Triple Date Part 2

Meeting A Guy Three Times A Day= Fate

Sorry if it sounds wack, but i learned my lesson. Never type my chapter on the site first on your netbook...



Elisa's POV: 


We all decided to go separate ways and then meet up later on. Onew and I went to the tallest roller coaster ever. I love roller coasters the most because I get to scream when we are going down. We got on the roller coaster and sat in the middle because the front and the back were considered the scariest part of the ride. The ride started and we were going up slowly. When we got to the top, the ride stopped for a few seconds and then we went down like we just jumped down the Empire State Building. That was how fast it was. I could feel the cool breeze smack me in the face. I held up my hands and started screaming how fun it was on the roller coaster. The ride ended and we went on more rides. We even stopped at one of those stands where you can win stuffed animals and plushies. I spotted a giant panda that I want so badly.

Elisa: Oppa. I want that Panda and that Mashi Maro plushie that I want so badly.

Onew: Don't worry princess. I will win that for you.

 He went up to the stand and started playing. The rules were simple. You had to pop at least 4balloons to win a prize and if you hit all the balloons, you win two prizes (all together there are 10 balloons) . He threw the first dart, and the balloon popped. He threw teh second dart, the balloon popped again. He threw the third dart, the balloon popped once again. Every darts he threw, the balloons that he aimed for would pop. Finally, we were down to the last dart. He shoots he scores. The balloon popped.

Owner: Pick two prizes. What do you want?

Onew: I want that Panda and that Mashi Maro plushie.

The owner handed him the panda and mashi maro and we walked away. We went on more rides, but soon, Key called us. Onew had the phone on speaker so I listened to the conversation as well.

Onew: Yobeosayo

Key: Hyung. Where are you?

Onew: We are getting ready to go on the next roller coaster. Why?

Key: Meet us at the food court when you guys are done.

Onew: Arraso.

They hung up and we proceed onto our last ride before meeting them at the food court. Time passes by quickly especially when you are with the ones you love. 3 hours passed just like that. We got off the ride and headed off to the food court. When we got there, we saw everyone there waiting for us.

Cindy's POV:

We arrived at the amusement park and we part ways. Elisa went with Onew, I went with Jonghyun, Nicole went with Key and Minho and Taemin went off together.  Jonghyun and I decided to go on small rides since I do not like big rides. Roller coasters were not really my thing because they seem a little too scary. I don't understand how Elisa can even ride those things. The last time we went to an amusement park, she rode a ride that goes up really slow and it is about a few hundred feet above ground and then it comes down really quickly. Once the ride was over, she came out with a happy look on her face... her legs weren't trembling with fear nor was her face shock. If I rode that ride, I would come out with trembling legs... SIGH...

Jonghyun and I went on some small rides and we even went to an arcade. The arcade was fun. We played that bowling like game and we won many tickets. Then we played Deal or no Deal and we won a lot of tickets. We exchanged all of our tickets for a couple ring and some candies. Soon, Key called us to tell us to get to the food court for lunch. We arrived there in five minutes and everyone was there except for Onew and Elisa. We waited for a few more minutes and then they finally came.

Key: What does everyone want to eat?

Onew & Elisa: Chicken

Minho & Taemin: Anything except for Chicken

Jonghyun & Cindy: Sushi

Nicole: Anything is fine for me.

Key: Then why don’t we eat Sushi. I want to eat Sushi.

Everyone headed towards the sushi place. For some reason, whatever Key says, all the members would do as he says. He really is the umma in the group. We all brought sushi and then sat down and ate. When we were finished, we decided together as a group on rides, but not on the thrilling rides first since we just ate, so we went to bumper cars first. It was so fun. Everyone was aiming for Onew and Elisa being the good girlfriend she is would ride up to him and protect him, but it didn’t work since it was 6 to 2. We outnumbered them. We were playing for about an hour before we all decided to go to the horror house. One thing I hate the most was the horror house. As much as I like amusement parks, I hate the horror house. They are so scary…


We arrived in front of the house and went in. I was clinging onto Jonghyun’s arms because I was too scared. We were walking when I heard a lady scream. I screamed and tightened my grip on Jonghyun. We continued walking through the horror house. Suddenly, something grabbed my feet. I looked down and it was a hand… with no body. I started screaming and jumped on top of Jonghyun. I was beyond scared. Jonghyun must’ve realized how scared I was and continued carrying me not letting me go. Soon, we got out of the horror house.


Onew’s POV:


We went into the horror house after we ate lunch. The Horror house was a must go place in an amusement park when you are with your girlfriend. If the girl gets scared, she can hug you until the end and show how manly you are. We stepped into the house and started walking around. Elisa was not one bit scared. All I heard was Cindy screaming like crazy. I wanted Elisa to be like Cindy. Scared… I want to protect her. Instead, Elisa is like a little child jumping around the horror house like a 5 year old. I was pretty surprised that Nicole and Taemin weren’t screaming. Nicole being feminine might’ve by now. I looked behind me and saw Nicole with her eyes closed and holding onto Key as they walked. Taemin was listening to music and his eyes were closed while using Minho as a walking stick for the blind. I started laughing inside my mind. Soon, the horror house had come to an end. We stepped outside and waited until everyone was out. Jonghyun came out carrying Cindy. I wanted to carry Elisa as well. Why does Jonghyun get the most feminine girl? I got the strong girl. But it doesn’t matter. As long as I am with Elisa, nothing matters to me.


