First Day in Soeul= Meeting Him for the First Time Part 2

Meeting A Guy Three Times A Day= Fate


Cindy’s POV:


Elisa and I went to a small restaurant not far from the hotel we were staying at. We went in and took our seat. The waiter came and gave us a menu. I see a lot of yummy food, but I did not know what to get. Not long later, 5 boys came into the restaurant.


Boy #1: Excuse me. Is there a private room here?


Waiter: Yes. Please follow me.


The five boys followed the waited into the private room and we continued to look at the menu. But for some reason, the boy that spoke sounded like Key, but why would Shinee be here. Not long later, the waiter came back and took our orders.


Elisa: I want a butter toast with ice lemon tea please.


Cindy: I want a bagel with cream cheese with ice milk tea please.


Waiter: Okay. Your order will be with you shortly.


We were sitting there and discussing about what we were going later on. Our order came 10 minutes later and we started eating, discussing what we were going to do. We decided to go to the mall and then lunch and then sightseeing. We both wanted to go the Namsan Tower with our locks to secure our friendship forever. Elisa had to use the bathroom before we left so she went to the bathroom and I went to pay for our food. I got up to go to the cash register. I dropped my wallet on the floor and one of the boys from before happened to be walking by picked up my wallet.


Boy: Here’s your wallet.


He handed me back my wallet.


Cindy: Thanks.


I walked to the cash register and got the receipt. The food that we got weren’t really expensive. I paid for our food and then went back to the table to wait for Elisa. The boy that helped me picked up my wallet was standing with his back facing me standing in front of our table. I took my seat and stared at the guy. His scarf was tightly secured around his neck with his mouth covered, but he looked rather familiar. I looked closely and saw that it was Jonghyun. But I was still unsure so I decided to ask.


Cindy: Excuse me. Do you happen to be Shinee’s Jonghyun?


The boy looked around to see if anybody was looking, then he turned back to me.

Jonghyun: Why yes I am. I don’t want anybody to notice who I am so please keep a secret for me.


My eyes were bulging out. I never thought that I would be personally talking to Jonghyun let along keeping it a secret.


Cindy: Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.


I sat there, minding my own business and waiting for Elisa to come back. I looked up and saw Jonghyun standing still standing there. He noticed me looking at him.


Jonghyun: Are you a fan of Shinee and if yes, who is your favorite member? Why didn’t you go fan girl when you found out who I was?


Cindy: I am a big fan of Shinee. Out of Shinee, I like you the most and didn’t you said that you wanted to keep this a secret so I pretended that I didn’t know that you were Jonghyun.


Jonghyun: Oh.


I got up to see if Elisa was coming. I walked towards the bathroom and saw that Elisa was standing there talking to a man. I wanted to know who he is, but I wanted to go shopping so I decided to ask her.


Cindy: Are you ready Elisa?

Elisa: Coming.

She whispered something to the man and then followed me out the door. I decided to say bye to Jonghyun.


Cindy: (whisper) bye Jonghyun- ssi.


Elisa headed over to cash register to pay but found out that I already paid for the food.


Elisa: Thanks for the food Cindy.


Cindy: It’s okay. What are kindergarden buddies for?


We hugged and then we left the restaurant to go to the mall.


Jonghyun’s POV:


We went to a small restaurant near our dorm for breakfast. Key: Do you have a private room?


Waiter: Of course. Please follow me.


We followed the waiter into the very inside of the restaurant. We were surprised. The restaurant looked small on the outside but the inside is bigger. On the way, I saw two girls looking at us but turned back to their menu. I bet they were wondering why we were wearing caps and sunglasses and scarves around our necks. If anyone found out that we were SHinee, they would follow us around and we would not be able to have a quiet breakfast.


Waiter: Here is the private room that you requested and the menu. I will be back in 5 minutes to take your order.


We browse through the menu, but I noticed that there was no chicken on the menu. Onew must be upset right now. Since he can’t have chicken for breakfast, he would want chicken for lunch AND dinner. I just wish that there was chicken on the menu.


The waited came back 5 minutes later to take our order.


Onew: I will get a butter toast with ice lemon tea.


Jonghyun: I will get a bagel with cream cheese with an ice milk tea.


Key: I will get Set A thank you. (Set A is two sunny sides up eggs, bacon, and a piece of toast with coffee)

Minho: I will get Set B thank you (Set B is two sunny side up eggs, 2 sausages, and a piece of toast with orange juice)


Taemin: I will get a Kid’s meal (Kid’s meal includes a sunny side up egg, 1 sausage, bacon and orange juice)


[Author’s Note] I rewrote some things from the previous chapter because as a reminder.


The waiter left and we continued with our talk. Soon, our order came and we dug into our food. The food here was delicious. We finished our meal and decided to go, I went to pay for the food while, Onew went to the bathroom and the others went outside to wait for me.


I was walking to the cash register to pay for the food when a wallet dropped in front of me. I saw a girl walking towards me. I think it was her wallet, so I picked it up.


Jonghyun: Here’s your wallet.


I handed back the wallet back to her.


