
Meeting A Guy Three Times A Day= Fate


Elisa’s POV:


We went into the restaurant where we first meet Shinee. I was hurting inside just by thinking about Shinee. Shinee WAS my favorite band. Onew WAS the one I LOVED in the group, but now, Shinee is my LEAST favorite band and ONEW is the one I HATE in the group. No matter how much I tried to smile thinking that 2PM is here and I am here with Nichkhun, my heart can’t admit that I LOVED Onew. It hurts that much to think I was once a toy to them, a toy that they can use and then throw away when they are sick of it. I now realized that they were just idols who wanted attention.


We were in the restaurant and we got ready to order. I was in a mood for Kimchi and KimBap.


Waiter: Hi, what can I get for you?


Elisa: Can I get Kimchi and Kimbap with ice lemon tea.


Nichkhun: I want Bulgogi with milk tea.


WooYoung: I want Ddeokbokki with green tea.


Cindy: I want Ramyeon with apple juice


Chansang: I want Kimchi, Bulgogi and spring roll with banana milk


Junsu: I want Ramyeon with orange juice


Junho: I want Ddeokbokki and Kimbap with coffee


Taecyeon: I want Bulgogi and Kimchi with Water please.


We waited for orders to arrive. At the meantime, we started chatting about different things, but one conversation caught me off guard.


Nichkhun: So, how do you think about Seoul? Is it a nice place?


Elisa: Oh, we love it so far. We wasted too much money on our first day though and we still have like three weeks before we leave.


WooYoung: So, what were you guys doing on the first day that made you guys use so much money?


I really did not want to tell them, but by now, they must have found out that we meet Shinee, so why not.


Elisa: We were eating at this restaurant here the first day we came which was two days ago. Me and Cindy meet Onew and Jonghyun separately. Onew outside the bathroom and Jonghyun at the table while Cindy was waiting for me. Then we went to the mall and we happen to bump into them again. We ate at KFC and then they had to leave for their schedule. We continued shopping and brought a lot of stuff. We went back to the hotel and then we went to NamSan Tower and that’s where we saw Shinee. Onew confessed to me there that he liked me, and asked me to be his girlfriend. Then that night, they came to our house to play truth or dare. And Jonghyun ask Cindy out and they were supposed to go out today but because we saw a press conference that they were in and they said that we meant nothing to them, so we changed hotel yesterday and then today, we meet you guys.


I was on the verge of crying when I was talking about Onew. I guess the others saw that too, but when I described that I meet them, they seemed happy. Nichkhun seems a bit off when I was telling them that Onew asked me to be his girlfriend and WooYoung seemed hurt when I said that Cindy was supposed to be on a date with him today. Guess this is a small world after all…. I mean, who would meet two idol groups within just three days. I guess I have a thing for famous people. I meet Hillary Duff when I was in 9th grade and throughout my high school year, I would always see people who were once on America’s Next Top Model.


The food came and we started eating. Since Cindy and I was Kidnergarden buddy, we always share our food. Because Cindy and I always know what we each other wanted to eat, we always order something that both of us wants to eat. The others were looking at us like we were crazy for sharing our food. I mean, food is meant to be eaten. We share the food. It’s going be eaten. What’s with the staring? So I asked.


Elisa: Umm… Guys... What’s with the staring?


WooYoung: oh nothing. Just surprised that you two are great sisters sharing food with each other. Usually siblings would fight for food, but you two are different.


I started laughing… They thought we were sisters. WOW…


Elisa: I think you guys got things wrong. We are not sisters. We are best friends and kindergarden buddies.


Nichkhun: Jeongmal? You guys don’t act like it.


Elisa: Maybe it’s the fact that we known each other for years, it blends out a bit so it makes us seem like we are sister. Our moms are best friends and we hang out whenever we have time.


WooYoung: I see.

