Just A Bet ?

That night 

Tiffany already went home and now she's lying down on her bed after showering , fiddling with her phone with no wallpaper . In fact , she had . A selca with Siwon as her wallpaper . However , due to this bet , she had to delete all photos about Siwon . She still keep his photos in her laptop .

"I miss him ..." Tiffany mumbled , thinking of her lover . "Let me call him ."


*ringringringringri- Rejected*

"Eung ? Why did he reject ?" Tiffany frowned and call again .


*ringringr- Rejected*

"What the ? Where is he ? It's only 8:45pm . He can't possibly be sleeping ." Tiffany called again but still get rejected . At last , she gives up .

"Where did he go ? It's okay . I get to see him tomorrow even though I can't talk to him ." Tiffany sighed . On another of mind , jealousy began to erupt in her . 

"Did he meet another girl ?"

"Are they going to club or something ?" A lot of questions been circulating in her mind .



"Ms Hwang . It's already 8plus . Since you are back at this time , have you ate for dinner ?" Auntie Jang , one of Hwang's loyal&kind maid asked .

"It's okay , Auntie Jang . I already ate and I'm full . You and the rest can just go to sleep or rest or do anything you want . I'm alright ."Tiffany smiles . Speaking of dinner , her thoughts of Siwon now suddenly changed to Taeyeon . 

Taeyeon and his mum are the cutest mother-son combinations . Tiffany can see the similarity between Taeyeon and Mrs Kim . Their dorky behaviour , humourous jokes and polite manner . Suddenly , she was smiling and grinning as she's remembering of what happened in Taeyeon's modest house just now , making Auntie Jang who was still standing at the door looked confused .

"Err ... Alright then . I'll be going ." Auntie Jang then walked out . Auntie Jang looked confused because when she is dating with Siwon , she never smiled sweetly like this . Yes , she did smile or laugh when she's with Siwon but for today , Tiffany's smiles look different that Auntie Jang could not describe .

Auntie Jang has been Hwang family's maid since Tiffany was born . So , she knew everything about her like her mum . What Tiffany likes and her dislikes . Every guys that she had dated , Auntie Jang has met all of them on behalf her busy parents . She also knew all of her friends but she haven't know about her new friend which is Taeyeon .

"Truthly speaking , I miss Mrs Kim's homemade food suddenly ." Tiffany pouted .


Next morning

As usual Taeyeon reached school first and now he's alone again in the big empty air-conditioned lecture room . For today , he came extra early unknowingly . And of course , he is doing his revision but this time revision of science since he finished doing the Science homeworks . The first class for today is Science - 1 hour 30minutes of Chemistry and another of Physics . In total , 3 hours of science classes . That's why their class will be in the lecture room rather than in their own classroom .


"Hey ." A lady's voice breaks the silence in the room . Taeyeon looked up and saw Tiffany . He's quite suprised because Tiffany never came in class this early especially the first class is Science and she dislikes Science for the too many complicated and things to remember . (A/N : But still she prefers the mosttt complicated subject , Maths . :/)

"Heyy ~ Why are you so early ? The Tiffany who is my classmate usually come 30minutes after class start and not 30minutes before class start . What's with you ?" Taeyeon joked .

"Well , if not because the homework that Mrs Seo gave us , I will come late . But she will collect this homework . You know right how strict Mrs Kang about her homework rather than late-coming ?" Tiffany laughed . Mrs Seo is 4A's Chemistry teacher .

"Yeah yeah , I know . Why do you dislike Science ? Science is fun !" Taeyeon exclaimed .

"I only like Physics , okay ? I hate Chemistry . I don't understand all of those stuffs . I can't understand about ionic compounds or covalent bond whatsoever ." Tiffany rolled her eyes .

"Then how about Biology ?" Taeyeon asked .

"50-50 ." Tiffany said .

"Then why do you reallyyyyy like Physics only ?" 

