with aegyo voice .

Sooyoung rolled his eyes secretly .

"Okay okay . I gotta go , babe . Bye ." She hurriedly said and hang up . She looked at Sooyoung . "I apologised about h-" suddenly Sooyoung stood up .

"Let's go . Your fiance is waiting . Did you came here by your car or ?" he interrupted her sentence and asked .

"By cab .." she replied softly as she looked at her food.

"Okay then . I'll send you home then ." he took his car key on the tv table as he walked to the front door . Seeing that Jessica does not follow him , he saw her still sitting down on the dining chair .

"Uhhh ... Jessica ? Let's go ." he called out again .

Jessica ignored him and took her chopsticks to continue eating .

Sooyoung sighed and walked to the couch . He sat on the couch while waiting for Jessica since he don't want to disturb her breakfast time . He waited .... and waited .... and waited .... 

Jessica has been eating for the past continuous 15 minutes . Sooyoung looked at her and realised that she is eating very slow as if she's trying to stay here longer .

Sooyoung walked to the dining table and knocked on it . "Excuse me , miss . Are you done ? " he asked politely .

"No ." She replied coldly ,causing Sooyoung to be flustered . 

"Y-yah yah . Hurry up . See the time . Your fiance is waiting for you . " He pointed at the clock .

Jessica ignored him and continued eating SLOWLY . Sooyoung looked at her before sitting beside her . "Aish . You eat too slow . Come ,i'll feed you ." he took her food and scoop for her .

Jessica did not open and try to take back her plate .

"Yah , let me feed you . It's faster . You need to go home quickly . Your fiance already called . What if he gets suspicious ? Come . Say ah ." He said .

She abruptly stood up , pushing the chair back loudly as she glared at him .

"W-w-what ?" Sooyoung looked at her with shock face as he stood up as well .

"Why are you trying to push me away ?" She said coldly as she continued glaring .

"Huh ??? Push you away ??? I didn't !" Sooyoung said flusteredly as he put down the spoon  .

"Then why do you keep trying to send me back home ?? Your fiance this ... your fiance that ... WHY ?" Jessica exclaimed .

"I did not ! Your fiance is really waiting for you ,right ?" Sooyoung asked back .

Jessica then took Sooyoung's hand but were pulled away by Sooyoung immediately . "See ! You are obviously trying to push me away . What happened to the Choi Sooyoung last night who can't stop kissing , shower me with sweet words and can't stop touching me ?!" She shouted as she tried to control her tears .

"Look , last night were a mistake . I already told you . I apologised about that ." Sooyoung looked at her .

Jessica bit her lips . "So last night was nothing for you ? Is it a normal night for you ? Having se* with a girl and the next day , you will just apologised and that's it?" She asked and with that , her tears fell .

Jessica is really confused with her mind now . Why is she feeling this way and ultimately , why did she cry just because of this ? Why does she feel devastated when Sooyoung kept reminding her about her fiance ? Why somehow she do not like Sooyoung reminding her about her fiance ? 

"No ! Truthly speaking , you are the second girl that I've did this and the first was only to my ex-girlfriend , that's all . In fact , I .... I .."

"You what ???" She shouted .

"I really really like you from the first day I met you and last night , I felt like I'm the most happiest guy in the world . I'm sorry for not controlling myself last night but I can't . If i could , i just want to avoid you from the starting but i just can't . You have a fiance . A fiance who knew you since you are a kid and your parents must liked him so much , right ? It's my fault last night ." Sooyoung said as he saw Jessica starts to cry

"I know that you love him so much . Seeing how you react just now when i said you have a fiance , i just knew it . You must felt guilty ,right ? Guilty and regret . But i don't know that you felt so guilty until you cry like this .  Look , i truly apologised about last night . I should have control myself . Okay ?" Sooyoung said as he thought Jessica cried because she felt guilty and regret about last night while thinking of her fiance .

Jessica just glared at him with tears falling . 

Sooyoung stared at her with apologetic look as he came closer . He grabbed a tissue on dining table and wiped her tears instead of using his own thumbs . "Sorry ... I think i should send you home now . " he sighed as he walked to the door .

When he wants to open the door , Jessica suddenly ran to him and gave a tight backhug .

