Truth or Dare Part 2

Meeting A Guy Three Times A Day= Fate


Elisa’s POV:


Cindy: The reason why we gather here today is because we are going to play a game of Truth or Dare. I will spin a bottle and when the bottle stop, whoever the tip is pointed to is going to be the person fulfilling either the truth or the dare. Whoever picks Truth must speak the truth or we will tell them to fulfill a Dare. Who is ready?


I was definitely not ready. The one thing I hate playing my entire life is Truth or Dare. Cindy always ask me hardest questions that I find hard to answer like, who do you like or who’s your ideal type or if you were trapped in the house with Onew, what would you do or If you have to choose between chicken and Onew, what would it be. I just hope that this time, she is not the one to ask me these questions because they are embarrassing.


Cindy got up from her seat and went off somewhere. Soon she was back with 2 bags of snacks and beer bottle. I wondered how she got that bottle. We couldn’t drink since we are not 21 yet. Maybe she found it on the streets or something. She started spinning the bottle and it stopped at Key.


Key: Oh. It stopped at me.


Cindy: Truth or Dare?

Key: Truth.


Cindy: Do you like someone right now? And it has to be the truth.


Key: Well, I like SNSD’s Sooyoung. I think she is most compatible with me.


Cindy: Who here thinks that he is telling the truth?


Every Shinee member raised their hands. I didn’t know what to say, so I just kept my hands down.


Cindy: Who here thinks that he is lying.


None of the Shinee member raised their hands so I kept mine down.


Cindy: Elisa, why didn’t you raise your hands?

Elisa: Because I have no opinions. I will go with what everybody thinks,


Cindy: Okay. So since the majority votes that you are telling the truth, you may now spin the bottle.


Key’s POV:


I was nervous when Cindy asked the question. To be honest, I like someone else, but because I am always having fights with Sooyoung, they think that I like her, but to be honest, I actually like Kara’s Nicole. She is cute and bubbly. Just thinking about her makes me blush.


It was my turn to spin the bottle. And whomever I want the bottle to stop at, it will always stop at that person. No matter what. Let’s see. This time, I want the bottle to stop at Elisa. SO please help out bottle. Stop at Elisa.


And it did stop at Elisa. Elisa had a shocked face. She must’ve thought that she was not going to get chosen any time soon. But she does not know that I have the ability to tell the bottle who to stop at. HAHAHA… I am becoming too evil. Onew hyung. If you and Elisa get together, you have to thank me. I am doing you a favor here.


Key: So it pointed at you Elisa huh… Well Well Well… Truth or Dare Elisa.


Elisa: Um…


She thought for a while and finally her answer was ready to come out.


Elisa: Truth…


I was hoping for her to say Dare so I can dare her and Onew to kiss for 1 minute, but since she chooses Truth, I will not go easy on her. I will ask something about her and Onew hyung.


Key: Well Elisa. If you were to choose between Onew and chicken, who would you choose?


Elisa’s POV:


Key: Well Elisa. If you were to choose between Onew and chicken, who would you choose?


Oh no. One of those trick questions again. The bad thing about this is that Cindy already knows my answer and she will automatically know if I am lying. I better say the truth.


Elisa: I would choose…


Onew’s POV:


Key: Well Elisa. If you were to choose between Onew and chicken, who would you choose?


Upon hearing my name, I snapped out of my daydream that I was having about Elisa. I was wondering what her answer would be. I mean, I am her boyfriend now. She should say Onew right.


Elisa: I would choose chicken…

WHAT!!!! CHICKEN OVER YOUR BOYFRIEND????  I was really mad, but I can’t show it or they will know that we already started dating and that is what we wanted to hide.


Key: Okay. Whoever thinks that Elisa is telling the truth, please raise your hands.


Only one person raised their hand and it was Cindy. Then slowly, everyone else raised their hands except me.


Key: Whoever thinks that Elisa is lying, please raise your hands.


I quickly raised my hands. She did tell me that she love me. Why would she lie about that.


Key: Well, Cindy- ssi, who do you think Elisa is telling?


Cindy: Well… Because I always ask her the same exact question every time I play Truth or Dare with her. SO if she dare say something else, I would always know. Plus, I don’t think she wants to do a dare.


Key: Okay, Onew hyung, why do you think Elisa is lying?


I did not know how to answer that. I think it was jealousy taking over when Elisa said chicken.


Onew: I don’t know. I thought she would choose me since I heard from Cindy saying that she likes me and every time she sees my smile, her heart would melt.