"Because I love Maths and Physics has a lottttttttttttt of Maths formulas ." Tiffany smiled . 

"You're weird . People usually hates subjects that has a lotttttttttttttttt of formulas ." Taeyeon imitated Tiffany's 'lotttttttt' .'

"Well , that's me ." Tiffany proudly pointed to herself . After that , suddenly her happy face turns to a sad after remembering of her undone Chemistry homework . "Oh godd . There's a lot of questions that I did not knowww !" She whined .

"Don't say that I'm stingy . Since you tutored me in english yesterday , today it's my turn to tutor you in Chemistry . Muahaha ." Taeyeon laughed evilly . "What are you waiting for ? Take out your homework . I want to see ." Taeyeon said sternly , making Tiffany to frown . 

"Hmph ." She took out the worksheet and showed to Taeyeon . 

"Whaaaat ? You only did the MCQs ? Hell no . What about the Section B ??" Taeyeon asked .

"I don't know how to dooooo !" Tiffany whined again .

"Who asks you not to come to lesson on time and misses out in lesson ?? Luckily , Section B has also three questions . I haven't checked on your Section A yet . " Taeyeon knocked her head with his knuckles . Tiffany frowned and hit his head back . "OWW !" Taeyeon exclaimed .

"No one hit my head like that !"Tiffany said .

"Well not here , okay royal princess ?? Do you want to pass your mock test next week ?" Taeyeon asked .

"You ! Urghh .. Alright thennn ." Tiffany pouted . It's only been 5 days that they had been friends and that thanks to the bet between Siwon and Tiffany but looks like they became closer and closer within only that 5days .

"Okay . First question for Section B ..... Write the two differences between ionic compounds and covalent bonding ..."Taeyeon mumbled the question . "You really don't know this ??? This is the basic questions , you know . She just gave us the least questions worksheet , you already can't do it . You really don't know ? " Taeyeon remarked .

"No ." Tiffany gave a short answer , making Taeyeon to sigh . "Alright alright ." Taeyeon said .

Taeyeon then starts to explain slowly to Tiffany , giving her easy words and make jokes so she will remember easily . Usually , when someone gave tutoring to Tiffany about subjects that she dislike as in Chemistry , History and Geography , she will not pay attention at all and will kept yawning . At the end of it and less than 5minutes , she will forget everything .

That's why she always fail her Combined Humanities . Oh yes , including Korean . She can talked well in Korean but in writing exams , she can't do that well and failed .  For Science , she will only get Ds mostly credited to Physics .In total , she only passed her Arts , English and Maths and get As . The rest , she will get Fs .

However , for the first time , she pays her full attention to Taeyeon's teaching . She can't stop laughing with those jokes of his . Surprisingly , she could totally remember what he teaches with those joking and easy words methods .

Moments later , Tiffany has finally finished doing her homework . Taeyeon had checked them and now it's time for the first class to start . Tiffany then went to her respective seat where at the very right side of the 5th row . Taeyeon also seated at the 5th row but at the very left side . All of the 4A students rushed into the class and not long after that , Mrs Seo enters .

"Good morning , class ." Mrs Seo greeted .

"Good morning , Mrs Seo ." They stood up and greeted her . Mrs Seo then looked around to see any absentees so she could write it on the class's journal book and was surprised to see Tiffany at her seat .

"Tiffany . You're early today ." Mrs Seo nodded her head , earning a grin from Tiffany .

"Okay . The first thing I want is your Chemistry homework . I'm going to mark your homeworks here and I'm going to give you another questions with much challenging and more questions . Is that okay ?" Mrs Seo asked . 

"Yes , Mrs Kang ."

"Good . From the side , pass your homeworks to the center then pass to the front ." Mrs Seo ordered . They then did what she asked to do . Mrs Seo then passed the bunch of worksheet from the front . "Pass to the back" .She said . "You guys may discuss but not to loud , okay ?" She said again .