"Y-y-yahh .... What's wrong with you ?" 

"I've f-fallen for you , Choi Sooyoung .. I don't know how and why . I never fell in love with someone who I met not that long and this is my first time . But what I know that I'm positively sure that I've fallen for you . About you saying I felt guilty , regret about Jaejooong , you're wrong . I totally have no idea but I never felt slight guilty or betray towards him nor I regret about last night . I love it .... last night . It was the best night . I did it so many times with Jaejoong but you brought me to another level of pleasure that I never feel with him . I did with Jaejoong a lot of times but with you , i feel different . I can't explain but i totally love it ." Jessica said as she continued hugging him .

Sooyoung just kept quiet and listen to her . His heartbeat actually racing as Jessica was hugging him tightly . Keep your cool , CHOI SOOYOUNG !

"Actually , you caught my attention when I first entered the class but I cannot act like some crazy lady so I composed myself. After spending time more with you , thanks to taeyeon and tiffany , I fell for you and now i'm going deeper and deeper . I know that we are going too fast , but i don't feel it that way . I know that I have a fiance , but please .... catch me because I'm in love with you and I'm going to fell hard for you  ."

Sooyoung widened his eyes . D-d-d-d-did s-s-she just sa-say sh-she loves m-me ?! *stuttersss*

"Soo ?" Jessica called as she never hear Sooyoung responds . 

"Soooo ...." she called with cute voice as she shook his body with her arms around his waist .

"H-h-huh ?" Sooyoung quickly pulled out from the backhug and went one step backwards .

"Soo ?"

"J-jessica . I think you are confused . You need more time to think about this first . I don't want you to regret ." Sooyoung frowned as he walked to the couch .

"I won't regret , Sooyoung . I know what I'm thinking and I know what I'm doing ." Jessica said as she wiped her remaining tears and walked towards him .

"I know but I really do not want you to regret if we are really dating . What if one day you regret dating me , saying that Jaejoong is better ?Like you say , we know each other not more than 2 months , not even a year . What if we are not compatible ? What if peop-"

"Shhhhh !" Jessica quickly shushed him with her fingers . "We take it slow from here then . We should know each other more , maybe going dates .. we can know each other more . I trust you . We can try to build our relationship . "

"T-then how about him ?"

Jessica gave a smile and wrapped her arms around Sooyoung's neck . "Don't worry about him . Okay ? He's leaving today . " She said as she played her fingers on his neck while gazing into his eyes lovably .

Sooyoung blushed as he was lost into her eyes . 

"Omo ! Your ears turn red !" Jessica exclaimed as she rubbed Sooyoung's ears while laughing . "You're so cute !" She said as she pinched his cheeks .

"Y-y-ya-yah ! I d-didn't !" Sooyoung tried to deny .

"Oh really ? Then what's this ?" She pointed to his ears .

"I feel hot . i think the air-conditioned is set high so I don't feel cold . aish ." he pulled away and quickly walked to the air-con remote control to adjust the temperature . 

Jessica can't stop giggling , seeing the brave Sooyoung last night has becomes shy Sooyoung this morning . She walked to him and snatched the remote .

"Hey !" Sooyoung looked at her before wanting to take it back .

"Kiss me ." She suddenly demanded.

"W-whaaat ?" Sooyoung stuttered .

"Ahhhhh ~ Kiss mee ...." She cutely whined and puckered her lips . "You haven't give me good morning kiss"

Sooyoung opened his mouth , trying to say something but nothing came out . Why is this girl become so daring out of sudden ?! ohmygod ...

"Choi Sooyoung !" Jessica playfully slapped his chest for not paying attention .

"Ow !"

"Did you listen ? I said kiss me !" she demanded like a princess .

Sooyoung gulped before nervously yet excitedly leaned towards her , putting his hand on her cheeks and rested his lips on her lips . Moving his lips to hers and she responded as she pulled closer with her arms tightly around his neck .

They passionately kissed and Sooyoung can feel that she smiled cheekily as she bit his lips and pulled slightly before they pulled away from the kiss .

"Morning ." Jessica bit her lips and said .

Sooyoung chuckled . "Morning . Your breath smells fried rice ." He teased , causing Jessica to punch his shoulder .