They guys resumed to their eating, and we also started eating. When it was time to go, again, I had to use the bathroom, so I excused myself. I walked out and saw a familiar figure. I then realized who it was . ONEW…


What was he doing here? I thought he had schedule today or something. I should just pretend that I don’t know him. But it was too late. I noticed me. He started walking towards me. But I just walked pass him and walked straight into the bathroom and started crying. This was just too much. To believe that I actually believed that he would love me. I was such a babo… I realized that I was gone for too long, so I walked back out and bumped into someone. I looked up and it was…..


Nichkhun POV:


Elisa was taking a little too long in the bathroom, so I decided to go check out what was taking so long. I walked to the bathroom and realized that Elisa was talking to none other than Onew. I hid behind the wall to listen to what they were talking about.


Onew’s POV:

I was at the restaurant where I first meet Elisa. There were memories rushing back to me as soon as I stepped into the restaurant. I saw that 2PM were also here with two girls, but I did not care who the heck those girls were. I just wanted to see Elisa again. I was eating, but all of a sudden, I had to use the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and saw someone standing there. That figure looked like Elisa, so I started walking towards her, but she walked past me and into the bathroom. I decided to see if she was really Elisa, so I stayed outside and waited for her to come out, but she took a long time. Finally she came out but she was not looking at where she was going and bumped into me. She looked up and saw me standing there with opened. It was really Elisa. I remembered those eyes and everything about her. Although she had her hair up, it does not make any difference. She was Elisa. The girl that I love. The girl’s heart that I broke because of my career. But her eyes were red and puffy. Did she cry?


Onew: Elisa. Are you okay? Why are your eyes puffy and red?


Elisa: Why do you care? I meant nothing to you. Why do you care if my eyes are red and puffy? Why do you keep bothering me? Didn’t I saw that I didn’t want to see you again? Get out of my life.


She walked pass me, but what she said sunk deep into my heart. I couldn’t believe that I hurt her that much. Maybe I should just leave her alone.


Elisa’s POV:


After I said those hurtful words to Onew, I couldn’t help but to start crying again, but I hid behind wall, only to find it occupied. I looked and realized that it was Nichkhun. Did he hear what we said?


Elisa: Did you hear what we said?


Nichkhun: Yea. Don’t worry, I won’t tell the others.


Elisa: Thanks.


I started crying again. He gave me his shoulders so I can cry on it. He was such a gentleman. I was glad that he was there for me when I needed a shoulder most. We started walking back to the private room…


Nichkhun: Elisa, can I get your number?


 Elisa: Sure. My number is 010-822-4890


Nichkhun quickly typed my number into his phone and then my phone rang. I looked up and it was an anonymous number. I answered it and then I heard an echo. Looked over and saw that Nichkhun had his phone at his ear, and I listened and it was sure enough Nichkhun. I sawed his number and then continued walking. Suddenly, Nichkhun handed me two tickets. I took it and realized that it was the tickets to next week’s Music Bank. I was really excited. That was what Cindy and I wanted to go to. I realized that there were also backstage passes as well… I was so happy. I didn’t realize that I gave Nichkhun a hug until I let go. I looked at him shyly and then proceed walking… I walked back into the room and told Cindy the good news.






Elisa: I know right… it’s like a dream come true. We get to meet more idols… I can’t wait…


Cindy: Me neither…


Thanks for reading... I might update again later on... Remeber to subscribe and comment... Next chapter would be a week later... Thanks... <3

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I can't wait for the next chapter!!!! :D
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Carmelnap #4
aish! Those idiot boys! don't they realize they are being set up....pabos!
Carmelnap #5
Ahhh!!! Finally onew and jonghyun! Go get your women!
CuddlyKittiesx3 #6
wassup with all these silent readers?<br />
ur story is great they need to comment<br />
oh...u posted the same chapter twice lol
MinRio #7
OMG Me and Cindy have the same birthday! ^^ I'm actually born in 1996 though kekekek.