Just A Bet ?


With Sooyoung and Jessica 

"I'm sorry that Taeyeon couldn't come . You don't mind right ?" Jessica asked.

"No , not at all." Sooyoung smiled .

"Great then . " Jessica giggled .

Both of them walked to the school carpark .

"You got a car ?" sooyoung asked .

Jessica nodded . They walked until they stopped in front of a white car .

"Woww . This is your car ?? BMW ?? Woaaa." Sooyoung exclaimed like a kid and looked intently at the car .

Jessica chuckled seeing Sooyoung . She then pressed her car remote key to unlock and opened the backseat's door to put her bagpack in . "Come on . Put your bagpack in here and get in front." Jessica smiled and walked to the driver's seat .

"Okaaaay !" He excitedly said and put his bag in and quickly went to the passenger's seat . 

"Woaaaahhhhh ." He fastened his seatbelt and looked around at the interior . 

Jessica playfully shook her head and laughed .

"What ?" Sooyoung pouted .

"Do you know that you look like a excited small boy who's going for an outing?"Jessica keep on laughing.

"Pft . I don't care ." Sooyoung stuck his tongue out and gave a toothy smile .

"Whatever ,small and lanky boy. " Jessica teased .

"Heyyy !" Sooyoung exclaimed .

"Shush ." She giggled when she saw her 'serious' voice worked on Sooyoung . She then starts the engine and drove off . "Alright . We should go to the mall first ." She said .

Sooyoung suddenly stared blankly at Jessica . Jessica took her shades from the compartment and wore it to prevent from looking into the bright sun . With that bright sun reflecting , Jessica looked like a supermodel. Sooyoung can't resist but to stare intently and gawked at her side profile .


Wowwww . That jawline .....that pointy nose ..... that lips ...... that body ..... tha s ....... WOW ! I'm dying ,I'm dying *SLAPS* WHAT AM I THINKING ?! CHOI SOOYOUNG , SHE'S ENGAGED FOR FOOD's SAKE .


"Soo ?" Jessica called twice .

"Huh ? OH , I'm sorry . I didn't mean to do that ." He quickly sits up straight and looked infront while coughing . Jessica just smiled .


A minute of silence .

"Oh yes , Sica . Why did you ask for our help ? Your family or your fiance are not helping for your moving in ? And why after 4 months , then you want to , you know like unpack the new furnitures ? Where did you sleep before this ?" He asked in curiousity .

Jessica looked at him ."What did you call me?"

"Uhh ....... what did i call you ? Sica ? Oh sorry , Jessica .I thought it might be easier for me to call you that ." Sooyoung smiled awkwardly .

"No no . It's just you are the first one to call me Sica . Since I live in the US for a quite a long time , people always called me Jessi instead of Sica . Anyway , I like that ."Jessica smiled and nodded approvely .

"Really ??" Sooyoung grinned . "That's good ! Oh yeah , back to my question ." he continued .

"Oh yes , your questions . I only have a sister and parents . My mum and sister can't possibly carry all the heavy stuffs and my dad always working for the company . Same goes for my fiance . He priotize his works first. In fact , it's been a long time I spent time with him and I rarely have fun with him . The last thing , I have been very busy in those 4 months .There's been a lot of paperwork for my new condo , for my immigration and for school . I will always go to my parent's house just for dinner , that's all . AND i only unpack my new bed for me to sleep and my refrigerator , that's all . "Jessica laughed .

"So I'm really really really sorry . My house is in reaaaaal mess. Oh yes ,I also need to buy basic home appliances .  " She confessed and laughed embarrassedly .

"It's okay . I got plenty of time . I can help with everything ." Sooyoung grinned .


Soon later , they finally reached the mall . 

"Come on , let's go ." Both of them leave their bags behind as Jessica locked her car at the carpark .

They first went to the supermarket . Sooyoung helped her to push the cart as Jessica just stand beside him with one of her hand pushing the cart as well . From far , they looked like a suitable and cute couple .

"Sooyoung . Help me . I'm not good in buying groceries or what ." 

Sooyoung raised his eyebrows . "You must be so lazy to accompany your mum to market huh ? Like a princess." Sooyoung teased .

"Yahh . I am a princess ." Jessica stuck her tongue out to him .

"Pft . Whatever ." Sooyoung playfully pushed Jessica's forehead slowly with his index finger and he has his tall height as a advantage .

Jessica glared at him with her scary glare .

".......... sorry , miss ."Sooyoung played along and he bowed , causing both of them to laugh . "Alright alright . Let's get cracking . So this is food expert ChoiSooyoung . You can ask me .First , we should buy vegetables and raw food to cook . Come on ." Sooyoung unconsiously hold Jessica's hand with his left hand and the another was holding the cart .

"Alright .This area has various of vegetables or whatever that has connection with that ." Sooyoung laughed . "So first , we should buy basic ingredient like garlic , chilli , onions and paprika ." He walked with his hand still holding to Jessica's .

"To choose , make sure you choose the one that has a lot of quantity or the size . Here . You choose ." 

"Umm ...." Following Sooyoung's advice , she chose two packets of onions which has average size and quite a lot in it . Same goes for the rest .

"Good ." Sooyoung now then let go of his hand and shows a thumb up . "Now ... h-" Before he could continue ,Jessica stopped her tracks and tugged Sooyoung's shirt .