Girl: Thanks.


Then she went to the cash register and paid for her food. I already had the receipt in my hand and all I had to do was give the money to the person. I gave her the money not getting the change back so it would count as tip. I was waiting for Onew when the girl that dropped her wallet came back and sat down at the table. She was giving me a weird stare, but I ignored it. Then she suddenly spoke up.


Girl: Excuse me. Do you happen to be Shinee’s Jonghyun?


I looked around to see if anyone was looking and whispered to her.


Jonghyun: Why yes I am. I don’t want anybody to notice who I am so please keep a secret for me.


Her eyes were bulging out. I bet she was surprise that she was talking to Kim Jonghyun.


Cindy: Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.


She was sitting there and waiting for her friend. I was still confused though, so I decided to ask her a question.


Jonghyun: Are you a fan of Shinee and if yes, who is your favorite member? Why didn’t you go fan girl when you found out who I was?


I was surprise I even asked who her favorite member was. I think I must’ve expected her to say Jonghyun. But after taking a closer look at her, she was actually pretty. Her long black hair reflected on the outfit she was wearing. I think I was falling in love, but I wasn’t sure. My relationship with SeKyung went upside down after finding out that she only dated me so her popularity would go up. I was not ready for a new relationship yet and I was single for a long time. Sometime, I felt lonely. Out of all the members, I was the only member that ever had a girlfriend and I like being the first for many things but I still felt lonely after we broke up.


Cindy: I am a big fan of Shinee. Out of Shinee, I like you the most and didn’t you said that you wanted to keep this a secret so I pretended that I didn’t know that you were Jonghyun.


For some reason, I thought her answer was I don’t have a favorite member because I like each member equally. I was happy with her answer but I hid my super happy face.


Jonghyun: Oh.


She got up and walked towards the bathroom. I was wondering why she was going to the bathroom now when she could’ve gone and used it before when she was just sitting there.


Girl: Are you ready Elisa?


The girl named Elisa answered.

Elisa: Coming.


The girl was standing by a guy that looked awfully familiar and realized that it was Onew hyung. I was standing there wondering what they were talking about. Then the girl leant in and whispered something to me.


Girl: (whisper) bye Jonghyun- ssi.


The girl named Elisa headed over to cash register to pay but found out that the other girl already paid for the food.


Elisa: Thanks for the food Cindy.


So her name is Cindy. That is such a pretty name for a pretty girl like her. I felt my cheeks burn while thinking about how pretty her name was.


Cindy: It’s okay. What are kindergarden buddies for?


I went out after them and Key was standing there waiting for me and Onew Hyung.


Key: Yeobo. What took so long?


I wasn’t paying attention to what he was saying. I was lost in my own world until he decided to shake me violently.


Key: Yeobo. I asked a question. What took so long?


Jonghyun: I paid for the food and I was going to wait for Onew hyung to come out, but he took a long time. By the way, I just meet a fan girl. She is pretty and she is not like all the other fan girls. You know how fan girls would come running up to me and ask me for autographs and a picture?


Key nodded at me and signaled for me to continue.


Jonghyun: well, I told her who I was and told her to keep a secret for me, and she did. She did not run up to me asking for an autograph and a picture. Instead she sat down and waited for her friend to come out the bathroom. I saw Onew hyung talking to her friend earlier. Maybe they became friends as well.


Key: Are you falling for her yeobo? You can’t leave me.

Jonghyun: I am falling for her. Her eyes are pretty and dreamy. I look into her eyes and I can’t help but to fall for her. Her beauty was one of a kind.


Key: Seems like our Jonghyunnie is falling in love. Good luck with her. And what is taking Onew hyung so long?


As if right on cue, Onew hyung came out. I was daydreaming about Cindy, but Key was being too loud. I looked at Minho and Taemin and they looked at me. They realized that Key was being too loud as well. We continued looking at Key talking to Onew.


Onew: Hey guys. Ready?


Key: What took you so long? Last time I checked, it does not take 10 minutes to use the bathroom.


Onew: Oh. Sorry. I did not check the time. But something awesome happened.


Key: What happened?


Onew: I saw this girl and she recognized me-


Before he can continue, Key stopped him .


Key: Omo. What happened? Did she scream out loud saying that Onew was in the restaurant? Did she run up to you to get an autograph or a picture? Oh. Why does this have to happen today. Why didn’t we just eat at home like we always do?


Onew: Key. Calm down. She found out who I was. But she didn’t do anything that you did. If she screamed, you would’ve heard


A/N Because I didn't update yesterday, I will be making another update... Two updates in a day... Comment and subscribe... :D

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Carmelnap #4
aish! Those idiot boys! don't they realize they are being set up....pabos!
Carmelnap #5
Ahhh!!! Finally onew and jonghyun! Go get your women!
CuddlyKittiesx3 #6
wassup with all these silent readers?<br />
ur story is great they need to comment<br />
oh...u posted the same chapter twice lol
MinRio #7
OMG Me and Cindy have the same birthday! ^^ I'm actually born in 1996 though kekekek.