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The bright smile etched on her face grew even bigger as she closely watched the scene unfold before her eyes. There, a little girl was running aimlessly around the field, trying not to fall flat on her bottom and not to hit the grassy region while striving hard not to get caught in the middle of the game. She was rather fast despite her having short legs, clearly a disadvantage on her side but the energetic kid didn't mind at all. Panting hard she glanced behind her, only to let out a squeal of excitement when she found out that she was too close to being caught. Having no other choice, she started sprinting away again, doubling her pace. Even though it was evident that the little girl was almost out of breath, seeing how her chest heavily rose up and down she could still stifle a heartily laugh while running. Once the kid was closer to where she was, the person in the girl's eyes that she believes who would save her, with all her might did she shout. "Omma!" She reached the spot where the woman, who has been watching her since the beginning was standing.

Eunsae bent down , patting the kid's little head. "Let's try not to get caught then." with that said, the older female tugged on the smaller girl's hand gently and started dragging her away. "No fair! I thought you wouldn't help Eunkyung!". A frustrated grunt from behind could be heard which the woman only chuckled to. However, as the girls took a step forward while laugh hardly, someone pulled the older one back, tackling her and Eunkyung, the little girl into a tight embrace. "Got you." Ever so slowly those words traveled along her system, making her shiver in delight. His voice was that enchanting to make the said woman feel that way.

"Kyu I can't breath." The woman said, struggling hard to take in enough oxygen. "Eunsae.... know how to perform CPR don't worry." that comment earned him a light slap on the arm.

Kyuhyun let go of them, realizing how he and her had sandwiched the little girl. Kneeling on his knees he held onto the younger girl's waist and slowly hoisted her up in the air, climbing onto his feet to stand straight and turn in circles. Eunkyung shrieked with the sudden action but loving how the air caress her cheeks. "Appa won!" Kyuhyun cheered as he took another turn . "He caught Eunkyung and even mommy" . A smirk appeared on his face as he glanced at his side, teasing the woman he dearly loves.





Her dream.. became a reality















"Will you go back?" It was past midnight, according to the wall clock that was hanging on the kitchen wall. The temperature drastically dropped a Celsius lower, meeting a negative air on a typical winter night. Sleeping has been a hard task for Eunsae in this kind of season thus, Kyuhyun had made a habit to stay up with her until she eventually falls fast asleep.

A cup of hot chocolate was placed in front of him, emitting puffs of steam. They were at the kitchen, Eunsae had craved for a hot drink and she decided to also make one for Kyuhyun though he had told her that he was fine with just a glass of water. The girl just insisted using her not so well aegyo to make him take it.


"It has been years." Kyuhyun glanced up, meeting Eunsae's eyes. "I don't know, do you want me to?" her question eventually came running back at her.

"If you want to then it's fine right?" Eunsae then wrapped her arms around Kyuhyun's neck from behind. "I know you miss what you do...so whatever your decision is.... I'll support you."

It has been years since then, Kyuhyun and her lived their lives amazingly without the limelight chasing after their every move. True, Kyuhyun misses the times when he could sing in front of his fans and be united with his group. He was apparently forced to enter the army earlier, unable to finish their world tour like Yesung. And like his hyung, failing the body test led him to become a public servant.


The issues about Kyuhyun – them didn't die down that fast and the company's sudden decision fueled the fire. Eunsae on the other hand had a hard time, avoiding the judging eyes of the people was an impossible task. By the time Kyuhyun entered the army, for a month Eunsae became the reporters' interest. It was hard to hide and avoid the paparazzi but she was helped by the rest of the members and Kyuhyun's family. When Kyuhyun came back from the military compound he was then assigned in Daegu. The night before he left he proposed to Eunsae – not with all those roses and balloons that he had dreamed of but rather a simple night when they cuddled , whispering sweet nothings in each others' ears. Then... at that moment he told her how he wanted to live his entire life with her.

Two years after, when he finished his service did the two decided to get married. The boys was not even surprised with the decision, they saw it coming when they finally got back together. The celebration was not as grand as everybody thought it would be, a simple celebration with their family and friends, co-worker and such.













"You'll do fine." Eunsae took a step back and eyed the bow she tied on Kyuhyun's neck. "Our little girl will be watching you on stage so do your best okay?." She gave Kyuhyun a light peck on the lips, standing on her tip toes. Before she could even pull away Kyuhyun had already wrapped his free arm on her waist and hoisted her up, pressing his lips harder on hers. “I need that." The bold action made the woman blushed furiously.






"Ajusshi!!" The little girl beamed upon seeing a blonde haired man among the sea of people. She was frantically waving, jumping several times to caught the gentleman's attention. It was Luhan.

"Eunkyung!” Luhan replied with much enthusiasm as he reached her. “Uncle bought this for you." A plushie was then presented to the said little girl. Her eyes were twinkling upon seeing the blue wide-eyed doll. She hugged Luhan who was on his knees so that he would be on the same level as hers. "You like it?” As she pulled away her head was

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I hid a chapter again. guess I might update later this evening or on Monday. well let's see about that. ^^


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HanZy_L77 #1
Chapter 47: Kyahh!! I finished it already! finally! (ariel happen to me) joke hahaha o...kay so lame >< pero ang ganda talaga naiyak ako sa ibang scenes. Feeling ko love ko na si kyu! Hahaha XD
HanZy_L77 #2
Chapter 22: I love Luhan and I'm being biased /slap myself/
Chapter 47: Wow, I still couldn't believe that this story ended already :(
They really made a happy family lol. I'm happy for them :)
My pleasure, eonnie^^
I also want to thank you for writing this beautiful story. I really enjoyed reading this story and I love it so much! XD
katharine #4
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwwww,i'm very very happy for them.i love this story so much.
they are having their happy ending,their happy family.
thank you so much for this good story.
mrscho88 #5
Chapter 47: Aww it ended already!! :(( prequel?! :D

So donghae is not yet married?! :o hahahaha! Anyways this is so cute! ^^ i really felt crying just by imagining them having families and going back together on stage after army. Ksndkeksohxksks i just don't want that to happen... Yet. Haha!

Thanks for the great story!! :))
katharine #6
Chapter 46: Awwwwwwww,i can't believe that just only one chapter and this story will end,i will miss it very much.
i'm very very happy for them,they were sweet and amazing together.
update soon.
Chapter 46: OMG Kyu is just so sweet >< It's so sad to know that this fanfic will end soon :(
Wish you a good luck on your interview tomorrow, eonnie! Fighting ^^
oblivionvip #8
Chapter 46: Awwwww hihi Kyu and Eunsae are back together~ The story's gonna end soon :(( But it was a good run^^ Hope you update soon and thanks for this really cute chapter! Hwaiting on your last chapter for this story :D
katharine #9
Chapter 45: AWWWWWWW,finally,they are again together,i'm very happy for them.
kyuhyun is very kind,and love her so much.
update soon.
Chapter 45: They are finally together again! Can't be more happier XD
I'm glad Kyuhyun didn't leave Eunsae hehehe. Looking forward to your next update, eonni^^