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AN: HAI!~ Probably my last update for this month. I have a lot of things to do before this semester ends. so see you when I see you~~~ :))) ENJOY, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE~ :))








Getting up was harder than usual, my head was searing with pain. As I slowly rise up, I felt my head throbbed terribly which caused me to collapse back on my bed. My hands instantly shot upwards to my head and trailed on both sides of it. I gently caressed my temples, closing my eyes in the process. Although the circular motion of my fingers lessen the excruciating pain, the relief brought by it didn't last enough for my contentment. If I even managed to get up at any moment I'll blame Sehunnie. He is the sole reason why I am stuck on my bed and experiencing this pain. A package of colds and headache was given to me by Sehun. If he didn't make us wait that long outside I won't be sick right now.  He even dared to leave me with Luhan last night, he did the same thing twice but I cannot really blame him. The maknae just want to help Luhan apologize. He did a small favor for his hyung and I could totally understand his intention, it's just that he is too pushy, not that I don't like that side of his, he is totally cute and playful but well he is quite annoying.


Luhan's offer last night sounded so good to my ears after what happened to me. “I'll tell him to stop if that's what you want.” but I don't have the heart to make Sehun stop. He is too adorable to receive a cold shoulder from me.


Then everything that happened last night came back rushing in my head with that single thought of Luhan's offer.


“but I don't regret anything that I did or I said...I am sure... so sure that I like you and whether you like it or not.. I'll show you that I am better than sunbaenim." He had told me once more that he likes me. He was so sure this time. How his eyes lit up when he said those few words stunned me. I never saw someone that happy while confessing even though he knew better that his chance was close to non-existing. But what hit me hard was the thing he said about being better than his sunbae... and I know that he was referring to Kyuhyun. He was aware of everything thanks to Sooyoung and her insecurities.


“The decision is still up to you anyway... but at least let me show you what I can do before shutting me down completely.” Finally he had gathered the guts to face me. He had a bright smile plastered on his lips and he was eying me... searching for an approval in my eyes but when he saw none he quickly looked away. “You could at least appreciate what I said you know... ”


“Luhan I...”



“What is so special about sunbaenim?” He sharply asked cutting me off. His eyes were darting somewhere.


“It's not that Luhan...” I tried to reach out for him but stopped half way. “I can't just try again... not now.” I don't want to hurt him yet I am heading to that way by rejecting him without him proving himself. “But... we can be friends you know... then I might reconsider... just please don't make it hard for me... you don't even know me that well.”


“I can know you in a day... ”



“But you'll end up hating me... you didn't know what I did in the past...”



“It's in the past... nothing can change that.”



“You're too kind for me... ”



“No that guy is not kind at all!” Sehun suddenly materialized at Luhan's side. He was pointing his finger accusingly at the older man. Sehun was at


The cool wind blew hard, touching my heated skin, causing me to shiver. I wrapped my arms around myself and clung onto the layers of jacket I put on, trying to ease the coldness of the winter air.  Standing outside in a weather like this is not a good idea but going back inside while they were having breakfast is never better. My friends would probably insist that I should eat even though I don't feel like eating. This sickening feeling in my he

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I hid a chapter again. guess I might update later this evening or on Monday. well let's see about that. ^^


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HanZy_L77 #1
Chapter 47: Kyahh!! I finished it already! finally! (ariel happen to me) joke hahaha o...kay so lame >< pero ang ganda talaga naiyak ako sa ibang scenes. Feeling ko love ko na si kyu! Hahaha XD
HanZy_L77 #2
Chapter 22: I love Luhan and I'm being biased /slap myself/
Chapter 47: Wow, I still couldn't believe that this story ended already :(
They really made a happy family lol. I'm happy for them :)
My pleasure, eonnie^^
I also want to thank you for writing this beautiful story. I really enjoyed reading this story and I love it so much! XD
katharine #4
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwwww,i'm very very happy for them.i love this story so much.
they are having their happy ending,their happy family.
thank you so much for this good story.
mrscho88 #5
Chapter 47: Aww it ended already!! :(( prequel?! :D

So donghae is not yet married?! :o hahahaha! Anyways this is so cute! ^^ i really felt crying just by imagining them having families and going back together on stage after army. Ksndkeksohxksks i just don't want that to happen... Yet. Haha!

Thanks for the great story!! :))
katharine #6
Chapter 46: Awwwwwwww,i can't believe that just only one chapter and this story will end,i will miss it very much.
i'm very very happy for them,they were sweet and amazing together.
update soon.
Chapter 46: OMG Kyu is just so sweet >< It's so sad to know that this fanfic will end soon :(
Wish you a good luck on your interview tomorrow, eonnie! Fighting ^^
oblivionvip #8
Chapter 46: Awwwww hihi Kyu and Eunsae are back together~ The story's gonna end soon :(( But it was a good run^^ Hope you update soon and thanks for this really cute chapter! Hwaiting on your last chapter for this story :D
katharine #9
Chapter 45: AWWWWWWW,finally,they are again together,i'm very happy for them.
kyuhyun is very kind,and love her so much.
update soon.
Chapter 45: They are finally together again! Can't be more happier XD
I'm glad Kyuhyun didn't leave Eunsae hehehe. Looking forward to your next update, eonni^^