Soon later , Mrs Seo started to mark the 30++ students' homeworks while the students are doing her worksheet . They began to discuss softly among themselves . For Taeyeon , he is doing alone with no difficulties . For Tiffany , she can't do because this questions are more difficult for her . She rested her right arm on the table and put her chin on her palm while looked at Taeyeon who is doing his worksheet . The lecture room seats' are a bit curved so the very right and very left can see each other easily without moving their body forward or backward .

"Oh godd . I need Taeyeon to help me .." She pouted .

"Uhh .. Tiffany . Want to join us for discussion ?" The guy beside her asked while pointing to another two guys beside him . Well , they are the another people that has crush on Tiffany but secret crush . They don't want Siwon to beat them up . Now , they dare to talk to her because they also believed that Siwon and Tiffany had broke up .

Words spread fast and the school thought they really broke up . Because of the bet , Siwon did not say anythingggg . 

"No , it's okay ." She smiles insincerely . 

"Taeyeon-ah . I need your help here . Look here." Tiffany kept staring at Taeyeon . After minutes Taeyeon 'ignoring' her , she can't wait any longer and asked Mrs Seo .

"Mrs Seo ." Tiffany called Mrs Seo from her seat while standing up , making the class to be quiet and stare her including Taeyeon .

"Yes ?" Mrs Seo raised her eyebrows and pulled down her specs a bit .

"Can I sit with Taeyeon there ?" She pointed to Taeyeon , causing everyone in the class to 'woaaaaaaaah' and Taeyeon to look spaced .

"Huh ? With Taeyeon ? Go ahead ." She gave her permission . 

"Thank you , Mrs Seo ." Tiffany grinned and quickly ran to Taeyeon's side and sat at a vacant seat beside Taeyeon since coincidently the classmate that seated there was absent .

"Are they dating now or what ?" , "I can't believe that Taeyeon is sitting with the school's crush ~" The classmates muttered among themselves 

"What are you doing ??" Taeyeon whispered at Tiffany .

"What ? I want you to tutor me again ." Tiffany said .

"Heh ? For additional time , you must pay me ." Taeyeon joked .

"I did ."

"When ???"

"I'm paying for the Kenya's trip , okay ? Even if we did not win the English project , it's still a trip to Kenyaaa and I'm paying ." Tiffany retorted .

".....Fine . Whatever ." Taeyeon puts on the dashdotdash expression . "Come here ."

"Come here where ?" Tiffany misunderstood .

"Come here in which questions you don't understand , dummy !" Taeyeon whispered frustratedly .

"Ohhhh ...." Tiffany giggled .

"Tiffany Hwang . Come here ." Mrs Seo suddenly called for Tiffany . Everyone paused at their works for the moment before continuing .

"Huh ?" Tiffany walked down to Mrs Seo 's desk . "Yes , Mrs Seo ?"

"Did you really do this on your own ?" Mrs Seo pointed to her homework .

"Yess ..."

"How come you can get all of it right ?" Mrs Seo asked . Not trying to underestimate Tiffany but Mrs Seo knows that Tiffany always fail in Chemistry . She even will get all wrong in Chem worksheets . This is the first time that she sees Tiffany get most of the questions right on this worksheet .

"Taeyeon tutored me ." She said the truth .

"Really ? And everything goes into your mind ?" Mrs Seo asked again , earning a eagerly nod. She also knew that Tiffany is the type where she will listen from her right ears and throw it out from her left ears . "Okay , explain this questions to me . Act as if I'm your student" She randomly picked two questions .

Tiffany then remember Taeyeon's method and skillfully explained to Mrs Seo , making her becoming speechless .

"Goood .. Not bad . Okay , go back to your seat ." Mrs Seo nodded her head approvely .

"What happened ??" Taeyeon whispered to Tiffany as soon she sat down . 

"Nothing ." Tiffany smiles .