"Eh ? What's wrong ?" Sooyoung looked at her .

Jessica pointed and sooyoung looked . "What's there ?"

"Thereeee !" Jessica whined and frowned as she frustratedly pointed .

"Wait . Cucumber ? What's in there ?" Sooyoung thought something went into the basket holding the cucumbers and tried to walk towards it .

Jessica quickly pulls him back " I hate cucumbers ." She frowned .

"Huh ?" Sooyoung didn't understand .

"I hate cucumbers . I have allergy . I hate cucumbers , watermelons , squash and everything that are cucumber like ." She complained .

Sooyoung looked at her and laughed ."Seriously ? Having allergy can cause hate ?" He kept laughing until he gets elbowed by Jessica . "Ouch ."

"Let's go ." She frowned . After getting the necessary vegetables , they walked to different sections . But before that , Jessica saw a taste testing booth . 

"Soo !" Now she hold Sooyoung's hand and dragged him to the booth .


A second ago , she was pouting and complaining then suddenly now she change into excited and happy mood . What is this ? hahahaha


"Oh hello . Oh my . Such a good looking couple. Would you like to taste our new food ?" The salesperson said .

Jessica and Sooyoung were surprised and Sooyoung was blushing . 

"Oh , she's n-" Before Sooyoung can say anything again , Jessica stuffed the food into his mouth and he chewed straight away . "Wow !" He shows two thumbs up . 

"Sica . Let's get this ." He said and she nodded .


Wow ..... somehow I feel that we are really couple ~ Ahhhhh ~ 


2 hours later 

Jessica opened her condo's door . "Come on in." She went it and put the five bags of groceries in the kitchen as Sooyoung carried four bags of home appliances .

"Sorry for taking so long just now and I'm sorry for the mess ." Jessica apologised . She closed the door and her air-con . "Let's eat first , okay ?" She said . On their way home , Jessica went to McDonalds drive through and bought them foods . "But first , let me change first . Do you need to use the bathroom ? You can just go ." She smiled and entered her room .

"Alright ." Sooyoung smiled and wiped his sweat . He then looked around . Her couches , coffee table , dining table&chairs were still wrapped with the plastics . Her decorations like carpet , lamps are aside . But still her condo looks so spacious , modern and nice . She has a bar with four bar types of chair at the kitchen .

On the way to the bathroom at the kitchen, he saw only one picture frame on the bar . It's a photo of Jessica with a guy . She had her arm hooked with the guy's and she beamed a smile but the guy has this cold face .

"This is her fiance ? Well , he's handsome ." Sooyoung nodded . "But I'm much handsome than him . Pft ." He glared at the guy in the picture before going to the bathroom .

He washed his face and his neck . He then took off his school shirt except for his white tank top . The moment he went out , he can feel the air-con breeze ."Wheewww ~ Nice ." he grinned and went back into the living room.


When he went out , he froze . He saw Jessica's back facing him . She's wearing black tank top with shorts . Feeling someone behind him , Jessica turned and called Sooyoung .

"Hey , come here ." She's putting the food on the coffee table .

"He-hey . Shouldn't you change to so-something proper? I'm a guy t-that you've known less than a d-day and you're w-wearing like t-this? "Sooyoung stammered .

"I'm sorry . I always wear like this at home . All of my proper clothes are outdoors clothes and I don't keep my fiance's clothes here . So yeah . Bear with it. Furthermore , if you are bad and guy , you will already have done something to me . And your stammering doesn't make it more obvious . So , I trust you ." Jessica smiled . She can see that Sooyoung's nervous .

"And you. You are wearing tank top as well. Aren't you afraid if I do anything to you ? Plus this is my condo , no one will suspects ." Jessica teased .

Sooyoung stared at her with an afraid look . 

"See ! hahaha . You should see your terrified look . I trust you . Don't worry . Come on , eat . We gotta get cracking soon . It's already 4pm ."

Sooyoung kept quiet . "W-whatever .I'm hungry ." He quickly rushed to his food and starts to eat .


CURSE YOU , KIM TAEYEON . IF YOU ARE HERE , I WON'T BE LIKE THIS . GAAAHHHHH ! Wow . We just knew each other less than a day , she's already so open ! HOW CAN SHE BE SO OPEN TO SOMEONE THAT SHE'S NOT VERY CLOSEE ?!?!?!?! JUST KILL ME , FOOD . KILL ME *dizzy*



SooSica's chapter . (:


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YoonTi #1
Chapter 60: still waiting author 😭
miselio28 #2
Chapter 60: Back again for this masterpiece update soon author nim please
NekoLS #3
Chapter 60: I come baack to reread this story again
Aigoooo i miss your story authornim when will you update sob 😭 😭 sob
kwansegon #4
You know I've been waiting for the update up till now. Where are you author-nim?
Tae143tiff #5
Chapter 60: It'll be good till the complete
CrissYoung #6
Chapter 60: New reader here.. please do continue...
lampi5 #7
Chapter 60: Author please come back 😭
embongtaar #8
Chapter 60: I’ve been waiting for your update, Please update soon author-nim.
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 60: Author please update.
9733mac192896 #10
Chapter 60: Author I love your story will u plz update another chapter, cause I am so desperate right know of thinking what happens next and thank u for story?