Meeting Bigbang

Only One


Your POV


The aeroplanes in my stomach have really got to stop doing triple twist backflips. Bigbang is coming to my freaking apartment.


Yeah, every time I think about those 6 words I go into major convulsion/hyperventilation mode. And it’s not for the reason you think.


A month ago I would have fainted after majorly fangirling at the very thought however this time it was different. I wanted them to like me so much. I wanted to prove I was worthy of Seunghyun.


Obviously, in a fit of madness I had called Rachel for support which I now regret. It’s more like me calming her down and making sure she doesn’t drop into a dead faint before they even get here.


Oh, why did I even agree to this? I should’ve just said I wasn’t ready or something. But I didn’t want to disappoint Seunghyun. Of all people, not him.


He’s helped me so much; I didn’t realise how much I needed someone like him in my life.




Ji turned around to glare at me for the twentieth time from the front passenger seat. I offered a weak smile in return. “I promise you’ll like her, I mean, she is so-,” I began.


“STOP! No more about this girl. It’s doing my head in! Let’s just meet her first,” Ji let out an irritated sniff.


“Don’t worry hyung. He’ll come around,” Daesung smiled kindly at me.


I hope so. I really do for both our sakes. I’m not about to let this one get away.


Bae parked in the Visitor’s parking area below her apartment and we all pulled on our disguises. Just in case.


I took in a great gulp of air, trying not to choke as we slowly made our way up to her apartment. This was it.


Taeyang POV


I really hope this works out for hyung. He seems so into this girl. And, after that ex of his, he deserves someone who actually gives a about him.


I ring the doorbell, hearing it sound inside the apartment, followed by the sound of footsteps.


I can see why hyung likes her so much right away. It’s like she stepped off an exotic island where all the women regard the word ‘beautiful’, a derogatory term.


But it’s not even her looks that really stick in your mind. It’s her smile. It’s like the sun coming up in the morning. Warm and blindingly beautiful.


I smile back uncertainly as she invites us into her small apartment. There’s another girl as well, who I’m pretty sure falls into the screamer category of fangirls because she looks like she’s about to pass out from the effort of controlling herself.


“Wow, hyung. She’s hot,” Seungri’s mouth hung open enough to let in a whole herd of elephants as he stared at the girl Seunghyun hyung introduced as ____(your name)___.


“Actually, scratch that, they’re both smoking,” he said, ignoring the scorching looks he was getting from the eldest Bigbang member.


If looks could kill, Seungri would be a pile of ashes right now. Normally I would be against all forms of violence but in this case I can make an exception. If I had a girl like that I would have strangled him with my bare hands too.


The other girl Rachel smiled prettily too, seemingly coming to grips with our presence. They retreat into the kitchen, only to bring back a few snacks and drinks.


We all sit down and stare at each other for a moment. Ok, awkward situation alert.


“So this is the girl that has stolen my rapper’s heart and effectively his brain too. How charming,” Ji begins, munching on some chips.


I can tell he likes them both too. The corners of his mouth are itching to form his signature smirk.


“Well…I..” she trails off and blushes.


“I’m only joking,” he finally smiles and I can see her visibly let out a sigh of relief.


“You’re all he thinks about. In rehearsal, when we’re recording, in the dorms, heck I’m pretty sure he dreams about you too. If that isn’t creepy, I don’t know what is!” Ji said.


Seunghyun gave him a side-long death glare and blushed a shade of pink when he met her eyes. And then she blushes and he turns an even deeper red.


I feel like I’m sitting with newlyweds or something. Who would have thought eh? The charismatic rapper of Bigbang, who incidentally looks like the biggest player on the planet, has fallen for his fan.


“Who’s your favourite member? Well, before you met TOP hyung anyway,” Seungri asks, puffing out his chest and giving them, what he thinks looks like a charming smile.


The rest of us internally gag.


“I-It was Jiyong-sshi,” she stutters. And of course Seungri deflates grandly.


Jiyong looks super pleased and I guess from there on the conversation gets lighter and we start to enjoy ourselves.


“But Rachel here, well she’s been your fan since forever!” she says suddenly turning to Seungri.


Great, now his ego is going to be the size of his mouth.


“It’s getting late, __(your name)__-ah. We should get going. Thanks for having us and thank you Rachel as well,” Jiyong gets up and the rest of us follow suit.


“Hey, you guys should come to the party this weekend. Se7en hyung just released his new single so everyone’s going to go to the Highlife club,” I add.


They look at each other uncertainly for a moment and then accept.


We all wave our goodbyes and then it’s the five of us in the car once again.


“Hyung, if she rejects you, can I have her?” Seungri pipes up.


He’s definitely asking for capital punishment today.


Seunghyun hyung turns to look at him, daggers shooting through his eyes.


“Touch her and I will kick your arse all the way to Pluto.”






a/n Sorry, this chappie might be a bit boring but dont worry, it's all a set up ;) heheh <3 Thank you for all the lovely comments and pwease keep commenting and subscribing woohoo!

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blackrose101 #1
Chapter 36: That was AWSOME!!!!!!!
Chapter 36: LOVED it!!!! <3 <3 Really cute ending! \(^.^)/
Chapter 36: Awww such a cute ending 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)
finally i now have time to start reading this one
DuahSiraj #5
Chapter 36: yaaaaaaaaaaay im so happy with the ending and this story over all. it kept me glued to my cpu for days on out i tell ya. Thanx !
Tegwi_Panda #6
Chapter 36: Wow. Just wow. That was fantastic
Chapter 36: This is a touching chapter. I really like it. Hope I keep up the good work with your other stories
Yuna_Nuna #8
Chapter 36: Loved every minute of it, that was such a cute ending. I'll be looking forward to more of your stories.
Fromyou #9
Chapter 36: Wow fantastic baby~~ awesome story!!!! Hope to read more of your writings. Thanks for sharing this story!! :)
Chapter 36: This is my 100x times reading fanfics Bae lost in fight for love but yeeeeyyyyyyy,heppy ending...kkkkkkkk