Skip after school

"So Tiffany . I'll get going first , okay ? I got something to do " Taeyeon asked while packing his bag . The last lesson was Maths and Tiffany and Taeyeon sat side by side .

"Sure sure . Anyway , thanks again for tutoring me in Chemistry ." Tiffany thanked him . 

"It's okay . In return , tutor me in English ." He smiles .

"No problem ." Tiffany waved to Taeyeon until he went out . "It's only been 4-5 days but why did we look like we knew each other long enough ?" Tiffany shrugged .

She packed her bags before went out . Tiffany wants to see if Siwon came to school today . She then purposely walked across Siwon's new class to see if he's in . From what she know , 4E ends at the same time with 4A but they are a bit late for today . Tiffany looked inside secretly , but she can't see Siwon in there . However , Leeteuk and Sungmin are in there .

"Eh ? Usually if Siwon is not here , those two won't be here too ." Tiffany frowned .

She decided to wait for 4E to ends . A few minutes later , finally they finished their last class . Tiffany looked around before quickly dragged Leeteuk and Sungmin to the empty backyard .

"Hey . Where's Siwon ?" Tiffany asked .

"Huh ?! Err.... err..." They looked panic . 

"Hey ! I'm asking you guys . Why are you two in school if he's not here ??" She asked sternly .

"I ... i don't k-know .." Sungmin said while avoiding her stare . Obviously , they are hiding a secret about Siwon from Tiffany .

"Me too . Hey , we're in hurry . Bye !" Leeteuk quickly said and dragged Sungmin out . 

Before Tiffany can follows them , her driver already call her to inform that he's outside .

"Urghh . They must be keeping something ." She said frustratedly and walked off . Luckily , there's no one around there .


With Taeyeon - few hours later 

HEVS XII are busy training . They are testing their shooting skills , their accuracy , speed and stamina . Uncle Kang is busy giving them instructions and warming up .

To end the training for today , they did a bit of last warm up and cooling down .

Soon later , at last the dreaded and tired soccer training has ended . Right now , they are making their way back to Uncle Kang's mansion .

"Ahhhhhh ~ I'm so tiredd !" The guys shouted as soon they entered the mansion . 

"Couchhh ~" Taeyeon exclaimed and quickly jumped on the couch and lie down . The rest of the guys then purposely to lie down on the couch as well and stack them up like a mountain , making Taeyeon suffocated .

"Aaaahhh ! Can't breathe ! Can't breathe !" He shouted . That's the way the guys joked around .

"Oii . Get off Taeyeon ." Uncle Kang came in and laughed . " I got good newssss ." All ears then perked up , hearing that . All of them obediently get off Taeyeon and sit down properly . "Urghhhh ~" Taeyeon pouted as his body cramped .

"What is the good news , Uncle ?" They asked .

"I already registered us in inter-region competition and luckily they said that we can play with 12 peoples . So , our registration is successful !" He said , making everyone to cheer . "But but , they said that they had move forward the date for the competition . That means instead of next 5 months , the competition will be next 3 months ." Uncle Kang continued .

"Hmm .. It's fine for me because my english project will end by then ." Taeyeon said .

"Me too !" The rest continued .

"Awesome ! We still have qualifying rounds . We still haven't know which random teams like us will be entering but I know that we can do it !" Uncle Kang exclaimed .

"Yeaaaah !" They cheered . 

"Tae . Are you dating with that rich Tiffany ??" Sehun suddenly changed the topic and smirked at Taeyeon . That question had made all eyes on Taeyeon .

"Huh ??? What dating ? I'm just her partner in the English project , okayy ?" Taeyeon cleared the misunderstanding .

"Then , you like her right ? Your crushhhh ~  .

"Fine . I got a crush on her . But I don't think it's a good time for some sort of dating with her . I'm not suitable for her . Why ? It's because I'm pooooor and she's richhhh ." Taeyeon said .

