A Night to Remember

Meeting A Guy Three Times A Day= Fate


Author’s POV:


(It was the same day Taemin and Sulli started going out)


It has been some time already and Minho does not know if he should ask Krystal out of Yuri. He was in a plain mess. Many people say that Yuri was going out with Yesung from Super Junior but he did not know if it was true or not. Since Taemin and he did not have schedules, they were home along and Minho was in desperate need to go out for a walk to sort out his thoughts.


Minho’s POV:

I was walking around the neighborhood and noticing many things that I will never notice. I never knew that the trees were so small. From far away they look so big, but they look so small up close. There were so many buildings. Every time I pass these buildings, I would always catch a quick glimpse of these buildings and it did not seem to have a lot of buildings.

I was walking for some time already but one particular couple caught my eyes. They look somewhat familiar and somewhat not familiar. The funny thing is they were wearing sunglasses, caps and scarves. They had to be an idol because only idols would cover their face from showing. They caught me looking at them and waved at me. I walked up to them and noticed that it was Yesung hyung and Yuri noona. So the rumor about Yesung hyung and Yuri was true. Better not think about her now. But why is it that my heart doesn’t feel like it is going to explode? Maybe I just confused my feelings with the true. Yuri wasn’t the one that I love. But who was the one I love? Could it be Krystal? I walked up to them and saw their fingers intervened with each other.


“Annyeong hyung and noona” I greeted them. “I never expected to be seeing you two here. When did you guys start going out?” “Two weeks ago.” Yesung hyung answered. “I see.” I replied. I really wanted to see what my feelings for Krystal were like, so I ran to Krystal’s schedule which happened to be at SBS. It was a good thing I was on good stamina and can run for an hour without catching my breath every 5 minutes like my members.


I walked in and asked the front desk which studio Krystal was in and ran straight to the room. I opened the door to see Krystal getting ready to film Strong Heart. She was a guest along with LeeTuek hyung, Eunhyuk hyung Uee and many more. I decided to sit amongst the fan to listen to their stories. Before I sat down, I made sure to put on my scarf so none of the fans would notice me.


The MC was very funny and I laughed a few time. Then it was time for the guest to tell one of their stories.  There were some really sad ones, and sometimes, I would feel like crying. Finally, after many guest, it was Krystal’s turn. She began her story. “It wasn’t long ago. Three years ago to be exact in California. I was with my friends and we went to a tutoring academy together to do better on the SAT for college. The class was split into morning class and afternoon class. I was supposed to be in the morning class, but I was able to get into the afternoon class because I told them I had community service which was true, but I did not go all the time. My friend would go do community service at another place so I would always pick her up when I was done with my job. And one time, I meet a guy that fit my requirements of my ideal type, but I did not know how he felt about me so I never told him and always avoid him. Many people said that I was too obvious because I would always avoid him. One time, I encounter him on aim and we started having a conversation. He asked me if I liked him, and I did not answer him. Instead, I signed off aim and then went to bed. I think overnight he figured that I liked him, and he kept attempting to get close to me. I was waiting for my friends outside the place they do community service at again like always, and I saw him come out with my friends. So I would stay far away from him, but he would always come near me. I didn’t know what to do, so I just ignored it and went to eat lunch with my friends. Two days before his birthday, we were talking on aim, and he told me that he did not like me straight up. I was heartbroken. I thought he would have been different. I signed off and went to bed crying. And we were already hanging out for a month already. He had to wait until the next month to tell me. If he told me a month earlier, I could have been saved from this heartbreak… Then I came up to a conclusion. He was just using me. I stopped talking to him afterwards.” Krystal told us her story. I really wanted to go to California and punch that guy in the face. I was getting furious. But why would I feel this way? My heart started fluttering every time I see her. Was this love? I left shortly after and went to her waiting room. Half an hour later, she came back to her waiting room and shocked at first to see me there.

Krystal’s PV:


Filming was over, so I went to my waiting room to change and get my bag to go to my next schedule, which didn’t start until an hour later. I went in, and shocked to see someone inside. More shocked to see that person was Minho. I have always had a crush on Minho, but I did not want the same thing to happen to me like it did back in California, so I never told him my feelings.


“Minho- ssi, what are you doing here?” I asked him. “Isn’t it obvious? I was waiting for you.” He answered. “But why?” I asked. “Because I have something to tell you.” He replied. “Okay, but you have 5 minutes. I have to get to my next sched-“ I was not able to finish talking as I was cut off when I felt someone’s lip on mine. He pulled away and looked at me. I was still in my stage of shock. I was still confused at what happened.


“Minho- ssi. Why did you do that?” I asked him. “I did that because I realized something.” He answered back. “And what is that something? It better be a good reason for you to do that.” I told him. Ready to scold him any minute. “That something is I LOVE YOU.” He answered and he kissed me again. This time I kissed back. He pulled back again. “Judging that you kissed back, I assume you like me as well.” I could only nod to his response because I was still shy to admit that I liked him. He pulled my chin up to match his eyes. “I will not treat you the way that guy in California did to you. I love you and nothing is going to change that. I will love you until I die. You understand?” He asked. I was confused as to why he said until he die because we are not married or anything. “Are you wondering why I said that?” He asked. I nodded my head. “It’s because I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to marry you, but right now, I want you to be my girlfriend. Jung Krystal. Will You Be My Girlfriend?” I was really happy and all I did was nod my head. He pulled me into another passionate kiss and I kissed back, but this time I pulled back. “I have to go to my next schedule.” I told him. I grabbed my things and headed out the door, only to find myself  being pulled back. I turned around and saw him holding onto my wrist. “I will go with you.” He told me. I smiled and nodded. We walked hand in hand out of the studio and into the car that manager unnie had sent so I can get to my next schedule on time. 


A/N: Sorry for making the way the three couple got together similar... I didnt know how to make it different... SORRY... Next chapter is going to be how IU and WooYoung reunite... yes... there is going to be a time gap here. the one after that is the last... Can't believe its coming to an end so soon... 

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Carmelnap #4
aish! Those idiot boys! don't they realize they are being set up....pabos!
Carmelnap #5
Ahhh!!! Finally onew and jonghyun! Go get your women!
CuddlyKittiesx3 #6
wassup with all these silent readers?<br />
ur story is great they need to comment<br />
oh...u posted the same chapter twice lol
MinRio #7
OMG Me and Cindy have the same birthday! ^^ I'm actually born in 1996 though kekekek.