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AN: I don't know what I am doing with this story... SERIOUSLY. Haha. //don't kill me// lol and I am so sorry for not updating last week, you see I have started another fic and I updated that instead of this one. Haha! I don't know if you'll like this chapter. :( I made this in a rush so I am terribly sorry. However, I do hope you will still like it even though the turn out is something that you didn't expect. I apologize. ;~~;






“Will you just let him go like that?”






Lost in my train of thoughts I almost didn't notice that the demo cd had reached its end point, thus, a beeping sound came ringing in my ears. I extended my hand that was closer to the player to hit the eject button but another hand beat me to it. Looking up, a smiling Luhan greeted me.

“You are so lazy.” The mockery had made the fine line on my forehead creased. “Aren't you busy?” my brow automatically raised and knitted itself, giving him the idea that I didn't like the comment he just tutted when in fact I was just goofing around.

“Hello to you too.” he said in a playful manner as he took the seat in front of me. However, to his disappointment my gaze did not falter, letting him assume that I was impatiently waiting for his answer.

“I don't have any schedule left for today... so I decided to visit.” I could sense the sudden change in his voice, the playfulness in it was long gone.

“What's with the beanie?” My eyes were set on the cute beanie he was sporting. I didn't like one bit of how his lips curved upside down so I purposely jumped into another subject--- that is his beanie and what lies behind it.

During his often visit in my studio I have never seen him wear something that hides his hair completely.

Lately, Luhan had been around more often, especially after what had happened on the trip. It was like he was afraid that Kyuhyun would eventually make a move on me again. Though it did not happen as what he expected he still sticks around. Not that I don't like it but the thing is he doesn't have to do this, because it makes me guiltier. He cares too much.


After that night, Kyuhyun didn't even glance on my way neither Donghae oppa nor Eunhyuk oppa. It was like nothing happened. I don't have the slightest idea why they were treating me as if I don't exist. We went back to Seoul like that.

Then the day after, Kyuhyun and Sooyoung's break up was all over the news. Is that why Kyuhyun had sum up that courage to confront me... because he and Sooyoung already broke up? Or was it the reason why they separated , was I at fault?

“Ahhh this... ” Luhan interrupted my reverie, having me glance up his way. He scratched the back of his head, smiling awkwardly at me.

I stood up and leaned closer to him, casually pointing at his beanie. “What are you hiding in there?” I said in a sing song voice, trying so hard to not burst out laughing. You see, his expression was precious. It was like he was caught red handed, his eyes grew bigger while his mouth hung open.

When I reached out to grab the beanie out of his head... he pulled back knowing the distance will not let me do my plan, moreover, a table was situated between us, making it extra hard.

But me being the smarter one between the two of us, I had come up with a back up plan.

And soon we found the beanie lying on the floor, it didn't even create a single noise because of its lightness. Then I found myself looking up at him... my eyes were practically glued at his hair...

“I know you'll laugh that's why I wore that beanie.” He messily ran a hand through his gray hair. He dyed his hair gray.

“Your stylist... is she still alive?” A course of laughter erupted out of my system. Honestly his hair was not that bad at all, it's just that... I was so used to seeing him with his unkempt blonde hair.

His lips puckered forward, displaying an innocent pout. I was taken aback when he did that. The man is just too cute and I ended up telling him how it doesn't look bad on him and that maybe I'll like it one day.

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I hid a chapter again. guess I might update later this evening or on Monday. well let's see about that. ^^


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HanZy_L77 #1
Chapter 47: Kyahh!! I finished it already! finally! (ariel happen to me) joke hahaha o...kay so lame >< pero ang ganda talaga naiyak ako sa ibang scenes. Feeling ko love ko na si kyu! Hahaha XD
HanZy_L77 #2
Chapter 22: I love Luhan and I'm being biased /slap myself/
Chapter 47: Wow, I still couldn't believe that this story ended already :(
They really made a happy family lol. I'm happy for them :)
My pleasure, eonnie^^
I also want to thank you for writing this beautiful story. I really enjoyed reading this story and I love it so much! XD
katharine #4
Chapter 47: Awwwwwwwww,i'm very very happy for them.i love this story so much.
they are having their happy ending,their happy family.
thank you so much for this good story.
mrscho88 #5
Chapter 47: Aww it ended already!! :(( prequel?! :D

So donghae is not yet married?! :o hahahaha! Anyways this is so cute! ^^ i really felt crying just by imagining them having families and going back together on stage after army. Ksndkeksohxksks i just don't want that to happen... Yet. Haha!

Thanks for the great story!! :))
katharine #6
Chapter 46: Awwwwwwww,i can't believe that just only one chapter and this story will end,i will miss it very much.
i'm very very happy for them,they were sweet and amazing together.
update soon.
Chapter 46: OMG Kyu is just so sweet >< It's so sad to know that this fanfic will end soon :(
Wish you a good luck on your interview tomorrow, eonnie! Fighting ^^
oblivionvip #8
Chapter 46: Awwwww hihi Kyu and Eunsae are back together~ The story's gonna end soon :(( But it was a good run^^ Hope you update soon and thanks for this really cute chapter! Hwaiting on your last chapter for this story :D
katharine #9
Chapter 45: AWWWWWWW,finally,they are again together,i'm very happy for them.
kyuhyun is very kind,and love her so much.
update soon.
Chapter 45: They are finally together again! Can't be more happier XD
I'm glad Kyuhyun didn't leave Eunsae hehehe. Looking forward to your next update, eonni^^