I did a pout and everyone “awed”. I was kind of upset that I was not the answer to Elisa’s Truth. Well, since majority out ruled again, Elisa, you may spin the bottle.


Elisa’s POV:

I knew that Onew was going to think that I lied. Honestly, back before I meet Onew, I would always choose chicken because I never meet Onew, but when Key asked me that question, I wanted to say Onew, but if I said Onew, Cindy will think that I lied and would rat on me. Then Onew would think that I was only cheating on him and get even more mad. So I just choose chicken.


It was my turn to spin the bottle. I spun the bottle, and it landed on Minho.


Elisa; Okay… Minho… Truth or Dare?


Minho: Well, I would choose Dare.


Elisa: Okay. I dare you to strip down to your underwear.


Minho turned red immediately… But he still carried on his dare. The truth is, I always see his y abs on TV and thought that it was so cool… and because of this dare, I get to see his abs. I need to take a picture of this for memory.


Elisa: This is too good… I need to take a picture of this.


Minho: What? Why?


Elisa: So I can keep this as a memory.


I ran to my room and brought my camera out.


Elisa: Minho. Stand right here and strike a pose.


Minho: But it’s going to be too embarrassing.


Elisa: Don’t worry. I would mosaic your face so nobody would know that it was you. Please…


Minho: Fine (strikes a pose)


I took a total of 5 pictures. I never knew that Minho would be that photogenic. But the thing was that there was no flash so he thought I only took one when I really took 5… Minho… You are a babo… haha…


Minho: Okay. This is embarrassing, but I just hope my turn comes quick because I do not want to catch a cold.


He spun the bottle and the bottle stopped in front of…


Key’s POV:


I was laughing so hard when Elisa told Minho to strike a pose. And that Babo really did. I knew that Elisa took more than one picture because I saw her click the button more than 2 times. Maybe she took more than one, but I kept quiet because this was getting fun. I never knew that Elisa had that inside her. LOL.


Minho spun the bottle and it landed on….


Onew’s POV:


HOW DAER ELISA TELL MINHO TO STRIP TO HIS UNDERWEAR AND TELL HIM TO STRIKE A POSE FOR HER SO SHE CAN TAKE A PICTURE OF IT???? HOW DARE ELISA TAKE MORE THAT ONE PICTURE OF HIM? I AM SUPPOSED TO BE THE ONE SHE IS ALLOWED TO TAKE A PICTURE OF… but I can’t tell anyone yet because we haven’t announced it yet. BOY… I am too jealous right now. Why do you have to do this to me? Why? I am supposed to be your boyfriend. Why are you doing this to me?

Minho spun the bottle and it landed on…


Jonghyun’s POV:


I was laughing so hard when Elisa told Minho to strip to his underwear. I knew that Minho wanted to show off his abs but what happens if he gets a ? That would be too embarrassing. But it was just too damn funny. Elisa even told him to strike a pose so she can take a picture of him. What was funnier was that she pressed the button five times. Although there was no flash, I already knew that she was going to take more than one picture of Minho… Aish… You Babo… HAHA…


Minho spun the bottle and it landed on….


Cindy’s POV:


I can’t believe that Elisa told Minho to strip off to his underwear. It was more unbelievable when she told him to strike a pose and take a picture of it. He is an idol. Why are you torturing this boy? I suddenly felt bad for Minho. Elisa tends to do the most random things at the most random time. That’s why whenever she does that; we call her the E- Condition. Now she’s at it again. SIGH…. I can’t believe that Elisa took more than 5 picture of Minho. Why Elisa… Why are you doing this to the poor boy?


Minho spun the bottle and it landed on…


Taemin’s POV:


I was in my own little world and I didn’t know what was going on. I was daydreaming that I was playing with Pikachu and all of a sudden, Sulli ran up to me and gave me a kiss. The kiss was about to grow passionate until I heard people scream my name.


??? : TAEMIN!!!!


Taemin: What?

Elisa: Oh, the bottle landed on you. So truth or dare?

I looked at the bottle and indeed it has landed in front of me. I looked up again and thought for a second.


Taemin: Truth


Minho: Okay. Did you just daydream about Sulli?


I knew that I had to face it one day. I did have feelings for Sulli. She was just too cute. Her eye smile always makes my heart beat faster. Every time I am near her, I feel my heart beating faster and I would break down into cold sweats because I did not know what to say to her. So I decided to speak the truth and nothing but the truth.


Taemin: Yes I was until you guys decided to disrupt me. How rude.


I did a pout and everyone ‘awed’.


Minho: Who thinks Taemin is telling the truth?


Everyone raised their hands so I had could proceed onto spinning the bottle.


