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Spring has finally arrived but small evidences of the past season still lingered in the air. The wind was still colder than what it should be--- like what a normal spring has to offer, especially at night time. Strong gush of wind welcomed me as I stepped outside the apartment complex. Zipping up my jacket, I looked to my left and right hoping that no one was nearby or rather spying on me. Satisfied that the coast was clear I immediately jogged down the road not wasting another minute. I haven't been out during the night in a long while, I've been busy hiding in our dorm and planning on how to deal with every news about me. Although I tried to clear everything up in the best way I can it seems like it only got worse and just this afternoon during the press conference did the mind blowing news show itself. I was tired, being in a conference with everyone who expected me to answer everything in all honesty, when after that we had to perform like nothing happened and get my together to show my professionalism. A rest would have helped me regain my strength but I just have to deal with this matter first before calling it a day.

The walk from our dorm to the park didn't take that long. In fact, it was just a couple of minutes and with my long strides I arrived in no time. I immediately spotted her when I entered the dimly lit park, she was casually leaning on the bricked wall, head hung low as if she was afraid to be caught lurking around at this ungodly hour. My steps created small sounds that caught her attention. Instantly, her head shot up. Relief washed over her face seeing that I was the person who came over and not some stranger.

Actually, I never expected her to take the initiative and call me, the news concerns her too so I bet she was that worried enough to talk it out with me. “What was that?” was her immediate question. “What did you tell them?” Feigning innocence on what she was talking about wouldn't work. She was too smart for this. Might as well tell her what had happened, she has all the right to know since it greatly involves her.

“I told them the truth.. or half of the truth.” I explained in an instant upon seeing impatience in her eyes, though she wasn't directly looking at me I could still see it in the way she bore holes on the ground.

Earlier at the press conference I told the media that the photo wasn't recent and in fact was taken a year ago. I clearly said that Eunsae was a friend of mine, which was true in a way. Most of the reporters had asked if we dated back then but the questioned was met with deaf ears. However, I insisted that we have had a hoobae and dongsaeng relationship since she was a former trainee in the company and everyone in our group is also close to her. Some was satisfied with how I answered the question, even my hyungs were quite eased with the way I handled the inquisition of the reporters. I also added that there was no third party in the break up, the relationship simply did not work out. “But they wouldn't stop just like that, they may have let this picture passed by. If another one comes out then we're both dead.” Truth to be told I was quite scared that another photo would float around without me knowing.

“I'll stay away if--” “No need to do that. I can overcome this... just lie low and as much as possible don't associate yourself with us in the mean time.” I but in before she could even lay what is on her mind. Leaving would not do any good, she had done it a few times already and nothing was solved.“Even with those kids.” I continued, emphasizing each words. It was not my intention to forbid her from seeing them, I was just being selfish and jealous. Maybe it'll help but it was not a necessity.

Something about the way she froze told me that she didn't like the idea of staying away from those kids. What the heck is so good about them that she can't do me this little favor of staying away? How her eyes seemed to twitch pushed a button in me. "Kyuhyun you know I can't do that." and the way she had confirmed my exact thoughts finally tugged onto something inside, I have to clench my hands to keep my composure, digging my nails into the palm of my hand. But nonetheless I could not hold it in. "Is Luhan that important to you? What about me? Am I really something from the past? You've moved on? Is that it?" I blurted out in one blow. I was beyond pissed, she didn't have to rub it on my face that I was nothing.

She pushed herself off of the wall she was leaning on minutes ago. Her eyes wouldn't meet mine, it stayed glued on the floor. "Why are you questioning me? You're the one who involved yourself into a relationship and broke it off. I am not doing anything wrong" Her retort came shortly. Her voice was low and calm but haunting and unsettling.

Yes, between the two of us I was the one who showed weakness

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I hid a chapter again. guess I might update later this evening or on Monday. well let's see about that. ^^


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HanZy_L77 #1
Chapter 47: Kyahh!! I finished it already! finally! (ariel happen to me) joke hahaha o...kay so lame >< pero ang ganda talaga naiyak ako sa ibang scenes. Feeling ko love ko na si kyu! Hahaha XD
HanZy_L77 #2
Chapter 22: I love Luhan and I'm being biased /slap myself/
Chapter 47: Wow, I still couldn't believe that this story ended already :(
They really made a happy family lol. I'm happy for them :)
My pleasure, eonnie^^
I also want to thank you for writing this beautiful story. I really enjoyed reading this story and I love it so much! XD
katharine #4
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwwww,i'm very very happy for them.i love this story so much.
they are having their happy ending,their happy family.
thank you so much for this good story.
mrscho88 #5
Chapter 47: Aww it ended already!! :(( prequel?! :D

So donghae is not yet married?! :o hahahaha! Anyways this is so cute! ^^ i really felt crying just by imagining them having families and going back together on stage after army. Ksndkeksohxksks i just don't want that to happen... Yet. Haha!

Thanks for the great story!! :))
katharine #6
Chapter 46: Awwwwwwww,i can't believe that just only one chapter and this story will end,i will miss it very much.
i'm very very happy for them,they were sweet and amazing together.
update soon.
Chapter 46: OMG Kyu is just so sweet >< It's so sad to know that this fanfic will end soon :(
Wish you a good luck on your interview tomorrow, eonnie! Fighting ^^
oblivionvip #8
Chapter 46: Awwwww hihi Kyu and Eunsae are back together~ The story's gonna end soon :(( But it was a good run^^ Hope you update soon and thanks for this really cute chapter! Hwaiting on your last chapter for this story :D
katharine #9
Chapter 45: AWWWWWWW,finally,they are again together,i'm very happy for them.
kyuhyun is very kind,and love her so much.
update soon.
Chapter 45: They are finally together again! Can't be more happier XD
I'm glad Kyuhyun didn't leave Eunsae hehehe. Looking forward to your next update, eonni^^