Is This The Reality That You Wanted?

Meeting A Guy Three Times A Day= Fate


Another song recommended to listen while reading:


Onew’s POV:


That day, we tried our best to get our phones back, but it just didn’t happen. Why? Because we had schedules the whole day and it didn’t end until 11. By them, we were determined to go to the hotel to explain everything to Cindy and Elisa. But manager hyung wouldn’t allow that to happen. While he was taking care of some paperwork at home, we snuck out the house and hailed a taxi.


Driver: Where to ?


Onew: Wonderful Hotel please and make it quick.


Driver: No problem.


We arrived there in 10 minutes. We never knew that it took 10 minutes to get there. We paid the taxi driver more than the amount we had to pay and got off the taxi. We went into the hotel and up to the 15th floor and straight to their room. We kept ringing the bell, but no one answered the door. We went back down to the reception.


Key: Excuse me, but do you know if the people of 1520 are still checked in?


Reception: Let me check. Hold on a second.


She went to the computer and started typing something, soon, she faced us.


Reception: I’m sorry, but they checked out this morning.


Once I heard what happened, I was really upset, I broke down. Everyone was shocked to see me in this state. If only I had spoken my heart when the reporters asked that question, then this would have never happened. I looked at Jonghyun and he was crying as well. Why does this have to happen to us. Especially Jonghyun? He just got found someone that he loved after the SeKyung incident and this has to happen.  Is this the reality that everyone wanted?


We head out and started walking home. On the way, Jonghyun and I were walking together and crying our hearts out along the way. Once we arrived at the dorm, our manager was standing in front of the door with his arms crossed. He saw the state Jonghyun and I were in and soften a bit. We were not in the mood to speak, so we went into our room and started crying again. Soon, there was a knock on the door.


Onew: Come in.


Manager hyung came in.


Manager: Here are your phones. I’m going to go to bed.

He handed us our phone and then went out. I opened my phone and noticed a missed call and a voice mail. I checked the miss call first and realized that it was from Elisa. I checked the voice mail and sure enough it was from Elisa.


Elisa: Hi, Onew. By the time you hear this, I’m sure you have already checked at the hotel that we were living at right. Well, sorry to break this out to you, but we decided to change hotel so we can avoid you guys. So don’t look for us and don’t call us. We have already blocked your number, so please, don’t make it any harder than it already is. I saw the conference and I just realized that I meant nothing to you. That meant that the kiss we shared last night also meant nothing to you. I understand now. I was just a toy you can play with. I understand. Well that’s about it. Good bye Onew. Forever.


I was starting to cry again after I heard the message. I could tell by Elisa’s voice that she was crying but tried to hide it. I was so depressed. I think that right now, not even chicken could cheer me up. I cried myself to sleep that night.

Song to finish Onew's POV:’s POV:



When I found out that Cindy left the hotel, my heart felt like someone threw an arrow into it. I was so upset, I started crying. I can’t believe that this was happening once again. But it was the other way around. Instead of getting used, I was the one that had to make it sound like I was using Cindy. Why does God have to do this to me? After I had found someone that I find important in my life, someone has to come and ruin it for me.


Onew and I walked home crying. We arrived at the door and I manager hyung was standing in front of us with his hands crossed. He noticed the state Onew and I was in and softened a bit. We took off our shoes and went into our room and start crying again. Soon, there was a knock on the door.


Onew: Come in.


Manager hyung came in.


Manager: Here are your phones. I’m going to go to bed.

He handed us our phone and then went out. I opened my phone and noticed a voice message. I was hoping it was Cindy and it really was.


Cindy: Hi, Jonghyun. By the time you hear this, I’m sure you have already checked at the hotel that we were living at right. I just realized that I actually meant nothing to you. I don’t think that the dare, Key gave you yesterday meant anything to you either right. Well, let’s just call the date off. Elisa and I moved to another hotel so don’t bother looking for us. I understand that I was a toy. I understand. You don’t have to explain because no matter what happens, you won’t be able to reach me ever again. Elisa and I already blocked your numbers so you don’t have to call us. Good Bye Jonghyun. Forever.


I tried calling Cindy, but it was blocked. She really blocked the number. I started crying again. I couldn’t believe that this was happening to us. After all I have done, she really left me. That night, I cried myself to sleep. 

Song to finish off Jonghyun's POV: (it was from Dream High, but Jonghyun sang this song with KyuHyun but then the video wasn't in HD, so I choose this one instead... Enjoy)...


iluv0r4ngn311294 is at it again. Another chapter updated... Come back tomorrow for the next chapter... :D Coment and subscribe... :D

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I can't wait for the next chapter!!!! :D
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Carmelnap #4
aish! Those idiot boys! don't they realize they are being set up....pabos!
Carmelnap #5
Ahhh!!! Finally onew and jonghyun! Go get your women!
CuddlyKittiesx3 #6
wassup with all these silent readers?<br />
ur story is great they need to comment<br />
oh...u posted the same chapter twice lol
MinRio #7
OMG Me and Cindy have the same birthday! ^^ I'm actually born in 1996 though kekekek.