"So what ? She already broke up with Siwon right ? Go to her then ~ " Sunny teased

"What ??? They broke up ?! "The rest asked . Only between SONEs College knew and misunderstood . They still doesn't know about any bet .

"Uhuh . Everyone in the school knew .  That time , I saw with my own eyes that Siwon went clubbing with Hyuna last night ." Sunny said . Being an all rounder in school , he knew everything . 

"What ?! What clubbing ?!" Taeyeon suddenly sprang up from his lying down position .

Hyuna ?? That Hyuna who won the inter-school fashion championship ?! The one that is very y ladyyyyy among any school ??" THe rest of the guys asked loudly .

"How did you know ?!" Taeyeon asked Sunny loudly .

"AISH ! TOO NOISY !" Sunnyshouted , making everyone to shut their mouth . "Yes , that clubbing . At the club where only student can enter . And yes , the Hyuna that is very y ladyyyyyyy . How did I know ? I saw with my own eyes . Furthermore , I'm in class 4E and coincidently same class as Siwon and Hyuna . I don't know why he transferred to my class . See , I even got their pictures last night just in case ." He smiles while showing the proof pictures .

"I can't believe he get replacement that fassst ." He shook his head .

"I don't know where they went together last night when they are going out from the club . Suddenly , I don't see them today . Coincidently again , it's Siwon and Hyuna who absent for today while Sungmin and Leeteuk is in school . I'm not sure if they really went out together or making one night stand or whatsoever ." Sunny shrugged .

"Tiffany mustn't know about this . She will be very upset to know that her ex already found a new replacement ." Taeyeon said , making everyone including Uncle Kang to nod their heads .

"Oh yes , Uncle Kang ." Taeyeon called out . 

"Yes ?"

"Next two weeks , when we are having our a week school holiday , I can't come for trainings ." Taeyeon said .

"Why ??" 

"Because of that English project , Tiffany and I decided to go to Kenya for the more experience and unique project ." Taeyeon explained .

"Woaaaaaahh ~ Honeymoon ehh ?" All of them teased .

"YAH ! Don't be ridiculous ! It's for the project !" Taeyeon exclaimed .

"Ahhhhh ! I know what project it is ! It must be some having babies projecttt !" Kai teased , earning a really hard knock on his head . "OUCHHHH !"

"Serves you right !" Taeyeon glared at all of them playfully .

"Stop stop stopppp ." Uncle Kang sighed jokingly . "Taeyeon . I don't mind . You are already good . Furthermore , studies is more important . Go ahead . I don't mind ." Uncle Kang approved .

"Thank you , Uncle Kang ."

"Welcome ... Heyy ! Everyone , go and shower now . You guys are so smelly ~ " Uncle Kang instructed and he walked off to the kitchen to drink some water .

"Alrightt . Woooo ~ Taeyeon's gonna have babies projectttt in Kenyaaa with Tiffanyyyyy ~ Wooooooooooo ~ " All of the guys teased and teased like childish kids . 

"YAH , YOU GUYS ! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ! " Taeyeon then chased those playful kids .



Aloha ~ Late update ~ Is this chapter long enough ? hehe



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YoonTi #1
Chapter 60: still waiting author 😭
miselio28 #2
Chapter 60: Back again for this masterpiece update soon author nim please
NekoLS #3
Chapter 60: I come baack to reread this story again
Aigoooo i miss your story authornim when will you update sob 😭 😭 sob
kwansegon #4
You know I've been waiting for the update up till now. Where are you author-nim?
Tae143tiff #5
Chapter 60: It'll be good till the complete
CrissYoung #6
Chapter 60: New reader here.. please do continue...
lampi5 #7
Chapter 60: Author please come back 😭
embongtaar #8
Chapter 60: I’ve been waiting for your update, Please update soon author-nim.
tyeam0309 #9
Chapter 60: Author please update.
Chapter 60: Author I love your story will u plz update another chapter, cause I am so desperate right know of thinking what happens next and thank u for story?