Onew: Where do you guys want to go next?

Elisa: Roller Coaster


Cindy & Jonghyun & Taemin & Nicole: Bumper Cars


Key & Minho: Merry Go Round


I started laughing at how Key and Minho wanted to go to the Merry Go Round. Two big men going on the roller coaster. That made me laugh. Soon, everyone started laughing along with me. We decided to go on to the Bumper Cars first since they the majority wanted to go there.  We got into our cars and the fun started. Everyone started picking on me by slamming their cars into me. Elisa tried protecting me, but she was only one car while there was like 6 other cars trying to bump into me. In the end, they won and we proceeded to the merry go round. I went on the same horse as Elisa and the merry go round started. I looked around and saw Key and Nicole on the same horse, Jonghyun and Cindy on the same horse and Minho and Key on separate horse.  Soon, the merry go round ended and we proceeded to the roller coaster. We went on some really high roller coaster. Jonghyun stayed behind with Cindy since they don’t like big roller coaster.

The ride we went on was really fun. We started going up really slow, then we stopped at the top for a few seconds. Then the roller coaster started going down really fast at about 100 meters per second. The breeze felt so good, I lifted my arms up as the ride continued. Soon, the ride came to an end and everyone got off the ride satisfied. We went to a smaller ride since we wanted Jonghyun and Cindy to have fun as well. Although the small rides didn’t go down that far, it was still fun knowing that all of us were together.


Soon, the end of the day had come. We walked to the exit and stayed there for a few seconds. I took Elisa a little farther from the group.


Onew: Elisa. We have to leave now. I can’t believe the day went by so quickly.

Elisa: Me neither. Being with the one I love really makes me happy.

Onew: Really. Listen, I have a schedule tomorrow, but I promise to call you when the schedule is over okay?

Elisa: You better. I’ll call you tonight okay.


Onew: Okay.


I leaned in and gave Elisa a sweet but passionate kiss. After what seems like 5 hours but was really 2 minutes, we broke off the kiss and walked back to the group.


Jonghyun’s POV:


The day had come to an end and we had to bid or farewell. I pulled Cindy aside to give her a kiss.


Jonghyun: Cindy baby. The day had ended so quickly.


Cindy: I know. I’m going to remember this day. The day I went to an empty amusement park with my boyfriend and and Key’s girlfriend.


Jonghyun: AWWW… Me too. This day is too precious for me to forget. I wish we can play longer, but we have a schedule tomorrow.


Cindy: Don’t worry. Work comes first.


Jonghyun: Aww… My girlfriend is so understanding. Listen, I will call you when I am done with my schedule tomorrow. Okay?


Cindy: Okay. I will answer your call even if it is at 5 in the morning. I will call you tonight okay?


Jonghyun: That would be the best. I want to hear my baby before I go to sleep.


Cindy: You are so cheesy.


Jonghyun: Only for you baby. Only for you.


I leaned in and gave her a kiss. Soon, we broke the kiss and went back to the group.


Key’s POV:


The day ended quickly. We walked to the exit and then I pulled Nicole away from the group so I can talk to her.


Key: Nikky, when do we have schedule together?


Nicole: We have it together tomorrow.


Key: Really?

Nicole: Yes. Didn’t you ask your manager who is going to be there? I always ask manager unnie to see who is going to be there.


Key: Yay.. I am going to see my Nikky tomorrow. I can’t wait.


Nicole: Me neither. Now we have to leave.


Key: Okay. Promise me you will call me tonight?


Nicole: Okay I promise.


I leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips and then we walked back to the group.


Minho & Taemin’s POV:


All the other hyungs pulled their girlfriends to talk, and we were left alone with the wind talking to us. We were standing there really bored when everyone finally decided to come back. We went back into the car and drove Nicole, Elisa and Cindy home and then we went home. It has been a long day, but had to admit. It was a really fun day…


(Minho and Taemin are talking to each other despite this is their POV)


Minho: I think we need to find ourselves a girlfriend.


Taemin: I agree. I am going to go ask Sulli out on a date.


Minho: I think I should ask Yuri noona out on a date. She is hot.


Taemin: But I think Krystal has a crush on you.


Minho: Really???? Well, Krystal does look cute, and I do like her. Maybe I should ask her out instead. 



Sorry for not update for the past few days, but my dad's laptop crashed and my brother would do everything there, now he has to use the computer and I had my latest draft here so i couldn't really update much... Plus, spring break has arrived. Despite it being spring break, i still have homework and then I have tutoring for SAT's this saturaday so I have to do my homework, and as much as I want to catch up on my sleep, I can't because my mom keeps waking me up because it was almost 12 or it was 12... And ever since break started, I only had an average of 7- 8 hours of sleep.

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Carmelnap #4
aish! Those idiot boys! don't they realize they are being set up....pabos!
Carmelnap #5
Ahhh!!! Finally onew and jonghyun! Go get your women!
CuddlyKittiesx3 #6
wassup with all these silent readers?<br />
ur story is great they need to comment<br />
oh...u posted the same chapter twice lol
MinRio #7
OMG Me and Cindy have the same birthday! ^^ I'm actually born in 1996 though kekekek.