"Yah ! Yours as well !" She playfully glared at him .

"Alright alright . Come on . I'll send you home now ." Sooyoung holds her hands and took a step forward but was held back . 

"Can I just stay here for a bit longer ?" Jessica asked as she wants to spend longer time with him ,

"No . Your fiance is waiting ." Sooyoung said as he lets go of Jessica's hand to take his car keys on the coffee table . He then saw Jessica glares at him . 

"Oppps .." Sooyoung realises that he said something that he shouldn't . He stood in front of Jessica ."I'm sorry I'm sorry . But your fiance is really waiting for you. See the time now ." He looked at clock .

Jessica continues glaring at him . 

"Okaaayyy , I won't talk about him again in front of you . I promise but now is a exception . Okay ? Please ?" Sooyoung comforted her .

Her glares slowly turned into a pout . 

Sooyoung pecked her lips . "No pouting allowed ." He pecked again .

Soon , her pout turned into a shy smile . "Exception just for today!" 

Sooyoung nodded . "Let's go !"



Back to Jessica's condo 

"Babe ! What's taking you so long ??" Jaejoong whined as soon he saw Jessica came in with western breakfast . She bought it for Jaejoong since she don't want him to starve him and makes him think that she went out for breakfast .

"Sorry , I met my friend for a while ." Jessica gave a weak smile .

"Oh okok . Hmm ... babe .... let's ...." Jaejoong smirked as he kissed her collarbone .

Jessica bit her lips and slightly rolled her eyes . Jaejoong didn't care about where she went in detail or maybe concern who is she meeting but the first thing Jessica came in , he already wants se* .

"B-babe . It's morning . Not now ."Jessica slightly pushed him away . She then saw Jaejoong wearing the same outfit as yesterday .

"Where have you been ??" Jessica asked in order to change topics . 

"Uhhh ... Sorry , babe . I'm sorry not coming home last night . I slept over at one of my buddy's house ."He lied .

Huh ? He did not came home last night . Whew !

"Then why didn't you tell me ?! I slept alone last night and I woke up , not seeing you !" Jessica lied and immediately acted , hoping Jaejoong doesn't realise .

"Awww .. I'm sorry , baby . I promise I will tell you next time , okay ?"

Jessica glared at him  . "Whatever ." she said coldly .

"Babeeee ~" He hugged her and continues kissing her neck . He put his hands under her shirts . Jessica bit her lips and suddenly remembered about the love bite Sooyoung gave around her , causing her to quickly move away .

"No se* for you for not telling me last night ." She said and luckily she got it covered up .

"What ? Baaaabe . I'm leaving soon . Give me our last making of love ." 

Jessica listens to all of his sweet talkings but she wonders why she don't have any reactions to his cheesy sentences like how she feels towards Sooyoung's sweet talkings .

"N-O , no . " Jessica said as she walked into her room and locked the door with Jaejoong outside her door .

"Babeee ! I'm sorry .. I promise that I won't do it again ."Jaejoong tried to persuade her but Jessica just ignored him . 

Jessica stood in front of her make up dresser and took off her top . She saw the mark that was made by Sooyoung last night and it makes her to bit her lips shyly while giggling as she thinks about their love-making .

Yes , Jessica has considered her and Sooyoung were having love-making last night . "Choi Sooyoung . What have you done to me , you stupid boy ?" She mumbled to herself and giggled again . " I really really really really like you too ."



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YoonTi #1
Chapter 60: still waiting author 😭
miselio28 #2
Chapter 60: Back again for this masterpiece update soon author nim please
NekoLS #3
Chapter 60: I come baack to reread this story again
Aigoooo i miss your story authornim when will you update sob 😭 😭 sob
kwansegon #4
You know I've been waiting for the update up till now. Where are you author-nim?
Tae143tiff #5
Chapter 60: It'll be good till the complete
CrissYoung #6
Chapter 60: New reader here.. please do continue...
lampi5 #7
Chapter 60: Author please come back 😭
embongtaar #8
Chapter 60: I’ve been waiting for your update, Please update soon author-nim.
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 60: Author please update.
Chapter 60: Author I love your story will u plz update another chapter, cause I am so desperate right know of thinking what happens next and thank u for story?