I spun the bottle and it landed on Elisa again.


Elisa’s POV:


Taemin spun the bottle and it landed on me again.


Taemin: Truth or Dare Elisa.


I knew that I had to man up and do a dare sooner or later, so I choose Dare.


Elisa: Dare.


Taemin: Well, I dare you to kiss Onew hyung passionately for a minute. If you fail to do so, you will have to do a must worse dare.


I looked over at Onew and I felt so happy. I walked over to Onew and started leaning in. Soon, our lips were touch. I was on his bottom lips until his tongue started my lips ask to go in. I opened my lips slightly and both our tongues were dancing together.  


We were kissing so passionately that we did not realize that everyone left. I felt Onew’s hand inching inside my shirt and about to unhook my bra, but I stopped him by doing so…


Elisa: Oppa. Not now. I’m not ready yet.


Onew: I understand. Anything for my princess.


I gave Onew another sweet yet passionate kiss.


Author’s POV:


After Taemin told Elisa to kiss Onew passionately, they left the dining room carrying the bottle, so they can continue playing without having to see Elisa and Onew kissing passionately. Since Elisa was out of sight, Minho put on his clothes again and followed the rest into another room.


Minho, Taemin and Key gave each other a signal. They were thinking that since Elisa and Onew were in the other room kissing each other, they need to do the same thing to Jonghyun and Cindy.


Key: Since Elisa was the person that the bottle stopped at and she’s not here right now, Taemin will spin the bottle right now…


Taemin spun the bottle real slow so it would land on Key. He knew that whoever Key wants the bottle to stop at, the bottle would stop at that person, and sure enough, the bottle landed on Key.


Taemin: Key hyung. Truth or Dare.


Key: Dare.


Taemin thought for a while… He knew that Key liked Nicole because every time Taemin went out to get a drink of water, he would always hear Key talking in his sleep and every time, it would always be Nicole.


Taemin: I dare you to call Nicole and tell her that you like her.


Key: WHAT!!!! Yah… Taemin.. You are not trying to scare me right? She is my best friend. How can I like my best friend?


Taemin: Why now? The first step in a relationship is always being friends, then best friends and then you guys develop feelings for each other and then you guys start going out.


Key: Fine.


Key took out his phone and dialed Nicole’s number. He knew that Nicole would be sleeping by now, but he was not so sure. Then someone answered the phone. He put it on speaker so everyone can hear their conversation.


Nicole: Yeobosayo


Key: Yeobosayo.. Nicole… Are you sleeping?


Nicole: Ani. We are on our way back to the dorm. Did something happen?


Key; Well, I have something to tell you.


Nicole: Well, what are you waiting for? Tell me already.


Key: Well, to tell you the truth, I had always like you. Every time I see you, my heart would beat faster. Would you be my girlfriend?


Everybody was shocked t what Key had just said. He did not expect Key to confess his love over the phone. But Nicole’s answer also shocked everyone.


Nicole: Of course I would Kibum. Have you never realize that I was always there for you? Have you never realize that I would ALWAYS pick up my phone even if I was busy or when I was sleeping? I liked you since the first day I saw you. You always make my heart beat faster, but I didn’t know if you liked me or not, so I just kept it to myself.


Key: Really…. Oh.. hold on a second.


Nicole: Okay.


Key un-did the speaker phone and walked away from the room…


Taemin: Looks like someone is in love here.


Everyone nodded in agreement… and soon, Key came back..


Key: Since I fulfilled my dare, it is my turn to spin the bottle.


Key spun the bottle, and it landed on Cindy…


Key: Cindy. Truth or Dare?


Cindy: Truth…


Key: Okay, How do you feel about Jonghyun?


Cindy: To be honest…..


A/N : Sorry for the cliffhanger... but I have to get ready for bed... and I will be splititng the Truth or Dare into another part because of the lack of time to write the whole thing... Anyways... Remember to comment and subscribe...






Although it is still April 7 in New York, it is April 8th in Korea right now... SO I WISH THE BEST IN LUCK FOR YOU JOUNGHYUN... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :D

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I can't wait for the next chapter!!!! :D
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Carmelnap #4
aish! Those idiot boys! don't they realize they are being set up....pabos!
Carmelnap #5
Ahhh!!! Finally onew and jonghyun! Go get your women!
CuddlyKittiesx3 #6
wassup with all these silent readers?<br />
ur story is great they need to comment<br />
oh...u posted the same chapter twice lol
MinRio #7
OMG Me and Cindy have the same birthday! ^^ I'm actually born in 1996 though kekekek.